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Member, Real Head


    DuderonomyJuniorfinelikewinemeistromocopara11axLaserWolfRAJketanKineticklezmer electro-thug beats
  • "Home Is Where The Hatred Is"

    FWIW : I really rate Brian as a musician; on the "It's Your World" version of "...Hatred", the Bilal Sunni-Ali sax solo that folds out into the line Masters at Work flipped for "Moonshine" and then Brian's full-on haunted-house chordbook masterclass are some of my favourite ten minutes in music.  They just play the shit out of it.

    Never knew he's had a full-time I.T. career for over 30 years as well as having the legacy of the work he did with Gil.  Of course, Gil took Brian's rightful cut, so there was the pain of having to deal with that and supporting five kids.  He said they were as cool as they could ever be at the end.  Never knew Gil was only 19 when he penned "Home Is Where The Hatred Is" and was completely clean.  Esther Phillips, an addict herself who wanted to cover the tune, did not believe he could have written it until she met Gil.

    Brian still definitely has it, at 71 - he's very youthful.  They were playing "We Out Here" fest on the Sunday and that concluded the tour.  Brian was playing keys and flute on Friday.  He and the band were in my hotel so we got to hang for a while and talked shit about most things.  I already knew Paul Jones (R) on drums for 30+ years from our days and gigs in Manchester.  Steve Walters (L) was on bass, he's got a CV with Sir Rod/Amy/George Michael/Mariah... so there were some good stories.

    Doan't sleap!
    billbradleyketanklezmer electro-thug beatsGibboYemskykicks79Electrode
  • "Home Is Where The Hatred Is"

    When in doubt, ask Brian Jackson:

  • 2021 RIP Thread

    I saw him a few times live, and met him in a record shop and chatted about his obscure shit, like Delphi (three strings per key piano bith for the Scientologists) you know, to show him I was a real geek, because I thought that would make me somehow seem less insignificant.

    He was unerringly nice and more importantly, was an absolute mother on keys.  My favourite set is the Akoustic Band live at The Blue Note, Tokyo.  It's where Vinnie Colaiuta deps for Dave Weckl.  Vinnie is channelling the ghoast of Tony Williams and it's, uh... Electric.  You can find some of the set on YouTube.  Vinnie sneaking a cigarette at the kit.  

    There's also one with him and Hiromi and the late youth Austin Peralta knocking six shades out of "Someday My Prince Will Come" in Tokyo too.  If you know, you know.

    Rest in power.  Gutted.

  • Rap You're Liking

    Electrode said:
    ketan said:
    i've always imagined that it tastes like burnt gasoline.  ??

    It has flavor, but to give you an idea, buy a habanero at your local grocery store (it has the same ~100K Scoville level) and nibble it. It "creeps" on you. That's what LL felt. But a lot of these sauces are diluted with vinegar, so they aren't "that bad", IMHO. I put Da Bomb on my nachos when I was a teenager.

    I bought a bottle of this once : https://hot-headz.com/sauces/hot-chilli-sauces/daves-insanity-sauce/

    Sh*shank, A know-it-all Indian dude at work said he could eat anything hot and had never had what he considered "Indian-level" spicy food since he'd worked here in the UK.  I brought this sauce in one day and asked him to try some.  Bear in mind that for me, a finger-prick-blob would be enough to numb my tongue for 20 minutes.

    He poured a teaspoon-full out and before I could stop him, he'd necked it.  He ruminated on it for a few seconds, then replied, calmly, "Yes.. yes it is hot.  But not really spicy."  He went back to work.  I couldn't believe it and we carried on our day, whilst I walked away shaking my head.

    In the afternoon, one of his other Indian friends came over to me and told me Sh*shank had been in the toilet about 20 minutes later, crying in the cubicle.  It was funny because he was such a smug f*cker.

  • Cell Phone Photo Strut - Post Some Random Pics

    Very English sign I stopped at this morning...

  • Soul Strut 25: We're Not Done Yet Edition

  • The real Le Toupt

    Yeah I heard the same about that Ronnie, he used to ask the golf clubs he played at to clear the 19th hole of riff raff so him and his cronies could feel good about themselves.

    If he'd tried that at our local he wouldn't have made it to the first tee.
  • current film strut

    CRABFUNK said:
    Hardly current but I keep coming back to Frank for some reason or other. I think it contians some basic truths that are not intuitive or expected. Anyone else into this one?

    I liked the film, he's obviously more a tragic character in the film but as long as you know the distinction it's all good.

    My brother worked on a TV show that the real Frank did a regular guest-spot on.  I was in the audience a few times.  I remember he (as Frank) wore these white jeans with tons of small biro-written messages on them, which he never stood still long enough for me to read properly, but it reminded me of all the scribblings you see 24-carat nutters make on their prison walls or in skin-bound journals.  His humour was pretty nuanced though... He opened for the Spice Girls at one big gig and started with:

    "Scream if you love [insert name of Spice Girl here]!" (cue massive screams from crowd)

    "Scream if you love [insert name of next Spice Girl here]!" (cue massive screams from crowd)

    "Scream if you've got Betamax!"... (crickets  ).... "I've got Betamax and wondered if anyone wanted to swap films with me."

    I mean, that takes balls.

    He (Chris IRL) was a completely different person without the mask - I mean, very regular, you would never know he was Frank unless you knew.  My brother used to sit with him in the studio canteen sometimes and they would chat about art and how shit the tea was, but he wasn't one of these always "ON" people like you'd imagine Jim Carrey or peak Robin Williams to be.