urban pet peeves
2,284 Posts
mine is people who stop right in front of the turnstile while looking for their Metrocard... there have been times at the Canal St. stop where all 4 turnstiles have been blocked by people doing this...
Thats such a fuckin NO NO!!!
Eating on the train is fuckin stupid. I hate that shit.
Oh man my Bill Bixby is comin out.
Passin out flyers in front of the store. It just creates litter. Fuck yo' sale.
Playin the tinny music through whatever cell/sidekick u got. Shit sounds wack - Just Fuckin stop.
Panhandlers on the train. I dont care about your homelessness/aids/basketball team/freefood/bootlegdvds.
it's "mechanical stairs". Pfffffff.
I was in Chicago, and this dude just started puffing a ciggarette in the train. I thought it was rather gangsta.
Random turds and dried-up urine, EVERYWHERE.
That ain't no place to eat a sandwich.
Dudes w/ boomin cars systems and the chassie cant take the vibes. WTF-all i hear is rattle.
Grown ass adults who dress like high schoolers. Im talkin' old hiphop 40+ year olds. Dude, there is an adult way to sport yo' shit.
related to this and the turnstle thing is when people do shit like get to the bottom or top of a staircase or escalator and just stand there, completely fucking oblivious to the 10 people behind them who they are blocking. i jsut don't get shit like that... simply step 4 feet to the side... it's not hard... were these people raised by wolves?
Start rummaging through their purse, looking for their wallet. Look, you know you are gonna have to pay for this shit. Just have your money/wallet/card out and ready to go. Its not hard.
this is a subset of the turnstile phenomena, as those are 90% women, too...
Concentrate on your driving fool...
People who stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk to look at how high a building is, get the fuck out the way!
Damn I still say that ( ) can't find anything good enough to replace it ("hot" can only be used sparingly). What should I be saying yo this new record is "bananas" or that beat is so "hyphy" man! FUCK THAT! Shit is DOPE!
Yeah Deej, you still use that shit. Cmon - modernize.
Related to the escalator, in airports clueless mofos on the moving sidewalks just standing there with all their luggage. The thing is supposed to help you WALK faster, you lazy dumb f**k, not move for you while you stand there! Move it!
'Hot' is overused.