Saigon = full of shit?

if he aint contradicting his own rhymes on MTV skits, he is talking shit about down south. Not to smart when trying to sell records.. and in honor of Phil:
Cedric Muhammad: Now, another area where I have liked what you have had to say is the current environment and this whole dynamic where the South rapper is ???in??? now, and I was laughing when I heard you say, ???It is hard for a New York rapper now to make it (now)...' (laughter)Saigon: Yeah. What? (laughter). That is why all of these dudes now, feel like they have to go down there and collaborate with a Down South artist and make these songs that sound country-driven. Yeah, it is real hard. I feel like ??? not to dis the South, because my family is from the South and my mother is from the South - but I feel like, they have kind of dumbed the Hip-Hop down so much, that it is like anybody can grasp it now, and it is more accessible and entertaining to everyone, and anyone can catch on to it now. They were always considered slower than us. The Down South mo??? f-----s was always considered slow. Like up here in New York, we were always considered more advanced than Down South people. Now it is like the tail wagging the dog. Now, it is like the slow people are leading the advanced. The slow mo??? f-----rs is like in control of shit because the majority rules. And there is more slow people, so now that is what is in effect. So now the people who like to hear insight and introspective lyrics and like to grow and learn ??? you can???t learn from a Down South record. There are a few groups like David Banner and Outkast (that you can learn from). It???s a few of them.He also said on a freestyle over Trina???s ???B B Right??? produced by Kanye West and said???I don't be rapping over no down south aw man down south shit, I don't be rapping over no Ludacris type shit man I'm gangsta???"Everybody else dickridin' down south niggas, I ain't gonna jump on that shit"Here is the clip. Now none of this adds up. If you're doing a mixtape with the hottest DJ out right now who resides in Atlanta, what do you call that? According to what Saigon has said that is what is called dickriding. Why would he straight up hate on south music just because he dropped 200 mixtapes and no one outside of east coast was paying attention to him? He has been sitting on Atlantic for about a year still dropping mixtapes while the south continues to be hot. I guess he got tired of doing the whole setup, punch line, simile track so he comes down south to be noticed. What makes Saigon more advanced then a southern artist? ???So now the people who like to hear insight and introspective lyrics and like to grow and learn ??? you can???t learn from a Down South record.??? - Saigon

So, how far off is this assesment then?
True, that's a very subjective statement. But it seems to me like the South has done something to make rap more palatable for the masses. I fully admit I'm not exactly qualified to debate the issue, though, seeing as how I'm from Oregon.
maybe I am just mad.
C'mon! You're American aren't you?
There are really two separate issues here: one can be critical of New York's loss of identity (a point on which I agree with Saigon), without indulging in all of the hatterific "the South is backwards and lyrically unsophisticated" rhetoric.
The problem is not Southern rappers; it is New York rappers' attempts to emulate them.
Quite honestly, I think Saigon is absolutely right!!!! Don't get me wrong, his blanket statement is not applicable to all "down south" artists, as he acknowledged himself by singling out Outkast and David Banner. But, rap music has definitely downplayed the role of "MCin'" in terms of mic skills, clever lyrics, and delivery. This probably explains why I don't feel down south stuff, in that it largely seems stupid and infantile to me. Back in the day, even if a NY MC wasn't saying "world changing" shit, at least he said it in a clever, interesting way. Sorry, but MC's saying dumb shit in a simple way will never ever be appealing to me. For me, though, I don't care where an MC is from as long as they can rhyme (I mean REALLY rhyme), and have some nice beats. Overall, down south shit does not move me on either of these counts (rhymes or beats).
Big Stacks from Kakalak
BUT.. Saigon recently took a shot at the Notorious BIG in one of his songs. So FUCK SAIGON. I'm officially not supporting him.
Dude, you are an admitted fan of the Cella Dwellas...
I am here to check real headz...
(Saigon): That's been my purpose since day one. Of course we're gonna sell records, we're in the business of selling records. But I want to be remembered for more than that. Thirty years from now, when we look back on who did what in hip-hop, we're gonna see that 50 Cent made a song about "Candyshop, come lick my lollipop." Meanwhile we were trying to open doors in people's minds and better the conditions for our people in the hood.
Saigon is ok in my book, one or two faux-pas don't bother me.
Where's the "self-sonned" graemlin again?
How 'bout a KRS-1 graemlin. He always contradicts himself. Who doesn't?
Now listent to "the letter p" with that Styx sample. It's hotter than a pussy after sex.
The Saigon Mix CD is fire...
it sucks that blatant hypocrisy is a viable marketing strategy. that's some republican shit.
Which one? if it's the Dj Drama/Saigon - "Welcome to Saigon" joint,it's just a rehash of stuff that can be found on other(Saigon) mixtapes with a handful of new songs thrown in.That's so weak if you ask me,thank god for the free album downloads online.
That's right, and at least they have (or had) flows better than those simple-Simon southern flows that are predominate these days. Why does popular have to equal stupid or simplistic? I guess it just reflects the (general lack of) intellect of the American populace nowadays (check the latest ranking of nations educationally according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress).
Big Stacks from Kakalak
I think what Mr. Rillz was pointing out was that just being complicated doesn't make something good...