Banksy goes to Disneyland



  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    This dude is amazing. It's good to see somebody ruffling the feathers and rattling cages.

    I wouldn't call these publicity stunts amazing. Personally, I think this new prankster performance art, is incredibly lame. Bottom line the guys does neat stencil work.


    - spidey

  • This dude is amazing. It's good to see somebody ruffling the feathers and rattling cages.

    I wouldn't call these publicity stunts amazing. Personally, I think this new prankster performance art, is incredibly lame. Bottom line the guys does neat stencil work.


    - spidey

    Come back and tell us you're joking. i think his work, beyond getting points for placement in the public eye, each one of his pieces is a comment. Sometimes it's a shared sentiment and sometimes it causes realization. i think it's a little more than neat stencil work. And while i'm at it, i don't think 'publicity stunt' is proper either. It's not like he used a model of a tortured prisoner to sell a CD or t-shirts or something.


  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    You're right I was joking. His stencils are average.

    - spidey

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    - spidey

  • Guzzo, I wasn???t trying to deride you. It was more the way you worded your request. It sounded like you were just jumping on the hype wagon, and not really considering what you were doing. Do you really belive that Banksy belongs VH1?
    Banksy considers himself a serious political activist. And he holds some serious left wing beliefs. Some of which, even you, may find offence with.
    He may paint a pretty picture, but as, I???m sure you are aware, that???s just a fa??ade. And you better believe that if you did manage to get him to give you an interview, he will come with a definite agenda. And it won???t be ???lets make a cool documentary about this hipster graf artist.???

    Like Bambouche said, not everything needs to be (or belongs) on t.v.

    no worries man.

    The production world is a big game a lot of the time and setting up a pitch meeting with people at VH1 and A&E is only a small part of it, with meetings like that you usually will be rejected for an idea or have your idea suggested towards somewhere more "fitting" for it.

    If the project can be made into a reality I think it would be a great move. documenting a mans passion is something that I think would be of interest to more than just me and other strutters on the board. I just hope something can come of it, however I'm not holding my breath.

    Those that want to say "I knew about him when he was underground" will most likely be able to rest easy

    Adam, no disrespect, but I think what everyone is getting at is, the whole thought of Viacom doing a special on Banksy goes against everything he's about.
    I think the thought of it is a good idea, but even if you get the green light I highly doubt he'd go for it. Then again, who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow used it to his advantage.

    totally understood and I know that going through some major corporate monstrosity is not the way this would be approached in a perfect world. however I am a big fan of documenting events and figures like this and if I can get people on board to allow me and whoever else plays a part in this to document it the way we want (free of mainstream shiny lights and shit) than I'd be happy. I've got other avenues to go. the only reason I even brought up those 2 networks is cause it was what I was able to get off the bat. This does not mean thatr Viacom, time-Warner, or any of these other major players are the only viable option. just tried to express how serious I'd be about making such a project.

    Things like this should be documented. How many of you enjoyed Style Wars or The Decline of Western Civilization? This is not an attempt to cash in on Bansky but rather leave something for others to understand his work and, down the road, let younger generations know about.

    For the record, and this is pretty ancillary to the conversation...

    VH1 is not the WORST network on the planet...yes, big corporate conglomorate, blah, blah, blah...BUT, their HEAVY: THE METAL YEARS special was great TV. I don't like or care about Metal, but it had me and my lady riveted. Ditto their not quite as good, yet still well produced, DRUGS documentary series.

    I understand people like to hold these artists to their chests, and not see them become mainstream crap...But, VH1 has presented some decent programming over the last year or so, and might not be the worst spot for this to air.

  • Almost forgot this...

  • - spidey


    You sound like an ass-hurt graffitti writer who had aspirations of going "All City" but never graduated past the margins of your notebook.

    Dude is creating some great artwork that causes to people think and it is reaching an audience a lot bigger that art heads. Just imagine how many people have stop and thought about the message Bansky is trying to say. There's not too many people making thought-provoking artwork that shows up on the average persons radar or gets a mention in the press.

    Really, I just can't see how anyone would want to hate on dude when he taking a political and social stand on things.

  • Oh, and VH1 also ran the EgoTrip series for Black History Month a couple years, they have that going in their favor as well.

  • Really, I just can't see how anyone would want to hate on dude when he taking a political and social stand on things.

    Cause "spidey" could totally do, like, a better stencil.

  • Really, I just can't see how anyone would want to hate on dude when he taking a political and social stand on things.

    What if you don't agree with his stand? What is he trying to say? What about content? This reminds me of when Homer flooded Springfield & people were calling him an artist.

    Also putting that dummy out on the eve of 9/11 is

  • Really, I just can't see how anyone would want to hate on dude when he taking a political and social stand on things.

    What if you don't agree with his stand? What is he trying to say? What about content? This reminds me of when Homer flooded Springfield & people were calling him an artist.

    Also putting that dummy out on the eve of 9/11 is

    Well it's obvious if you don't agree with what he's conveying then you won't like his art. I was making the assumption that Malus ,or other hatteurs, shared the same ideas.

    I think it's obvious what he's trying to say with his art: Questioning the authorties people have today and the bi-products of what thosve people have created.

    How is that NAGL?

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    Really, I just can't see how anyone would want to hate on dude when he taking a political and social stand on things.

    What if you don't agree with his stand? What is he trying to say? What about content? This reminds me of when Homer flooded Springfield & people were calling him an artist.

    Also putting that dummy out on the eve of 9/11 is

    If nothing else he's saying stop and look at what we are all doing, where we're going, etc.

    Provoking thought on the current state we're in as people.

    And of course as with all art, it's what you make of it.

    Just to play devil's advocate here, how is that gitmo thing close to 9/11 in bad taste? Aren't the two directly related?

  • Really, I just can't see how anyone would want to hate on dude when he taking a political and social stand on things.

    What if you don't agree with his stand? What is he trying to say? What about content? This reminds me of when Homer flooded Springfield & people were calling him an artist.

    Also putting that dummy out on the eve of 9/11 is

    Well it's obvious if you don't agree with what he's conveying then you won't like his art. I was making the assumption that Malus ,or other hatteurs, shared the same ideas.

    I think it's obvious what he's trying to say with his art: Questioning the authorties people have today and the bi-products of what thosve people have created.

    How is that NAGL?

    I don't think the stunt is NAGL, but the timing is bad. Let America have its moment of silence.

  • the best art makes you think about things you hadn't thought of before.

    that in mind, it's been said that the only legitimate reaction to bad art is to make good art.


  • Really, I just can't see how anyone would want to hate on dude when he taking a political and social stand on things.

    What if you don't agree with his stand? What is he trying to say? What about content? This reminds me of when Homer flooded Springfield & people were calling him an artist.

    Also putting that dummy out on the eve of 9/11 is

    Well it's obvious if you don't agree with what he's conveying then you won't like his art. I was making the assumption that Malus ,or other hatteurs, shared the same ideas.

    I think it's obvious what he's trying to say with his art: Questioning the authorties people have today and the bi-products of what thosve people have created.

    How is that NAGL?

    I don't think the stunt is NAGL, but the timing is bad. Let America have its moment of silence.

    With well the utmost respect to America it's been 5 years and we have to begin asking why? and what now?. I mean honestly it should of been asked a lot sooner, right away after it happend.

    and imma stop because i don't want this to become a 9/11 politcal super-thread.

  • main reason he did that dummy stunt at disney [among numerous other reasons i can think of] was most likely in protest of the ABC/Disney funded 9/11 special that was being aired on tv. if anything, he was trying to shut them up... so maybe he was fighting for this "moment of silence" you speak of.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    imma stop because i don't want this to become a 9/11 politcal super-thread.

    I thnk a thread about an artists political work based around gitmo/ terrorists and all-american landmarks like Disneyland can safely be called a political (super) thread

  • - spidey


    You sound like an ass-hurt graffitti writer who had aspirations of going "All City" but never graduated past the margins of your notebook.

    Dude is creating some great artwork that causes to people think and it is reaching an audience a lot bigger that art heads. Just imagine how many people have stop and thought about the message Bansky is trying to say. There's not too many people making thought-provoking artwork that shows up on the average persons radar or gets a mention in the press.

    Really, I just can't see how anyone would want to hate on dude when he taking a political and social stand on things.

    why is he a "hater" or "hatteur" becaue he thinks Banksy is weak? I think he brings up a valid point that its more stunt than art. I like what Banksy does, but to me its nothing mind blowing and really I thought the stencilling on the Palestinian wall was NAGL (IMO).

    Yes he goes for reaction, but who is he really doing it for, the people or himself?

    And really he is borderline pop-icon at this point, so he is far from being some underground subversive artist... shit he almost has a brand name in Banksy. Look for vinyl Banksy political figures to be populating your Giant Robot stores in the near future.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    This is pretty wild man. I really like his ideas.

  • - spidey


    You sound like an ass-hurt graffitti writer who had aspirations of going "All City" but never graduated past the margins of your notebook.

    Dude is creating some great artwork that causes to people think and it is reaching an audience a lot bigger that art heads. Just imagine how many people have stop and thought about the message Bansky is trying to say. There's not too many people making thought-provoking artwork that shows up on the average persons radar or gets a mention in the press.

    Really, I just can't see how anyone would want to hate on dude when he taking a political and social stand on things.

    why is he a "hater" or "hatteur" becaue he thinks Banksy is weak? I think he brings up a valid point that its more stunt than art. I like what Banksy does, but to me its nothing mind blowing and really I thought the stencilling on the Palestinian wall was NAGL (IMO).

    Yes he goes for reaction, but who is he really doing it for, the people or himself?

    And really he is borderline pop-icon at this point, so he is far from being some underground subversive artist... shit he almost has a brand name in Banksy. Look for vinyl Banksy political figures to be populating your Giant Robot stores in the near future.

    He's a hatteur because he doesn't agree with me, damnit!

    Well when I think of public stunts I think of some shit like "Jackass" or "candid camera" where it's intent is just to be daring or stupid. Even though this can be seen as a stunt the message dude is presenting overshadows all of that.

    His pop-icon status may have been unavoidable and I see his books as a way for him to make a living of off the art he's done.

    Banksy dolls? ahh man...yeah fuck..that would be a damn shame.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

    no worries man.

    The production world is a big game a lot of the time and setting up a pitch meeting with people at VH1 and A&E is only a small part of it, with meetings like that you usually will be rejected for an idea or have your idea suggested towards somewhere more "fitting" for it.

    If the project can be made into a reality I think it would be a great move. documenting a mans passion is something that I think would be of interest to more than just me and other strutters on the board. I just hope something can come of it, however I'm not holding my breath.

    Those that want to say "I knew about him when he was underground" will most likely be able to rest easy

    Adam, no disrespect, but I think what everyone is getting at is, the whole thought of Viacom doing a special on Banksy goes against everything he's about.
    I think the thought of it is a good idea, but even if you get the green light I highly doubt he'd go for it. Then again, who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow used it to his advantage.

    totally understood and I know that going through some major corporate monstrosity is not the way this would be approached in a perfect world. however I am a big fan of documenting events and figures like this and if I can get people on board to allow me and whoever else plays a part in this to document it the way we want (free of mainstream shiny lights and shit) than I'd be happy. I've got other avenues to go. the only reason I even brought up those 2 networks is cause it was what I was able to get off the bat. This does not mean thatr Viacom, time-Warner, or any of these other major players are the only viable option. just tried to express how serious I'd be about making such a project.

    Things like this should be documented. How many of you enjoyed Style Wars or The Decline of Western Civilization? This is not an attempt to cash in on Bansky but rather leave something for others to understand his work and, down the road, let younger generations know about.

    For the record, and this is pretty ancillary to the conversation...

    VH1 is not the WORST network on the planet...yes, big corporate conglomorate, blah, blah, blah...BUT, their HEAVY: THE METAL YEARS special was great TV. I don't like or care about Metal, but it had me and my lady riveted. Ditto their not quite as good, yet still well produced, DRUGS documentary series.

    I understand people like to hold these artists to their chests, and not see them become mainstream crap...But, VH1 has presented some decent programming over the last year or so, and might not be the worst spot for this to air.

    No, you see, I don't think you do get it.
    You are cashing in on Banksy, unfortunately, in one way, or another. Be it just reflected glory or whatever.
    And its definitely not a case of 'holding him to our chests'. He???s not really that underground, my father likes Banksy???s work, he???s relatively well known in the UK.
    The point is. Banksy, is not like Obey, or other similar street artists. He has a very clear political agenda, one that doesn???t fit into the mainstream. And never will do. But is shared by many who neither, fit into the mainstream.

    And which network is going to let you talk freely to someone who is, pro Palestine, Anti; Bush/Guantanamo/US/Capitalism/Advertising etc?? If you try to put him into that square peg, you have to loose the parts that don???t fit. And it???s in doing this, by default, the ???mainstream??? ruins, things like Banksy.

    That said. if you really want to make it happen, and are willing to do it independently. Then all credit to you. I'm sure he has some kind of PR person involved in his gallery exhibition in LA, get in contact with them, and see if you can work something out.


    Years ago, when Banksy was still in Bristol, my ex girlfriend very drunkenly sidled up to Banksy and explained to him how he'd sold out, and was now crap.


  • if some of you guys really wanna hate on graffiti artists... hate on the ones that don't do shit but write their names everywhere. as much as i like just plain tagging as well, it definitely has a lot less concept/originality overall. to say that "banksy is just doing this for his own enjoyment" is kinda lame, because that's what graffiti is in general. it's for the artist to put his name up. at least he has taken it a step further and pulled some stunts on current pop icons and made people question the hows and whys of things.

    all in all, it's not that different from andy warhol using pop icons in his artworks (making a name for yourself by riding someone else's name)... or even hip-hop for that matter... most MCs have to start by dissing other current popular artists just to make a name for themselves... having said that, andy warhol blows next to this guy.

  • no worries man.

    The production world is a big game a lot of the time and setting up a pitch meeting with people at VH1 and A&E is only a small part of it, with meetings like that you usually will be rejected for an idea or have your idea suggested towards somewhere more "fitting" for it.

    If the project can be made into a reality I think it would be a great move. documenting a mans passion is something that I think would be of interest to more than just me and other strutters on the board. I just hope something can come of it, however I'm not holding my breath.

    Those that want to say "I knew about him when he was underground" will most likely be able to rest easy

    Adam, no disrespect, but I think what everyone is getting at is, the whole thought of Viacom doing a special on Banksy goes against everything he's about.
    I think the thought of it is a good idea, but even if you get the green light I highly doubt he'd go for it. Then again, who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow used it to his advantage.

    totally understood and I know that going through some major corporate monstrosity is not the way this would be approached in a perfect world. however I am a big fan of documenting events and figures like this and if I can get people on board to allow me and whoever else plays a part in this to document it the way we want (free of mainstream shiny lights and shit) than I'd be happy. I've got other avenues to go. the only reason I even brought up those 2 networks is cause it was what I was able to get off the bat. This does not mean thatr Viacom, time-Warner, or any of these other major players are the only viable option. just tried to express how serious I'd be about making such a project.

    Things like this should be documented. How many of you enjoyed Style Wars or The Decline of Western Civilization? This is not an attempt to cash in on Bansky but rather leave something for others to understand his work and, down the road, let younger generations know about.

    For the record, and this is pretty ancillary to the conversation...

    VH1 is not the WORST network on the planet...yes, big corporate conglomorate, blah, blah, blah...BUT, their HEAVY: THE METAL YEARS special was great TV. I don't like or care about Metal, but it had me and my lady riveted. Ditto their not quite as good, yet still well produced, DRUGS documentary series.

    I understand people like to hold these artists to their chests, and not see them become mainstream crap...But, VH1 has presented some decent programming over the last year or so, and might not be the worst spot for this to air.

    No, you see, I don't think you do get it.
    You are cashing in on Banksy, unfortunately, in one way, or another. Be it just reflected glory or whatever.
    And its definitely not a case of 'holding him to our chests'. He???s not really that underground, my father likes Banksy???s work, he???s relatively well known in the UK.
    The point is. Banksy, is not like Obey, or other similar street artists. He has a very clear political agenda, one that doesn???t fit into the mainstream. And never will do. But is shared by many who neither, fit into the mainstream.

    And which network is going to let you talk freely to someone who is, pro Palestine, Anti; Bush/Guantanamo/US/Capitalism/Advertising etc?? If you try to put him into that square peg, you have to loose the parts that don???t fit. And it???s in doing this, by default, the ???mainstream??? ruins, things like Banksy.

    That said. if you really want to make it happen, and are willing to do it independently. Then all credit to you. I'm sure he has some kind of PR person involved in his gallery exhibition in LA, get in contact with them, and see if you can work something out.


    Years ago, when Banksy was still in Bristol, my ex girlfriend very drunkenly sidled up to Banksy and explained to him how he'd sold out, and was now crap.


    No. I don't think you get it...that is some narrow view stuff you just wrote, my friend.

    man, maybe i'm rosey eyed because i work in TV, but it isn't just cashing in on Banksy. If you put your time and effort into writing, shooting, and editing a piece on a subject that you are interested in, be it biographical, documentary, or fictional, more power to you if that makes it good tv.

    while i'm on the topic...

    I'll go return my Banksy book, because that was just a publishing company cashing in on his name.

    And, I'll send a missive to his art dealers to stop selling his work, and sending him checks, because they are just cashing in on his name.

    Look, dude. Biographers and non-fiction writers of all types aren't always just cashing in on a subject- they may actually see an interesting story, that they may actually be able to tell from the new and interesting perspective.

  • if some of you guys really wanna hate on graffiti artists... hate on the ones that don't do shit but write their names everywhere. as much as i like just plain tagging as well, it definitely has a lot less concept/originality overall. to say that "banksy is just doing this for his own enjoyment" is kinda lame, because that's what graffiti is in general. it's for the artist to put his name up. at least he has taken it a step further and pulled some stunts on current pop icons and made people question the hows and whys of things.

    all in all, it's not that different from andy warhol using pop icons in his artworks (making a name for yourself by riding someone else's name)... or even hip-hop for that matter... most MCs have to start by dissing other current popular artists just to make a name for themselves... having said that, andy warhol blows next to this guy.

    I agree that Warhol is extremely over-rated... nothing more than a glorified graphic designer.

    but its art, everyone has an opinion. although I do know a number of graf artists that would disagree with your point about putting their name up.

  • although I do know a number of graf artists that would disagree with your point about putting their name up.

    this is true.. of course graffiti writers are passionate about their art and would never call it just them "putting their name up". there is obviously a lot of talent/skills/risks involved in the whole process of getting a piece up. i love graffiti, don't get me wrong. but all i'm saying is that what banksy is doing is in a whole different league. the majority of graffiti artists these days either come from the "style wars days" or were heavily influenced by that era later on in their lives. i have nothing but love for it. but even in style wars, every single artist there is just saying that they do it simply for that... SEEN saying that he did it strictly for the fame, the attention, to get his name out there... SKEME saying that it's strictly for "them" (him and other writers), that he doesn't care about anyone else... etc etc... you can trace it all the way back to TAKI 183 and all people were doing was putting their name up. nothing wrong with that.... again, all i'm saying is that most graffiti artists haven't gotten as political as banksy. and yeah, most writers will always say they do it for "deeper" reasons, but if there's no message involved, the only thing political about their art is the very statement that it is an illegal action and yet they're still going to do it. i still have nothing but respect for the graffiti world and am glad someone's still doing it. i don't think living in the city would be the same without it. but most tags are just someone's name done up in an attractive fashion and nothing else. no need to come up with profound explanations when there are none.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    I just spent the last hour watching youtube clips of this guy and looking at his website.

  • right on... i'm really hoping banksy does something "fun" this weekend in l.a... i can't wait to see what he's got in mind. maybe he'll attack the HOLLYWOOD sign or sumthin... anyone remember ages ago when some hippies made the sign say HOLLYWeeD? i'm expecting something of this calibre from him this weekend.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    Just imagine how many people have stop and thought about the message Bansky is trying to say.

    I'm sure it was a hard hitting message, in a children's amusement park for a hour and a half. He's really just on some other level of communication that the average artist can't achieve. What was I thinking with disagreeing with you all about this visionary.

    Really, I just can't see how anyone would want to hate on dude when he taking a political and social stand on things.

    You're right.. I also don't see why people feel the need to hate on Pat Robertson, or Bill O'Reilly. Because they have a stance on political and social things, and that's important to people and stuff.

    Man, what was I thinking dissing Banksy? He's Definitely the Next Warhol.

    - spidey

  • sheesh... it's not like we're praising marc ecko here.

  • You're right.. I also don't see why people feel the need to hate on Pat Robertson, or Bill O'Reilly. Because they have a stance on political and social things, and that's important to people and stuff.

    Man, what was I thinking dissing Banksy? He's Definitely the Next Warhol.


    Yeah dude i'm totally saying that.

    Step up your comprehension, Osh Kosh Big-Gosh
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