Bravo's Top 100 Funniest Movies List



  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    King of Comedy is not even on the list.

    Are you being sarcastic?

    noooo, I think it's a great movie and funnier than what's listed #100 through to #46 until Raising Arizona.

  • 42. Harold and Maude*

    Not really a comedy but do yourself a favor and watch this one.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    King of Comedy is not even on the list.

    Are you being sarcastic?

    noooo, I think it's a great movie and funnier than what's listed #100 through to #46 until Raising Arizona.

    I love this film but don't consider it a comedy by any means. Very dark. Lots of scenes make me feel uncomfortable when watching them. I think the closest Scorsese ever got to a comedy was Afterhours which I haven't seen in years.

  • doeizmdoeizm 77 Posts
    no bottle rocket?

    I'm sayin! major oversight here. one of the funniest films ever.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    worst golf movie of all time = caddyshack 2

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    So many of these aren't even funny nevermind being in the top 100. The fact that there's three Robin Williams films speaks volumes.

    Also, Noz is spot on.

    No Duck Soup?

    No Cary Grant screwball comedy?

    No Dr Strangelove?

    No Buster Keaton?

    Also I take it from this list that we have proof once and for all that "foreigners" don't make funny films?

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts

    worst golf movie of all time = caddyshack 2

    That's a bold quote bell... It might be true but a bold statement...what about short circuit 2?????

    (Ican't believe I've mentioned this movie in two threads today)

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Very sad list.

    Some aren't even comedies.

    And yes, no Fletch?

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    No Dr Strangelove?

    Strangelove's on there, right below meet the parents.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    every Mel Brooks film should be on this list. Spaceballs?!?!?! Robin Hood Men In Tights!?!?!?!

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    what about short circuit 2?????


    I retract my previous statement.

    Maybe there needs to be a 'worst movie EVAR' thread.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    King of Comedy is not even on the list.

    Are you being sarcastic?

    noooo, I think it's a great movie and funnier than what's listed #100 through to #46 until Raising Arizona.

    I love this film but don't consider it a comedy by any means. Very dark. Lots of scenes make me feel uncomfortable when watching them. I think the closest Scorsese ever got to a comedy was Afterhours which I haven't seen in years.

    the bits with DeNiro shouting at his mom and the Sandra Bernhard and Jerry Lewis scenes are funny to me.

    yea, After Hours is great...Catherine O'Hara especially.

    i laughed during American Psycho and Man Bites Dog, too, though i don't think King of Comedy is funny in the same way...maybe our senses of humour are different?

  • This list is way too high on movies made in the last five years. I would say no Shrek, Zoolander, and Anchorman at all.

    And Ghostbusters should be top 20 at worst.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    No Dr Strangelove?

    Strangelove's on there, right below meet the parents.

    Shit, I think my eyes had switched off in disgust by that point.

    yea, After Hours is great...Catherine O'Hara especially.

    i laughed during American Psycho and Man Bites Dog, too, though i don't think King of Comedy is funny in the same way...maybe our senses of humour are different?

    After Hours is hilarious - if you can't laugh at human suffering what can you laugh at? I always felt a little bit guilty at hoe much I laughed at the point in Man Bites Dog when they wake up hungover among the mutilated corpses of the couple they rape/murder.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    I would say no Zoolander

    Fuck that. It is a masterpiece. And while they're at it they need to add Cable Guy. Stiller is the greatest comedic director of the 90s.

    And I agree that Mel Brooks is criminally underrepresented. Albert Brooks too, for that matter.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    shit i originally posted this in the wrong thread.

    man I love Rushmore...but it's not really that "funny" of a movie. Certainly not funnier than the fucking BLUES BROTHERS or Raising Arizona!

    Also where the fuck are Spaceballs and UHF????


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I would say no Zoolander

    Fuck that. It is a masterpiece.


    Also where the fuck is Pootie Tang, Harlem Nights, & Coming to America?

    and is comedy a recent invention or soemthing?

    no preston sturges on the list, no Charlie Chaplin, no WC Fields?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I always felt a little bit guilty at hoe much I laughed at the point in Man Bites Dog when they wake up hungover among the mutilated corpses of the couple they rape/murder.

    the scene with the old woman is what made me laugh out loud and yea, there was this initial feeling of "am i sick? no one else is laughing", but from that point i saw how ridiculous the movie was. i think i'd rather laugh at that movie than take it seriously, you know?

    Am Psycho is just camp from beginning to end - as if John Waters did a stylish horror.

    Oh yea, no John Waters on the list either is there?

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    This list is way too high on movies made in the last five years. I would say no Shrek, Zoolander, and Anchorman at all.

    Well, consider the primary audience who actually watched this special. With that in mind, it isn't horrible. Frankly, I'd rather have it as-is instead of adding some more mid-70s token picks, if just to prevent their VH1-I's Love The XXs/Best Week Ever-esque commentary on 'em.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    man I love Rushmore...but it's not really that "funny" of a movie.

    That's another pickle - do you consider great films (e.g., Rushmore, The Philadelphia Story, The Apartment, etc.) that fit in the fairly broad definition of comedy, or do you focus purely on gut-busting laughfests?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    and The Incredibles, again that was a great movie but I can't remember any parts that I'd consider very "funny".

    Coming to America being omitted is a travesty.

  • yeah, the "Coming to America" obmission is criminal..

    also no Billy Wilder movies? ...Jack Lemmon is a funny motherfucker.

    Also "Best in Show" show should be in there
    "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"(John Candy was a genius in that movie...I know sappy ending, but funny as hell) and "Christmas Story" comedy classics

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    Also where the fuck is Pootie Tang?

    I liked pootie tang but it was kind of a mess. Hardly top 100 material.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Also where the fuck is Pootie Tang?

    I liked pootie tang but it was kind of a mess. Hardly top 100 material.

    Pootie sons a whole lot of the films on this list

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
    I don't see Beverly Hills Cop, either. THE LIST IS CRAP.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts

    "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"(John Candy was a genius in that movie...I know sappy ending, but funny as hell)

    that is actually our family tradition to watch that on Thanksgiving. my mom always cracks up when steve martin cusses out ed rooney's secretary

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    How about unintentionally hilarious films like Black Belt Jones and any Uwe Boll movie? All of my friends and I were crying from how (hilariously) bad Alone in the Dark was.
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