Saigon quits the "rap game"

magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
edited November 2007 in Strut Central
taken from his latest myspace blog entry.I QUIT........You see I got into rap a very very long time ago, I didnt do it to become rich, I didnt do it to become famous, I did it because it was a way for me to vent about the bad things that were happening around me, It was therapy for me so to speak.....Ive realized now that sooo many people have gotten into Hip Hop, whether the business aspect or otherwise, its not really for me anymore...First of all, people need to know that I am a contraversial person period, before I ever was in a magazine, on T.V. in a studio, I was very very deep in the street shit..Contraversy has always followed me, Its unfortunate but it is what it is...Its my life...I dont try to start shit to cause contraversy, its the media, the press and yall who eat off contraversy who start the shit, try to make me look wild or out of control when Im just being who I am. Everybody is like, 'OMG how is gonna show up to a radio station drunk', hahaha, Im a rebel, I done showed up to court drunk facing 15 years and yall talking about a radio show.. This is the bullshit, hahaha its funny how people listen to all these rappers talk about all these guns they bust and being in the trap and hustling, and everybody loves the music and celebrates it, the second he gets caught up in some of the shit he was rapping about, everybody is talking about how stupid he is and all this shit.. ...I cant take turning on a computer and seeing my name being thrown around in all kinds of ways, Its not good for me, and not good for these writers, I am accident prone for life, I will take a page out of the Wu Tang book and beat the shit outta one of yall niggaz man, youre playing with fire.. Should I post my rap sheet on the internet to remind yall , Im not a Frickin' studio thug man, ... I never signed up for this so Im stepping away from this fake shit.....I did a interview on Shade45, the interview was 2 hours long mind you, we talked about EVERYTHING from what we need to do as a people to get on track to economizing and everything but you know whats on all the so called media outlets in boldface as the headline, 'Saigon Disses Whoever'...You know what part of a 2 hr interview people replay? Me saying something about someone...If I woulda said, Ill slap John Hardy Hawkins for his role in the Slave trade, they would never put it in boldface or re run it 1000 times, but If I say Ill slap a rapper or something, Its the headline news of the day....Thats ass backwards to me so Im done. I dont like not being able to speak my mind without some Frickin' clown being able to make a story out of it because Im a "rapper" and "rappers" shouldnt say those things....hahahah I didnt sign up for this..No more interviews, no more mixtapes, no nothing....Im not a rapper anymore, Im done.. Im back to being regular me...This shit is too fake for me, I found myself getting caught up in the bullshit but now Ill gladly walk away...These people are so predictable that to prove to my niggas who would say my buzz was dying or whatever, I would say 'oh yeah', watch this, then for fun, I would just do an interview and make a comment about someone because I knew they would run back like little bitches who instigate something to get the people talking. Then walah, my buzz is back, (nevermind the 10 great new songs i wouldve just put out)..But its not fun anymore...I look at the Prodigy incident, that started not because of anything but these media outlets...He told me to suck his dick in an INTERVIEW..Then it becomes physical, we both coulda got shot, stabbed or even killed...Had I been with my crew somebody wouldve died in there all over something that started in an INTERVIEW. You got this other guy throwing my name around on T.V. now thats going to get physical, Then watch, the same people who instigated it will be talking about how senseless we are..I dont give a fuck if nobody ever does a story on me again..I dont rap anymore, I dont need it anymore... I no longer have to keep pretending to be a certain way to care about a radio spin, or an interview, so I can address these people when I see them like I BEEEEN wanting to, and thats unbiased. NO MORE ASS KISSING FOR ME. All of that trying to be politically correct bullshit is just that, bullshit..There is no honor amongst theives...Now I can say what the fuck I want, when I want, however the fuck I want without people feeling like they have the right to ridicule me, judge me and talk slick about me because I have this title "Rapper" attached to my name, or because Im a "Rapper" who supposed to know how to talk to these media people who really dont give 2 fucks about hip hop or black culture period. How many of these outlets are owned by black people anyway? I know alot of people dont give a fuck about me stepping away, some people might but so what, its a wrap...Some people will say I was wack, I never had punchlines or funny metaphores , but that wasnt my thing anyway....I left enough great music behind for people to understand I was good at rapping, thats all I ever wanted out of it, But now Im back on my bullshit...I have no KIDS, I have nothing to lose..My reason for ever taking it to this level in the first place was to use the music to to try to get black people out of the stages of deaf, dumb and blindness and that was a fight I probably couldve never won anyway...I wouldve given my life trying to save my people and died in vein like alot of people did.. Oh, and to that rapper thats throwing my name around, U must be retarted or like hospital food or something, we have BEEF homie, not rap beef, beef beef I have no more to say about that, its a small world, Ill see him...Fuck this bum ass rap game anyway, its full of fake ass niggaz who pump poison to the kids, make a few dollars and act like theyre larger then life when they know their music is detrimental to their Frickin' communities, If it aint about sex, its about drugs or violence, where are the songs about getting an eduacation, or being responsible parents and shit, or stopping the Gang Violence...This shit is sickening...........SAIGON IS DEAD...Should I say Ill slap a rapper so they run and put it in all their news section and gossip columns..Okay Ill slap the shit outta EVERY Rapper hows that....I QUIT, Now I have time to focus on my non profit organazation, In Arms Reach/Abandoned Nation, Please if you get the chance, check out and lend your support to the work we do for the children in NYC whose parent(s) are incarcerated, Thank You now I gotta figure out how Im gonna break this to Just Blaze......THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD....hahahahahahaha PROPHECY


  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i guarantee no one reads more than five lines of that

  • i guarantee no one reads more than five lines of that

    I know I didn't. I could hear the coming after the first line.

  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts
    i guarantee no one reads more than five lines of that


  • i did not read that.

    and i will not miss dude.

  • Everybody is like, 'OMG how is gonna show up to a radio station drunk', hahaha, Im a rebel, I done showed up to court drunk facing 15 years and yall talking about a radio show..

    there is a fine line between rebellion and stupidity

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    I never took him for a quitter.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I read it this far....genius.

    where are the songs about getting an eduacation,

  • tuneuptuneup 586 Posts
    i guarantee no one reads more than five lines of that

    you definitely win prophet of the week for that.

  • I dont know who dude is, but anybody that resigns from a career and has only myspace to get the word out didnt have much of a career to begin with Im guessing...

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    I find people's attempts of indifference in this post laughable
    carry on with the not caring act.

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts
    I signed off on dude when he started dissing Just Blaze, his former mentor and producer.

  • Long boring posts?
    Whining and dissing?
    Threats of quitting the game?

    We need to get saigon on soulstrut pronto.

  • Long boring posts?
    Whining and dissing?
    Threats of quitting the game?

    We need to get saigon on soulstrut pronto.

    He is meant to have a mixtape drop this week, promo hype ???

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Everybody is like, 'OMG how is gonna show up to a radio station drunk', hahaha, Im a rebel, I done showed up to court drunk facing 15 years and yall talking about a radio show..

    there is a fine line between rebellion and stupidity

    Actually, in this case the line is rather pronounced.

  • I didn't actually mind him, but obviously he's not cut out for the "industry" side of things.

    Dissing Just wasn't a good look either. The real question is when is 50 gonna man up and pack his bags?

  • sbonesbone 144 Posts
    drama queen

  • It seemed rather hypocritical to boot...

  • I actually read most of it. I know Just Blaze kinda regrets putting so much into his project. I remember when news first got around that JB signed him to his label and was producing his entire record, heads thought Sai was about to be a problem. Label politics and bullshit aside, he slowly bodied his own career until it came to this. Can't say I disagree with a lot of what he said in that piece, though...

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    Ya boi Sai was is a problem.

    Boy how i hate teh modern rap phrases.

  • I agree to a point. It's gotta drive him nuts with all the bullshit. At the same time, that's life, you gotta deal with it.

    Anyways, Just Blaze has been up for days with no sleep and going insane finishing sai's album before this happened.

    peep his blog.

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    Weither you like or not, i wish rappers was as good as him...I'm judging him based on the music he released. I could care less if he's a drunk-ass. Jeru was fuckin' bitches and KRS is a capitalist. So what...Dude can flow, that's all i know. I would trade one Saigon against 10 Lil Jons. And yes, Blaze killed his career. In a matter of 2 years (2000/2002) he released more bangin material than he did under his Fort Knox days...Way more. And his writings was better. He didn't need him. When he had scram jones and alc he was better. But hey, to each his own. All i know is dude makes me laugh "?? la Camron" and i'm not mad about that.

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    i read all of it! for those of you who didn't:

    He QUITS.
    He will slap EVERY rapper.

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    Weither you like or not, i wish rappers was as good as him...I'm judging him based on the music he released. I could care less if he's a drunk-ass. Jeru was fuckin' bitches and KRS is a capitalist. So what...Dude can flow, that's all i know. I would trade one Saigon against 10 Lil Jons. And yes, Blaze killed his career. In a matter of 2 years (2000/2002) he released more bangin material than he did under his Fort Knox days...Way more. And his writings was better. He didn't need him. When he had scram jones and alc he was better. But hey, to each his own. All i know is dude makes me laugh "?? la Camron" and i'm not mad about that.

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts

    I was feelin' this way before Just Blaze's involvement.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts

    I was feelin' this way before this Just Blaze's involvement.

    There's some terrific stuff on this, although I understand it's just a comp of mixtape joints - is that right?

    There seems to be a mixture of indifference and hostility towards Saigon on here. Is it because of anything in particular? Serious question, btw. Personally, I like him more than I've liked any new(ish) NYC rapper for quite a while. I wouldn't exactly say "The Game Needs Saigon", but a little wouldn't hurt.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    There seems to be a mixture of indifference and hostility towards Saigon on here. Is it because of anything in particular? Serious question, btw. Personally, I like him more than I've liked any new(ish) NYC rapper for quite a while. I wouldn't exactly say "The Game Needs Saigon", but a little wouldn't hurt.

    Don't think for a minute that the game doesn't still have Saigon.

    I don't think anybody's hating based on his music--I think people are hating on the inherent presumption of a nobody throwing this type of tantrum and expecting people to care. He's got some cool records, but I'm saying.

  • man this guy just imploded... My bad if this was posted already but this must be the reason why he says he quitting.

    he messed it up for himself with this....

  • Yo I NEED "the letter p" mp3 pleeeezeee? somebody? Or tell me where I can get good, non-dj talking over version.

  • It is never cool for you to threaten a female. That???s the clearest sign that you my friend are a homosexual.

    What the fuck? How you get from A to Z like that, I can never understand...

  • Dude recently started beefin' with Joe Buddens...but who really cares.

    I've only heard a few songs by Saigon..someone post up their favorite track by dude. I'd like to hear some of his best tracks because the ones I have heard have been whatever.
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