what do you guys think about (sampling related)
264 Posts
sample musicians such as the gaslamp killer who more or less loops 24 bars from obscure records from artists such as erin koray. i think there was a post sometime ago about him using a 'sons of spirit' track. i see it more as a rejuvinated recycling, since nothing is really being 'flipped', nor are the sounds being alienated from the original context, they're more like covers of the originals. i dig what he releases (pause)
I know I have NEVER heard of the "gaslamp killer." Who dat? So this guy just loops a few bars of a record and that is it? I would rather just listen to the damn record! LOL. Plaese to post some of the "gaslamp killer's" best work so we can pass judgement. MP3s plaese........
exactly, but yeah i dont wanna criticise the dude till i hear for sure what he's all about.
if he does what is being said, i could probably duplicate his record by downloading soundclips from a couple auctions and looping that shit. no skill.
http://www.brandyflower.com/GLK/ROBOTS.mp3 (singer added)
well for instance: http://www.brandyflower.com/GLK/AFTERALL.mp3: i believe he drums over this track. (based on videos and performances i've seen.)
i assume in a way they're more re-edits than anything, but not promoted as such.
it doesnt sound bad really but knowing that somebody is tryin to make a name off something that takes so little effort is , but whatever.
that was a break/scratch record.
I know all of these dudes so I'm gonna keep it...
I will say there's many ways to make music through sampling. Taking big ass pieces of a song and claiming it as yours is NAGL, but I haven't heard the source material for some of these so I can't say.
- spidey
love it or hate it it's kind of a double edge sword. I find most times people try and "flip" a song I really dig, the beat pales in comparison to the song it samples. but then someone comes along and chops the shit out of something or layers it with all sorts of other shit, making an incredible beat* and after a few listens you spot one element from a song you know and you get that
*not saying I always like super complex productions, keeping it simple can create music just as good.
Dude films himself getting a haircut while wearing his own GLK t-shirt.
I remember seeing A LOT of coverage on him in REUP Magazine.
P.S. Just to play devil's advocate: I recall many of the samples from Endtroducing were big 'ol chunks of songs as well (which Shadow put together beautifully but still...I'm sayin).
people's instinctive travels was mostly long ass loops with drums too. but that was way better than this.
just my opinion, but this is unlistenable.
Lots of people still try to discern between types of production and good and bad producers by making the looping connection, like somebody saying "I hate puffy because all he does is loop something, but I love DJ Shadow and premier because they chop up everything and you cant recognize it!". Every producer loops. Endtroducing is mostly drum loops and huge sample sections - yet it is pumped as some sort of mpc-as-instrument-unrecognizable-sample-wizardry.
if a beat is hot, it's hot, loop or not. it doesn't matter
I agree with this statement, but I think if you take a hot song and flip it in an interesting way I am more likely to enjoy it more than a loop of that hot song. In my own shit I have been bold enough to loop a section as big as 4 bars but I usually layer more samples and live instrumentation over that 4 bar groove. As far as Gaslamp goes... I think he's got a good gimmick going on. However, his music can't really hold my interest beyond one listen. Same reason some of Madlibs Material has fallen off for me. He has a good ear for samples but he just straight jacks shit when you know he could easily chop it and do something interesting with the material. is it lazyness?
J Live said something about that in an interview about Braggin Writes...why he breakbeats the song...he was like 'we were just gonna use the loop, and since we wont changing it we said lets be real then and cut the break up.."
To me if a producer does it like that its justified to just use one long loop, since its keeping the old skool tradition. On a side note I used to grab funk loops (8-12 bars) and play them to my old band who would basically listen to them for a bit, then replay the loop...and presto we had a new song...hehehe (but that was for fun....)
If it's a direct cover of a song, I don't see the point. There are enough musicians out there who would like the idea of collaborating with them to recreate something, do that instead, or mix the two elements. Sampling is thievery of other sounds, so why should the act of it have rules?
GLK gave me a cd when he was in Chicago (bw cover - slimline case - forgot the name) and I liked it. It sounded like re-edits, loops, and original material combined in a continuous mix (balzing downtempo) with some heavy reverb (distortion) over certain parts. I'm not mad at that. Also, he was a nice guy and played a good set w/ Scott Herren.
blowin some steam thes?
life exp survey say NO![/b]
be ever ful
No real opinion on this except for the fact that the 1st mp3 sounds a lot like a troutmask replica of the GI JOE movie intro song for robots. EVIL...TAKING...FLIGHT.
eyyyeeelll beeee yourrr eyyeeessssssss
the outro is milking it, but I guess everyone needs a theme song like jack spade
but escape pod 'whooshes' and red alerts inbetween can't claim much else can they?