I never liked the BEASTIE BOYS

kalakala 3,362 Posts
edited July 2016 in Music Talk
let's face itpaul's boutique was a fluke [i can only listen to the instumental version which i don't have]if it wasn't for the dust brothers or mario that lp would have sucked as welli could never get beyond their horrible voices and lack of flowshit grates on me like fingernails on a blackboard


  • let's face it
    paul's boutique was a fluke
    [i can only listen to the instumental version which i don't have]
    if it wasn't for the dust brothers or mario that lp would have sucked as well
    i could never get beyond their horrible voices and lack of flow
    shit grates on me like fingernails on a blackboard

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
    You (Don't) Sound White


    Asshurt Mcgee in PA

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    The Beastie Boys have done some excellent shit.

    Check Your Head and then Ill Communication were my primers. I didn't get Paul's Boutique til way later.

    They are talented versatile individuals and their high-ass yelling-ass voices only make me love them more.


    Plaese for to strutters make graemlin for this.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    Check Your Head and then Ill Communication were my primers. I didn't get Paul's Boutique til way later.

    You sound 15.

  • their high-ass yelling-ass voices only make me love them more.

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    Check Your Head and then Ill Communication were my primers. I didn't get Paul's Boutique til way later.

    You sound 15.

    So do the Beastie Boys

    their high-ass yelling-ass voices only make me love them more.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    Check Your Head and then Ill Communication were my primers. I didn't get Paul's Boutique til way later.

    You sound 15.

    So do the Beastie Boys



  • ZEN2ZEN2 1,540 Posts
    Check Your Head



    Check Your Head
    Check Your Head
    Check Your Head
    Check Your Head

  • d_wordd_word 666 Posts
    let's face it
    paul's boutique was a fluke
    [i can only listen to the instumental version which i don't have]
    if it wasn't for the dust brothers or mario that lp would have sucked as well
    i could never get beyond their horrible voices and lack of flow
    shit grates on me like fingernails on a blackboard

    I wanna talk about your haiku-like posts instead. I read this aloud five times before I realized it wasn't actually a haiku.

    Soulonice posts seem like poems, in length of each line at least.

  • jimeyjimey 279 Posts
    let's face it
    paul's boutique was a fluke
    [i can only listen to the instumental version which i don't have]
    if it wasn't for the dust brothers or mario that lp would have sucked as well
    i could never get beyond their horrible voices and lack of flow
    shit grates on me like fingernails on a blackboard

    i could have written this.
    but nobody understands me too

  • Hey they were there, that's what counts. Beyond that they suck. License was cool though.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    i could never get beyond their horrible voices and lack of flow

    License To Ill.........

    Despite their shortcomings they could still rock a party.

  • If they were black they would be highly revered by most for their body of work. What crew before them picked up instruments and accompanied themselves as a funk band? I'll give them credit where credit is due.

  • d_wordd_word 666 Posts
    If they were black they would be highly revered by most for their body of work. What crew before them picked up instruments and accompanied themselves as a funk band? I'll give them credit where credit is due.

    F this "reverse racism" claim. If they were black they wouldn't have crossed over because indie rock and white college kids wouldn't feel "okay" listening to them.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    I like them! Thay did look old on that VH1 honors show...I'm going out on a limb here and saying that their best work is behind them. They should release a soul jazz album with some Beatles covers on it.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    If they were Black they would be highly revered by most for their body of work.

    I disagree. You cant simply flip the equation. No here we go w/ the "race" stuff.

  • d_wordd_word 666 Posts
    And I think Beasties are alright. I liked them lots especially when I was a teenager - the "Check Your Head" years.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    I still rock this one sometimes. I wish I could find more stuff as cool as "Ricky's Theme." The upright bass in that tune wrecks shit.

  • let's face it
    paul's boutique was a fluke
    [i can only listen to the instumental version which i don't have]
    if it wasn't for the dust brothers or mario that lp would have sucked as well
    i could never get beyond their horrible voices and lack of flow
    shit grates on me like fingernails on a blackboard

    this post seems like it was made just to get people fired up. i really like the beastie boys, musically they're very important to me because they were my favorite group growing up. people frequently forget that they're more than just ra-ra party music--people like you apparently. yes, their most recent album was a bit odd, maybe even weak, but the rest of their catalog is serious talk.

  • ZEN2ZEN2 1,540 Posts
    What crew before them picked up instruments and accompanied themselves as a funk band?

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    accompanied themselves

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    I remember when I first heard "Cooky Pus" on the Bang Zoom cassette fanzine, and the song there faded out after Mike D. said "damn bitch hung up on me". I became a fan immediately. It was a crank phone call over a trippy beat. I didn't get into the first few Def Jam 12" singles until way later, but I bought "She's On It" and that was nothing like "Cooky Pus". I don't know if it was about a year or so before PB, but their first punk EP was reissued, and I liked that as well.

    I am a fan. It has taken a number of years for Ill Communication to grow on me, I know I felt at the time that it seemed too close to Check Your Head in terms of style and format. Hello Nasty was, and is great. To The Five Boroughs could have been so much better, I think if there was an album where everyone did remixes, it would have been better.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    classic BB is simultaneously pretty great and overrated
    their recent shit is trash, Hello Nasty still good but the beginning of the end

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I was a big fan when I was younger - less so now - but they definitely deserve credit above and beyond any perceived carpetbaggeur/novelty value. They never pretended to be anything more than what they were, which was three upper-middle class Jewish boys from New York who liked rap. "Licensed To Ill", "Paul's Boutique" and "Check Your Head" are great records imo. The others are pretty good as well, except for the last one, which was pretty much

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    If they were black they would be highly revered by most for their body of work. What crew before them picked up instruments and accompanied themselves as a funk band? I'll give them credit where credit is due.

    That might be the dumbest shit I've read on this board. The race comment is beyond ridiculous. We should all pass on that.

    But what "crew" before them did what? Huh, what are you talking about? Crew?

    Anyways...the LAST fucking thing they should get props for is that sub-tepid "funk" band crap.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    The beasties are awesome. maybe they are a "you had to be there" band.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    maybe they are a "you had to be there" band.

    you had to be where? retarded?

    i'll give them this...

    listen to PB through IC and write down all the sample sources and name drops, you could eventually end up with some good records.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    maybe they are a "you had to be there" band.

    you had to be where? retarded?

    i'll give them this...

    listen to PB through IC and write down all the sample sources and name drops, you could eventually end up with some good records.

    retarded isn't a place, its a state of mind.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    sub-tepid "funk" band crap.

    careful, you just walked into a room full of 19yr olds whose formative influences are RHCP & BB.


  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    retarded isn't a place, its a state of mind.

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