Hitting your child.



  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    jjfad027 said:
    tripledouble said:
    what would you all do if you saw a parent beating/abusing a child in public and crossing what yo ufelt was the line of parenting and abuse? would you intervene?

    my friend used to be real bent out of shape by the verbal bullying that youd see mothers do to their kids in public fairly regularly in philly. he told me each time he witnessed it he was going to walk up to the parent and say "shut up!" i told him to be prepared to get punched in the face

    The closest I've come a something like this was at last years Folsom Street parade (freaky deaky sex world). I saw a bunch of people there with kids in strollers. Normally I'm not the type to tell people how to raise their offspring, but but bringing little kids around people jerking-off and getting flogged in the street is just creepy. I didn't say anything to the parents (just an ice grill) but I complained to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence who run the gates. I'm happy to say I went this year and didn't see I single little kid.

    My older sister took me to the Folsom Street Fair when I was 8 or 9 because her friend was DJing. I saw lots of hairy asses and people throwing dildos into Jesse Helms mouth like a game at a county fair and one guy yelled "Look at those young lesbians!" when I was holding hands with my sister. I wasn't freaked out or scarred in anyway - I just thought it was curious and had a million questions for my sister about what was going on, what is this place. It also exposed me to some good house music for the first time, ha ha ha.

    County of Aransas, 301 N. Live Oak, Rockport, Texas 78382
    Aransas County Judge C. H. ???Burt??? Mills, Jr., 361-790-0100
    November 2, 2011
    ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS ??? Judge Burt Mills has today announced that Aransas County is aware of the video posted on YouTube regarding County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams, and the matter is now under review by the Police Department. Please refrain from communication with County offices or the Sheriff???s Department on this matter until the review has been completed. Calls, emails, and faxes only create disruptions for other ongoing county business. The public???s cooperation would be most appreciated.???

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    DOR said:

    "It's not as bad as it looks."

    "My life has been made very difficult because of this child."

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    beat these little bastards, fuck them. U soft ass White muthafuckas be on that reasoning shit and that why are economy is all fucked cause yall lets these little bitches think its all about them. Fuck that shit, i will cryogenic freeze a bitch for getting a B+ in science. fuck a retard and they friends. wash your ass and dont give me no fuckin back talk in this mutha.
    Hoe dare u touch my turntables you liqttle bastard! go to your fuckin room with out no dinner and im makin u kneel down on some fuckin rice and the end of the nite.
    U dirty little bitch ....u are gonna get locked in your room and watch the Godfather, Sopranos, and Broadwalk Empire at nine years old and tell me how u still fuckin care about Scarface. Shut the fuck up.....your momma aint gonna protect u.
    Get your ass in bed.... like War over Mandrill and Thriller over Off The Wall......do u fuckin evn live in this bitch to formulate an opinion like that. Fuck u little bastard. Go in my room and get my Kobe Bryany jersey cause im anbout to hit yo ass 82 times in this bitch. Fuck MS. magazine and all them and shit. How dare u think we are equal. This shit is wrap.
    Call the cops ...i dont give a fuck. U will be in gym class with welts on your back like Janet Jackson in this bitch.
    U are not special. u are another roach in the universe and ou will learn who the fuckin boss in this bitch. I love u.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    batmon said:
    beat these little bastards, fuck them. U soft ass White muthafuckas be on that reasoning shit and that why are economy is all fucked cause yall lets these little bitches think its all about them. Fuck that shit, i will cryogenic freeze a bitch for getting a B+ in science. fuck a retard and they friends. wash your ass and dont give me no fuckin back talk in this mutha.
    Hoe dare u touch my turntables you liqttle bastard! go to your fuckin room with out no dinner and im makin u kneel down on some fuckin rice and the end of the nite.
    U dirty little bitch ....u are gonna get locked in your room and watch the Godfather, Sopranos, and Broadwalk Empire at nine years old and tell me how u still fuckin care about Scarface. Shut the fuck up.....your momma aint gonna protect u.
    Get your ass in bed.... like War over Mandrill and Thriller over Off The Wall......do u fuckin evn live in this bitch to formulate an opinion like that. Fuck u little bastard. Go in my room and get my Kobe Bryany jersey cause im anbout to hit yo ass 82 times in this bitch. Fuck MS. magazine and all them and shit. How dare u think we are equal. This shit is wrap.
    Call the cops ...i dont give a fuck. U will be in gym class with welts on your back like Janet Jackson in this bitch.
    U are not special. u are another roach in the universe and ou will learn who the fuckin boss in this bitch. I love u.

    ^^^The Real^^^

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,490 Posts
    man i tried my best not to watch this, but its everywhere now and i just saw this asshole on the news talking about, "oh i lost my temper, but i apologized"

    you wait, this dude'll get his...

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    batmon said:
    beat these little bastards, fuck them. U soft ass White muthafuckas be on that reasoning shit and that why are economy is all fucked cause yall lets these little bitches think its all about them. Fuck that shit, i will cryogenic freeze a bitch for getting a B+ in science. fuck a retard and they friends. wash your ass and dont give me no fuckin back talk in this mutha.
    Hoe dare u touch my turntables you liqttle bastard! go to your fuckin room with out no dinner and im makin u kneel down on some fuckin rice and the end of the nite.
    U dirty little bitch ....u are gonna get locked in your room and watch the Godfather, Sopranos, and Broadwalk Empire at nine years old and tell me how u still fuckin care about Scarface. Shut the fuck up.....your momma aint gonna protect u.
    Get your ass in bed.... like War over Mandrill and Thriller over Off The Wall......do u fuckin evn live in this bitch to formulate an opinion like that. Fuck u little bastard. Go in my room and get my Kobe Bryany jersey cause im anbout to hit yo ass 82 times in this bitch. Fuck MS. magazine and all them and shit. How dare u think we are equal. This shit is wrap.
    Call the cops ...i dont give a fuck. U will be in gym class with welts on your back like Janet Jackson in this bitch.
    U are not special. u are another roach in the universe and ou will learn who the fuckin boss in this bitch. I love u.

    ^^^The Real^^^ The Drunk Poast

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Some people are just no-good right from birth. No amount of discipline, love, or good parenting will fix them. These people belong in prison, and the sooner they get there the better.

  • I haven't seen this video yet, nor do I think I would want to see it, but this discussion about punishing children made me think back to my childhood. I was definitely spanked, but never so much that I looked back and resented my parents for it. Of course, at the time when I was spanked I would go in my room, cry and say the "I'm going to run away!" or "I'll make you pay for this!" kind of thing. I would clearly forget about all of that the next morning and so would my parents. But looking back, I'm thankful that my parents loved me enough to deter me from some of the foolishness that I'm sure I would've continued to be a part of had they not stepped in.

    But the line between punishment and abuse is obvious. The spankings I had as a child went on for about 2 minutes, mainly because I was running away from my mom or dad for a good minute, then 20 or so seconds of them catching me and trying to get a proper hold of me, 30 seconds of the actual spanking, and then a good 10 seconds where I wondered if my parents were tired or they were just taking a break to continue. If a spanking or punishment lasts longer than a heavyweight bout, I would certainly call that abuse.

    I'm not one of those who think that spankings are the answer to every problem a parent will have regarding disciplining their child. Over time, the physical abuse won't do much damage. But take away their XBOX 360 or their iPhone and they'll feel it more than you expected.

  • Reynaldo said:
    Some people are just no-good right from birth. No amount of discipline, love, or good parenting will fix them. These people belong in prison, and the sooner they get there the better.

    Never be quick to write off someone and their chances of being of value to themselves, their family and to society.

  • I try hard to live a life without violence. I don't use force to solve all of life's problems. I don't use my fists to convince my girlfriend to make me grilled cheese, I ask her nicely. But this isn't about grilled cheese, it's about boundries and parental responsibilities. I don't have children, so I can't speak on that. I have god-children that I'm very close to, but I couldn't imagine using violence to discipilne them. I only know what's it's like to be the kid getting hit. I can speak on that.

    I grew up in a life filled with domestic violence. When I was 6 years old I witnessed my mother being beaten and raped. The man who raped my mother, died by his own hand. Which was lucky for him, cuz I was waiting for when I grew up, so I could terrorize him. I made an un-easy peace with the step-father who used to whip me with a leather belt. I guess he implemented the methods used by his father. When I got older i started to fight back (defend myself). There were some messy fights. I left home at 14. I never went back. The cuts healed, scars and welts faded. I challked it up to him not having much experience in raising the bastard child of another man. Things are O.K. now, bygones be bygones and all that. Oddly enough, he never once strapped my little brother, his flesh and blood son. whatever.

    There is nothing a child can do that is so serious that requires a beating. Kids make mistakes all the time. Children do not consistantly consider the consequences of their actions. This is a reasoning tool that develops through time and experience. Parents need to understand that. We need to stop the cycle of violence within the family.

    This is a real no-brainer: don't hit your children. It's wrong and will only create deep seated resentment and pain.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    incompletejigsaw said:
    Reynaldo said:
    Some people are just no-good right from birth. No amount of discipline, love, or good parenting will fix them. These people belong in prison, and the sooner they get there the better.

    Never be quick to write off someone and their chances of being of value to themselves, their family and to society.
    Child labor laws prevent children from demonstrating their value to society in a timely manner. So by the time they are old enough to imprison, they've only been a net drain on society; and the only way to ameliorate that net drain is coerced prison labor.

  • edith head said:
    i couldn't stand that Girl with a Dragon Tattoo movie

  • yep,it's called discipline folks. the united states is out of control because this type of parenting is not done enough. i had a neighbor with a 16 yr old who would beat her up,steal her car,break into her house,and leave for days at a time. the police would always bring him back home,force the mother to take him back in and tell her to "deal with it". i dealt with it for her. i grabbed him by the throat and held him against a wall and told him that if he ever touched his mother again i would break him in half. he never touched her again.

    to all of you who will never touch your child, let's see how some of them turn out later. when your child talks back,disobeys ,steals,becomes violent with you,etc, what are you gonna do? oh let me guess. order some program off television to help "reason" with your child on some mind games right? good luck.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I don't have children. I am sure it is difficult.

    I have many close friends with children, some now adults. I have watched my friends raise these children, who spent many hours in my home.
    None of my friends beat, hit, strapped, spooned, slippered, slapped, whacked or spanked their children.
    None of their children had a problem talking back, disobeying, stealing, becoming violent, etc.

    I think someone hit the nail on the head earlier in the post, it is about having the words to communicate with your children.

    I'm not condoning any one here who uses a quick swat on the butt or a dope slap to get a kids attention. Parenting is hard, I understand. But violence is not the solution to misbehaved children. In my opinion.

    I am glad that Sugar Sweet agrees with me, so I am not the only one here who feels that way.

  • Reynaldo said:
    Some people are just no-good right from birth. No amount of discipline, love, or good parenting will fix them. These people belong in prison, and the sooner they get there the better.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    edith head said:
    i couldn't stand that Girl with a Dragon Tattoo movie

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    cuthbert151 said:
    yep,it's called discipline folks.


    to all of you who will never touch your child, let's see how some of them turn out later. when your child talks back,disobeys ,steals, becomes violent with you,etc, what are you gonna do?

    LOL - riiiiiight. So putting your hands on others to prove a point is what prevents them from using violence.

    If one feels like resorting to physical means to discipline a young person is the way to go, then that's all it is - a personal approach to discipline.
    Please don't come up with ridiculous reasoning though.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    The Police and The Military shouldnt hit people.

  • bassie said:
    cuthbert151 said:
    yep,it's called discipline folks.


    to all of you who will never touch your child, let's see how some of them turn out later. when your child talks back,disobeys ,steals, becomes violent with you,etc, what are you gonna do?

    LOL - riiiiiight. So putting your hands on others to prove a point is what prevents them from using violence.

    If one feels like resorting to physical means to discipline a young person is the way to go, then that's all it is - a personal approach to discipline.
    Please don't come up with ridiculous reasoning though.

    I see your point, I am the one who deals with kids who weren't properly disciplined (among other things) and they get sent to places like where I work. Just today, I had an 11 y.o. step to me when I told him to stop cursing (he had said "motherfucker" about a dozen times). when I told him to stop, he got up, took off his shirt and proceeded to tell me he would "slap that hair off your face"(I have a beard) and kick the shit outta me then steal my wallet..he then continued to call me a bitch, faggot, everything under the sun. Now, it is pretty obvious to me that no one has ever disciplined this kid, because I would have never even thought of doing what he did when I was a kid. (I was once grounded for 2 weeks when I was his age because I called one of my dad's friends a "dummy" when he did something wrong in a video game) However, this behavior is usually underlined by a trauma. As he berated me, I just talked to him calmly (albeit muffling laughter as he probably couldnt even reach my face to hit it) and when I asked him if he talked to his dad this way, he said, "fuck that man, he left me when I was 3" then the tirade shifted to his father. Now about a half hour later he hit another kid, and I had to put him in a restraining hold and I will probably have to do this a few dozen more times until he is discharged...but my point is, all of the violent kids I deal with, there is usually an underlying psychological reason for it and all the spanking and belt-whippings would not have made a difference if the underlying trauma is not dealt with. On the other hand, some of the gang kids I deal with are too far gone with sociopathic behavior to help and unfortunately they are just going to end up in jail when they try to attack staff...If you haven't properly
    (not beat the shit out of) disciplined your kid by say 10 years old, then yeah, chances are they may pop off and take any sort of setback, trauma, disappointments or such and turn them into violent outbursts. But just beating a kid isnt going to do shit to correct their behavior, it just reinforces that one must hit others when they don't get their way.

    Ill bet the shitbreath judge probably had a scumbag dad who beat the shit outta him...

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Don't get me wrong. My friends kids were disciplined. They just were not physically beaten, or slapped, spanked, spooned or whatever politically correct term you want to use.

    Hook up, how many of the kids you deal with would have been grounded for calling an adult dummy?
    How many of the kids you deal with were physically disciplined at some time in their life?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    My daughter has been getting into trouble at school lately and I wish the solution to it was as simple as just whooping her butt a few times. But guess what...it's not.

  • [quote)
    Hook up, how many of the kids you deal with would have been grounded for calling an adult dummy? I am guessing none

    How many of the kids you deal with were physically disciplined at some time in their life?
    all of them i'm guessing

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    My daughter has been getting into trouble at school lately and I wish the solution to it was as simple as just whooping her butt a few times. But guess what...it's not.

    Real talk.

  • tabiratabira 856 Posts
    It's not fashionable to talk about, but IMO shame is a key to effectively disciplining a child. It installs the desire to make amends. A slap will get their attention and I'm not against that, but only very carefully chosen words, skillfully delivered, can get the child to feel ashamed. So you have to appeal to their intelligence and desire for self respect. Never ever ever humiliate them. Successfully punished children actually feel better about themselves afterwards than before. How many posters here have admitted to thanking their parents for punishing them.

  • bassie said:
    cuthbert151 said:
    yep,it's called discipline folks.


    to all of you who will never touch your child, let's see how some of them turn out later. when your child talks back,disobeys ,steals, becomes violent with you,etc, what are you gonna do?

    LOL - riiiiiight. So putting your hands on others to prove a point is what prevents them from using violence.

    If one feels like resorting to physical means to discipline a young person is the way to go, then that's all it is - a personal approach to discipline.
    Please don't come up with ridiculous reasoning though.

    i noticed you didn't comment on the 16 yr old i mentioned. yep.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    Some kids do fine after a time-out, others need a whooping. I wish the former could be the solution to every behavioral problem. My mom spanking my brother and I was like the whooping Ned Flanders got in that classic Simpson's episode. It worked too well. We grew up afraid of her, and not so much the spankings. We aren't religious zealouts, but we were anxious little kids for no good reason.

    I spent the entirely of my elementary school years in a Christian low-mid-income daycare around pretty much every kind of problem little kids have (special needs kids not getting specialized care, excessive masturbation, hyperactivity, persistent bed wetting, unable to communicate due to speech problems, etc). Some kids are just messed up from the start. But the troublemakers were always the first to be chided for the innocent missteps we all take. It becomes a cycle pretty quickly.

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    day said:
    I was actually on Reddit when this whole thing went off yesterday. Watching it go from a couple of posts, to 4chan, to internet wildfire and ultimately national news within 24hrs is some crazy shit.

    thats crazy, i was on reddit right when it went up too. the video was under 30 views when i watched it initially, and i was confused as to how this video hadn't made a bigger splash....guess i watched it within 20 minutes of it hitting youtube

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    cuthbert151 said:
    bassie said:
    cuthbert151 said:
    yep,it's called discipline folks.


    to all of you who will never touch your child, let's see how some of them turn out later. when your child talks back,disobeys ,steals, becomes violent with you,etc, what are you gonna do?

    LOL - riiiiiight. So putting your hands on others to prove a point is what prevents them from using violence.

    If one feels like resorting to physical means to discipline a young person is the way to go, then that's all it is - a personal approach to discipline.
    Please don't come up with ridiculous reasoning though.

    i noticed you didn't comment on the 16 yr old i mentioned. yep.

    Well damn, you clearly made a scientifically sound case for how violence solves problems. What is there for me to comment on?
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