

Eerie Dicks


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Member, Real Head
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    Lately I been doing  this thing where I  listen to the records I already have instead of just buying more. I can’t really recommend it. 
    Jimsterbillbradleyklezmer electro-thug beatsBeatnick Dee
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    How's Truman Thomas? I only know him from the insane live version of Memphis Soul Stew getting a shoutout from King Curtis.

    I'd say it is worth the 16 bucks I spent but at the same time you are bound to be disappointed.  I mean it's like this.... you look at the track list: Ode To Billy Joe, Respect, Funky Broadway, and goddam Cold Sweat?? How could your hands not tremble at the surefire organ funk BANGERs that you are holding in your hand? right? And yet.... it doesn't quite live up.  Which isn't to say it's bad, but I can't but wish it were better.  You can listen to a few cuts on discogs, but Funky Broadway was pulled due to copywrite i guess.  So I went on youtube to see if it was there -in the store, mind you, as youtube/discogs is the listening station of the modern era (headphones of course, bluetooth naturally) - and it wasn't there.  But it's funky broadway, dammit, i had to hear it.  16 dollars to satisfy my curiosity.  Again that's not to say that is bad. It's serviceable.  Sticker on it says i have the "Holland Press" (whatever that means. Holland isn't a country).

    EDIT: On the back it says "Manufactured by ARTONE HOLLAND", so there you go.

    Here's the notes on the back:

    "TRUMAN THOMAS is only eighteen years old. Yet, he plays some of the most exciting organ you'll ever here. This gifted lad really wails and is a lead-pipe cinch to on the scene for a long time. Just one listening to TRUMAN THOMAS in his debut for VEEP will prove this statement beyond a doubt. I mean, he is "GROOVIN''"!

    klezmer electro-thug beats
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    This is what 76 bucks got me at the local shop. But I’m feeling all of them. 
  • Fourth Day, Five Day Marathon (⏥-R)

    That was batshit crazy. For what it’s worth he seemed perfectly normal the one or two times I met him. 

    Erectoid Bone Gripper. I like that. 
    Duderonomyklezmer electro-thug beats

    I have so many fond PUTS memories. I remember I was in Oakland once for work, and PUTS was doing a show in San Francisco.  I met Meaty Ogre there that night for the first time.  Serg and Stef (RIP) were there, and a whole gang of other Bay Area strutters.  PUTS put on a great live show like they always do.  I got drunk, which is what you did, and then I remember riding around san francisco with them after the show.  I just remember being in the car with Thes and Double K... on a warm san francisco night...

    I remember another show they did here in La Jolla, and hanging out backstage with them and Ugly Duckling before the show, and I'm just a regular dude but because of the 'strut here I am hanging out backstage goofing off.  They ended the show with everybody singing "on a warm san diego night" and afterwards we went to the hotel they were staying at and hung outside drinking beers late into the night. I think Cas was hammered that night.

    Facebook tells me this was 2009.  Can it really be that long ago?

    PUTS knew how to rock a crowd.  Their shows were always LIVE, and always FUN.  I think in the beginning people thought they took themselves seriously, and maybe that's why they came out with FUN DMC, to let people know they were having fun. They walked their own path. It didn't matter what trends were popular in  music. Album after album they came with their own and stuck to it.  I respect them both so much for it.

    I never really knew Mike that well, but it's a strange feeling.  PUTS put out their last album, but I still just sort of assumed they would always be there, Chris and Mike. Even if they weren't still making records together.  It's not fair that he's not going to be able to grow old and look back at it all, and think "I did that".  I don't really know how to put it into words, but it's just not fair. My heart hurts for Chris, and all of Mike's friends, family, and loved ones.
    RAJJimsterklezmer electro-thug beatsbillbradleyRishanElectrodestaxwaxSPlDEYpara11ax