Jena Six



  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I know you are a journalist...I assume you cut and pasted this from the same sight I read it at...what I don't know is why you would edit out the sentence that I've posted in bold below??

    Was this just an error, was it not in the article you read or did you not think that point was necessary??

    School Superintendent Roy Breithaupt agreed with the Board and said, ???Adolescents play pranks. I don???t think it was a threat against anybody.??? However, a black teacher described seeing both white and black students "playing with [the nooses], pulling on them, jump-swinging from them, and putting their heads through them."[6][/b]

    YEAH. And what about this, "O-Dub"?

    Sep 1, 2006: That morning, three nooses were found hanging from the tree

    I read it was 2 nooses. Are you trying to exaggerate the facts to make it look worse than it really is? 3 nooses is just ridiculous, Oliver.
    Sadly, you have resorted to manipulating news articles to support your feeble argument.


    btw - I also read that almost NO ONE saw the nooses at all. They weren't even an issue for almost a week and now there were kids playing with them?

  • I heard the nooses were made of gold and hung by leprachauns as a present.

  • The point that everyone is missing here is that the US is a big place with lots of other places to live in. If you don't foresee a historically documented tradition of racial bias in the place where you live, ending within your lifetime, guess what, genius? You can live somewhere else instead of living out the rest of your life being treated like shit.

    You sound privileged.

    The point that you're missing is that it's really expensive to move out of the area you grew up in, where, more than likely, most of your family lives, to an area where you are likely to have no support network AND have to pay first and last month's rent, find a new job, transfer your kids to a new school, etc.

    Apparently, he's never heard of a New Orleans/Katrina either.

    In Lousiana, there is a long tradition in African American families to live in one neighborhood for generations. It is up to each generation to maintain the home and neighborhood for the next. It is really important, so packing up and leaving the neighborhood your family has lived in for generations isnt acceptable.

    I understand all that stuff. It's nothing new to me. However, I would see all the money necessary to relocate as a small price to pay for a better way of life. That is, if in fact, their lives are as bad and they are treated as unfairly as it's being depicted in the media.

    I mean, it's not like the media doesn't have a stake in willfully contorting stories to sway public perception or anything.

  • ever argument in this thread seems to come down to a dispute about THE FACTS.

    juries determine facts. if the DA had support for his version of the facts, then at the very least, this case deserved to go to the jury on battery charges.

    because everyone here is speculating about the facts leading up to the beating, the only issues worth discussing are:

    1) were the attempted murder charges justified by any set of facts; and

    2) should the noose-hangers been charged with a crime, and if so, what crime(s)?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I know you are a journalist...I assume you cut and pasted this from the same sight I read it at...what I don't know is why you would edit out the sentence that I've posted in bold below??

    Was this just an error, was it not in the article you read or did you not think that point was necessary??

    School Superintendent Roy Breithaupt agreed with the Board and said, ???Adolescents play pranks. I don???t think it was a threat against anybody.??? However, a black teacher described seeing both white and black students "playing with [the nooses], pulling on them, jump-swinging from them, and putting their heads through them."[6][/b]

    YEAH. And what about this, "O-Dub"?

    Sep 1, 2006: That morning, three nooses were found hanging from the tree

    I read it was 2 nooses. Are you trying to exaggerate the facts to make it look worse than it really is? 3 nooses is just ridiculous, Oliver.
    Sadly, you have resorted to manipulating news articles to support your feeble argument.


    btw - I also read that almost NO ONE saw the nooses at all. They weren't even an issue for almost a week and now there were kids playing with them?

    My source read word for word EXACTLY what Odub posted except for that one line.

    You can find what Odub posted on Wikipedia.

    I hope you don't think I soft!!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    ever argument in this thread seems to come down to a dispute about THE FACTS.

    juries determine facts. if the DA had support for his version of the facts, then at the very least, this case deserved to go to the jury on battery charges.

    because everyone here is speculating about the facts leading up to the beating, the only issues worth discussing are:

    1) were the attempted murder charges justified by any set of facts; and

    2) should the noose-hangers been charged with a crime, and if so, what crime(s)?

    I agree

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    The point that everyone is missing here is that the US is a big place with lots of other places to live in. If you don't foresee a historically documented tradition of racial bias in the place where you live, ending within your lifetime, guess what, genius? You can live somewhere else instead of living out the rest of your life being treated like shit.

    You sound privileged.

    The point that you're missing is that it's really expensive to move out of the area you grew up in, where, more than likely, most of your family lives, to an area where you are likely to have no support network AND have to pay first and last month's rent, find a new job, transfer your kids to a new school, etc.

    Apparently, he's never heard of a New Orleans/Katrina either.

    In Lousiana, there is a long tradition in African American families to live in one neighborhood for generations. It is up to each generation to maintain the home and neighborhood for the next. It is really important, so packing up and leaving the neighborhood your family has lived in for generations isnt acceptable.

    If I can add to that - even in the hardest hit areas of NO - houses torn off their porches or sitting in the middle of the road and you can't tell where it came from in the first place - people came back to their properties and set up next to what used to be their homes in a trailer or with a generator and not much else. And for homes that were salvageable, people were rebuilding the best they could. Packing up and leaving, even in circumstances in which you don't even have running water and electricity, just was not an option.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Where I grew up, kids got in fights - I can't count the amount of brawls that occurred over racial issues. White kids got jumped, Mexicans beat up Blacks, Black kids got jumped at white parties, racist slogans were scrawled on lockers... Usually people got suspended, or occasionally processed through the system with some schitt that would come off the record at 18 barring any other criminal activity.

    The idea that these kids should be imprisoned or charged with any kind of felony is ludicrous.

    Some of you guys sound like you got beat up in high school.


    Anyone see the Norfolk video?

    I was just reading another article and I find it odd that the news gives a google map to where the crime happened. I don't know why I find that odd. maybe it's because the kid lives right around there. Makes me feel like this is a map to getting the kids ass whooped again.

    Anyone have the video to this? Every time I click to see it, it won't let my Canadian ass watch the damn thing.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    If convicted

    was he?

    He was tried for murder, not involuntary manslaughter...that's the only point that needs to be made.

    What difference does it make if he was found guilty or not(I'll wait for your insightful comments before I reveal the verdict).

    lets see a spanish dude in texas high on coke & drunk punches a dude who oews drug money, of course he was convicted....

    I found instances of "sucker punch" deaths that were tried as murders in the UK(ironically it was an ex-Boxer/Bouncer), New Zealand, California and one in Florida where the jury couldn't decide between Murder 1 or Manslaughter. I can't find ONE where it was tried as "Involuntary Manslaughter"

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    The point that everyone is missing here is that the US is a big place with lots of other places to live in. If you don't foresee a historically documented tradition of racial bias in the place where you live, ending within your lifetime, guess what, genius? You can live somewhere else instead of living out the rest of your life being treated like shit.

    You sound privileged.

    The point that you're missing is that it's really expensive to move out of the area you grew up in, where, more than likely, most of your family lives, to an area where you are likely to have no support network AND have to pay first and last month's rent, find a new job, transfer your kids to a new school, etc.

    thats a weak fucking excuse for why someone should stay in their area.

    My family and many other Jews had to move from their eastern european homes in order to escape the fucked up life they were enduring (pogroms, and other anti semitic actions that eventually culminated with the holocaust). Were talking hundereds and hundreds of years of roots having to be pulled up because shit was just too rough to endure. If shit is truly fucked up in your area and you are facing the type of prejudice that makes it possible to get a 22 year bid for beating down a whiteboy ccrying about how expensive first and last months rent is don't mean shit. If you want to make this a financial issue lets weight the costs of a good lawyer versus 2 months rent.

    Life just ain't fair sometimes and thats the gods honest truth.

    It ain't about being priviledged as much as it sounds like you belive everyone has entitlement. Truth is no one does.


  • The point that everyone is missing here is that the US is a big place with lots of other places to live in. If you don't foresee a historically documented tradition of racial bias in the place where you live, ending within your lifetime, guess what, genius? You can live somewhere else instead of living out the rest of your life being treated like shit.

    You sound privileged.

    The point that you're missing is that it's really expensive to move out of the area you grew up in, where, more than likely, most of your family lives, to an area where you are likely to have no support network AND have to pay first and last month's rent, find a new job, transfer your kids to a new school, etc.

    thats a weak fucking excuse for why someone should stay in their area.

    My family and many other Jews had to move from their eastern european homes in order to escape the fucked up life they were enduring (pogroms, and other anti semitic actions that eventually culminated with the holocaust). Were talking hundereds and hundreds of years of roots having to be pulled up because shit was just too rough to endure. If shit is truly fucked up in your area and you are facing the type of prejudice that makes it possible to get a 22 year bid for beating down a whiteboy ccrying about how expensive first and last months rent is don't mean shit. If you want to make this a financial issue lets weight the costs of a good lawyer versus 2 months rent.

    Life just ain't fair sometimes and thats the gods honest truth.

    It ain't about being priviledged as much as it sounds like you belive everyone has entitlement. Truth is no one does.


    Look at it however in an Israel situation. They feel that is their chosen homeland, so they aint budging, and are going to fight whomever tries and take it away from them...the generations of families who feel that is their home have the same kind of pride of where they live...Im telling you, it is different in Louisiana, that is some serious shit, staying in your families neighborhood...

  • The point that everyone is missing here is that the US is a big place with lots of other places to live in. If you don't foresee a historically documented tradition of racial bias in the place where you live, ending within your lifetime, guess what, genius? You can live somewhere else instead of living out the rest of your life being treated like shit.

    You sound privileged.

    The point that you're missing is that it's really expensive to move out of the area you grew up in, where, more than likely, most of your family lives, to an area where you are likely to have no support network AND have to pay first and last month's rent, find a new job, transfer your kids to a new school, etc.

    thats a weak fucking excuse for why someone should stay in their area.

    My family and many other Jews had to move from their eastern european homes in order to escape the fucked up life they were enduring (pogroms, and other anti semitic actions that eventually culminated with the holocaust). Were talking hundereds and hundreds of years of roots having to be pulled up because shit was just too rough to endure. If shit is truly fucked up in your area and you are facing the type of prejudice that makes it possible to get a 22 year bid for beating down a whiteboy ccrying about how expensive first and last months rent is don't mean shit. If you want to make this a financial issue lets weight the costs of a good lawyer versus 2 months rent.

    Life just ain't fair sometimes and thats the gods honest truth.

    It ain't about being priviledged as much as it sounds like you belive everyone has entitlement. Truth is no one does.


    You're right. They should just man up and move!

    They should probably print up their own money while they're at it.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    The point that everyone is missing here is that the US is a big place with lots of other places to live in. If you don't foresee a historically documented tradition of racial bias in the place where you live, ending within your lifetime, guess what, genius? You can live somewhere else instead of living out the rest of your life being treated like shit.

    You sound privileged.

    The point that you're missing is that it's really expensive to move out of the area you grew up in, where, more than likely, most of your family lives, to an area where you are likely to have no support network AND have to pay first and last month's rent, find a new job, transfer your kids to a new school, etc.

    thats a weak fucking excuse for why someone should stay in their area.

    My family and many other Jews had to move from their eastern european homes in order to escape the fucked up life they were enduring (pogroms, and other anti semitic actions that eventually culminated with the holocaust). Were talking hundereds and hundreds of years of roots having to be pulled up because shit was just too rough to endure. If shit is truly fucked up in your area and you are facing the type of prejudice that makes it possible to get a 22 year bid for beating down a whiteboy ccrying about how expensive first and last months rent is don't mean shit. If you want to make this a financial issue lets weight the costs of a good lawyer versus 2 months rent.

    Life just ain't fair sometimes and thats the gods honest truth.

    It ain't about being priviledged as much as it sounds like you belive everyone has entitlement. Truth is no one does.


    You're right. They should just man up and move!

    They should probably print up their own money while they're at it.

    better to find a new place to live than sit and bitch about how that was your house ten years into your bid.

    If my people thought like you there'd be a lot less of us alive today. But you keep on thinking you're right. I'm sure you can overthrow factual history if you just concentrate hard enough

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    The point that everyone is missing here is that the US is a big place with lots of other places to live in. If you don't foresee a historically documented tradition of racial bias in the place where you live, ending within your lifetime, guess what, genius? You can live somewhere else instead of living out the rest of your life being treated like shit.

    You sound privileged.

    The point that you're missing is that it's really expensive to move out of the area you grew up in, where, more than likely, most of your family lives, to an area where you are likely to have no support network AND have to pay first and last month's rent, find a new job, transfer your kids to a new school, etc.

    thats a weak fucking excuse for why someone should stay in their area.

    My family and many other Jews had to move from their eastern european homes in order to escape the fucked up life they were enduring (pogroms, and other anti semitic actions that eventually culminated with the holocaust). Were talking hundereds and hundreds of years of roots having to be pulled up because shit was just too rough to endure. If shit is truly fucked up in your area and you are facing the type of prejudice that makes it possible to get a 22 year bid for beating down a whiteboy ccrying about how expensive first and last months rent is don't mean shit. If you want to make this a financial issue lets weight the costs of a good lawyer versus 2 months rent.

    Life just ain't fair sometimes and thats the gods honest truth.

    It ain't about being priviledged as much as it sounds like you belive everyone has entitlement. Truth is no one does.


    Look at it however in an Israel situation. They feel that is their chosen homeland, so they aint budging, and are going to fight whomever tries and take it away from them...the generations of families who feel that is their home have the same kind of pride of where they live...Im telling you, it is different in Louisiana, that is some serious shit, staying in your families neighborhood...

    Let me state that despite the fact that I am a proud Jew I do not belive that anyone should move into or stay in a territory that will eventually cause them violence. Sometimes the idea of entitlement just ain't going to work.

    families and people ben uprooted since the beginning of time. it's sad but its life

  • The point that everyone is missing here is that the US is a big place with lots of other places to live in. If you don't foresee a historically documented tradition of racial bias in the place where you live, ending within your lifetime, guess what, genius? You can live somewhere else instead of living out the rest of your life being treated like shit.

    You sound privileged.

    The point that you're missing is that it's really expensive to move out of the area you grew up in, where, more than likely, most of your family lives, to an area where you are likely to have no support network AND have to pay first and last month's rent, find a new job, transfer your kids to a new school, etc.

    thats a weak fucking excuse for why someone should stay in their area.

    My family and many other Jews had to move from their eastern european homes in order to escape the fucked up life they were enduring (pogroms, and other anti semitic actions that eventually culminated with the holocaust). Were talking hundereds and hundreds of years of roots having to be pulled up because shit was just too rough to endure. If shit is truly fucked up in your area and you are facing the type of prejudice that makes it possible to get a 22 year bid for beating down a whiteboy ccrying about how expensive first and last months rent is don't mean shit. If you want to make this a financial issue lets weight the costs of a good lawyer versus 2 months rent.

    Life just ain't fair sometimes and thats the gods honest truth.

    It ain't about being priviledged as much as it sounds like you belive everyone has entitlement. Truth is no one does.


    Did you give this any thought before you typed it?

    Try thinking about the people that couldn't just up and leave (the shtetls were filled with poor people), who ended up dead on the end of a cossack sword.

    Think of people who maybe think it's a better idea to stay rooted and not run in the face of oppression.


  • The transcript of the interview with dude's parents is definitely worth the read:

  • This whole situation is horrible and sad. The last thing America(and the south for sure) needs is more racial tension. It's already fucking ridiculous as it is without shit like this happening.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Are we actually debating whether hanging a noose on a tree - in the South no less - is or is not an act of racial violence?

    Students get expelled for a lot less than that these days. These kids got a 3 day suspension. I wonder what a cross burning would have netted: 4 days?

    And Rock, even if students indeed played with the nooses, thereby perhaps missing the symbolic meaning behind them, that doesn't change the reading of it. If I point a loaded gun at your child but your child thinks it's a game, would you be any less concerned?

    Rock-a-logic strikes again!

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Did you give this any thought before you typed it?

    Did you think about who you were addressing before posing this question?

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    The transcript of the interview with dude's parents is definitely worth the read:

    Thanks for putting this up. Really interesting to hear from his mom. It is near impossible to have faith in our justice system when you read about stuff like this.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    The transcript of the interview with dude's parents is definitely worth the read:

    Thanks for putting this up. Really interesting to hear from his mom. It is near impossible to have faith in our justice system when you read about stuff like this.

    "Relatives of some of the jurors was some of the witnesses, too. One of the boys that testified for Barker was one of the boys that hung up the nooses at the high school."

    "my understanding of how the fight took place is Barker was telling some of the boys earlier that morning, calling them nigger and telling them about the fight that happened the previous weekend now. So the majority of the creation of the fight was due to Justin Barker's racial remarks. But, see, we???ve got to go back now to understand, see, the DA created this whole racial atmosphere, where he didn't do nothing to the boys that hung up the nooses, so that gave the message to all the black kids, well, the white kids will do what they want to do and get away with it."

    AMY GOODMAN: Did your son's court-appointed attorney call up any witnesses?

    MARCUS JONES: No. He did not put up no kind of defense at all. He did not call one witness.

    AMY GOODMAN: And can you talk about the fight before the final fight, the fight where a young black man was beaten at a party?

    CASEPTLA BAILEY: That young black man was my son Robert Bailey. Him and some friends had gone to a party at the Jena Fair Barn. And to my understanding, it wasn???t an all-white party there. It was a few blacks that was already there in the party, and he asked to enter the party, if would it be OK for them to come in. And he said the lady responded as, ???Sure, you know, as long as there be no fighting.???

    So once he did enter the building, a gentleman asked him what was his name. He told him, ???Robert Bailey??? -- no, asked him, ???Is your name Robert Bailey???? And my son said yes, and Justin Sloan hit him, as well as his sister Jessie Sloan. And from there, he was attacked by several white men in the Fair Barn.

    AMY GOODMAN: And the incident where your son tried to get a gun from a man at a convenience store?

    CASEPTLA BAILEY: Well, that incident happened on Saturday, December 2nd, the following day, where Robert and two of his friends, Theo Shaw and Ryan Simmons, were going to Gotta-Go Grocery. And once they got there, they say Matt Windham, who is a man, not a student at Jena High School, and Matt Windham -- I guess they had come upon each other, because Matt Windham was involved the previous night with the white gentlemen that beat my son the previous night at the Fair Barn, where -- rather attacked my son at the Fair Barn. So once they came upon each other, I guess it was on.

    You know, Matt ran to his truck, from my understanding, pulled a shotgun, a sawed-off shotgun with a pistol grip, and my son wrestled with him to get the gun from him. And the other two gentlemen proceeded then to fight, and they took the gun from him and left the scene running. You know, I???m sure they were -- I know they were in fear of their lives. They were afraid that this man was going to shoot them, you know, especially in the back, running away from the scene. So they were scared. I???m sure Matt Windham was scared. You know, but he chose to run to the truck and pull the shotgun, not our children.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Did you give this any thought before you typed it?

    Did you think about who you were addressing before posing this question?

    How often did you get beat up as a child?


    Yes I thoought about and as far as I'm concerned its the truth, no one is entitled to a fair life and sometimes life is so fucked up that you have to uproot or stay and know that shit is going to be fucked up in your area. It's as true as time.

    4 million irish moved to america to escape starvations

    jews uprooted from europe to escape execution

    People during the depression moved away from the dust bowl in order to find work

    same is true in Sierra Lone, Rwanda, Sudan, Bosnia, Eithiopia, Peru, Iran, the deep south, etc.

    just cause you are in an area doesn't mean you are guaranteed the respect you feel you deserve.

    If you are living in a racially divided area where nooses are put up and accepted as just fun by those in power, than you probably ain't in the safest area for your happiness.

    So yes, looking for greener pastures is sometimes a better option than staying somewhere and facing the possibility of getting 22 years for punching a whiteboy

  • disgusting.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts

    Did you give this any thought before you typed it?

    Did you think about who you were addressing before posing this question?

    How often did you get beat up as a child?


    Yes I thoought about and as far as I'm concerned its the truth, no one is entitled to a fair life and sometimes life is so fucked up that you have to uproot or stay and know that shit is going to be fucked up in your area. It's as true as time.

    4 million irish moved to america to escape starvations

    jews uprooted from europe to escape execution

    People during the depression moved away from the dust bowl in order to find work

    same is true in Sierra Lone, Rwanda, Sudan, Bosnia, Eithiopia, Peru, Iran, the deep south, etc.

    just cause you are in an area doesn't mean you are guaranteed the respect you feel you deserve.

    If you are living in a racially divided area where nooses are put up and accepted as just fun by those in power, than you probably ain't in the safest area for your happiness.

    So yes, looking for greener pastures is sometimes a better option than staying somewhere and facing the possibility of getting 22 years for punching a whiteboy

    I really don't see what you are arguing for. Are you really trying to say that oppressed people should move on out instead of facing injustice?

  • A***
    Did you give this any thought before you typed it?

    Did you think about who you were addressing before posing this question?

    How often did you get beat up as a child?


    Yes I thoought about and as far as I'm concerned its the truth, no one is entitled to a fair life and sometimes life is so fucked up that you have to uproot or stay and know that shit is going to be fucked up in your area. It's as true as time.

    4 million irish moved to america to escape starvations

    jews uprooted from europe to escape execution

    People during the depression moved away from the dust bowl in order to find work

    same is true in Sierra Lone, Rwanda, Sudan, Bosnia, Eithiopia, Peru, Iran, the deep south, etc.

    just cause you are in an area doesn't mean you are guaranteed the respect you feel you deserve.

    If you are living in a racially divided area where nooses are put up and accepted as just fun by those in power, than you probably ain't in the safest area for your happiness.

    So yes, looking for greener pastures is sometimes a better option than staying somewhere and facing the possibility of getting 22 years for punching a whiteboy

    Looking for greener pastures is sometimes an easier[/b] option, but it's not the right one. If the disenfranchised keep moving away every time they are threatened by the tyranny of the stupid, eventually the stupid will rule the earth (they might already) and the rest of use will be shivering in Antarctica.
    In the case of the Irish (as is still the case today with South and East Asians, Russians and most other immigrants) families had one person head over who worked his/her ass off, sending money home gradually until someone eles could join them. Often many family members (usually the older ones) never made it over, and never saw their families again. Not exactly a quick, or appetizing solution for anyone.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Are we actually debating whether hanging a noose on a tree - in the South no less - is or is not an act of racial violence?

    Students get expelled for a lot less than that these days. These kids got a 3 day suspension. I wonder what a cross burning would have netted: 4 days?

    And Rock, even if students indeed played with the nooses, thereby perhaps missing the symbolic meaning behind them, that doesn't change the reading of it. If I point a loaded gun at your child but your child thinks it's a game, would you be any less concerned?

    Rock-a-logic strikes again!

    I'm not supporting nooses, saying the kids shouldn't be punished or downplaying the historical meaning of a noose in the South.

    All I'm asking is why you choose to edit that one line out of what you posted??

    Rock-A-Logic > Odub Reporting


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    What kind of Justice system could exist if everytime a crime occurred the authorities went to the accused criminal's parents, asked for their side of the story, and then dismissed all charges based on what they told them??

    I'm not sure about the black community, but one of the biggest problem's I've seen in the white communities I've lived and worked in were parents who had a "Oh no, not my child" attitude when confronted with accusations of their children's wrongdoings.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Did you give this any thought before you typed it?

    Did you think about who you were addressing before posing this question?

    How often did you get beat up as a child?


    Yes I thoought about and as far as I'm concerned its the truth, no one is entitled to a fair life and sometimes life is so fucked up that you have to uproot or stay and know that shit is going to be fucked up in your area. It's as true as time.

    4 million irish moved to america to escape starvations

    jews uprooted from europe to escape execution

    People during the depression moved away from the dust bowl in order to find work

    same is true in Sierra Lone, Rwanda, Sudan, Bosnia, Eithiopia, Peru, Iran, the deep south, etc.

    just cause you are in an area doesn't mean you are guaranteed the respect you feel you deserve.

    If you are living in a racially divided area where nooses are put up and accepted as just fun by those in power, than you probably ain't in the safest area for your happiness.

    So yes, looking for greener pastures is sometimes a better option than staying somewhere and facing the possibility of getting 22 years for punching a whiteboy

    Looking for greener pastures is sometimes an easier[/b] option, but it's not the right one. If the disenfranchised keep moving away every time they are threatened by the tyranny of the stupid, eventually the stupid will rule the earth (they might already) and the rest of use will be shivering in Antarctica.
    In the case of the Irish (as is still the case today with South and East Asians, Russians and most other immigrants) families had one person head over who worked his/her ass off, sending money home gradually until someone eles could join them. Often many family members (usually the older ones) never made it over, and never saw their families again. Not exactly a quick, or appetizing solution for anyone.

    I'm noticing that this is going somewhere I didn't think it would go. All I was replying to was Hogg's assumption that its insane to uproot cause you got to pay first and last months rent and find a new school for your kids. honestly If I was any of these kids parents I wouldn't want to put my kids back in that school anyways. I'd guess their education and social treatment wouldn't be the kind I'd want a child to endure.

    But yes if you are living in an area where you are not going to be given a fair(er) shake then maybe you should think of going to a place where it may be better. Jena Lousianna obviously ain't trying to treat these guys fairly. But all this is moot, this whole thread has jumped the shark long ago when dudes said that dude that the dudes who gave the beatdown deserved reparations

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    What kind of Justice system could exist if everytime a crime occurred the authorities went to the accused criminal's parents, asked for their side of the story, and then dismissed all charges based on what they told them??

    I'm not sure about the black community, but one of the biggest problem's I've seen in the white communities I've lived and worked in were parents who had a "Oh no, not my child" attitude when confronted with accusations of their children's wrongdoings.
    keep clinging to that one thread of trust u have in the general benevolence and good will of every red blooded, white skinned american, u slimeball
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