we're experiencing one of the coolest summers here- got a few mid 30 degree (95faren) days coming up but genereally been early 20's (70's) very unusual for this time of year in melbs.
I think it's been below zero all week, it's been really f*cking cold if you add the wind chill, it reached -20 to -40 degrees below zero in areas, i still see motherfuckers outside not wearing hats and gloves too
My windshield wiper fluid is rate to - 40 degrees celsius.... today it was freezing on my windshield. Ottawa's sub-zero like nothin else right now. It gets people talking... the dude I'm workin' for right now said the cold reminded him of the time he was up north and had to shoot a Polar Bear. No joke.
Time to go shovel out my igloo and plug in the skidoo.
I got off the plane this morning at JFK flying in from West Africa, let's just say I was a little underdressed. I thought I was going to freeze to death on several occasions through the day.
I got off the plane this morning at JFK flying in from West Africa, let's just say I was a little underdressed. I thought I was going to freeze to death on several occasions through the day.
I had that feeling a few times this week. We finally got dude to come over to the house and fix our heat but I swear to god this space heater I just bought was the best $20 I ever spent.
Somebody knowledge me on cold clothes essentials cause I know not what it dew.
Ottawa's sub-zero like nothin else right now. It gets people talking... the dude I'm workin' for right now said the cold reminded him of the time he was up north and had to shoot a Polar Bear. No joke.
Time to go shovel out my igloo and plug in the skidoo.
I had that feeling a few times this week. We finally got dude to come over to the house and fix our heat but I swear to god this space heater I just bought was the best $20 I ever spent.
You live in a car?
Down by the river.
is that water or ice? If it's ice, how was it warm enough for all that water and then cold enough to freeze it before it moved elsewhere?
Me: Sinatra.
It's hot as F*ck down in this bitch!