
  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    bassie said:
    Almond said:
    Aside from having to ask grown men to please wait outside while the women changed


    There was a guy who misinterpreted what I said somehow and stormed off with his girl following behind trying to reassure him him that "it was okay," and "she didn't mean it like that." I either started a really bad fight that day, or I saved that girl's life by allowing her to see what a short-fused idiot she was dating. Hopefully the latter.

    Another pet peeve: short tempers

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    "the pretzel monies"

    Oh man, that little monologue of his cracks me the fuck up.

    "My wife, she has been most vocal on the subject of the pretzel monies. 'Where's the money?' 'When are you going to get the money?' 'Why aren't you getting the money now?' And so on."

  • Touching the volume knob in my car and NOT setting it to an even or prime number. Hell no.
    People who ride their bike or longboard on the sidewalk (university job related).

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I wouldn't lose my shit, but I'd question it. I know it's not your personal rule and store policy, but I do think it's reasonable that someone may not want to walk out in front of everyone with some new kit they're not sure about and want the just opinion of their friend.
    I have done it and have seen it go on in a lot of places with no staff preventing it.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    bassie said:
    I wouldn't lose my shit, but I'd question it. I know it's not your personal rule and store policy, but I do think it's reasonable that someone may not want to walk out in front of everyone with some new kit they're not sure about and want the just opinion of their friend.
    I have done it and have seen it go on in a lot of places with no staff preventing it.

    He could have just stood in the doorway. There was a designated Husband Chair.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Is it to prevent shoplifting and/or hanky-panky?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    bassie said:
    Is it to prevent shoplifting and/or hanky-panky?

    I would assume it's to not make any of the other women in the dressing room uncomfortable.

    We recently has a Staff Meeting here at work where management was told to let all associates know that the woman named Ann who had been at the company for 8+ years is now Andy and will be using the Mens Rest Room......just so everyone was comfortable with it.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    bassie said:
    Is it to prevent shoplifting and/or hanky-panky?

    To prevent old ladies from asking me why there is a grown man in the petite's fitting room. One lady got really angry that some boy was sticking his head under the stall door while she was changing. I mentioned this here before, and Herm said it sounded like something he would have done ; )

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    triple post

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    triple post

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Now the policy sounds even more ridiculous! Whatever, I don't shop at Fendi anyway.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    bassie said:
    Is it to prevent shoplifting and/or hanky-panky?

    I would assume it's to not make any of the other women in the dressing room uncomfortable.

    We recently has a Staff Meeting here at work where management was told to let all associates know that the woman named Ann who had been at the company for 8+ years is now Andy and will be using the Mens Rest Room......just so everyone was comfortable with it.

    You work with PelvicDust?

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    bassie said:
    Now the policy sounds even more ridiculous! Whatever, I don't shop at Fendi anyway.

    I'm guessing you don't shop at JCPenney, either, which is where I worked. Classic dept store: soccer moms and Grandma.

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    People who brake while approaching a green light.

  • Someone seeing I am talking to someone else on the phone and trying to tell me what to say or just talk to me too.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Almond said:
    bassie said:
    Is it to prevent shoplifting and/or hanky-panky?

    To prevent old ladies from asking me why there is a grown man in the petite's fitting room. One lady got really angry that some boy was sticking his head under the stall door while she was changing. I mentioned this here before, and Herm said it sounded like something he would have done ; )

    Good memory, Almond! Other than the fact that it's a little harder to squeeze my head in the gap - *PASUE* - not much has changed!

  • Raystar said:
    People who brake while approaching a green light.

    I admit this is me. Memphis has a big red-light running problem, so yeah I'm gonna slow down to make sure someone ain't gonna t-bone me. They ain't giving away money where I'm going, so if I have to tag on an extra 15 seconds to my trip, no biggie.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Food service dudes that get my order wrong.

    People that watch Pet Psychic.

    Clipping yo nails in public.

    Those trendy "gladiator" shoes that women sport. Especially ones w/ questionable feets.

    Most Baseball fans attire. It always looks sloppy. A cute shortie w/ a Navy Alex Rodriguez Tshirt fucks it up w/ her terrible Carnation Pink Yankee hat worn backwards.

    Slow bartenders. Bitch ive been sittin here for a the whole Trey Songz album and u havent noticed I want a fuckin refill. The bar isnt even that full. Pay attention and splash me my shit.

    Pet Threads on Soulstrut. Fuck Yo couch and yo animal.

  • DescryDescry 229 Posts
    1. i hate it when i hear someone brushing their teeth. whether at work or at a friend's irritating.
    2. also hate it when my wife doesn't squeeze the tube of toothpaste from the bottom. it says, "for best results, squeeze from bottom"
    3. hate when people don't use their signals when they drive. at least use your hand...
    4. i hate when there's a puddle in front of the urinal, HAAAAAAATE IT
    5. loathe when people don't say thank you or even a nod when you hold the door open
    6. popped collars.
    7. people who ask me if i see any different because im asian and my eyes are small. damn it, i can't see a damn thing, ok? the world is in widescreen.

  • sabadabada said:
    I hate NYC bicyclists. Sanctimonious self righteous assholes. God forbid you ever step in a bike lane. Especially the ones that think that they can ride across the Brooklyn Bridge on a Saturday, when the bridge is loaded with tourists. They ring their stupid bells and yell "to your your left" and act all pissed off that they can't ride 40 mph when they should know damn well that the bridge is going to be crowded with people who don't know about the bike lanes. In no other country do bike riders act like such pompus ass holes. And of course one of the benefits of singlehandedly saving the planet, is that you never have to obey a single traffic law yourself. Ride opposite traffic, down one way streets the wrong way, never stop for a red light.

    DC bicyclists aren't on the same level as NYC bicyclists, but they do have their own issues as well. I hate when I'm driving downtown and from my left some cyclist enters the street with a full head of speed and expects me to brake on the dot so that he can merge into traffic. One time I didn't notice this cyclist merging onto the street and I was driving unaware that he wanted me to stop. Next thing I see some cyclist swerving right in front of me and when he goes to my right he yells and says, "Learn how to drive!" I told him, "Learn how not to be potential roadkill!"

  • People who use the word "vinyls"...

  • covecove 1,567 Posts
    incompletejigsaw said:

    DC bicyclists aren't on the same level as NYC bicyclists, but they do have their own issues as well. I hate when I'm driving downtown and from my left some cyclist enters the street with a full head of speed and expects me to brake on the dot so that he can merge into traffic. One time I didn't notice this cyclist merging onto the street and I was driving unaware that he wanted me to stop. Next thing I see some cyclist swerving right in front of me and when he goes to my right he yells and says, "Learn how to drive!" I told him, "Learn how not to be potential roadkill!"

    it's called "yielding" and "sharing the road"

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    People who sit in the middle of an empty 3 seat bench on the bus or train, in rush hour.

    People who stop immediately after exiting a door/elevator/escalator.

    Tourists. I've got shit to do you day off having motherfucker.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    z_illa said:

    Tourists. I've got shit to do you day off having motherfucker.

    As long as they don't stand in my way when I'm rushing to get somewhere, cool.

    During Labor Day Weekend, I was at a downtown Arby's. There were five people in front of me, all part of the same group.

    Lordy, this isn't the epicenter of fine dining, it's only an Arby's! And they weren't from overseas, either, they were from right here in the States! Yet here they were, standing still, looking at the menu like it was the Eighth Wonder Of The World, and blocking the line's progress in the process. Seemed like they were a heartbeat away from whipping out binoculars and cameras. I expect to see more of this when the Xmas holidays kick in.

  • cove said:
    incompletejigsaw said:

    DC bicyclists aren't on the same level as NYC bicyclists, but they do have their own issues as well. I hate when I'm driving downtown and from my left some cyclist enters the street with a full head of speed and expects me to brake on the dot so that he can merge into traffic. One time I didn't notice this cyclist merging onto the street and I was driving unaware that he wanted me to stop. Next thing I see some cyclist swerving right in front of me and when he goes to my right he yells and says, "Learn how to drive!" I told him, "Learn how not to be potential roadkill!"

    it's called "yielding" and "sharing the road"

    Oh, I've yielded and shared the road with many cyclists before. At least in those instances the cyclists made hand signals signifying that they were trying to merge into traffic. This guy just assumed that he had the right to do so without making acknowledgment to the other drivers on the street. But that's not even the worst I've seen. I don't understand why cyclists want to ride AGAINST the traffic instead of WITH it.

  • cove said:
    incompletejigsaw said:

    DC bicyclists aren't on the same level as NYC bicyclists, but they do have their own issues as well. I hate when I'm driving downtown and from my left some cyclist enters the street with a full head of speed and expects me to brake on the dot so that he can merge into traffic. One time I didn't notice this cyclist merging onto the street and I was driving unaware that he wanted me to stop. Next thing I see some cyclist swerving right in front of me and when he goes to my right he yells and says, "Learn how to drive!" I told him, "Learn how not to be potential roadkill!"

    it's called "yielding" and "sharing the road"

    Oh, I've yielded and shared the road with many cyclists before. At least in those instances the cyclists made hand signals signifying that they were trying to merge into traffic. This guy just assumed that he had the right to do so without making acknowledgment to the other drivers on the street. But that's not even the worst I've seen. I don't understand why cyclists want to ride AGAINST the traffic instead of WITH it.

    I stand by the statement so much that I've stated it twice.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    z_illa said:
    People who sit in the middle of an empty 3 seat bench on the bus or train, in rush hour.

    I'm not familiar with your city's transit - is there no room left on either side of the person then?

    People do some dumb-ass shit on transit without a doubt, but it is possible to turn some of it around with some communication. Folks just not willing to talk or ask for what they want is a peeve.
    There are a myriad reasons why someone may choose to sit on the aisle in a two-seater or maybe the bus was empty when I got on, I zoned out and left my bag on the seat next to me....a simple "excuse me" or "can I sit down" or smile even goes a lot further than stomping by all huffy or glaring. Use your words!!

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    bassie said:
    z_illa said:
    People who sit in the middle of an empty 3 seat bench on the bus or train, in rush hour.

    I'm not familiar with your city's transit - is there no room left on either side of the person then?

    People do some dumb-ass shit on transit without a doubt, but it is possible to turn some of it around with some communication. Folks just not willing to talk or ask for what they want is a peeve.
    There are a myriad reasons why someone may choose to sit on the aisle in a two-seater or maybe the bus was empty when I got on, I zoned out and left my bag on the seat next to me....a simple "excuse me" or "can I sit down" or smile even goes a lot further than stomping by all huffy or glaring. Use your words!!

    Most folks will silde over on those benches if they see someone wants a seat.

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    pickwick33 said:
    bassie said:
    z_illa said:
    People who sit in the middle of an empty 3 seat bench on the bus or train, in rush hour.

    I'm not familiar with your city's transit - is there no room left on either side of the person then?

    People do some dumb-ass shit on transit without a doubt, but it is possible to turn some of it around with some communication. Folks just not willing to talk or ask for what they want is a peeve.
    There are a myriad reasons why someone may choose to sit on the aisle in a two-seater or maybe the bus was empty when I got on, I zoned out and left my bag on the seat next to me....a simple "excuse me" or "can I sit down" or smile even goes a lot further than stomping by all huffy or glaring. Use your words!!

    Most folks will silde over on those benches if they see someone wants a seat.

    I believe "pet peeves" have an element of pettiness to them. This is an issue that really has no effect on me but annoys the hell out of me. Most of the time I already have a seat and like Pick said if someone comes and needs the seat most people will move. It is the arrogance maybe obliviousness that gets to me. You are going to move if you sit in the middle. So don't sit there.

    Today a woman in front of me waited for 3 stairs to go by on the escalator before she stepped on. You should never have to break stride to step onto an escalator. I'll give you a pass on a slight pause, but that was ridiculous.

    Every day I encounter at least 2 people who it seams are traveling through a revolving door for the first time. Get over it. I've got places to be.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    z_illa said:
    pickwick33 said:
    bassie said:
    z_illa said:
    People who sit in the middle of an empty 3 seat bench on the bus or train, in rush hour.

    I'm not familiar with your city's transit - is there no room left on either side of the person then?

    People do some dumb-ass shit on transit without a doubt, but it is possible to turn some of it around with some communication. Folks just not willing to talk or ask for what they want is a peeve.
    There are a myriad reasons why someone may choose to sit on the aisle in a two-seater or maybe the bus was empty when I got on, I zoned out and left my bag on the seat next to me....a simple "excuse me" or "can I sit down" or smile even goes a lot further than stomping by all huffy or glaring. Use your words!!

    Most folks will silde over on those benches if they see someone wants a seat.

    I believe "pet peeves" have an element of pettiness to them. This is an issue that really has no effect on me but annoys the hell out of me. Most of the time I already have a seat and like Pick said if someone comes and needs the seat most people will move. It is the arrogance maybe obliviousness that gets to me. You are going to move if you sit in the middle. So don't sit there.

    Today a woman in front of me waited for 3 stairs to go by on the escalator before she stepped on. You should never have to break stride to step onto an escalator. I'll give you a pass on a slight pause, but that was ridiculous.

    Every day I encounter at least 2 people who it seams are traveling through a revolving door for the first time. Get over it. I've got places to be.

    Once at the NY Public Library Main Branch, I was coming in the revolving door and some guy was coming out and half way in, he stops to talk to the guard and I pushed the door pretty good and squished him up against the door frame. So when he gets, he's giving me a dirty look while we each spin through, and I just said, "who the fuck stops halfway into a revolving door."
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