
Been on a two week crystal meth binge.

edited May 2008 in Strut Central
Jesus Christ. I'm doomed. This is the most evil shit ever.Rehab Mother's Day.


  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts

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    I wish you were right my homie.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    Then you must kick.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts

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    I shall try, this shit is not gonna be easy.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Just a little bit of advice, don't move to San Diego, it's the meth capital of the world out here in east county.

    I see so many brunt out tweekers at the swap meet every weekend. Some are reformed and are getting their lives together, but some look like they're selling all their worldly posessions for just another hit of crystal.

    Dude, get some help if this is for reals.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    Def. get some help. And remove yourself from whatever environment you're in.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts

    If you're the type to really go on a two-week bender, it will probably kill you.

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    yea man u need some help man. you havent changed one bit. get some real life help. not some internet help.

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    it's the meth capital of the world out here

    I'll bet everybody on this board has said that about somewhere near their hometown.
    Meth is everywhere everywhere.

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    I lived in SD back in 1996 and remember the shit being everywhere. Never tried it though. Im in Florida, the shits everywhere here. And the dude is cool with fronting me the shit.

    Im going in to a rehab, fuck this.

    Can anyone here help me find a good state funded rehab? I can barely walk, let alone organize this. I want to tell my Mom on Mother's Day I'm going in.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    How long have you been on the product?

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    i thought u went to rehab and kicked it. or was that something else?

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    yea man u need some help man. you havent changed one bit. get some real life help. not some internet help.

    Im gonna man, I can't fuck with this one. I appreciate you giving a fuck dude, thanks.

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    i thought u went to rehab and kicked it. or was that something else?

    Crack. I never went to rehab for it though. Ive been avoiding rehab for the last ten years.

  • How old are you? I'm not trying to sound like a dick, and hopefully this isn't just some dumb message board gag..but if it is true, you need to put the brakes on and really commit to changing this behavior. Speaking from experience, it takes a very serious commitment to sort that kind of thing out. It's too steep of a downhill slope to bullshit around and stall on correcting it.

    How the hell are you on a 2 week meth binge and still making sense in your posts? I would have been outside bugging out because DEA was hiding in my bushes and trees...and that would have started WAY before the 2 week mark.

    Get your mind right and ditch that shit,man. Seriously.

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    crack? meth? dude. dont even wait til Mothers Day. if you really wanted to kick it you'd go to a hospital so they can lead you in the right direction now.

    you arent kicking it for yer mom. youre doing it for you.

    seriously dude. get help. dont wait.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts

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    I hear you man, I don't know how this happened so fast. Im dead serious about this shit. Im 31 and as far as the DEA shit, that was yesterday when my supply was still up. The most paranoid state of mind I have ever experienced. I thought the cops were at my house so many times. I am basically chilled out because I want to stop, as far as typing I think I am coherent because I want to reach out and try to get help anywhere I can.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    In my working life, I was invovled in organising a community forum on crystal meth here in oz in late 2006 since it had received a bit of media attention here.

    We had presenters from Hospitals in Kings cross (Sydney) as well as psychologists and other experts... man some of this shit that people said about ice were straight killing it... your brain, that is. Made me never wanna even think about trying it. The two docos we showed there were also pretty bone-chilling. I still have copies of them somewhere.

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    I look so bad dude, totally different then 2 weeks ago. My skin shows a sheen of the drug. My teeth kill, Im absolutely nasty right now. The smell is driving me crazy, the sweat.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    stop fuskin up

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    Haha, sayin.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    Remember how you feel right now. I used to have a pretty nasty little coke habit for a while, and there were two things that made me kick it. One - feeling how I felt when that shit was on the down swing. Made me hate myself. Once you sober up for good, you never want to feel like that again. I've had so many offers to holler at some lines since then, and I never have, because I know what's on the other side of that door. Two - Seeing my girlfriend at the time go through some serious withdrawl. Self destructiveness is one thing, but watching someone you love go through it is a whole other. Mostly though, you have to learn to be okay with being you without the drug. I wish you best of luck, man. Just be strong.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    werent u just in the hospital?

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    My mother has witnessed all of this but doesn't know what Im doing. I feel like someone's stabbing me in the stomach when I think of how she must feel seeing me do this. damn man, fuck.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    My mother has witnessed all of this but doesn't know what Im doing. I feel like someone's stabbing me in the stomach when I think of how she must feel seeing me do this. damn man, fuck.

    u stabbin urself

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    werent u just in the hospital?

    I tried it like 4 days after I got out. Brilliant, ey?

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    Keep that in mind, man. But like someone else said, if you really want to do this, you have got to do it for you. No one else.

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    My mother has witnessed all of this but doesn't know what Im doing. I feel like someone's stabbing me in the stomach when I think of how she must feel seeing me do this. damn man, fuck.

    u stabbin urself

    I mean I've had anxiety attacks but this is insane. Its like sharp ass pains in the gut. I want to remember this.
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