F**k Arizona!



  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    the term "illegal" denotes someone's status not their character or nature. there is nothing racist, dehumanizing or offensive about the term whatsoever; whereas the term "undocumented" is entirely misleading in the context of this conversation since we are also talking about a group that are documented but incorrectly or fraudulently.

    If it's misleading to you, I pray you improve you comprehension skills.

    uh huh.

    what is a "refugee"or "landed immigrant" or a "permanent resident" then? it speaks to immigration status and nothing else.

    i know you'd like to turn everything into mush but some words have specific meanings.

    Nice edit. When you get all emotional, I suggest you think before you submit to avoid all these revisions.

  • we aren't allowed to edit now? i added a few other terms to make the point clearer.

    why not try to attack my argument on the merits rather than throwing out lame personal insults?

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    we aren't allowed to edit now?

    why not try to attack my argument on the merits rather than throwing out lame personal insults?

    Because your argument has no merits. You started the mudslinging anyway. Stop being a victim, lol.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    the term "illegal" denotes someone's status not their character or nature. there is nothing racist, dehumanizing or offensive about the term whatsoever; whereas the term "undocumented" is entirely misleading in the context of this conversation since we are also talking about a group that are documented but incorrectly or fraudulently.

    If it's misleading to you, I pray you improve you comprehension skills.

    Bank robbery should be called an undocumented withdrawal.

    That comment should be called comically challenged.

    I'm the first to admit I'm no Dane Cook.

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    the term "illegal" denotes someone's status not their character or nature. there is nothing racist, dehumanizing or offensive about the term whatsoever; whereas the term "undocumented" is entirely misleading in the context of this conversation since we are also talking about a group that are documented but incorrectly or fraudulently.

    If it's misleading to you, I pray you improve you comprehension skills.

    Bank robbery should be called an undocumented withdrawal.

    That comment should be called comically challenged.

    I'm the first to admit I'm no Dane Cook.

    That actually made me crack a smile.

  • Because your argument has no merits. You started the mudslinging anyway. Stop being a victim, lol.

    every component of the above statement is demonstrably wrong.

    btw- see my location...

  • Roc, you really think Meese and kin acted out of the kindness of thier hearts to grant amnesty to immigrants? Big ag lobbeying and corporate lobbying had nothing to do with it? Just a coincident that California ag (old school buddies of Reagan) stood to benefit most fom that?

    Maybe, I won't rule it out because I wasn't there but common sense tells me otherwise.

    His assertion that immigration is where it is because those weren't granted amnesty stayed is absolutely wrong. What really happened was word spread like absolute f'ing wildfire through Latin America that Reagan had granted an amnesty (regardless of the actual logistics) and millions of workers started making thier way to America. Millions still do under the idea that un amnesty might happen again.

    So, yeah regardless of who voted it in or whatever, I still stand behindthe fact that we are where we are bceause of the messge the original amnesty sent.

    Solution? Anyone who proposes we "sendem all home and start over" is either senile or delusional. I say we let illegals register and start the process legit here in the states without penalty, during which we would deport criminals. Strengthen the borders and begin portraying a realistic vision of Americas problems in third world countries. Stop perpetuating the streets are paved with gold stereotype overseas. We have problems.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    How is it remotely possible to send the millions of people living illegally in this country back "to their country of origin [to get] in line with everyone else"??

    This just seems like fantasy.

    Shit, Homeland Security tried to do this to my brother-in-law even though he hasn't lived in Haiti for 40+ years. They detained him for almost a year and luckily we were able to rally around him enough to get him out. But yeah, that was their plan...to send him back to a his "country of origin" when he's been nowhere but here since the late 60's.

  • Word. And, for everyone on the west coast "deportation to coutry of origin" means Mexico, regardless of where people are actually from.
    Unless ofcourse meese wants to start an airline that would fly illegals back to south and central America.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Roc, you really think Meese and kin acted out of the kindness of thier hearts to grant amnesty to immigrants? Big ag lobbeying and corporate lobbying had nothing to do with it? Just a coincident that California ag (old school buddies of Reagan) stood to benefit most fom that?

    Maybe, I won't rule it out because I wasn't there but common sense tells me otherwise.

    His assertion that immigration is where it is because those weren't granted amnesty stayed is absolutely wrong. What really happened was word spread like absolute f'ing wildfire through Latin America that Reagan had granted an amnesty (regardless of the actual logistics) and millions of workers started making thier way to America. Millions still do under the idea that un amnesty might happen again.

    So, yeah regardless of who voted it in or whatever, I still stand behindthe fact that we are where we are bceause of the messge the original amnesty sent.

    Solution? Anyone who proposes we "sendem all home and start over" is either senile or delusional. I say we let illegals register and start the process legit here in the states without penalty, during which we would deport criminals. Strengthen the borders and begin portraying a realistic vision of Americas problems in third world countries. Stop perpetuating the streets are paved with gold stereotype overseas. We have problems.

    The flaw in the Reagan plan was that no one enforced the post-amnesty law on employers.

  • It's also very important to point out, Roc, that Meese was from alameda California and came out of the same California boys club o speak of (alameda) AND meese was amazingly part of a group that ought and wholeheartedly opposed Miranda rights!

    U.S News & World Report: You criticize the Miranda ruling, which gives suspects the right to have a lawyer present before police questioning. Shouldn't people, who may be innocent, have such protection?
    Meese: Suspects who are innocent of a crime should. But the thing is, you don't have many suspects who are innocent of a crime. That's contradictory. If a person is innocent of a crime, then he is not a suspect.[15]

    I agree they should have enforced hard on employers but thy were lobbied against doing so. Illegal became a class of worker, not an actual crime.

    My plane is taking offg!!!

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts

    The flaw in the Reagan plan was that no one enforced the post-amnesty law on employers.

    Because they were mostly Repub donors.

  • Signed in to law.

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    Fucking aye.
    Never driving through there until its repealed.

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    Dam yo, I look mexican as fusk and I dont even have a copy of my Birth Certificate. I ain't messin' with AZ.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts

    Ed Meese replies in 2006......

    "Experts agree . . . the Meese posters are getting attention.

    In the past three weeks, Arlington police have arrested four persons for posting on public property boldly colored signs that castigate Attorney General Edwin Meese III. Washington police have ticketed four persons, and an Arlington man says he has been called for questioning by an FBI agent because copies of the poster were found in his car.

    The posters, which say "Experts agree . . . Meese is a Pig," are the product of an informal group of punk rock musicians and their fans. Members of the group said that on May 16, under cover of night, they pasted about 500 signs on traffic signal boxes, construction sites ?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Signed in to law.

    This won't end well for Arizona.

  • And now we are back to the first post in this thread.


  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • sergserg 682 Posts
    as someone who spent over 20 years of my life trying just to become a permanent resident of this country with 12 of those years dealing with the phoenix Immigration office I am not surprised by any of this bullshit.

    An immigration official straight told my father that she hates how us lazy mexicans are coming to phoenix and ruinning her state. Nevermind that my pops has a phd, and a successful career. The worst part is that she was the one who was approving him for citizenship in goddamn 2006. A completing a process that was started for my entire family in 1987.

    I still have 4 years left before I can even apply for citizenship, never mind that I have lawfully been in this country since I was 1.

    Fuck Arizona and fuck anyone that thinks this is the appropriate action to take. I don't even give a fuck how you feel on immigration, the fact that police can detain you simple because of how you look is straight up bullshit. This isn't even about just stopping you, you are now being locked up because a fucking pig thinks you don't look american enough?

    I feel like I need to do everything I can to get my parents out of that shitty state. Why be productive members of a fucking community that thinks it's ok to arrest you just because you have a fucking accent?

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I agree with everything Serg just said.


    Papers? I don't need no stinkin' papers.

  • TensTens 27 Posts
    Headed to a protest at the state capitol right now. Things are about to get real ugly I think. Fuckin bullshit just set the state I love back 20-30 years. Fuck Senator Pearce and the governor for signing 1070.

  • Let's put down that description stat!

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Damn I'm moving to AZ in the fall, guess I better get a copy of my birth certificate

  • Arizona Hispanic Republicans React to Immigration Bill

    Posted - 4/23/2010 at 6:23PM

    PHOENIX- The Arizona Hispanic Republicans released the following statement condemning the passage of the SB1070.

    "Arizona Hispanic Republicans believe that it is unfortunate for Jan Brewer to support Pearce's bill. The greatest leaders in our nation had courage, and we believe that Brewer made her decision in an effort to save her political career. Jan Brewer's decision will mark today as the day in which Hispanic Americans will follow the footsteps of the Great Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Pearce and Brewer do not see the unintended consequences of their actions, and it appears that they were willing to make decisions that affect us at the cost of trampling on our Constitutional Rights.

    We believe this party was founded by Abraham Lincoln, a man who was instrumental in doing away with evils towards people of color. We must never forget the price Abraham paid with his own life, and for that we at least owe a fight to bring this party back to our true roots. Later, the Republican Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. picked up Abe's mantle and helped fight the injustice of racism. Republicans in that era fought to free blacks from slavery, which gave people of color freedoms and citizenship.

    It is unfortunate that our own members of the Republican Party believe that we have to trample on our Constitution in order to "enforce our laws." We believe that Pearce is easing the requirements for "probable cause" and his attempt in expanding our government. What Pearce's bill proves is that he does not have the answer for illegal immigration within the confines of the American Constitution, and in fact he is not solving the problem by creating more problems.

    We believe United States Hispanic citizens have a right to be safe in their person from illegal searches and seizures, and we believe Pearce's efforts are violating that. SB 1070 is a direct slap in the face to Hispanic Americans who have fought and died for several American wars because this new law can be abused by authorities to pull us over with mere "reasonable suspicion".

    That said, and even though we are taking a stance against Jan Brewer and Russell Pearce's law, we are ultimately holding President Obama accountable[/b]. Obama promised Hispanics that he would pass immigration reform within 90 days of his Presidency. Had Obama carried out his promises to Hispanics last year, the Hispanic community would not be experiencing the crisis we are experiencing right now. There has been recent criticism over our Senator John McCain because John McCain probably feels he cannot win the primary elections due to his previous stances on championing immigration reform and the consistent untrue attacks by Hayworth. It is understandable on why McCain believes he is in the fight of his life. For the record, Senator McCain has taken action in the past while Obama has not. McCain's valuable experience contributed to Americans winning the Iraq war.[/b] The problem is this: There are more Latinos registered as Democrats in the State of Arizona that cannot vote for McCain in the primary elections and McCain wants to win. How can these hypocritical democrat leaders lay blame to the McCain when at the very least McCain has action to back his words? Why aren't Democrat leaders holding Obama's feet to the fire? Hispanics are more aligned with Republican values because of our social conservative values and our belief in the Creator; and if Hispanics want to make a real change to help change the face of our Party to bring it back to the Party of Abraham Lincoln, then I call upon all Latinos (Democrat and Independent) to register themselves as Republicans in order to bring it back to those roots.

    Hispanic families are agonizing over this issue. Russell Pearce has not articulated a proactive approach to what will happen to American born children and their welfare as they are ripped apart from their parents. In fact, Russell Pearce believes that children born of illegal immigrants should not be declared as citizens.

    Arizona Hispanic Republicans will not vote for Jan Brewer this year because we are holding her accountable for supporting a bill that violates the Constitution and our Civil Rights. I have sounded the alarm to all Republicans in this state that the passing of this bill is political suicide.

    The State of Arizona already has a blemish because we were the last state of the Union to recognize Martin Luther King as an official holiday. Arizona Hispanic Republicans will write an open letter to our RNC Chair, Michael Steele, as he continues to consider where to hold our next 2011 GOP convention. We will caution our RNC Chair to consider the consequences of that because then it could be perceived as rewarding the state that implemented strong anti-Hispanic laws that has rattled our community and our Civil Rights."

    Original URL - http://www.kvoa.com/news/arizona-hispanic-republicans-react-to-immigration-bill

    Republican party in Az is hurting.

    Dude, how come no one told me we won the iraq war?[/b]

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    More like, how come McCain supported this bill?

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    Arizona: Grand Canyon and Grand Wizards

  • sergserg 682 Posts
    man fuck that hispanic bullshit and fuck a latino republican.

    my beliefs are hardly what you would call "normal" but I don't understand how any latino can roll with the GOP, a party that hates that we fucking exist.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Early in the Clinton administration INS decided to try to enforce the immigration laws. Employer(s) in Georgia were busted for hiring undocumented immigrants. The Vadalia onion crop went unharvested that year. Businesses made a big stink and enforcement was eased up.

    Again in the last few years of the Bush administration there was an increase in enforcement, mostly packing plants. Again there was an outcry from business for INS to ease up, and they have.

    That's all from memory, if someone wants to find the original news stories that would be appreciated.

    The Dole plant here in Portland that was busted, all the employees had ss#s and paid payroll taxes. Safe bet most did not file 1040 to claim their tax refund.

    Oh, fck AZ.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts

    Even though we are all immigrants here.
    I'm not an immigrant. I was born and raised here--this is MY country.

    BAN unless he posts his birth certificate to prove it.
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