Has anyone here ever NOT eaten McDonald's?



  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I kind of agree. As much as I dislike it, you can't front on the joy a Happy Meal brings
    Remember when you were a kid? That little cardboard box and .10?? toy used to be the highlight of my little life back then.

    Weren't you the same dude dissing MickeyD's breakfast?

    Yeah, cause it tasted like shit that day. It's one of those small treats I occasionally give myself on bad hangover days after DJing.

  • LOL! You're right, I am definitely not ready to be a father. Why not? Because I have made a contrary, tongue-in-cheek poast on soulstrut!

    OK guys, time for me to back out of this one...

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I'd be mad as hell at my parents if they forbade me to eat McDonalds!

    My dad used to have Wednesdays to take me and my sister out to dinner. Apart from every other weekend at his place, that was the only time we ever got to see him. More often than not, we'd end up at BK or McDonalds because that's what he could afford at the time. There were always lots of families there, the food was tasty, it was a nice time. As a somewhat well-adjusted kid (now adult) I have learned to moderate my fast food intake. Even moderately concerned parents can manage this. You don't need to treat it like asbestos or cigarettes.

    Like I said, it's your kid and your decision. Just saying dude, you sounded pretty "Berkeley" there! I knew this kid growing up who would eat cottage cheese and fruit and trail mix for lunch and talk trash about all the kids eating McD's and pizza. Predictably he got made fun of, pants'd, and pushed around all the time.

    Don't be that dad, Oliver!!

    Dude. Be serious. We both know what Berkeley folks are like. Best believe, I'm not there. Not nearly.

    More to the point, regardless of how she grows up and what she gets or doesn't get, I don't want Ella growing up to be the kind of kid who lords ANYTHING over other kids. That's just obnoxious.

    Unless of course, it's "my daddy's record collection sons yours."

  • damn this thread has spiraled hella hoard.

  • my mom grounded me from mcdonalds which was one of i think 2 fast food spots in my town. yeah, my mom had all kinds of hangups about me being fat and i had to measure out my fucken potato chips on that goddamn weight watchers weigher thing and i could only drink crystal light and never NEVER kool aid and im sure ive mentioned it here before but my mom CANNOT COOK well ok, she can cook but she (as most ja's) can only cook american food which isnt really american food but mainly a pastiche of betty crocker and sunset magazine recipes slapped together oh and they are old school and prefer caned vegetable to fresh which is a poor folks thing and no we werent poor but what was i talking about? oh yeah, i learned how to cook by the time i was 9 and im on the chubbier side and i think its all because of my restricted diet as a child and my mom's poor culinary skills.

    also, getting the star wars cups was bonus. i ride for that shit

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts

    Unless of course, it's "my daddy's record collection sons yours."

    Now there's a schoolyard fight we can all enjoy.

    "Your daddy's collection is all VG-!"

    "Oh yeah? Your daddy's collection is all tepid terds!"

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    LOL! You're right, I am definitely not ready to be a father. Why not? Because I have made a contrary, tongue-in-cheek poast on soulstrut!

    OK guys, time for me to back out of this one...

    You know it ain't that serious, dude...I mean, buddy.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    See how intertwined this whole fast food/family phenomenon is?

    No doubt - my parents still fuk with McDonalds, even in Asia.

    My personal tastes aside, I stopped messing with McD when I lost interest in their burgers (which isn't hard considering how wack their burgerse are, even in the fast food world).

    I kind of blame ________ Bistro. Once I had their burger, it basically made me uninterested in almost any other burger save for the occasional In N Out on the way to/fro the Bay/L.A. Otherwise, in L.A. especially, I'm all about the tacos these days. I do miss fries so I usually cop those when we're eating somewhere that has 'em.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    she can cook but she (as most ja's) can only cook american food which isnt really american food but mainly a pastiche of betty crocker and sunset magazine recipes slapped together

    Sounds like you're describing my mother in law.

    You ever get "breakfast casserole"?

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    I kind of blame ________ Bistro.


    Give up the goods!

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    I knew this kid growing up who would eat cottage cheese and fruit and trail mix for lunch and talk trash about all the kids eating McD's and pizza. Predictably he got made fun of, pants'd, and pushed around all the time.

    Don't be that dad, Oliver!!

    It's one thing not to name your son Sailor since it will one day lead to him being picked on. But to say...feed your daughter complete garbage just so fatass Billy pimple face won't get threatened that she's different from him 10 years down the road is absolute parental

    I think the kid getting pushed around had less to do with what the kid was eating and more to do with the fact that the kid's a douchebag. That or his parent are D-bags for serving his healthy food with a side order of "kids who don't eat like you are fat lazy idiots." Did that kid really think to talk trash to the McD's kids on his own? Doubt it, doubt it.

    Although I will probably never meet them, I know for sure O's kids are never gonna come bogus like that.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I think the kid getting pushed around had less to do with what the kid was eating and more to do with the fact that the kid's a douchebag.

    This raises an interesting nature vs. nurture argument.

    Are any d-bags the progeny of really cool parents?

  • LazerLazer 796 Posts
    i have a friend who is 29 and never eaten at McD's. serious.

    I'm still bugging out about this.

    Were they raised vegan or some shit?

    He grew up on an organic farm in Wisconsin, his parents just weren't down with McD's. All of the stuff they ate was local raised. When we were in high school his little sister ate at the arches and told him that it didn't taste good. I think he kept abstaining because it was unheard of to not eat McDonalds.

    Tell you what though. I've eaten more than one 7 layer burrito from taco bell with the kid.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts
    McDonald's burgers have a unique taste that is unsettling when you stop and think about it.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I think the kid getting pushed around had less to do with what the kid was eating and more to do with the fact that the kid's a douchebag.

    This raises an interesting nature vs. nurture argument.

    Are any d-bags the progeny of really cool parents?

    There was an interesting article I read at the Dr.'s office about how we're raising our kids to be spoiled douchebags, but I'll save that for another thread. Or merge it with the "Things White People Like".

    *edit* here it is:


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    this shit is killing me:

    "Let us begin with the assumption that if you are a parent, you wish for your child every advantage and opportunity. From the ergonomic high chair to that all-important first sushi experience and beyond, life should be as golden for your little one as it is for, say, Pax Jolie-Pitt.

    But inevitably the moment arrives when all your doting and care come back on you in the form of a precocious little barb that reminds you in no uncertain terms of . . . you. It might be that his friend Jake's eighth-birthday party was "unbelievably lame" or that "it's weird that Brandon's family flies first-class and we don't," or maybe it's simply that "these taquitos taste like turd."

    It's then that you must reckon with the real possibility that your drive to make little Johnny better, smarter, and hipper has merely turned him into a douchebag. Put it this way: If it's your child, not you, who gets to choose your weekend brunch spot, or if he's the one asking how the branzino is prepared, it's probably time to take a hard look at your own behavior."

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I think the kid getting pushed around had less to do with what the kid was eating and more to do with the fact that the kid's a douchebag.

    This raises an interesting nature vs. nurture argument.

    Are any d-bags the progeny of really cool parents?

    I know a dude in Cali whose parents were/are as cool as you could ever imagine. Anyway, dude went off to UC-Santa Barbara, flunked out after a couple of semesters, and then went about 2 years with his parents convinced that he was still steadily progressing towards graduation. Each semester, they would send him money for tuition and then he'd straight pocket it. Anyway, it went all the way until about a week before his supposed graduation, up to the point that some of his relatives from like Kansas and Pennsylvania had already bought plane tickets to come see him graduate. And then he finally spilled the beans to his parents that he had been deceiving them. I pretty much stopped being dude's friend at that point as I realized that I liked his parents more than I liked him.

  • she can cook but she (as most ja's) can only cook american food which isnt really american food but mainly a pastiche of betty crocker and sunset magazine recipes slapped together

    Sounds like you're describing my mother in law.

    You ever get "breakfast casserole"?

    Spam sushi?

    Real sanseis know the deal

  • No doubt, Oliver...I support your stance 100%.


    It's one thing not to name your son Sailor

    You have to admit that "Sailor Canal" has a certain ring to it.

  • she can cook but she (as most ja's) can only cook american food which isnt really american food but mainly a pastiche of betty crocker and sunset magazine recipes slapped together

    Sounds like you're describing my mother in law.

    You ever get "breakfast casserole"?

    Spam sushi?

    Real sanseis know the deal

    aint no sansei fucken with spam SUSHI. i think u meant spam musubi which is an entirely different creature that my mom wouldnt ever make because of the high salt content in spam. though we did have a lot of low sodium spam. ps, spam makes your booboo stinky.

    and yes odub, mucho breakfast casserole and chip beef on toast mayo.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    she can cook but she (as most ja's) can only cook american food which isnt really american food but mainly a pastiche of betty crocker and sunset magazine recipes slapped together

    Sounds like you're describing my mother in law.

    You ever get "breakfast casserole"?

    Spam sushi?

    Real sanseis know the deal

    aint no sansei fucken with spam SUSHI. i think u meant spam musubi which is an entirely different creature that my mom wouldnt ever make because of the high salt content in spam. though we did have a lot of low sodium spam. ps, spam makes your booboo stinky.

    and yes odub, mucho breakfast casserole and chip beef on toast mayo.

    Spam musubi is some strictly HI shit. I don't know any mainland Asians who touch that unless they have some island roots.

  • she can cook but she (as most ja's) can only cook american food which isnt really american food but mainly a pastiche of betty crocker and sunset magazine recipes slapped together

    Sounds like you're describing my mother in law.

    You ever get "breakfast casserole"?

    Spam sushi?

    Real sanseis know the deal

    aint no sansei fucken with spam SUSHI. i think u meant spam musubi which is an entirely different creature that my mom wouldnt ever make because of the high salt content in spam. though we did have a lot of low sodium spam. ps, spam makes your booboo stinky.

    and yes odub, mucho breakfast casserole and chip beef on toast mayo.

    WHAT I kicked it with mad Sawtellers and former Dorsey going JA's and their kids and they fucks with spam sushi. If only on special occasions

    CORRECTION: Ok I see they call it spam musubi

  • she can cook but she (as most ja's) can only cook american food which isnt really american food but mainly a pastiche of betty crocker and sunset magazine recipes slapped together

    Sounds like you're describing my mother in law.

    You ever get "breakfast casserole"?

    Spam sushi?

    Real sanseis know the deal

    aint no sansei fucken with spam SUSHI. i think u meant spam musubi which is an entirely different creature that my mom wouldnt ever make because of the high salt content in spam. though we did have a lot of low sodium spam. ps, spam makes your booboo stinky.

    and yes odub, mucho breakfast casserole and chip beef on toast mayo.

    Spam musubi is some strictly HI shit. I don't know any mainland Asians who touch that unless they have some island roots.

    most katonk JAs rock the spam musubi. its like a perennial picnic favorite!

    man the worst was when i was a kid showing up to school with mushroom chicken and a tupperware full of rice a takuan. kids thought i was a space alien eating human baby embryos!

  • Agent45Agent45 451 Posts
    I can't say "never" but I can say that I haven't eaten there since 1987. Surely that must count for something?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    My mother grew up ridiculously poor in the hills of North Carolina...as a kid I was not allowed to eat Peanut Butter & Jelly because "that's what poor people ate". To this day I have still never tasted PBJ.

  • My mother grew up ridiculously poor in the hills of North Carolina...as a kid I was not allowed to eat Peanut Butter & Jelly because "that's what poor people ate". To this day I have still never tasted PBJ.

    I'll let you in on something, Rock: it's really good.

    This reminds me of a friend of mine who grew up Jain and has never had meat. (Hey, maybe he's never eaten at McDonald's....) Anyway, we were talking one time about fake meats and he said that he really likes imitation bacon. Then he got all serious and said, "So...actual bacon is really good, isn't it?"

    It kind of broke my heart to confirm what he already knew.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts

    See how intertwined this whole fast food/family phenomenon is?

    No doubt - my parents still fuk with McDonalds, even in Asia.

    My personal tastes aside, I stopped messing with McD when I lost interest in their burgers (which isn't hard considering how wack their burgerse are, even in the fast food world).

    That was me at the age of nine. I had just discovered Wendy's - plus the occasional Burger King - and I just flat-out couldn't go back to McD's at all. Now, I hate all three. If I feel a burger jones coming on, I either head for White Castle or some diner.

    I admit, I did keep eating their breakfast menu off and on, but kicked that habit when I was almost thirty.

    Moral of story: it's only through persistence and ubiquitousness that McDonald's is at the top of the ladder. 'Cause if you gotta do it fast food style, there's better junk out there.

  • Now, I hate all three. If I feel a burger jones coming on, I either head for White Castle.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    Now, I hate all three. If I feel a burger jones coming on, I either head for White Castle.

    Read the last sentence of my previous post!

  • I dont think I will ever be able to break the Egg mcMuffin/Hash Brown habit...I can go years without McD's other food, but damn I sure like their breakfast...
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