Bravo's Top 100 Funniest Movies List



  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    I don't see Beverly Hills Cop, either. THE LIST IS CRAP.

    It's number 22.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    No Bad Santa = garbage list

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    no Back to School either

    (I love Caddyshack)

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I laughed harder during this, than 40% of the movies in this list.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    "Candy Corn?"
    "Well, they can't all be winners, kid."

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Right, I've looked through the list a number of times now and I still can't find where they've put The Man With Two Brains.

    I know it must be on that list somewhere so there's obviously something wrong with my eyes. Please can someone direct me to it. Please.

  • "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"(John Candy was a genius in that movie...I know sappy ending, but funny as hell)

    that is actually our family tradition to watch that on Thanksgiving. my mom always cracks up when steve martin cusses out ed rooney's secretary

    I laugh til I cant breathe when that one fantasy sequence happens while they are driving and John Candy is dressed as the devil and laughing manically...just thinking about it makes me laugh.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Wanted to quote a bunch...i'll just sum up my thoughts.

    Harold and Maude...great.
    Cable Guy...great
    The Apartment...great

    All of the aforementioned missing pieces + Hollywood Shuffle.


    Is it me or are these shows half fun to watch and reminisce on old movies you liked and then the second something new comes on it just feels out of place?

    i kind of get this way with a lot of "All Time" lists, its almost projecting that 40yr Old Virgin, etc are going to stand the test of time as many of the classic films on here already have.

    i would love to see the criteria by which this list was chosen.

    Who owns Bravo? Seriously, just curious.

  • I would say no Zoolander

    Fuck that. It is a masterpiece. And while they're at it they need to add Cable Guy. Stiller is the greatest comedic director of the 90s.

    And I agree that Mel Brooks is criminally underrepresented. Albert Brooks too, for that matter.

    I think the recent crop of 'funny' movies starring Stiller, Ferrell, the Wilsons, et al. are just really dull and formulaic. 40 Year Old Virgin, Zoolander, and Wedding Crashers had funny parts, but warranted a huge shrug from me. Old School was great for 40 minutes, and then became Animal House Lite, as in way too short, and no real conflict. I'm all for funny scenes, but these dudes can't write a funny 90 minute movie. And, unfortunately, they then put out a 110 minute movie.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Hollywood Shuffle

    They neglected to put Hollywood Shuffle on the list? What the hell is on their minds?

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Who owns Bravo? Seriously, just curious.

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    Who owns Bravo? Seriously, just curious.


    Also, my token recent "instant classic" choice - Shaun of the Dead.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts

    "Lollipop Guild, you asshole. Jesus! Two-year-olds flip me shit better than you."

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts

    this movie is KILLER!


    100. Anchorman
    99. The Birdcage
    98. School of Rock
    97. Happy Gilmore
    96. Four Weddings and a Funeral
    95. Harold and Kumar go to White Castle
    94. Waiting for Guffman
    93. The Aristocrats
    92. Father of the Bride
    91. Revenge of the Nerds
    90. Clueless
    89. Slapshot
    88. Team America: World Police
    87. The Kentucky Fried Movie
    86. Zoolander
    85. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
    84. Silver Streak
    83. Sister Act
    82. Tootsie
    81. Half Baked
    80. Lost in America
    79. Three Amigos
    78. Bananas
    77. Flirting With Disaster
    76. Ghostbusters
    75. Dumb and Dumber
    74. Trading Places
    73. City Slickers
    72. Moonstruck
    71. Roxanne
    70. Nutty Professor
    69. The Blues Brothers
    68. Broadcast News
    67. Kingpin
    66. Dazed and Confused
    65. Office Space
    64. This is Spinal Tap
    63. Manhattan
    62. The Pink Panther
    61. Election
    60. When Harry Met Sally???
    59. Police Academy Series
    58. Private Benjamin
    57. Swingers
    56. Young Frankenstein
    55. Bull Durham
    54. Ferris Bueller???s Day Off
    53. Dr. Strangelove
    52. Meet the Parents
    51. National Lampoon's Vacation
    50. The Princess Bride
    49. American Pie
    48. American Graffiti
    47. 9 to 5
    46. The Incredibles
    45. Raising Arizona
    44. Sixteen Candles
    43. What About Bob?
    42. Harold and Maude
    41. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
    40. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
    39. Mrs. Doubtfire
    38. Best in Show
    37. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
    36. Good Morning, Vietnam
    35. Beetlejuice
    34. Rushmore
    33. Clerks
    32. Groundhog Day
    31. The Big Lebowski
    30. The 40-Year-Old Virgin
    29. Legally Blond
    28. Annie Hall
    27. A Fish Called Wanda
    26. Wayne???s World
    25. Meet the Fockers
    24. Bill and Ted???s Excellent Adventure
    23. Big
    22. Beverly Hills Cop
    21. Shampoo
    20. The Jerk
    19. Wedding Crashers
    18. Stripes
    17. M*A*S*H
    16. Old School
    15. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
    14. Napoleon Dynamite
    13. Naked Gun (series)
    12. The Producers
    11. Pee Wee???s Big Adventure
    10. Arthur
    9. Blazing Saddles
    8. The Wedding Singer
    7. Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
    6. Airplane
    5. South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
    4. There???s Something About Mary
    3. Shrek
    2. Caddyshack
    1. Animal House

    no Top Secret? this list is soft.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts

    no Top Secret? this list is soft.

    just bought this a few weekends ago for 6 bucks, BUTTER! and while we are on val kilmer...where is REAL GENIUS!?!?!?!!

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    I like Top Secret, but is it really necessary when the Naked Gun series and Airplane! are already there?

  • no Top Secret? this list is soft.

    just bought this a few weekends ago for 6 bucks, BUTTER! and while we are on val kilmer...where is REAL GENIUS!?!?!?!!


    I celebrate (almost) his entire catalogue.

  • "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"(John Candy was a genius in that movie...I know sappy ending, but funny as hell)

    that is actually our family tradition to watch that on Thanksgiving. my mom always cracks up when steve martin cusses out ed rooney's secretary

    I laugh til I cant breathe when that one fantasy sequence happens while they are driving and John Candy is dressed as the devil and laughing manically...just thinking about it makes me laugh.

    "You're going the wrong way!!!!

    Pffft...How do they know where we're going?[/b]

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    caddyshack and flirting with disaster getting shitted on in the same thread?


  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    Also I take it from this list that we have proof once and for all that "foreigners" don't make funny films?

    "Mon dieu! These people apparently know nothing about films"[/b]

    "Forgive them, for they know not what they speak about"[/b]

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    I think the recent crop of 'funny' movies starring Stiller, Ferrell, the Wilsons, et al. are just really dull and formulaic. 40 Year Old Virgin, Zoolander, and Wedding Crashers had funny parts, but warranted a huge shrug from me. Old School was great for 40 minutes, and then became Animal House Lite, as in way too short, and no real conflict. I'm all for funny scenes, but these dudes can't write a funny 90 minute movie. And, unfortunately, they then put out a 110 minute movie.

    Zoolander dramatically differs from 40 Year Old, Old School, etc. in both tone and content.

  • I think the recent crop of 'funny' movies starring Stiller, Ferrell, the Wilsons, et al. are just really dull and formulaic. 40 Year Old Virgin, Zoolander, and Wedding Crashers had funny parts, but warranted a huge shrug from me. Old School was great for 40 minutes, and then became Animal House Lite, as in way too short, and no real conflict. I'm all for funny scenes, but these dudes can't write a funny 90 minute movie. And, unfortunately, they then put out a 110 minute movie.

    Zoolander dramatically differs from 40 Year Old, Old School, etc. in both tone and content.

    co-sign. Zoolander was revolutionary, a true tour-de-force.

    hyperbole aside, Zoolander was waaay more creative. hilarious cameos and ridiculous social commentary on fashion and on VH1. Zoolander stands out from this crop for sure.

  • I like Top Secret, but is it really necessary when the Naked Gun series and Airplane! are already there?


    Top Secret was a cold war spy spoof, and as such brought in hilarious historical references. while not taking anything away from Airplane! (and while maintaining that BOTH Airplane and Top Secret were superior to the Naked Gun jawns), Top Secret was unique.

    Sure it had the laugh-a-minute sight gags, etc., but was set apart by the musical numbers and Val's performance.

  • Also I take it from this list that we have proof once and for all that "foreigners" don't make funny films?

    "Mon dieu! These people apparently know nothing about films"[/b]

    "Forgive them, for they know not what they speak about"[/b]

    People that admire Adam Sandler movies wouldn't know Jacques Tati if walked up and slapped them with a crepe...

  • alls i have to say about this list is the apparent and systematic elimination of one of the greatest comic geniuses of our time. chris farley. i mean, no tommy boy, no beverly hills ninja? these fucking ASSHOLES!!!! how dare they. HOW DARE THEY!!!!

  • Another glaring ommission:
    "How To Get Ahead In Advertising"

  • is Meet the Fockers[/b] really necessary when Meet the Parents[/b] is already there?

    and meet the Fockers is rated higher?!?!

    basically this list seems to have been put together by two people: One was born in in the late seventies and one in the late eighties, resulting in a not-unwarranted concentration of early-to-mid-eighties gems and a definite overkill on a lot of shit that has come out in the last 5-8 years.

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    I like Top Secret, but is it really necessary when the Naked Gun series and Airplane! are already there?


    Top Secret was a cold war spy spoof, and as such brought in hilarious historical references. while not taking anything away from Airplane! (and while maintaining that BOTH Airplane and Top Secret were superior to the Naked Gun jawns), Top Secret was unique.

    Sure it had the laugh-a-minute sight gags, etc., but was set apart by the musical numbers and Val's performance.

    You've convinced me to pick up Top Secret in the next deepdiscount 20% sale, since it's been years since I've seen it.

  • I think the recent crop of 'funny' movies starring Stiller, Ferrell, the Wilsons, et al. are just really dull and formulaic. 40 Year Old Virgin, Zoolander, and Wedding Crashers had funny parts, but warranted a huge shrug from me. Old School was great for 40 minutes, and then became Animal House Lite, as in way too short, and no real conflict. I'm all for funny scenes, but these dudes can't write a funny 90 minute movie. And, unfortunately, they then put out a 110 minute movie.

    Zoolander dramatically differs from 40 Year Old, Old School, etc. in both tone and content.

    Good point, and I agree with Rootless on how it was more a parody than the sort of formulaic buddy comedies these boys have been churning out.

    But, I didn't find it funny; and fuck all the people who tell me that I should just watch it 5 times, and then I'd get it.
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