Sound Library, NYC Closing?

Someone just posted over on the Vinyl Vulture site that TSL is closing? True? Cause? VV speculated that there was a parting of the ways between some of the owners and that there will now be 2 different shops in different locations? True or just pure speculation? Myth or reality?
So what's the story?
This might have something to do with the closing.....
Nah, Sound Library isn't a specialist of new shit, they mostly sell stuff for producers to flip or obscure stuff for DJs...
Most producers I know are making beats from MP3s that they got off of soulseek! LOL. ALL DJs I know except Biz, Primo and the Japanese cats are using Serato. You really think Serato is not a factor for shops like TSL? Jared told a friend of mine that they had seen a noticeable drop in sales after Serato became popular.
Not a producer myself, but i find that pretty
Very little Serato in Holland so far, but i do notice that the filesharing sites /apps i use have become a LOT busier in the last year.
You would be suprised. A lot of stuff on soulseek is 192k, 256k and sometimes 320k. Remember that the sample then has drums and a bass line added to it and often keyboard sounds as well.
I'll take your word for it. Must say that - for some reason - downloading mp3 and then sampling feels a bit like faking the funk,
True. Faking the funk, but they can still sell the track and get paid.
Yeah i guess Serato would have an effect, but i heard the reason it's closing is because one of the two guys who runs it isn't interested anymore. JP's store seems to be doing well despite Serato and they sell similar stuff right?
My point is that with the many forms of new technology, a lot of producers and DJs are not buying vinyl like they did in the past. JP, plaese to let us know your thoughts on this issue.
When Biz DJ'ed where I live, he used CDs !!!
word is that they were searching for a new place
& rumor is they found a storefront a little further south
in the LES
no word on the x's new place
60 dolla fo a young mods?
please limey,
yes they have all the gold in the world but time for new blood
it's like being in fucking church when you are in that shop-careful and shhhhhhhhh
I still wish ice cube did a track about robbing them and dissing rob's British accent ,encyclopedic knowledge of arcane hip hop and cowl neck sweaters.
I prefer A-1 for the slacker est enviorns
Chan's hit the nail on the head here.
you've clearly never been to the midwest.
Well, that is somewhat true - the Serato boom is just one aspect of what technology has done.
Hip-hop took the hardest hit from downloading and Serato. Disco is second but disco still sells pretty well.
But the whole producer thing is way deeper than that. Producers aren't idiots, they are computer literate, and if they see a record going for $15 on ebay they are going to be pissed they just spent $60 on it at the shop. Common ass records with breaks are DEAD. Used to be easy sale. But that has nothing to do with Serato. You can't get $200 for certain records that, even though they're rare, they're not that rare. That has to do with the spread of information.
I still get good producer money, but you gotta work a bit harder for it. Which to me is not a problem but I am sure it was much easier three, four years ago.
There are fewer and fewer new DJs which means you have to sell to the older cats who have everything, meaning you have to consistently get shit that they don't have. The game changed and it is way more focused on high end collectibles.
But moreover the biggest problem I see is that kids these days just don't buy vinyl as much, and if they do, they are way more spendthrift with it. I see dudes plunk down $60 easily on trashed records at the flea market but then balk at a mint record on my wall. Buyer psychology has changed a lot over the last few years.
As for TSL's plans, I am not getting within 50 feet of the rumour mill so have at it.
Reality. They got the location already. E Village.
Not true at all anymore. Raers GALORE on soulseek these days. I be comin' up, son!
And yeah, like Chan said... dudes put crisp hi-fidelity drum sounds and keyboard schitts and basslines over those flat-ass 128 bitrate mp3s and viola, it's a record. A whoooooooole lot of recent rap tunes with samples have been made off of MP3s. Think about it- you know damn well most of these new producer dudes ain't actually diggin' for no vinyl. Dudes have reportedly made beats from little soundclips they downloaded right off of my World Of Beats site!!!
What are talking about ? The number one song in America are Snap Yo Finger and It's Going Down !
You have to have something unique to offer. That said, I've never had trouble getting cats hooked on a beat - especially if they make visits to my place.
Who's turning down Tribesman Assault, Donna Corbett, Nairobi Sisters, Don Carrington, to you face? Not gonna happen.
K in Canada.
You fail to mention that these records are under a lot of folks' radars...
Which is why they're good sellers. Collectors are looking for different shit.