"It's on like Donkey Kong"
Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
Who came up with this phrase?For the record, if you ever hear anybody using the phrase "I'm taking a Napster." I created that shit. Don't even front. Freshmen year of college when Napster was still free.
Yo, I'm 'bout to get this like Tetris!
Yo, that's pretty fly son.
Speaking of idioms and strange words, anyone else ever hear people using "gnar" instead of "gnarly" to describe things? Or "gnar-gnar" as in "that's hella gnar-gnar"? I'm thinking this is just having to do with my close proximity to surfers.
dude! my homegirl uses gnar-gnar to describe kevin from the office! and damnit if it totally fits!
i believe gnar to be a northen california thing too.
My, I got underwear older than you joke is older than you (is mine)
I can't believe anyone would ever actually say that. But when it comes to surfers, or Cailfornia for that matter, I am seriously
I think the documentary about video games is called "King of KONG[/b]", but I'm sure that other movie is nice too....
wow, "that's hella gnar-gnar" is such an annoying sentence i just might have to make that my new catch phrase
i really want to see this now
for the ladies: jam out with your clam out
I didn't make this shit up...
If I heard some surfer dude on the beach or something then I would understand, but anywhere else, I think it should be followed by a punch to the stomach of the turkey who actually tried to use that phrase.
I was just on a snowboard trip with my boy who is a serious skate head from Michigan. And nearly everything was described from him as being 'totally gnar-dog' or 'straight raw-dog'.