Its amazing how a word or short sentence from Faux can so easily get under people's skin. They seethe contmept and it festers like an infection on their internet persona's self esteem. Then they follow him around in a attempt to humiliate or clown, but it only makes them look worse, or leads to another one of his barbs further crushing their internet egos. Remember Guzzo (and he hasn't been the only one) some time ago, when he would follow Faux around the board and look for the most minute thing to pick on. This behavior is sad and petty, either match him with wit, or crawl further down your hole of self inflicted masochism. What he looks like doesn't matter, that he's much smarter than you is what really hurts.
For the record I never "followed" Faux around the bopard, if anything he would follow me as well as others and throw petty and snide insults at them. I've learned that replying to his hateful little words does nothing but feed his ego and with that I've just decided to ignore him and let him try to feed his ego by finding other people to get under the skin of.
I think ya'll are more surprised that he looks like an actual person as opposed to some fantastical internet diss machine or some shit that was constructed in your private mind gardens (which need tending, by the way).
in some regards yes. Cause if i ever met a guy like that looked like that in person, a timid nerdy looking dude, i would never imagine that he would be like that on the internet. Its like a church lady posting on a message board like kala. it does not compute. I know thats somewhat shallow to base shit on someones looks, but son looks like he would be better then to insult and condescend every little dude that posts up. I would picture someone so snide and bitter/jaded to look like ted kazenski instead of mr rogers.
and to mint
yuichi is a square and all, and i even have jumped on the bashing after a while (i did it while wasted and later i felt bad for that shit cause i was out of pocket on that one) but dude does get picked on excessively and without real warrant. Hes really not that bad and some of you just need someone to pick on to keep it interesting. Yuichi did get mega asshurt, but you guys keep bringing his name up everyday so after a while, anyone will get like that, internet or reality.
Shit reminds me of high school in a way. Some kids got a raw deal for being weird and dorky and others got applauded for being mean and assholes.
yuichi... does get picked on excessively and without real warrant.
You don't have beef with a dozen people on here (including Motown?!) for no reason. Go back and read dudes posts. He brings that shit on himself.
sorry i dont read the NBA threads so i am disconnected from that whole experience, but this whole yuichi bullshit has been going on for well over a month or two. So by now the little dude is like a raccon backed into a corner. thats what ive seen. I would have thought the whole yuichi nonsense would be over in a week. but still new threads pop up ev'day about this nonsense. I remember reading his posts months ago and be it he was lame and all, he wasnt as nasty and aggressive as he is now.
i dont see what all the hubbub is about. faux_rillz is actually a fairly attractive guy. i mean, not to be mean cuz im sure the dude is solid, but harvey canal. now thats a goofy looken dude, no?
anyways, i got a pm from yuichi yesterday about him leaving and i really havent been paying attention to the soulstrut world and had to peek in and see what was up. awesome as always!
ps i have now gotten like 5 or 6 "I AM LEAVING SOULSTRUT BUT YOU ARE COOL DUDE" pm's. thanks for thinking of the old grandpa my fallen soldiersiz.
I remember reading his posts months ago and be it he was lame and all, he wasnt as nasty and aggressive as he is now.
See, that's the thing. Dude went from Bruce Banner to Hulk mode 24/7. I don't get it. He doesn't have to leave, just SEKKLE But that's on him. It's not that serious.
This shit is str8 hilarity...I caught myself getting lost in the pages of this soap opera. Is it that hard to get along? Although, the smartass comments get really annoying, it's easy to just ignore them. Still pretty damn funny though...
Do you cry out in your sleep - All my failings exposed? [/b]
For the record I never "followed" Faux around the bopard, if anything he would follow me as well as others and throw petty and snide insults at them. I've learned that replying to his hateful little words does nothing but feed his ego and with that I've just decided to ignore him and let him try to feed his ego by finding other people to get under the skin of.
Get a taste in my mouth - As desperation takes hold[/b]
Ban this one dimensional bitch already.
in some regards yes. Cause if i ever met a guy like that looked like that in person, a timid nerdy looking dude, i would never imagine that he would be like that on the internet. Its like a church lady posting on a message board like kala. it does not compute. I know thats somewhat shallow to base shit on someones looks, but son looks like he would be better then to insult and condescend every little dude that posts up. I would picture someone so snide and bitter/jaded to look like ted kazenski instead of mr rogers.
and to mint
yuichi is a square and all, and i even have jumped on the bashing after a while (i did it while wasted and later i felt bad for that shit cause i was out of pocket on that one) but dude does get picked on excessively and without real warrant. Hes really not that bad and some of you just need someone to pick on to keep it interesting. Yuichi did get mega asshurt, but you guys keep bringing his name up everyday so after a while, anyone will get like that, internet or reality.
Shit reminds me of high school in a way. Some kids got a raw deal for being weird and dorky and others got applauded for being mean and assholes.
You don't have beef with a dozen people on here (including Motown?!) for no reason. Go back and read dudes posts. He brings that shit on himself.
Are you tryin to distract? - We cant be fadered[/b]
anyways, i got a pm from yuichi yesterday about him leaving and i really havent been paying attention to the soulstrut world and had to peek in and see what was up. awesome as always!
i have now gotten like 5 or 6 "I AM LEAVING SOULSTRUT BUT YOU ARE COOL DUDE" pm's. thanks for thinking of the old grandpa my fallen soldiersiz.
And the resentment rides high???but emotions won't grow[/b]
wait, didnt you leave too and change your name or something?
who u think? i thought u changed your name to like denmark3000 or something and then got all upset when like raj said it was you or some shit.
ha! i just reread this and you sound hella lame! isnt it true tho?
See, that's the thing. Dude went from Bruce Banner to Hulk mode 24/7. I don't get it.
He doesn't have to leave, just SEKKLE
It's not that serious.
there's a difference between having aliases vs running around saying i quit this place and re-registering.
thats almost a cross between paycheeks and daniel! if they had a lovechild.
OOOH! can i guess where the lovechild gets his hairyness from?
hella what, bitch?
i'm right here where last seen me.
you need something?
a dick?
i got it.
call me.