
  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    We can be that arm around his shoulder, that person who's always there on the other end of the line when he feels no one understands him, the collective force to wipe away those republican tears. We can change him and make him love himself and his adopted isle.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Yeah, even with the lack of fitness Lennon just looked a lot more dangerous. I suspect that Capello is going to take Walcott no matter what and if that is the case I hope he keeps him as a supersub to run against tired teams rather than a starter since he always seems to choose the wrong option or delay it too much.

    Not too many pluses really from the second string, thought Green played ok but then having Vela as the striker is always going to make you look good . Thought Carrick was shite and Milner seemed overwhelmed.

    I would more or less agree wid u about Theo. He does occasionally show his quality, but he's definitely second choice behind Lennon.
    Milner is still over rated and Carrick looked like a player who's been benched for most of the season. In fact none of the midfield impressed last night and that cunt Gerard was diving too much. He's lost confidence in his hollywood balls and pot shots from 200 yards, diving seems to be his new game plan.
    Crouch continues to be the jammiest player to ever put on an England shirt. And ITV coverage continues to be painfully shite, even with added Adrian Chiles. The commentary team go so over top in support of England (although they're the same when they cover Prem. teams [esp United & Chelski] in Europe) The Crouch goal was all good, but the Mexico goal was apparently dodgy, even though the ball was clear 2ft inside the goal. SMH

    ranting almost over.

    Carlos Vela seems to run hot and cold, but is undoubtably a very gifted young man. This is from the last game of a season in which dude had barely kicked a ball for us, yet he can still produce quality like this.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    That's a great goal by Vela which makes it even more puzzling why he hit low and straight last night though maybe I'm doing Green a disservice and he made himself "big".

    I got really depressed when I realised how much Tildsley there was to come over the summer. The whole questioning of the Mexican goal was just bizarre coupled with the standard over hyped celebration of the team currently in the lead. Also, Townsend as co-commentator and pundit? I may have to write to Ofcom on the grounds of damage to my mental health.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Actually just realised it was Peter Drury last night - I can't even tell the two of them apart any more. God help us all.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    'Sup with Mexico playing the Emperor Ming of Mongo in goal?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Ha. Whenever I see Ming these days all I think of is Big Train.....

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    So my girlfriend is asking me if I want to go with her to Belfast for the weekend, and mentioned that her mum & dad will be going to an IRA fundraiser for Palestinians, which seems like Strutnip to the power of ten, and while I sympathise with both group's respective struggles, what's the risk of being branded teh terrorist by my own govmt in their War on Terror?
    Needless to say, the Guinness they serve is beyond reproach.

    Not sure that I can be bothered with starting another Israeli Cunts: part II thread, but if Israel's goons are reading this, yes, you are a bunch of cunts, and you guys can quote me on that. You cunts.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    her mum & dad will be going to an IRA fundraiser for Palestinians, and while I sympathise with both group's respective struggles,

    No, no sympathy for the 'struggle'. IRA dudes regularly tried to make my childhood a Russian roulette with the indiscriminate bombing campaign.

    No grey area, just plain evil.

    There's only one solution: get your gf to disown her parents.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Amen, seriously, growing up in a town with barracks and having incidents occur on a far too frequent basis as a youth they get fuck all sympathy round here.

    Though I can't say that a certain part of me wouldn't have regretted seeing the barracks themselves "disappear".

    Anyway, I'm sure the money they get given by the US should be more than enough to keep them in balaclavas and the like.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    her mum & dad will be going to an IRA fundraiser for Palestinians, and while I sympathise with both group's respective struggles,

    No, no sympathy for the 'struggle'. IRA dudes regularly tried to make my childhood a Russian roulette with the indiscriminate bombing campaign.

    No grey area, just plain evil.

    There's only one solution: get your gf to disown her parents.

    It's divisive. I think the Rah would've gotten more sympathy if the shit that norn Irish Catholics had to put up with was reported. But almost none of it has been. It's the guns & bombs side of it that I disagree with, and that's the lot that the gf's dad is tight with, although now, they all seem like friendly old men who are really nice to me, and I have to remind myself that they were cold blooded in their youth.

    I had been firmly of the opinion that both sides should be left (as in left-well-alone-by-the-UK) to fight it out if the only way they can deal with stuff is violence, but it wouldn't be a fight, it would be a slaughter.

    Oxford was totally unaffected by the IRA's bomb campaign, so I guess it's easier for me to say that, I can readily see why any London resident would like to see them all drowned in a sack.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    Bombing London did the job nicely, I know it would have been a lot more acceptable for them to wreck their own already run-down area, a lot easier to ignore as well.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Ha, knew he wouldn't let us down

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    Would the Rah be quite as unpopular if they had got Thatcher with that hotel bomb?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Political assassination is not a sensible way forward Duder, be it Thatcher or Saddam...

    Anyways, what exactly is it about MT that gets you so...energised?

    Could it be dudes had a soft (but often hard) spot for her? Could it be so? Even a little bit??!?! Dominatrix vibes?

    Pop-psych 101.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    I think it's the way she went from being the lady from a green grocers to best buds with Pinochet.

    Nurse Ratchet vibes though, maybe you're right.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    Political assassination is not a sensible way forward Duder, be it Thatcher or Saddam...

    Leave it to the Americanos.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Spam, liver sausage or corned beef.

    If you had to choose one of these fillings for today's sammich experience, which would it be and why?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Spam, liver sausage or corned beef.

    If you had to choose one of these fillings for today's sammich experience, which would it be and why?

    None of the above, but if I had to, I think Liver Sausage purely for bad breath that could strip paint.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    I went with teh corned beef.

    Noted that I missed Dolo rolling through Brit Towers yesterday. Damn.

    When is that lad going to show his face?

    I have a hunch that he doesn't want to meet us all because he fears getting drunk and making a pass at Britdude. Thoughts?

    Pop-psych 101 #2

    Dolo, we are all sophisticated dudes here. Your leanings are not shun-worthy.
    Let's all meet up for a pie and a pint.

    Or a vol-au-vent and a Babycham, if that's your particular bent.
    Whoops, I said bent.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    Spam, liver sausage or corned beef.

    If you had to choose one of these fillings for today's sammich experience, which would it be and why?

    Sangers? Corned beef b/w Piccalilli. Bit of basil and some iceberg et voil?.

    Also so necesario in Hot Pot.

    Re: Rah

    My local exp is that their operation is akin to a Robin Hood/Mafia Collabo, the RH being the public interface, the Mafia being the implementation and real money spinner. Anyone not down with it is persuaded by either being called out as unpatriotic, or by more direct means.

    My trench at one point encompassed erudite local journos wot has lived amongst it and half of Dublin's taxi driver battalion (a number of whom are *allegedly* operative within rah-moneyspinning mechanisms such as cross-border smuggling of fuel, currency cleansing, discount mobile-phone top-up card reselling, and evading the taxman.)

    "Them that harks no questions isn't told no lies"...

    There are a few with a political axe to grind but in 99% of cases, the Dublin populace I interfaced with it were not particularly concerned with the Troubles and looked upon it as Celtic/Rangers-esque yokel-infighting that them lot in the Nort were obsessed with. As a Brit I was expecting cool shoulders but like your boy Westwood, the streets showed me and the Mrs love.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    Here's one doe (Bono-R):

    Imagine being a taxi driver where the streets have no name.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    Re: Rah

    My local exp is that their operation is akin to a Robin Hood/Mafia Collabo, the RH being the public interface, the Mafia being the implementation and real money spinner. Anyone not down with it is persuaded by either being called out as unpatriotic, or by more direct means.
    (rah-moneyspinning mechanisms such as cross-border smuggling of fuel, currency cleansing, discount mobile-phone top-up card reselling, and evading the taxman[/b].)

    The gf's dad resents paying money for anything, anywhere, if he thinks there's a way out of it, which is charming & ridiculous in equal measure. He keeps offering to have our gas & electric meters seen to, but I'm too much of a pussy to deal with the consequences.

    As a Brit I was expecting cool shoulders

    This was the same boat I was in. Was expecting to get hair-dryer treatment, instead it was bearhugs and drinks all night. Of course, I don't know what happens should I really piss-off my girlfriend, or her daah.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Here's one doe (Bono-R):

    Imagine being a taxi driver where the streets have no name.

    Still hasn't found what he's looking for?

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Here's one doe (Bono-R):

    Imagine being a taxi driver where the streets have no name.

    Still hasn't found what he's looking for?

    on another note:

    Sophie fucking Dahl.

    why is she on my TV?

    what is the general British consensus on that annoying twat?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    Sophie fucking Dahl.

    why is she on my TV?

    what is the general British consensus on that annoying twat?

    I would watch the porno with some interest.
    Not so keen on listening to her speak words you could let children hear.

    Which reminds me that I was playing in a charity football tournament a while ago, and needed a piss between games, so ran over to a hedgerow. There were two boys of aprrox ten years nearby, so I thought it would be a good idea to say

    "Do mind if I have some privacy while I take a piss?"

    They promptly ran off.
    I whistled a few bars of Rule Brittania, shook and zipped, and turned around to be confronted by an irate mother.

    "Did you just say PISS to my two boys!?!?"

    "What should I have said? Urination? I needed a piss, would you rather they watched?"

    Now it came across that it was more the thought that another adult had told her blessed, innocent sprogs what to do than the words I'd used, as the lads were within earshot of plenty of games of football that were non-stop "Pass the f*cking ball!", "Sh*t!", "Thank f*ck that missed" etc.
    When I grew up [here we go], it was perfectly accepted by children and adults that you might get told off by complete strangers if you were naughty. Nowadays, the little f*ckers are seen as too fragile/sacred to deal with that, yet they'll soon grow up to be fearless bastards with no respect. Rant rant etc etc.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    Sophie fucking Dahl.


  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    confronted by an irate mother.

    I don't know if I have regaled you with this, but last year I was looking to park in a marked space but the parked car next to it (59 plate people carry ting) had a door open into my space. I waited 30 seconds, nothing doing, so got out, mother was strapping one of several young nippers in on the other side. I said :

    [Bricktopish voice]" 'Scuse me sweetheart, do you mind if I close this door for you?" [/Bricktopish voice. I think I had been watching Snatch Wars shortly before and it rubbed off]

    "No it's OK" she says.

    I close door and park.

    Confronted by irate woman: "But please don't call me sweetheart."

    Me: "Well, I was just being polite. Take it as a compliment."

    Her: "No, I find it offensive."

    I had neither the time in my day nor the love in my heart to extend the dialogue. I believe she needs to get out more doe. She'll be called far worse than that. Stupid up-her-ring upper-middle-class oil-drizzling motherf*cker.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    confronted by an irate mother.

    Confronted by irate woman: "But please don't call me sweetheart."

    I work with a girl who insists on calling me (and others) sweetheart, darling, gorgeous, and it can get a bit annoying. I know she means no harm, but you can feel like you're being patronised if there's too much of it.


    is this one her too?

  • she's married to jamie "hobbit" cullum, isn't she?
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