
batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
edited July 2007 in Strut Central
Which Sport is has the most thuggs/Image problems?Baseball - SteroidsFootball - Real ThuggeryBasketball - Thuggery/Doofy TeensAnd dont try to bring the wwf into this. Part 2Is it me, or a gang of athletes have kids w/ serious health problems?


  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    These days, football is teflon- they have a huge, rich PR machine and will fine dudes for wearing their socks wrong.

    I think football may have the most problems, and HGH/drugs are a much bigger issue than we can know, but Basketball has the worst image problems. With my boss as an example, I think that basketball's embrace of hip hop alienated a lot of crusty white dudes. I say this because my boss has said to me, 'I feel alienated by the hip hop culture in basketball.'

    I'm not saying it's fair; I just think that is their rep at this point.

    I can't figure out how much baseball actually matters outside the northeast...

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    Though...the recent report of a ref betting on NBA games is NAGL x 1,000,000.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    These days, football is teflon- they have a huge, rich PR machine and will fine dudes for wearing their socks wrong.

    I think football may have the most problems, and HGH/drugs are a much bigger issue than we can know, but Basketball has the worst image problems. With my boss as an example, I think that basketball's embrace of hip hop alienated a lot of crusty white dudes. I say this because my boss has said to me, 'I feel alienated by the hip hop culture in basketball.'

    I'm not saying it's fair; I just think that is their rep at this point.

    I can't figure out how much baseball actually matters outside the northeast...

    There has been a gang of cats in the NFL that have been doin stupid shit. And yes the NFL does a great job in keepin that shit smothered.

    Hip Hop and Basketball are connected at the hip. Caucasoids are gonna have to get over thier fear.
    That said though - Jason Kidd who isnt "outwardly Hip Hop" was giving his wife hell.

    Baseball doesnt seem to have an image problem when it comes to off-field shit right now. Its seems that Steroid stuff has tainted the image.

    I dont know what effects this has on tickets brought.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Though...the recent report of a ref betting on NBA games is NAGL x 1,000,000.


    No doubt, but i wanna discuss the players and the games' image. Public perception.

    That's some next level shit right there.

    And its only a matter of time before it seeps to other sports.

  • Caucasoids are gonna have to get over thier fear.

    Maybe so but the NBA needs them more than the other way around. See STern's over-reactive moves before the last season started. Money don't have no color.

    There is a LARGE segment of white America that is no longer caring about the NBA. Partly due to the HipHop thing but I do hear a lot of comments about the integrity of the NBA's product as well. This latest story/scandal is a further exampleof that.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Caucasoids are gonna have to get over thier fear.

    Maybe so but the NBA needs them more than the other way around. See STern's over-reactive moves before the last season started. Money don't have no color.

    There is a LARGE segment of white America that is no longer caring about the NBA. Partly due to the HipHop thing but I do hear a lot of comments about the integrity of the NBA's product as well. This latest story/scandal is a further exampleof that.

    What does this scandal have to do w/ Larry Bird "whitifiying" the Indiana Pacers to get rid of the "thug" players?

    And you man PacMan Jones is

  • Caucasoids are gonna have to get over thier fear.

    Maybe so but the NBA needs them more than the other way around. See STern's over-reactive moves before the last season started. Money don't have no color.

    There is a LARGE segment of white America that is no longer caring about the NBA. Partly due to the HipHop thing but I do hear a lot of comments about the integrity of the NBA's product as well. This latest story/scandal is a further exampleof that.

    What does this scandal have to do w/ Larry Bird "whitifiying" the Indiana Pacers to get rid of the "thug" players?

    And you man PacMan Jones is

    I can't comment on anything Pacers related. I'll leave that up to you. Larry Bird was a bad CAUCASOID tho, weren't he?

    PacMan Jones is crazy. Lots of thsoe fools are. I think America / the fans realize the NFL dishes out justice swiftly and harshly so the image remains largely untarnished. JMO.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    I agree that white folk need to get over their fear of the NBA and hip hop in general. As I told my boss, 'you know all those graphics we make that look like hip hop? Hip hop has affected EVERYTHING...'

    I think Baseball is the next to go, as there is zero leadership, and they seem to go out of their way to alienate fans.

  • Just another tidbit to keep in mind...the NFL reigns in almost all shows of individuality/personality. STRICT uniform regs and really you can't see anybody under the helmets and unis anyway. It's about TEAMS not players.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    the NFL reigns in almost all shows of individuality/personality.


    and can u relate this to the OG question and not morph it into "NFL is the best", pleez.

    Im sorry......RIF on my part.

    No doubt the NFL puts a lid on Individuality but off the field is another story.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    Just another tidbit to keep in mind...the NFL reigns in almost all shows of individuality/personality. STRICT uniform regs and really you can't see anybody under the helmets and unis anyway. It's about TEAMS not players.

    Examples include:

    A diagram in each lockeroom on how to properly dress; if you deviate, you are fined.

    You must wear NFL approved gear at all times; hence, Urlacher gets fined for wearing a vitamin water hat, and John Kitna gets fined for wearing a cross on his hat.

    New fines and penalties for celebrations.

    This is why I don't mind when players want out; there really is not a lot of room in that league for someone like Ricky Williams or TO or anyone with even the slightest bit of eccentricity.

    Plus, they control their TV coverage/rights so fucking hard. No team can have their own network, since they kicked off the NFL Net. The NFL has the most centralized power and economic structure of any of the leagues.

    I'm not saying they're perfect; there are obviously a lot flaws in the league. But, they do a great job of keeping those controversies managed.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    To me, the NBA's problem is more than just being "too hip-hop". I'm sure that affects the people buying tickets right now, but people who grew up with hip-hop are getting close to 40 now (ie, season ticket buying age), and they aren't tuning the league out because players wear chains and baggy clothing. The real problem with the NBA is that the product just isn't as good as it was 15-20 years ago due to expansion, over-hyped "star" players who don't know how to play fundamentally sound basketball, and rules that have taken a lot of the heart out of the game. If you cut the league down by four teams, and let the players show competitiveness the way they did in the heyday of Jordan, Bird, and Isaiah, fans would respond enthusiastically.

    Baseball's problem isn't steroids, it's irrelevance. American kids just don't play baseball like they did in the past, especially in the big cities. It also doesn't help that many of the biggest stars are either not American, or assholes, so fans don't feel any real attachment to them.

    Football is hitting a weird point now, growth has been so good for the last few years, the league has been competitive and compelling, and there are a lot of marketable, talented players. But there is a lot of dirty stuff going on below the surface, and issues with steroids, the players union, and conduct off the field are going to keep getting bigger unless the league is really smart and proactive about controlling things while they still have the public on their side.

  • To me, the problems facing MLB and NBA affect on-field product. Mike Vick's dogfighting has no bearing on Saints v. Colts in week 1, etc.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    To me, the problems facing MLB and NBA affect on-field product. Mike Vick's dogfighting has no bearing on Saints v. Colts in week 1, etc.

    U dont think the media will still be harping on this when the season starts? The same way they chased Kobe around during his trial. And wont it be a distraction to the team? And will he start in week 1?

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    To me, the problems facing MLB and NBA affect on-field product. Mike Vick's dogfighting has no bearing on Saints v. Colts in week 1, etc.

    U dont think the media will still be harping on this when the season starts? The same way they chased Kobe around during his trial. And wont it be a distraction to the team? And will he start in week 1?

    I think this might be the issue that kind of changes things for the NFL. I mean, this shit is just so graphically despicable, there really is no way to spin it. Add to it that this ain't Tank Johnson, but one of the top 5 most recognizable faces in the league, and this issue is on a whole new level. I mean, this is NATIONAL news, involving the CEO of Home Depot, etc.

  • To me, the problems facing MLB and NBA affect on-field product. Mike Vick's dogfighting has no bearing on Saints v. Colts in week 1, etc.

    U dont think the media will still be harping on this when the season starts? The same way they chased Kobe around during his trial. And wont it be a distraction to the team? And will he start in week 1?

    Naw. Dude's got a 50/50 shot of gettin cut.

    And I still don't see how the situation you supposed hurts on-field play.

    Baseball: steroids tainted the achievements of players
    NBA: fans sometimes question who really controls the outcomes of games

  • G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts
    Can swagger be directly related to acting out?

    Basketball requires the most swagger of the three sports.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    To me, the problems facing MLB and NBA affect on-field product. Mike Vick's dogfighting has no bearing on Saints v. Colts in week 1, etc.

    U dont think the media will still be harping on this when the season starts? The same way they chased Kobe around during his trial. And wont it be a distraction to the team? And will he start in week 1?

    Naw. Dude's got a 50/50 shot of gettin cut.

    And I still don't see how the situation you supposed hurts on-field play.

    Baseball: steroids tainted the achievements of players
    NBA: fans sometimes question who really controls the outcomes of games

    Is the Backup quarterback better than Vick?

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    The Michael Vick shit is some real grisly shit. This shit makes Barry Bond's seem like a saint. And I was actually watching, the top 5 reasons you can't blame Barry Bonds. Now, I see him in a different light.

    And yes, the NBA is desperately trying to "fix its image". Matter of fact, I wrote 2 pages worth on this subject, a while ago.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Can swagger be directly related to acting out?

    Basketball requires the most swagger of the three sports.


    Define "swagger"?

  • G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts
    To me, the problems facing MLB and NBA affect on-field product. Mike Vick's dogfighting has no bearing on Saints v. Colts in week 1, etc.

    U dont think the media will still be harping on this when the season starts? The same way they chased Kobe around during his trial. And wont it be a distraction to the team? And will he start in week 1?

    Naw. Dude's got a 50/50 shot of gettin cut.

    And I still don't see how the situation you supposed hurts on-field play.

    When your starting QB is in legal trouble and you don't know what's going to happen and you don't know if he's going to play, I'd say that can affect on-field play, it can affect team morale, locker room climate, etc. If it's a game day decisions, it will definitely affect everybody. If it happens before the season starts and he gets suspended, then they have to worry about not having a starting QB. Who's their backup QB anyway?

  • To me, the problems facing MLB and NBA affect on-field product. Mike Vick's dogfighting has no bearing on Saints v. Colts in week 1, etc.

    U dont think the media will still be harping on this when the season starts? The same way they chased Kobe around during his trial. And wont it be a distraction to the team? And will he start in week 1?

    Naw. Dude's got a 50/50 shot of gettin cut.

    And I still don't see how the situation you supposed hurts on-field play.

    Baseball: steroids tainted the achievements of players
    NBA: fans sometimes question who really controls the outcomes of games

    Is the Backup quarterback better than Vick?

    Hell no! They had a dude that was real decent but they traded him to Houston. They got Joey H. right now.

    They should sign Culpepper and his little hands.

  • G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts
    Can swagger be directly related to acting out?

    Basketball requires the most swagger of the three sports.


    Define "swagger"?

    I'm not a dictionary, but I would say it's the combination of attitude, style, and finesse.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    To me, the problems facing MLB and NBA affect on-field product. Mike Vick's dogfighting has no bearing on Saints v. Colts in week 1, etc.

    U dont think the media will still be harping on this when the season starts? The same way they chased Kobe around during his trial. And wont it be a distraction to the team? And will he start in week 1?

    Naw. Dude's got a 50/50 shot of gettin cut.

    And I still don't see how the situation you supposed hurts on-field play.

    When your starting QB is in legal trouble and you don't know what's going to happen and you don't know if he's going to play, I'd say that can affect on-field play, it can affect team morale, locker room climate, etc. If it's a game day decisions, it will definitely affect everybody. If it happens before the season starts and he gets suspended, then they have to worry about not having a starting QB. Who's their backup QB anyway?


    Isnt he the face of the franchise?

  • You guys and me are talking about two different things at this point.

  • G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts
    You guys and me are talking about two different things at this point.

    You don't see how not having their starting quarterback hurts on-field play?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Can swagger be directly related to acting out?

    Basketball requires the most swagger of the three sports.


    Define "swagger"?

    I'm not a dictionary, but I would say it's the combination of attitude, style, and finesse.


    Im just thinkin that it takes different styles of swagger in all sports to succeed.

    Now if you wanna isolate that "ghetto swag" well a Pitcher needs that shit.
    A Mike Vick in the pocket needs that shit. And a Rasheed needs that shit.

    And that doesnt count out the dudes who dont pound their chest and still get the job done on the low.

    This is another debate, abd I dont wanna go into a versus thing.

    Cats w/ start to foam at the mouf.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    You guys and me are talking about two different things at this point.

    You don't see how not having their starting quarterback hurts on-field play?

    Mike Vick's dogfighting has no bearing on Saints v. Colts in week 1, etc.

  • Is it me, or a gang of athletes have kids w/ serious health problems?

    I know someone who works with children who have autism and says a number of football players who have children have autism. Not sure aout the research but that's scary if true.

  • You guys and me are talking about two different things at this point.

    You don't see how not having their starting quarterback hurts on-field play?

    Mike Vick's dogfighting has no bearing on Saints v. Colts in week 1, etc.

    Well, the only point y'all have made is that it might affect ONE TEAM.

    Questions about integrity of officiating or juiced athletes affect a WHOLE LEAGUE.

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