
  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    DONT SKIP SEASON 2. leaving aside the continuing plots that will have you confused if you skip it, it's also A REALLY GOOD SEASON. it may not be as good as 1 or 3 or 4 but it still ranks as some of the best TV evar on a stand alone basis. I suggest those that weren't feeling it to peep it again a couple years down the line and see what you think. the shots, the dialogue, the politics, the performances. it's dope.

    try not to compare it to the other seasons in our mind. look at it as a stand-alone minseries or movie if you have to.

    it may not be up to the level of the other seasons, but Season 2 still >>>>> any season of nearly ANY OTHER SHOW on TV.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I suggest those that weren't feeling it to peep it again a couple years down the line and see what you think. the shots, the dialogue, the politics, the performances. it's dope.

    You think Young Phonics will acquire a greater identification with white people a few years down the line?

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    The same can be said of the dealers on the corner who listen to Mos Def, etc... I guess Baltimore club may not be nationally known enough yet to include, but to choose Mos Def over, say, T.I. in that situation was very clearly some white P.A.'s uninformed decision.

    This may sound like nitpicking, and I admit they're small details, but as a local it really fucked with the hardcore realism most of the show attains.

    The music supe has admitted that they got a few things wrong in the earlier seasons, but they tried to get it right in later ones. There's a scene on the corner in Season 4 where Dipset's "Get Crunk Muzik" can clearly be heard booming out of a passing car, which is probably much more like it. Plus, in Season 3, the scene where Cutty gets taken to a house party after coming out of jail, and there's some B-More club joints playing in the background as he's being led around the house, clearly off his gourd on ecstasy, is the kind of detail that very few shows would even bother to try and get right.

    "I got that Li'l Jon"

    There's a fantastic scene in Season 4 which I won't spoil for you, but it involves Chris and Snoop, and hinges on a familiarity with Young Leek.

    there's a funny little shot of Chris (the "country" one of the crew) listening to some southern schitt. the others are not feeling it, mason-dixon line be damned.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    I can't even believe this is a point of discussion. I don't even see the Wire in seasons. It's 50 episodes of greatness. Shit's about humanity.

    It makes no sense to skip a season. Even the most boring parts of the Wire are better than 90% of any other TV dramas.

    The ending of Season 2 is, for me, the best yet, although Season 4's ending runs it damn close.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts

    Somebody mentioned Ziggy was their favorite character on S2. That little bastard was just so annoying I wanted him to die. That said, I kind of liked him for that too. He brought some pretty comical moments to the season.

    I love that character because people like Ziggy exist at all levels, and in all groups. That loser, tragic clown by which people measure their own level of failure/fucked-upness. "At least I ain't as stupid as Ziggy."

    most Wire fans I run across, when Season 2 comes around as a topic of discussion, instantly launch into an anti-Ziggy tirade. I tend to agree- the character is annoying to the point of angering the viewer. The way the story, on a familial level wraps around his fate ( btw: !!!!) is absolutely perfect screenplay writing.

    They get you hooked on disliking a character, and when it's all said and done, you as a viewer are surprised you can have that sort of emotion (positive or negative) toward someone on the screen. I was impressed with Season 2 in that they did take a huge and complex storyline and made no attempt to distill or water it down- they included every detail.
    (I'm mid-season 3, btw. I can't get enough of this shit.)

    I agree with 1/2 of what you're saying, but my point of disagreement is not with the character, it's with dude's acting. He was TERRIBLE. That character exists, I know the type. That accent does NOT exist, not how he rendered it (which to my mind was borderline offensive).
    I'll take your word for it on the accent- I've never met anyone from Baltimore that sounded like that, but only know maybe 3 or 4 people from Baltimore.
    I would say that the flat out worst acting would have to be Major Valcheck. In episode 1, the scene where he's unpacking stained glass is the worst scene I've seen on the entire show.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I suggest those that weren't feeling it to peep it again a couple years down the line and see what you think. the shots, the dialogue, the politics, the performances. it's dope.

    You think Young Phonics will acquire a greater identification with white people a few years down the line?

    he should peep Season 6 ("the lost Season"). the story line focused on the 10-strong Salvadorean community of Baltimore.

    performances were good, but the reggaeton song selections were highly suspect.

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts

    One scene that always seemed out of place on the show was Rawls in the gay bar. Did that scene bother any one else?

  • I am wagering that scene is going to play big in Season 5.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    One scene that always seemed out of place on the show was Rawls in the gay bar. Did that scene bother any one else?

    Not really, but it will if they never do some sort of follow-up. If they want to tell us that about him to give insight into his personality, his frustrations, etc. and/or that there are gays in the police, that's all good, but not enough. And if they just wanted to do it to give him depth and that's it, then they could have been a lot more creative than a gay bar. Anyway, everything in good time, I am hoping Season 5 will have more about it.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    One scene that always seemed out of place on the show was Rawls in the gay bar. Did that scene bother any one else?

    Hell no! That is exactly the kind of detail that makes The Wire awesome. I'm just wondering if it will ever blow up, we only have one season left.

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts
    I'm perfectly willing to believe Rawls is gay (no matter how "butch" he presents). And I'm not crazy about scenes that play for shock value and that usually isn't The Wire style (which is why it feels out of place). But the thing that gets me...Why would Rawls be in some bar that Omar might also be found in? ...In other words, there's no way that their worlds would ever get close to each other.

  • One scene that always seemed out of place on the show was Rawls in the gay bar. Did that scene bother any one else?

    Not really, but it will if they never do some sort of follow-up. If they want to tell us that about him to give insight into his personality, his frustrations, etc. and/or that there are gays in the police, that's all good, but not enough. And if they just wanted to do it to give him depth and that's it, then they could have been a lot more creative than a gay bar. Anyway, everything in good time, I am hoping Season 5 will have more about it.

    If it's truly going to be about the media I can totally see a smear campaign against Rawls (who has few allies) centering around his sexuality.

    Obviously the show has dealt very carefully and accurately with homosexuality in a non-sensational way, from Omar to Rawls to Kima to Michael's dad to the homophobia of Lamar (Mouzone's mans and them). I can't help but think this will play a role in season 5.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    One scene that always seemed out of place on the show was Rawls in the gay bar. Did that scene bother any one else?

    I couldn't care less if they follow up on this.

    it may turn out to be like Daniels' shady money stuff in his old district.

    adds a little mysterious background, but will never necesarily be developed fully.

  • Why would Rawls be in some bar that Omar might also be found in? ...In other words, there's no way that their worlds would ever get close to each other.

    I'm no expert on Baltimore's gay bars but the city is not that big and Mouzone had no indication that Omar had actually been there... he was just going bar to bar.

    What made those scenes comical was that the bars were not at ALL the kind of place where Omar would turn up. They did find his lil mans there, though...

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    Why would Rawls be in some bar that Omar might also be found in? ...In other words, there's no way that their worlds would ever get close to each other.

    That doesn't seem problematic, worlds collide in Baltimore in many ways, especially in bars.


    I couldn't care less if they follow up on this.

    it may turn out to be like Daniels' shady money stuff in his old district.

    Interesting. Depressingly enough, I think they're going to dig this back up for season 5 as well.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Why would Rawls be in some bar that Omar might also be found in? ...In other words, there's no way that their worlds would ever get close to each other.

    That doesn't seem problematic, worlds collide in Baltimore in many ways, especially in bars.

    I was gonna's not like Rawls would be looking for a place to really let his hair down where he might run into McNulty and Bunk, but in places like Washington and Baltimore, you might run the risk of running into someone who knows you, or knows who you are, for sure.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

    One scene that always seemed out of place on the show was Rawls in the gay bar. Did that scene bother any one else?

    Damn! I just got done watching S3, and had completely forgotten about this one. Was about to post about the very scene.

    It doesn't get a look in S4, so maybe it'll just be added character. But who knows, I don't really like trying to guess at wire future plotlines. I'd rather leave to the professionals, and just enjoy it.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Why would Rawls be in some bar that Omar might also be found in? ...In other words, there's no way that their worlds would ever get close to each other.

    That doesn't seem problematic, worlds collide in Baltimore in many ways, especially in bars.

    I was gonna's not like Rawls would be looking for a place to really let his hair down where he might run into McNulty and Bunk, but in places like Washington and Baltimore, you might run the risk of running into someone who knows you, or knows who you are, for sure.

    There's nothing in the show to suggest Omar goes to gay clubs anyway.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    To repeat: YP - don't skip S2. Such an idea is insanity.

    Faux - S4 is pretty amazing. Is it out on DVD yet?

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Season 2 was dope.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Why would Rawls be in some bar that Omar might also be found in? ...In other words, there's no way that their worlds would ever get close to each other.

    That doesn't seem problematic, worlds collide in Baltimore in many ways, especially in bars.

    Having run into my 11th grade French teacher** and all sorts of past classmates and neighbours, I would add that worlds collide all over the world in gay bars.

    **One of the more awkward, whatever-you-do-don't-look-down conversations I've had was at Pride a few years ago with said French teacher who was sporting nothing put tighty-whiteys and white Reeboks.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    That reminds me of a story, but unlike yours mine is more sad than funny.

    In the 12th grade I was taking European History AP, and it was a small class, maybe 6 kids. I was the only one to show up one day towards the end of the year due to the malady known as "senioritus" and my large, round, 50-something female teacher stepped up to the chalkboard and started going through the motions of teaching class and then broke down crying.

    So I'm sitting there like ummmmm and for a minute she keeps trying to teach but she's choking back tears, so I ask her what's wrong, and she says, "Well, this weekend I came home from a meeting an hour earlier than expected, and I found my husband in bed with two men and a pile of cocaine."

    Imagine my 17 year-old mind trying to wrap my head around that one. I tried to console her, but that was certainly one of the awkwardest hours of my life.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I would add that worlds collide all over the world in gay bars.

    A less enlightened man than myself, cruder man than myself, a man less sensitised to the qualities and charms and value of the world, a man like that, not me, but a man like that, he just might make some AYO joke about now.

    **One of the more awkward, whatever-you-do-don't-look-down conversations

    You looked dowm though right!?

  • G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts

    One scene that always seemed out of place on the show was Rawls in the gay bar. Did that scene bother any one else?

    YES dude I didn't even notice that til i saw S3 the second time around. Shit caught me off guard.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    **One of the more awkward, whatever-you-do-don't-look-down conversations

    You looked dowm though right!?

    Yea, as he was walking away

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts

    One scene that always seemed out of place on the show was Rawls in the gay bar. Did that scene bother any one else?

    There's been oblique references to Rawls' sexuality in almost every season. Right at the very beginning, when Carver suggests to Herc and Kima that Rawls likes the taste of piss in the first episode and they laugh about it, then the gay bar thing in Season 3, and the scene in S4 where Landesman takes a piss and laughs out loud at the "Rawls Sucks Cock" graffiti scrawled on the wall. I'm wondering if theres a reference in Season 2 that I missed. Either way, his sexuality isn't quite the secret he thinks it is.

  • G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts

    One scene that always seemed out of place on the show was Rawls in the gay bar. Did that scene bother any one else?

    There's been oblique references to Rawls' sexuality in almost every season. Right at the very beginning, when Carver suggests to Herc and Kima that Rawls likes the taste of piss in the first episode and they laugh about it, then the gay bar thing in Season 3, and the scene where Landesman takes a piss and laughs out loud at the "Rawls Sucks Cock" graffiti scrawled on the wall. I'm wondering if theres a reference in Season 2 that I missed. Either way, his sexuality isn't quite the secret he thinks it is.

    Oh shit. Damn I forgot about those two other things. Good call.

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    I thought the whole dealer disneyland part of S3 was almost like a cartoon. I enjoyed every series, bombed through all 50+ episodes in a week doing upto 8 hour binges and am already watching em again but at a slower pace. It just seemed to really be pushing the boundaries of reality, stretching my sense of disbelief just a little. Theres simply no way in hell any police chief could get away with what he did. Just my 2c.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    I thought the whole dealer disneyland part of S3 was almost like a cartoon. I enjoyed every series, bombed through all 50+ episodes in a week doing upto 8 hour binges and am already watching em again but at a slower pace. It just seemed to really be pushing the boundaries of reality, stretching my sense of disbelief just a little. Theres simply no way in hell any police chief could get away with what he did. Just my 2c.

    wasn't "hamsterdam" based on some schitt that really did happen?

    EDIT: after doing a quick google search, I guess not... I coulda swore i read something to that effect when I first started getting into the Wire. Ah well.... nevermind.
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