so no discussion about libby's GUILTY verdict?



  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    This whole affair will probably just do down as a footnote in the whole Iraq war. What it shows is a lot of over zealous people and some incompetent ones as well.

    1) The White House staff is to blame for including the Niger claim in Bush???s State of the Union address. The only got it into the speech by changing Niger to Africa and the CIA to England as the source.

    Bush???s own Intelligence Advisory Board found that the staff was so desperate to find evidence against Iraq they used it anyway despite being warned several times not to use it.

    They were too zealous in promoting the war.

    2) Joseph Wilson should have just stuck to what he actually knew. There was no reason for him to say that Cheney knew about his trip nor claim that he???d seen some of the fake Niger documents. He could have simply said after Bush???s speech, that he was sent by the CIA to Niger and didn???t find any uranium story and kept it at that.

    He was too zealous to debunk the administration.

    3) The CIA should have done a more thorough job investigating the Niger claim. They found out about it from Italian intelligence and never got the actual documents that made the claim until later. When they did get the documents, they never checked to see whether they were real or not. Later it took the International Atomic Energy Agency something like two days using Google to find that they were fakes.

    The CIA was incompetent in investigating intelligence claims against Iraq..

    4) Cheney and Libby couldn???t let Wilson???s claims go and mounted a PR campaign to discredit him even after the Niger claims were proven to be false. They not only dictated press releases by the White House, but also launched their own secret campaign of leaking Wilson???s wife name to discredit him and leaked an intelligence report to try to say that the Niger claim was legit.

    They were too zealous in protecting their image from critics.

    5) Dolo is still a punk bitch.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts

    4. An enquiry gets underway and after much kerfuffle it is, predictably, revealed that the bush administration wasnt the source of the bitches name being leaked to the media.

    They find out Libby wasn't the first source, but that he was spreading her name.

    Dick Armitage was still part of the administration in 2003, right?

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    man Dolo. this is almost -- ALMOST -- as pathetic as the KKK-is-actually-a-leftist-organization argument.

    if you truly had our country's interests at heart (as you claim), you would refrain from ad hominem attacks (e.g. "bitch") on a woman who has devoted her life to serving her country (what the fuck have YOU done?).

    you would instead focus on the underlying tragedy here, which is that (a) Cheney was running his own private administration (an ominous breakdown in the chain of command, and a run-around your boy Bush) and (b) that the Niger-yellow-cake story (a fake) was in fact used as a primary justification for going to war.

    So try to set aside the Plame scandal and ask yourself: Do these two things bother you at all? If not, why not?[/b]

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Dolo and Kala are alter egos of the same poster[/b] .

  • Wilson's claim that he found no evidence of Iraq trying to buy uranium from Niger proved to be right. He did find a businessman who said that an Iraqi official had contacted him about trade, and the CIA wanted to look into whether that involved uranium or not.

    The documents that claimed to have been about the Iraq-Niger deal were fakes made by a shady ex-intelligence agent and some staff at the Niger embassy in Rome who were looking to make a quick buck and did.

    What Wilson got wrong was that he said that Cheney knew about his trip and therefore the White House should have not allowed Bush to say that Iraq was trying to buy yellow cake in his state of the union speech.

    When Wilson was sent on the trip by the CIA he was told that Cheney wanted to look into it so he assumed that Cheney must have been told about his findings. In fact, the CIA didn't pass along what he found.

    Wilson also claimed to have seen some of the fake Niger documents when he didn't.

    Exactly, dude was a liar.

    See above, and you're the only idiot I see.

    Youd dont see me. You CANT see me.

    Reporters first heard about Plame's name from Dep. Sec. of State Richard Armitage. However Libby, under Cheney's direction, did give her name to several reporters as a way to discredit Wilson. They wanted to say that Wilson was sent on the trip because of nepotism, not because of his expertise, which he did have in Niger having worked there as an American diplomat. Wilson's wife also was not the one that sent him on the trip. She brought up his name, but it was a different directorate in the CIA which actually contacted him and sent him on his way.

    This covert PR campaign was also not sanctioned by the White House, but was a private endeavor by Cheney, who did not share what he was doing with the rest of the administration.

    1. Any evidence for this supposed plan?

    2. If the bitch's name was already known why would cheney find the need to orchestrate a plan to spread hername?

    They find out Libby wasn't the first source, but that he was spreading her name.

    Exactly. They went after the administration and not being able to nail them set up a perjury trap which libby fell into. Please note that libby has not been charged for revealing or spreading the bitch's name.

    The reason Libby got busted was because he came up with a bullshit story. No one forced him into it, he made up the story, "I knew Plame's name, then I forgot about it, but then a reporter told me about it and I remembered it."

    The reporter he claimed to have heard her name from, Tim Russert, didn't know who Plame was so he could not have been the source.

    The evidence was very clear that he was spreading her name to discredit Wilson.

    No, what the evidence showed was that his recollection of events differed from several witnesses, their testimonies in many cases differing from ones they gave earlier and contradicting each others. On this basis the evidently confused jury decided to convict because they are either idiots or leftists.

    You are the only punk bitch that I see.

    Again, you CANT see me. All you see is floating pair of $500 shades and a $5000 mink.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Spotted on my favorite wingnut blog this morning:

    "Joseph Wilson is the only person who lied in the runup to the Iraq war."


  • 1) The White House staff is to blame for including the Niger claim in Bush???s State of the Union address. The only got it into the speech by changing Niger to Africa and the CIA to England as the source.

    Bush???s own Intelligence Advisory Board found that the staff was so desperate to find evidence against Iraq they used it anyway despite being warned several times not to use it.

    They were too zealous in promoting the war.

    The british intelligence reffered to in the state of the union address was DIFFERENT to the CIA's. Joe wilson 'debunked' a claim that was never fucking made.

    2) Joseph Wilson should have just stuck to what he actually knew. There was no reason for him to say that Cheney knew about his trip nor claim that he???d seen some of the fake Niger documents. He could have simply said after Bush???s speech, that he was sent by the CIA to Niger and didn???t find any uranium story and kept it at that.

    There was a reason for him to say what he did. Because he is politically motivated caluminator, a fuckbag of the highest order, a bitch faced bastard of unequalled faggotry.

    3) The CIA should have done a more thorough job investigating the Niger claim. They found out about it from Italian intelligence and never got the actual documents that made the claim until later. When they did get the documents, they never checked to see whether they were real or not. Later it took the International Atomic Energy Agency something like two days using Google to find that they were fakes.

    The CIA was incompetent in investigating intelligence claims against Iraq..

    Again, the british intelligence was DIFFERENT from what the CIA had.

    4) Cheney and Libby couldn???t let Wilson???s claims go and mounted a PR campaign to discredit him even after the Niger claims were proven to be false. They not only dictated press releases by the White House, but also launched their own secret campaign of leaking Wilson???s wife name to discredit him and leaked an intelligence report to try to say that the Niger claim was legit.

    They were too zealous in protecting their image from critics.

    So they briefed against the lying fuck? BRAVO I SAY

    5) Dolo is still a punk bitch.

    Dolo is a pristine, 24 cyclinder, v12 engine of erudtion.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    if you truly had our country's interests at heart (as you claim), you would refrain from ad hominem attacks (e.g. "bitch") on a woman who has devoted her life to serving her country (what the fuck have YOU done?).

    you would instead focus on the underlying tragedy here, which is that (a) Cheney was running his own private administration (an ominous breakdown in the chain of command, and a run-around your boy Bush) and (b) that the Niger-yellow-cake story (a fake) was in fact used as a primary justification for going to war.

    So try to set aside the Plame scandal and ask yourself: Do these two things bother you at all? If not, why not?[/b]

    dolo: a true patriot. smear jobs and right-wing talking points apparently trump good governance and transparency in his jingoistic mindgarden.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    Wilson's claim that he found no evidence of Iraq trying to buy uranium from Niger proved to be right. He did find a businessman who said that an Iraqi official had contacted him about trade, and the CIA wanted to look into whether that involved uranium or not.

    The documents that claimed to have been about the Iraq-Niger deal were fakes made by a shady ex-intelligence agent and some staff at the Niger embassy in Rome who were looking to make a quick buck and did.

    What Wilson got wrong was that he said that Cheney knew about his trip and therefore the White House should have not allowed Bush to say that Iraq was trying to buy yellow cake in his state of the union speech.

    When Wilson was sent on the trip by the CIA he was told that Cheney wanted to look into it so he assumed that Cheney must have been told about his findings. In fact, the CIA didn't pass along what he found.

    Wilson also claimed to have seen some of the fake Niger documents when he didn't.

    Exactly, dude was a liar.

    1) He was right, there was no Iraq-Niger deal.

    2) He didn't see the fake documents so you can call him on that.

    Reporters first heard about Plame's name from Dep. Sec. of State Richard Armitage. However Libby, under Cheney's direction, did give her name to several reporters as a way to discredit Wilson. They wanted to say that Wilson was sent on the trip because of nepotism, not because of his expertise, which he did have in Niger having worked there as an American diplomat. Wilson's wife also was not the one that sent him on the trip. She brought up his name, but it was a different directorate in the CIA which actually contacted him and sent him on his way.

    This covert PR campaign was also not sanctioned by the White House, but was a private endeavor by Cheney, who did not share what he was doing with the rest of the administration.

    1. Any evidence for this supposed plan?

    2. If the bitch's name was already known why would cheney find the need to orchestrate a plan to spread hername?

    Uh, try looking at the testimony provided at the trial. Cheney TOLD Libby to go after Wilson by leaking his wife's name to say that he trip to Niger was a result of nepotism. Cheney TOLD Libby to go get part of the National Intelligence Estimate cleared by Bush so that he could leak it to the press. Cheney dictated all kinds of press releases to be made by the White House about Wilson. At White House meetings to discuss how to respond to Wilson's charges Libby and Cheney didn't tell anyone else what they were doing, etc. etc. etc. Seems like a pretty clear plan.

    They find out Libby wasn't the first source, but that he was spreading her name.

    Exactly. They went after the administration and not being able to nail them set up a perjury trap which libby fell into. Please note that libby has not been charged for revealing or spreading the bitch's name.

    Uh, wasn't the investigation suppose to find out who leaked the name WITHIN the administration? Wasn't that the purpose of the whole thing? Find the leak FROM the administration?

    It's Libby's dumb ass fault for coming up with that bullshit story. Even an editorial in the Wall ST. Journal today said that he should've just pled the 5th and be done with it.

    The reason Libby got busted was because he came up with a bullshit story. No one forced him into it, he made up the story, "I knew Plame's name, then I forgot about it, but then a reporter told me about it and I remembered it."

    The reporter he claimed to have heard her name from, Tim Russert, didn't know who Plame was so he could not have been the source.

    The evidence was very clear that he was spreading her name to discredit Wilson.

    No, what the evidence showed was that his recollection of events differed from several witnesses, their testimonies in many cases differing from ones they gave earlier and contradicting each others. On this basis the evidently confused jury decided to convict because they are either idiots or leftists.

    Libby's #1claim was that he heard Plame's name from Tim Russert. Tim Russert had never heard of her name until Libby told him. There were no contradictions in Russert's testimony and that's why Libby was found guilty.

    Judith Miller and the other reporters were other witnesses who received Plame's name from Libby.

    You are the only punk bitch that I see. [/b]

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    1) The White House staff is to blame for including the Niger claim in Bush???s State of the Union address. The only got it into the speech by changing Niger to Africa and the CIA to England as the source.

    Bush???s own Intelligence Advisory Board found that the staff was so desperate to find evidence against Iraq they used it anyway despite being warned several times not to use it.

    They were too zealous in promoting the war.

    The british intelligence reffered to in the state of the union address was DIFFERENT to the CIA's. Joe wilson 'debunked' a claim that was never fucking made.

    I'll have to go home and check my files but from what I can remember the British claims were based upon the same fake documents that came out of Italy.

    The White House was told by the CIA not to even use the English claim because it was probably the same info. The White House writers went ahead anyways. They wanted to get the Niger claim into the speech and that was the only way they could do it. It wasn't a DIFFERENT claim.

    The President's Foreign Intelligence Board in an investigation of the State of the Union address found that the staff was overzelous and should not have used the claim because 1) It was not proven, 2) They were told by the CIA several times not to make it.

    2) Joseph Wilson should have just stuck to what he actually knew. There was no reason for him to say that Cheney knew about his trip nor claim that he???d seen some of the fake Niger documents. He could have simply said after Bush???s speech, that he was sent by the CIA to Niger and didn???t find any uranium story and kept it at that.

    There was a reason for him to say what he did. Because he is politically motivated caluminator, a fuckbag of the highest order, a bitch faced bastard of unequalled faggotry.

    You obviously have issues.

    4) Cheney and Libby couldn???t let Wilson???s claims go and mounted a PR campaign to discredit him even after the Niger claims were proven to be false. They not only dictated press releases by the White House, but also launched their own secret campaign of leaking Wilson???s wife name to discredit him and leaked an intelligence report to try to say that the Niger claim was legit.

    They were too zealous in protecting their image from critics.

    So they briefed against the lying fuck? BRAVO I SAY

    By the time Cheney's office started to respond to Wilson the Niger claim had already been disproven. Cheney's number one priority was protecting his image and attacking anyone opposed to the war.

    Cheney denied that Wilson had gone on the trip to Niger because of his office. In fact, it was Cheney's asking the CIA to look into the Niger claim that led to Wilson's trip.

    I've already gone over whether Wilson was a liar or not

    5) Dolo is still a punk bitch.

    Dolo is a pristine, 24 cyclinder, v12 engine of erudtion.
    Rented off of your parents credi card!

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    The White House was told by the CIA not to even use the English claim because it was probably the same info. The White House writers went ahead anyways. They wanted to get the Niger claim into the speech and that was the only way they could do it. It wasn't a DIFFERENT claim.

    Not only that, CIA removed the infamous 16 words from the SOTU several times on the grounds that it was little more than an unsubstantiated rumor and certainly not supportable intelligence. Each time, the White House put the reference back in. So it's not like this was some sort of editorial oversight--it was fully deliberate. Bush wanted to put the scary words in, and dammit, the scary words were going in.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    The White House was told by the CIA not to even use the English claim because it was probably the same info. The White House writers went ahead anyways. They wanted to get the Niger claim into the speech and that was the only way they could do it. It wasn't a DIFFERENT claim.

    Not only that, CIA removed the infamous 16 words from the SOTU several times on the grounds that it was little more than an unsubstantiated rumor and certainly not supportable intelligence. Each time, the White House put the reference back in. So it's not like this was some sort of editorial oversight--it was fully deliberate. Bush wanted to put the scary words in, and dammit, the scary words were going in.


    and we are arguing with frodo about this fucking Wilson character, as if that's the fucking issue. it's sad.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    The bitch is the issue, and we all know who that is.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    I???m at home now and went through a couple articles so I can give some more detailed responses now. Any typos are mine because I have hard copies of these articles and I'm retyping excerpts from them.

    Reporters first heard about Plame's name from Dep. Sec. of State Richard Armitage. However Libby, under Cheney's direction, did give her name to several reporters as a way to discredit Wilson. They wanted to say that Wilson was sent on the trip because of nepotism, not because of his expertise, which he did have in Niger having worked there as an American diplomat. Wilson's wife also was not the one that sent him on the trip. She brought up his name, but it was a different directorate in the CIA which actually contacted him and sent him on his way.

    This covert PR campaign was also not sanctioned by the White House, but was a private endeavor by Cheney, who did not share what he was doing with the rest of the administration.

    1. Any evidence for this supposed plan?

    2. If the bitch's name was already known why would cheney find the need to orchestrate a plan to spread her name?

    Evidence that Cheney and the White House launched a campaign to discredit Wilson came out throughout the trial.

    A perfect example was the fact that Libby talked to Judith Miller from the NY Times three times about Mrs. Wilson, along with a Time magazine reporter. Fleischer and Karl Rove also told reporters about Wilson on the same day.

    Here???s an excerpt from a LA Times story on it:

    1/26/07 LA Times[/b]

    ???Vice President Dick Cheney and his former chief of staff, Lewis ???Scooter??? Libby, were personally and actively involved in an attempt to spin news coverage and discredit a critic of the Iraq war even before the fact of his wife was a CIA operative became public, a senior White House official testified Thursday.


    Catherine Martin said that at one point, Cheney dictated a detailed list of talking points to be used by Libby and others in making calls to reporters. Martin was Cheney???s top media aide at the time and is now deputy White House director of communications for policy and planning.


    The vice president ordered media aides to start tracking news coverage closely, while Libby was directed to contact reporters. At one point, Cheney gave a note card to Libby with information to give to a Time magazine reporter covering the case.

    Martin also described how she discussed with Libby media ???options??? to rebut Joseph Wilson that included a strategic ???leak??? to a handful of reporters.???

    And another one from a Washington Post story on it:

    2/5/07 Washington Post[/b]

    ???Vice President Dick Cheney???s press officer, Cathie Martin, approached his chief of staff, Lewis ???Scooter??? Libby, on Air Force Two on July 12, 2003, to ask how she should respond to journalists??? questions about Joseph Wilson. Libby looked over one of the reporters??? questions and told Martin: ???Well, let me go talk to the boss and I???ll be back.???

    On Libby???s return, Martin testified in federal court last week, he brought a card with detailed replies dictated by Cheney, including a highly partisan, incomplete summary of Wilson???s investigation into what was suspected to be Iraq???s program for weapons of mass destruction.


    Time after time at the height of the controversy, they said, Cheney directed the administration???s response to Wilson???s criticism and Libby carried it out.

    Cheney personally dictated other talking points for use by the White House press office; helped negotiate the wording of a key statement by then-CIA Director George Tenet; instructed Libby to deal directly with selected reporters; told Libby to disclose selected passages from the national intelligence estimate and other classified reports; and held a luncheon for conservative columnists to discuss the controversy.


    The belittling implication of the disclosure [of Valerie Wilson], as Felsicher and others testified last week, was that nepotism, rather than Joseph Wilson???s knowledge and experience, lay behind his involvement in the matter.

    Cheney and Libby have asserted that their sole intent in contacting journalists was to defend the credibility of their policy, but prosecutors disclosed new evidence on Wednesday that the administration was focusing on Wilson himself.[/b]???

    At the same time, Cheney and Libby were hatching their own covert campaign against Wilson that they didn???t share with the rest of the White House.

    Here???s excerpts from a NY Times report on it:

    2/20/07 NY Times[/b]

    ???But a close reading of the testimony and evidence in the case is more revelatory, bringing into bolder relief a portrait of a vice president with free rein to operate inside the White House as he saw fit in an attempt to debunk the charges of a critic of the war in Iraq.

    The evidence in the trial shows that Vice President Dick Cheney and Libby, his former chief of staff, countermanded and even occasionally misled colleagues at the highest levels of Bush???s inner circle as the two pursued their own goal of clearing the vice president???s name in connection with flawed intelligence used in the case for war.


    While others on the White House team were primarily concerned about Bush, the evidence has shown that Libby had a more acute concern about his own boss. Unbeknownst to their colleagues, according to testimony, the two carried out a covert public relations campaign to defend not only the case for war, but also Cheney???s connection to the flawed intelligence.[/b]

    In doing so, they used some of the most sensitive and classified intelligence data available, information that the rest of Bush???s team was not yet prepared to put to use in a public fight against a war critic.


    Libby???s notes from a White House meeting of senior presidential advisers on the morning of July 8 ??? the sort of meeting that staff members rarely discuss publicly ??? read, ???Uranium story is becoming a question of the president???s trustworthiness.??? The notes quote Karl Rove, the presidential adviser tasked with Bush???s re-election, as lamenting, ???Now they have accepted Joe Wilson as a credible expert.??? The notes reflected a general concern that the White House was not moving swiftly enough to contain the damage.

    What others at that White House meeting did not know was that Libby and Cheney were already conducting their own covert public relations campaign. Its purpose was to show not only that the White House had ample reason to believe that flawed intelligence even after Wilson???s mission, but also to defend against Cheney???s alleged connection to the uranium claim.

    Libby testified to the grand jury that an angry Cheney had by then already directed him to approach a reporter he regarded as suitable, Judith Miller of the New York Times, to make the case.[/b]

    Libby was under instruction to describe the vice president???s ignorance of Wilson???s mission and to discuss parts of the National Intelligence Estimate from October 2002, as well as another intelligence document showing that the CIA continued promoting the theory about Iraq???s efforts to acquire uranium months after Wilson???s trip.???

    The reason Libby got busted was because he came up with a bullshit story. No one forced him into it, he made up the story, "I knew Plame's name, then I forgot about it, but then a reporter told me about it and I remembered it."

    The reporter he claimed to have heard her name from, Tim Russert, didn't know who Plame was so he could not have been the source.

    The evidence was very clear that he was spreading her name to discredit Wilson.
    No, what the evidence showed was that his recollection of events differed from several witnesses, their testimonies in many cases differing from ones they gave earlier and contradicting each others. On this basis the evidently confused jury decided to convict because they are either idiots or leftists.
    Libby wasn???t found guilty based upon conflicting and contradictory testimony, which included both reporters and current and former members of the Bush administration. He was found guilty because he gave a bullshit story that was easy to unravel.

    Here???s where Libby???s story is full of shit.

    June 11 or 12, 2003 Libby finds out that Valerie Wilson works at the CIA

    June 23 NY Times reporter Judith Miller claims that Libby told her about Mrs. Wilson. Libby denies it.

    July 7: White House press secretary Ari Fleischer says that Libby told him about Mrs. Wilson. Libby denies it.

    July 8: Miller claims that Libby told her again about Mrs. Wilson. Libby denies it.

    July 10: According to Libby, he had forgotten about Mrs. Wilson, until Tim Russert from NBC???s Meet The Press mentions her in a phone conversation. Russert denies it.

    July 12: Libby confirms to Matthew Cooper from Time magazine that Mrs. Wilson works at the CIA. Libby talks to Miller another time about Mrs. Wilson as well. According to Libby, he only talked about Wilson to Cooper and Miller because Tim Russert told him about her.

    Here???s Libby???s testimony to the Grand Jury about his conversation with Russert:

    "No, I don't know that. [That Mrs. Wilson worked at the CIA] And I said, 'no, I don't know that' intentionally because I didn't want him to take anything I was saying as in any way confirming what he said, because at that point in time I did not recall that I had ever known, and I thought this is something that he was telling me that I was first learning. And so I said, 'no, I don't know that' because I want to be very careful not to confirm it for him, so that he didn't take my statement as confirmation for him."

    Here???s Russert???s testimony during the trial:

    "That would be impossible because I didn't know who that person was [Mrs. Wilson] until several days later."

    Anything contradictory about that?

    Here???s what the LA Times from 3/7/07 said the jury felt about Libby???s story:

    ???In his grand-jury testimony (he declined to take the stand in the trial), Libby had claimed to have heard the identity of an undercover CIA officer from NBC Washington bureau chief Tim Russert, and to have been ???surprised??? to have that morsel come up in conversation.

    The jurors did not buy it, Collins said [member of the jury], because the prospect that Libby had not known of Valerie Wilson???s identity before then was contradicted by so many other witnesses and pieces of evidence.???

    And just to make sure about this last point:

    You are a punk bitch.

  • If motown was interested in the facts, and not just information that supports his preconceptions, he would know it was disclosed years ago that the british intelligence was founded on various sources NONE of which were the forged italian documents.

    So weve established that

    a. Wilson was a fucking fantasist held aloft by a moronic media whose political prejudices overwhelmed their critical faculties.

    b. That revealing plame's name wasnt a criminal offense in the first place. If it is, why hasnt armitage been charged with anything?

    Given wilson was, by your own admission, a fraud who was spreading lies in order to damage the bush administration then why the fuck shouldnt cheney attempt to rouse the negligent media into actually putting this wilson joke under some scrutiny?


  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    Why? He lied under oath. Aren't you the dudes who were all IMPEACH CLINTON for lying under oath about something irrelevent?

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    if you truly had our country's interests at heart (as you claim), you would refrain from ad hominem attacks (e.g. "bitch") on a woman who has devoted her life to serving her country (what the fuck have YOU done?).

    you would instead focus on the underlying tragedy here, which is that (a) Cheney was running his own private administration (an ominous breakdown in the chain of command, and a run-around your boy Bush) and (b) that the Niger-yellow-cake story (a fake) was in fact used as a primary justification for going to war.

    So try to set aside the Plame scandal and ask yourself: Do these two things bother you at all? If not, why not?[/b]

    dolo: a true patriot. smear jobs and right-wing talking points apparently trump good governance and transparency in his jingoistic mindgarden.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    If motown was interested in the facts, and not just information that supports his preconceptions, he would know it was disclosed years ago that the british intelligence was founded on various sources NONE of which were the forged italian documents.

    So weve established that

    a. Wilson was a fucking fantasist held aloft by a moronic media whose political prejudices overwhelmed their critical faculties.

    b. That revealing plame's name wasnt a criminal offense in the first place. If it is, why hasnt armitage been charged with anything?

    Given wilson was, by your own admission, a fraud who was spreading lies in order to damage the bush administration then why the fuck shouldnt cheney attempt to rouse the negligent media into actually putting this wilson joke under some scrutiny?


    The British claimed that they had intelligence on Iraq trying to get uranium from Niger that INCLUDED the fake documents, plus other evidence.

    The CIA did not believe that it waw a legitimate claim and when the British included it in their hastily constructed white paper in the lead up to the war the CIA actually contacted British intelligence and tried to get them to remove it because they didn't think it stood up. The British included it anways.

    And you're completely missing the point anyways, because when the White House speech writers were putting together the State of the Union speech, they didn't say, well we can't include the CIA claims about Niger but we can include this OTHER story from Britain. They wanted the Niger story and the only way they could get it in over the repeated objections of the CIA was to say the info came from England. That's why the own President's Foreign Intelligence Board said they were overzealous, or maybe you only listen to Republicans that agree with your opinion.

    The law that protects the revealing of secret operatives is very hard to prove because you have to go into people's intentions. That's why no one was tried under that law.

    Wilson reported one truth: there was no Iraq-Niger deal, made one reasonable assumption that turned out to be wrong: Cheney's office was the reason why he was sent to Niger so he assumed the CIA told Cheney about his trip that found no evidence, and made one thing up: he never saw secret CIA documents on the supposed Niger deal. There's some nuances there that you are refusing to acknowledge but I give that up to the general fact that you are a PUNK BITCH.[/b]

    As I said before, it was Libby's dumb ass fault he came up with his dumb ass story. So instead of talking about all the "lefties" and the "dumb jurors" you should be saying, what a dumb funk Libby is.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    So instead of talking about all the "lefties" and the "dumb jurors" you should be saying, what a dumb funk Libby is.

    never gonna happen. Dolo pledges UNDYING LOYALTY to the Cheney shadow administration and its affiliates. for life.

    Why? He lied under oath. Aren't you the dudes who were all IMPEACH CLINTON for lying under oath about something irrelevent?

    I would much rather have seen clinton banged up for one of the rapes he commited than impeached. I know it is the practice for the left to acknowledge the guilt of individuals but campaign for their release anyway because they are black or wrote a childrens book or some shit but thats not me. I want libby freed because he's innocent and the victim of an egregious injustice

  • If motown was interested in the facts, and not just information that supports his preconceptions, he would know it was disclosed years ago that the british intelligence was founded on various sources NONE of which were the forged italian documents.

    So weve established that

    a. Wilson was a fucking fantasist held aloft by a moronic media whose political prejudices overwhelmed their critical faculties.

    b. That revealing plame's name wasnt a criminal offense in the first place. If it is, why hasnt armitage been charged with anything?

    Given wilson was, by your own admission, a fraud who was spreading lies in order to damage the bush administration then why the fuck shouldnt cheney attempt to rouse the negligent media into actually putting this wilson joke under some scrutiny?


    The British claimed that they had intelligence on Iraq trying to get uranium from Niger that INCLUDED the fake documents, plus other evidence.

    The CIA did not believe that it waw a legitimate claim and when the British included it in their hastily constructed white paper in the lead up to the war the CIA actually contacted British intelligence and tried to get them to remove it because they didn't think it stood up. The British included it anways.

    And you're completely missing the point anyways, because when the White House speech writers were putting together the State of the Union speech, they didn't say, well we can't include the CIA claims about Niger but we can include this OTHER story from Britain. They wanted the Niger story and the only way they could get it in over the repeated objections of the CIA was to say the info came from England. That's why the own President's Foreign Intelligence Board said they were overzealous, or maybe you only listen to Republicans that agree with your opinion.

    The law that protects the revealing of secret operatives is very hard to prove because you have to go into people's intentions. That's why no one was tried under that law.

    Wilson reported one truth: there was no Iraq-Niger deal, made one reasonable assumption that turned out to be wrong: Cheney's office was the reason why he was sent to Niger so he assumed the CIA told Cheney about his trip that found no evidence, and made one thing up: he never saw secret CIA documents on the supposed Niger deal. There's some nuances there that you are refusing to acknowledge but I give that up to the general fact that you are a PUNK BITCH.[/b]

    As I said before, it was Libby's dumb ass fault he came up with his dumb ass story. So instead of talking about all the "lefties" and the "dumb jurors" you should be saying, what a dumb funk Libby is.

    I see you have consulted your 'files'(google) and still come up a long way short of accuracy.

    1. The british intelligence was not based on the forged documents

    2. The british intelligence services still stand by that intelligence to this day

    3. Joe wilson is a politically motivated liar

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    White House Faulted on Uranium Claim
    Intelligence Warnings Disregarded, President's Advisory Board Says

    By Walter Pincus
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Wednesday, December 24, 2003;

    In the speech Jan. 28, President Bush cited British intelligence in asserting that Hussein had tried to buy uranium from an unnamed country in Africa. The White House later said the claim should not have been made, after reports that the intelligence community expressed doubts it was true. After reviewing the matter for several months, the intelligence board -- chaired by former national security adviser Brent Scowcroft -- has determined that there was "no deliberate effort to fabricate" a story, the source said. Instead, the source said, the board believes the White House was so anxious "to grab onto something affirmative" about Hussein's nuclear ambitions that it disregarded warnings from the intelligence community that the claim was questionable.[/b]

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    I see you have consulted your 'files'(google) and still come up a long way short of accuracy.

    1. The british intelligence was not based on the forged documents

    2. The british intelligence services still stand by that intelligence to this day

    So where is the Iraq-Niger deal then? No investigation of Iraq's WMD programs found any evidence that it existed.

    The CIA warned the White House at least four times to remove the Niger deal from planned speeches. They also had it removed from a speech the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. John Negroponte was going to give

    When the White House writers were coming up with Bush's 2003 State of the Union address they said they were going to include the Niger claim based upon the British White Paper. The CIA informed the writers that they had told the British to remove the Niger claim from their White Paper because they didn't think it was credible.

    March 2003 the International Atomic Energy Agency found that the Niger documents were fakes.

    The CIA agreed with their assessment of the documents a few days later.

    April 2003 the U.S. National Intelligence Council agreed that the documents were fake and that there was no evidence of an Iraq-Niger deal.

    June 2003 Colin Powell issued a press release saying that he did not include the Niger deal in his speech to the U.N. because he didn't believe that it was a credible claim

    U.S. intelligence also found a claim that Iraq had tried to buy uranium from another African country as also false.

    October 2003 the interim report of the Iraq Survey Group found no evidence that Iraq had tried to buy uranium from Niger.

    March 2005 Robb-Silberman report set up by Bush to look into pre-war intelligence found no evidence of a Niger deal.

    And as for my files, I have photographic proof, unlike your vast record collection BITCH.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    In what universe is lying under oath 'innocence'?

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    Why? He lied under oath. Aren't you the dudes who were all IMPEACH CLINTON for lying under oath about something irrelevent?

    I would much rather have seen clinton banged up for one of the rapes he commited than impeached. I know it is the practice for the left to acknowledge the guilt of individuals but campaign for their release anyway because they are black or wrote a childrens book or some shit but thats not me. I want libby freed because he's innocent and the victim of an egregious injustice

    he is not innocent. i'm sure this has been said before but libby wasn't charged with outing plame, he was charged/convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice. his only defense was that it wasn't a lie because he "forgot what he said".

    if you want to say that Libby was just a pawn. i think we all agree. however, if he was treated like a chess piece, then would you rather see your boy Cheney in the slammer? if you are really riding for Libby then are you also adopting what he said at trial- that 1) Cheney jeopardized intelligence so that he could defend the whitehouse against Wilson; and 2) that he directed every move LIbby made concerning Wilson and Plame?

  • for motown's bitch ass:

    As for the rest of the plebs. The evidence presented against libby was nowhere near enough for any intelligent honest person to convict. There is no need to elaborate since you are unfamiliar with the case and most shamefully of all dont give a damn if the trial was just or not. All you care about is that someone associated with cheney got screwed.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    for motown's bitch ass:

    As for the rest of the plebs. The evidence presented against libby was nowhere near enough for any intelligent honest person to convict.

    The jury disagreed, and they actually heard all the evidence, so...
    Are you disagreeing with the concept of the jury? Is the jury supposed to be stacked full of people who think the president could do no wrong?

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    The evidence presented against libby was nowhere near enough for any intelligent honest person to convict.

    the jury was ready to convict after the first day. one guy held them up because, although he thought libby was guilty, he wanted to analyze every piece of evidence just to give libby the benefit of the doubt.

    please show me some legal scholars who disagree with the verdict and what they have said.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    The evidence presented against libby was nowhere near enough for any intelligent honest person to convict. There is no need to elaborate since you are unfamiliar with the case and most shamefully of all dont give a damn if the trial was just or not. All you care about is that someone associated with cheney got screwed. [/b]

    This from a dude who just proclaimed himself judge, jury and executioner in some mythical mindgarden Clinton rape trial. I guess only Republicans deserve due process.
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