More K in Canada Related, Problems

I really hate to make this post. I know that K*vin is a nice guy. I've heard it from friends many a time, and I've discussed a record with him in the past. He used to be generous with the info and quick to respond. But as much as I respect him and appreciate all that he has done for this board and everyone on it, I really have no choice but to blow up his spot....regardless of computer problems or whatever other issues have come up??????business is business. From his disappearance, to his change of ebay ID, I???m getting pretty worried. Here's my situation:June 20th. His auction for: ebay "item #100501916677 - Rare West Indian funk Lp StVincent LAtinaires" ends with no bids. I write him a message, explaining who I am and that we've talked before and how he knows a few of my friends etc, and would he like to sell the record for 85.00? He emails me back and agrees. I pay via paypal, as requested, and send my address info. I wait. On 07/08/06, I write a strut PM checking on the shipping status of the record. He responds back with: ???Should be there late this week, Kev. My apologies for the wait.??? That sounded fine to me, and I continued to wait. By 7/28 I became a bit anxious, so I PMed again asking when he sent the record and that I???ve received nothing. He responded with ???I'll check on that for you, KEv. My sincere apoplogies. Got one back if we run into problems....actually I'll just send you this copy and if you get both, just deny it and "return to sender".??? For the second time, I assure myself everything is cool and maybe he just messed up my addy. I resend the correct address. Come 8/16, I write him again and this time I get no response. Now it???s important to remember that there were no initial complications. It was a straight-ahead money for record deal and it began smoothly. Like I said before, I know K*vin is a nice guy and I???d love to someday meet up on a trip to Canada. But this transaction is beginning to alter my view of K. If some of you have constant contact with him still, I ask that you mention this issue to him. If need be, PM me and I???ll send you my cell number to give him. I???d like to work this out so next time I go up there I can give him a heartfelt pound instead of awkward alienation.
I've met K and he's good people. This issue concerns me not becuase of the $, but becuase it suggests that he is in some kind of trouble.
I certainly hope he's not in any major trouble.
Log on to if all else fails...I have a similiar situation and tried getting at him there, and he has been responding.
Not that I can speak for K, but he's probably okay.
I can think of some shipping delays in the past with him, and everything sorted out okay.
From what I can gather a perfect storm type confluence of events seems to have gathered up and slammed hard upon upon our friend, one which would have killed most but dig as dude can dig he's digging his way out now and will no doubt go out of his way to resolve all outstanding issues.
I've been hovering with hate hoping I wouldn't have to resort to a public airing and just in the nick of time it seems resolution is at hand. Will know by end of day.
Anybody who needs his contact info can PM me.
Anyone know what's up with that Peter dude though? I heard he kinda screwed some people over...
but he's still posting on other boards?
14 weeks for me...still waiting...last promise has been delivered...will see
I was thinking the same thing.
"hovering with hate hoping"
He ripped me off too with a Bullitt LP ($42 incl. shipping) more than 3 months ago. I emailed him several times asking for an explanation but dude ignored all my emails.
Peter came through for me. I think he was overwhelmed by the amount of dewarped records he was sent, and it just took him a while to deliver on his promise to do it for people.
Co-sign on both counts!
I'm sorry... but this is fucking lame. I don't care how cool he is or how swell his reefer tastes. Handle your business, dawg!
i wonder if this is related
Canada is being overtaken by blood sucking zombies.
End of story.
he has been nice to me in our meetings, but then again I am not $630 in the hole. Feel free to rant on.....
protect yourself from the zombies while you still can.
Lizard people?