Curb Your Enthusiam sucks



  • i thought the problem with last night's episode was that it focused too much on larry being a jerk throughout the entire episode, so that the supporting cast, save funkhauser who really makes me laugh, was mostly out of the picture. in other words, i think the show does best when it focuses less on larry and brings in the supporting characters/surprise cameos more, or at least achieves a better balance.

    the vest sweater wearer, action figurine package tearer, the novelty tie rocker, self inflicted cock blocker, the mayonaise spreader, the watch french flick double header, the wannabe big thinker, soy milk drinker, the sandal on the foot guy, the 'gee they seem scary' dont even look guy, the shook guy, the 'will people think im smart' if I say I read this book guy, the police teller, the hair geller, the inaccurately described record seller, the scented candle smeller, the fruit of the loom appologist, the amateur psyhcologist, the self apointed this is why they flopped dead career pathologist, the im trying real hard but im as cool as an ologist, the side parting comber, the small boner, the frequent mom phoner, the friday night home aloner, the girl not haver, the sock stabber, the recycled paper bagger, the mr send cheap cheese and wine hamper[/b]

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    Faux, shut up, you gay.

    I have now been outed as a homosexual and an American, traits which both clearly disqualify me from commenting on American sitcoms.

    exactly. i am king. and it was "you gay" as in - "man, you gay".....not "you are attracted to men"

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Faux, shut up, you gay.

    I have now been outed as a homosexual and an American, traits which both clearly disqualify me from commenting on American sitcoms.

    exactly. i am king. and it was "you gay" as in - "man, you gay".....not "you are attracted to men"

    Right. That clears it up.

  • PonyPony 2,283 Posts


    Yeah, I know.

    BTW whats the story behind that really not black graemlin?

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Faux, shut up, you gay.

    I have now been outed as a homosexual and an American, traits which both clearly disqualify me from commenting on American sitcoms.

    exactly. i am king. and it was "you gay" as in - "man, you gay".....not "you are attracted to men"

    Right. That clears it up.

    Man, you gay.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Faux, shut up, you gay.

    I have now been outed as a homosexual and an American, traits which both clearly disqualify me from commenting on American sitcoms.

    exactly. i am king. and it was "you gay" as in - "man, you gay".....not "you are attracted to men"

    Right. That clears it up.

    The distinction between applying the noun form of "gay" to a person (suggesting that he is a gay man who is attracted to men) versus the adjective form of same (suggesting, uh, that he a gay man who is attracted to men) is destined to be lost on minds as small as ours.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Faux, shut up, you gay.

    I have now been outed as a homosexual and an American, traits which both clearly disqualify me from commenting on American sitcoms.

    exactly. i am king. and it was "you gay" as in - "man, you gay".....not "you are attracted to men"

    Right. That clears it up.

    Man, you gay.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    Crazy Graemlin thread boosting!!! Going on in here!!!!!!

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    Crazy Graemlin thread boosting!!! Going on in here!!!!!!

    Faux, shut up, you gay.

    I have now been outed as a homosexual and an American, traits which both clearly disqualify me from commenting on American sitcoms.

    exactly. i am king. and it was "you gay" as in - "man, you gay".....not "you are attracted to men"

  • when he called larry his best friend and larry's like "hes not my best friend"

    I almost spit out my drink when he said that shit.

    I think that was the best episode this season, and it feels back on track.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    when he called larry his best friend and larry's like "hes not my best friend"

    that was the funniest line in an otherwise unfunny episode
    woimsey's right. curb's been falling off since last season, mostly because larry is becoming more annoying than he is funny. the second best part is when jeff yells at him and his wife to shut the fuck up. and man, you guys is all gay.

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    when he called larry his best friend and larry's like "hes not my best friend"

    that was the funniest line in an otherwise unfunny episode
    woimsey's right. curb's been falling off since last season, mostly because larry is becoming more annoying than he is funny. the second best part is when jeff yells at him and his wife to shut the fuck up. and man, you guys is all gay.

    nothin better than a voice of reason. sayin though. they's all gay.
    you're right though - when Larry said "he's not my best friend" - classic.
    and when Jeff said "You fucked me man! You fucked me!.......Hard!" - classic.
    and little orhpan funkhauser was good too. Suzy's been dope this season though - more of the same with her but still dope. regardless - the show's sucking big time. enough is enough with the seinfeldy situations and shit....when he just relies on good yiddo humor like "shmohawk" - that's the sort of shit that makes the show.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    What about last week, It hought that shit was off the hook...

    "I'm gonna go get your jersey back"

    Larry jerked off on Jeff's kid's teddy bear. How do you not laugh at the humor in that?

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    I'm still curious as to what you haters consider to be a good comedy show. ANSWER ME DAMMIT!

    alright i'll bite

    south park
    colbert report
    and for the i don't give a fuck what type of flack i get for this award: weeds
    which i find more enjoyable and funnier than curb... nowadays

    and the recently dearly departed:
    dog bites man
    arrested development

    nothing on tv is really touching either of these shows

  • Curb is one of the funniest shows EVER.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    the last episode was like 'The 5 Wood' times a million.

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts

    I'm still curious as to what you haters consider to be a good comedy show. ANSWER ME DAMMIT!

    alright i'll bite

    south park

    and the recently dearly departed:
    dog bites man

    I love Weeds but not because it's funny - just think it's mad entertaining.

    Dog Bites Man was unbefuckingleivable. That bad boy needs to come back. I love the blonde dude and Zack G on that shit.

    South Park is pretty much the funniest show on TV.....and it amazingly only gets better ever season, which can't be said for a lot of shows. Curb used to be great - but no mo. Extras - incredible. I still like Family Guy too - even though the "this reminds me the time I...... *cut to humorous flashback*" shit is starting to get on my nerves. The Star Wars episode the other night had some incredible shit in it though.

    And of course, reruns of Seinfeld.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    Dog Bites Man was unbefuckingleivable. That bad boy needs to come back.

  • I've only seen a few episodes, it's cool but it's not eeeeeeven close to Arrested Development.

  • This week's episode was great.

    When LD went to put the sweaty $50 bill on the flower shop counter!!

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts

    I've only seen a few episodes, it's cool but it's not eeeeeeven close to Arrested Development.

    these are supposed to be funny bits?

    underwhelming to say the least.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    these are supposed to be funny bits?

    underwhelming to say the least.

    As has already been pointed out, it's something of a personality test.

    Finding it funny indicates that you flunked.

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts

    I've only seen a few episodes, it's cool but it's not eeeeeeven close to Arrested Development.

    these are supposed to be funny bits?

    underwhelming to say the least.

    guessing you're not jewish....
    oh and that you like Zoolander?
    I know those are odd calls to make....but to me and a few others they do indeed make sense.

  • funny

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Finding it funny indicates that you flunked.

    so not finding it funny exposes me as a lowbrow with pedestrian tastes eh?

    I thought arrested development was dull as hell too.

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    Finding it funny indicates that you flunked.

    so not finding it funny exposes me as a lowbrow with pedestrian tastes eh?

    I thought arrested development was dull as hell too.

    Got to ask what your likes are then.....

    I never got into Arrested Development either.....I thought it was mad enertaining but never found it all that funny - only part I remember laughing out loud at was George trying to get up the dirt pile on his Segway saying Michael over and over again.

    But yea....what's funny to you then?

  • I dont even want to know what someone who doesnt think Curb Your Enthusiam is funny finds funny(you probably ride for Adam Sandler)...Curb was the funniest show to ever be on TV, EVAR! Its a crime it isnt on anymore...

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Curb was the funniest show to ever be on TV, EVAR! Its a crime it isnt on anymore...

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    I dont even want to know what someone who doesnt think Curb Your Enthusiam is funny finds funny(you probably ride for Adam Sandler)...Curb was the funniest show to ever be on TV, EVAR! Its a crime it isnt on anymore...

    .......I think there has to be a distinction with Adam Sandler if you're going to diss. I hate all the new shit - hated everything after Big Daddy -- didn't even bother with any of it. But the earlier stuff I certainly don't front on.
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