8,450 Posts
Seriously. Regardless of all the crazy talk, arguments, disagreements, disses, dismissals, etc etc.. I love this place. Yeah, it may not be the same as it was before, I may not have any kind of connection (yet) with newer posters, I may not understand 90% of Johmbolaya's posts (not hating, just saying!)...but still, I've met so many good people from here that I am eternally grateful to Raj and the community as a whole. Now I'm in migraine-lite mode right now (hoping this Excedrin works its' magic) and I get super hippied out on some lovey-doveyness (anybody else get this? It's a weird high. My head is buzzing - not throbbing yet - but I'm overwhelmed with the sensation of gratitude and love) but still...I ain't gotta feel like this to feel like this, doyouknowwhatIamsaying?Anyways, Asprin's pics of SoulStrut: The N-X-E-T Generation (Facebook/Lil' Dizzy Bull's first bday-related) helped set this off too. Beautiful pics of beautiful children with record nerd parents who spend too much time playing on the internet. I look forward to hearing stories and seeing pictures of them as they grow. My seeds roll with his seeds... Thank you all, hoLmeses and foolios.
peace, stein. . .
a beautiful sentiment...
foolio: OUT
I haven't been on much lately cause of my new jobs! (read:very grateful)
Just wanted to show my love and accede with Herm's post.
It's not like I had much of an option! It was either hang out with an ass or hang out with an ass!
I have never before or since posted 250 things I like about anything.