just wait until i post my punk mix featuring My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Red Jumpsuit Aparatus, All-American Rejects etc...... minds will be blown.
I got six words for you: My Yacht Belongs In Your Marina
Shit, i love the up the middle of the road mixes done well. F*ck the obscure shit. Seriously.
All this would have gone a completely different way if he had titled the mix "mainstream metal" and if Plantweed wasn't threatened by another metal mix besides his own. I must admit though, I am on here to learn from those with a deep knowledge, so I enjoy hearing the obscure cuts more...
RawB post up a different mix in the genre that you feel you have the most knowledge in to shut all the h8ters up...
Well he did kind of call it a hair metal mix. I think dudes were aggy because, even as hair metal goes, the selections were pretty bad.
There's a real thin skin with collectors/enthusiasts for DJs who will put together mixes that place "skillz" over selection. That kind of runs counter to the whole vibe of this place. I'd say the majority here are more interested in hearing good tunes than being "owned on 2 turntables". The mix is well executed, and it's fun in places (when the music's not too terrible) and I'm sure the wrestling fans will eat it up. But It's kinda like showing up on the DWG site with a mix of Sugarhill Gang, MC Hammer, late-era Coolio, and Insane Clown Posse.
...if Plantweed wasn't threatened by another metal mix besides his own.
You misread me. Baffled, not threatened. I wish someone would post a killer metal mix here, but funk and metal aren't like peanut butter and chocolate (see Limbomaniacs, Mordred, Primus, and other names that put cattle off their feed).
I find your lack of Faith No More.....disturbing...
just wait until i post my punk mix featuring My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Red Jumpsuit Aparatus, All-American Rejects etc...... minds will be blown.
This is the exact point.....and most seem to understand that.
although not 80s metal, seek out my stoner rock mixes on here...late 60s/early 70s proto metal, commons, semi-raer and raer...done on 2 turntables, blah blah blah....a lot heavier and less makeup than raw b's....
F*ck it, I dont get off work til 8CST, and my shit is packed up for a gig tomorrow, but I will unpack the gear and put together a 70s and 80s real metal mix tonight if all goes to plan...
I will unpack the gear and put together a 70s and 80s real metal mix tonight if all goes to plan...
likin' how your showin your "red" round here. need more.
wha??? understand I do not "red".
well, Im gonna try and do this now...finished pulling records, for the most part it is all well known acts, figured folks wouldnt want to sit through 7 minute private press epics...but all good metal IMO.
figured folks wouldnt want to sit through 7 minute private press epics
i thought this whole thread was about how the raer needed more attention?
post the mix of private press stoner metal epics or you're soft.
ok, Ill fit some in...the thread was also about real metal overall, so I wanted to present some of the masters and some of the masters are well known...but deep cuts. Shit will go back and pull some more rackords
dang, took all day to get logged in here....I mixed up the raer and the semi-raer and deep cuts from the masters. I had to get some vindication for my boys Scorpions and Judas Priest since their worst tunes were in the other mix. Even included a good hair/party metal tune...and the mix starts off with a bonfide private press redneck metal raer from Medieval Steel. Mostly 80s metal, with some 70s cuts...I stayed away from the proto metal stuff as i have already did 2 80 minutes of that....castrato vocals and spiked wristbands is what is presented here
tracklist to follow, i finished this in the wee hours of the AM and am foggy to the order
Medieval Steel local Memphis bandana limb wrapped goodness on the SUR label.
And you can wrestle to it!!
Nicely done.
Ever find an OG local by Image??
Image is mythical level raer, as you well know...never even got one when it came out (although I was 15 at the time and no access to shows were I imagine the majority of them were sold), I was hoping it would pop up once as I flipped through a record collection that had a Medieval Steel in it with a bunch of other metal...but no dice ....(although I did get a Joe Cuba on tico out of that collection ?????WTF?????)
I got six words for you:
My Yacht Belongs In Your Marina
Shit, i love the up the middle of the road mixes done well.
F*ck the obscure shit. Seriously.
Don't you guys party?
Well he did kind of call it a hair metal mix. I think dudes were aggy because, even as hair metal goes, the selections were pretty bad.
There's a real thin skin with collectors/enthusiasts for DJs who will put together mixes that place "skillz" over selection. That kind of runs counter to the whole vibe of this place. I'd say the majority here are more interested in hearing good tunes than being "owned on 2 turntables". The mix is well executed, and it's fun in places (when the music's not too terrible) and I'm sure the wrestling fans will eat it up. But It's kinda like showing up on the DWG site with a mix of Sugarhill Gang, MC Hammer, late-era Coolio, and Insane Clown Posse.
I find your lack of Faith No More.....disturbing...
Amazing....our Dad was a union electrician and I'm deathly scared of electricity.
Like I said in my post.....I've heard more than my share of metal, mostly through my brother.
This is the exact point.....and most seem to understand that.
I'm not sorry for being the one to point it out.
j/k....I'm much uglier.
yeah, thats the pic I was thinking of
c'est classique!
F*ck it, I dont get off work til 8CST, and my shit is packed up for a gig tomorrow, but I will unpack the gear and put together a 70s and 80s real metal mix tonight if all goes to plan...
make sure to include lots of 'turntablism' & wicki-wicki triple crab flare scratches & all that real mixmaster shit
likin' how your showin your "red" round here. need more.
underrated retort.
montrose's rock candy certainly doesn't belong in a metal mix, but boy do i love that song.
But if you just want to screw or sacrifice a goat this will suffice.
wha??? understand I do not "red".
well, Im gonna try and do this now...finished pulling records, for the most part it is all well known acts, figured folks wouldnt want to sit through 7 minute private press epics...but all good metal IMO.
I'd let you wire my house just for the spectacle, I got a neighbor who can fix the damage.
post the mix of private press stoner metal epics or you're soft.
ok, Ill fit some in...the thread was also about real metal overall, so I wanted to present some of the masters and some of the masters are well known...but deep cuts. Shit will go back and pull some more rackords
ok, that's cool.
tracklist to follow, i finished this in the wee hours of the AM and am foggy to the order
And you can wrestle to it!!
Nicely done.
Ever find an OG local by Image??
Image is mythical level raer, as you well know...never even got one when it came out (although I was 15 at the time and no access to shows were I imagine the majority of them were sold), I was hoping it would pop up once as I flipped through a record collection that had a Medieval Steel in it with a bunch of other metal...but no dice
i don't get the asshurt in this thread.
Hi Rob!