K Fed on Ellen



  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts

    Cm'on though, even K Fed should be doing better than a 50:50 chick.

    That's a plump girl,dude knows how pick the ones that blow up.
    you've seen Britney as of late right?

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    Okay, one thing though... WASN'T THAT DUDE A BACK-UP DANCER HIMSELF?! Why isn't he busting some moves yo?

    Cause then his lip syncing would be too obvious. Compare his voice between the Kids Award show and this.

    Yeah, but then I'd have to listen to him two more times...[/b]

  • I can't even bring myself to watch that shit.

    Him, Paris Hilton, etc. make me fucking sick. This whole culture of famous for being famous needs to end for real.

    what can we do to end this? its like the fall of the fucking roman empire, culturally
    speaking.hmmmm, maybe politically too.

    ellen/oprah are just a bunch of shills

  • ellen/oprah are just a bunch of shills

    ellen is talented. seriously. i watched her hbo comedy special and she gets props for being one of the few female comedians that has made me laugh out loud.

  • i repeat, ellen is a shill

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    i repeat, ellen is a shill

    She's better than Oprah, though.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    man, i can't fuck with oprah's show at all, but there is no possible way i could hate on her. she's worked her ass off to get where she is and continues to give back to people who need it. can't front on that at all

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    That little move that Fed and Ellen pulled at the end..a mini bow

    someone, jpeg, please...

  • i had to go on wikipedia to figure out who he was

  • i had to go on wikipedia to figure out who he was

  • Also... K-Fed doing backup vocals for his pre-recorded backing track in the later choruses was complete and utter

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    I find Kevin Federline comical, I'm not at all angered by him. I laugh at him the same way I laughed at Vanilla Ice, Candyman, and the other cornball dudes that have picked up the mic. Their lack of skill will be their eventual undoing. Just let time take its course.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    So, the lines about grabbing your dick were
    acceptable for the Nickelodeon audience of
    11-year-olds but not for the Ellen Show?

  • for real. hes just a gimmick, just like vanilla ice and all those other clowns that jumped on a trend and road that shit into the ground. He will have his 15 minutes then he will fade back into obscurity where he belongs. Its just sad though to see cats that really bust there ass and try to succeed in music and dont get any accolades at all, then you have some ass clown like this that will actually move a few units with out having to pay any dues at all and just being lucky to knock the bottom out of some pop star then ride her coattails. But hey thats how this shit goes down. If you have a gimmick and can sell yourself out to a particular market, then you can pay your bills. If you belive in what you do and what you are trying to convey in your music you wind up picking up double shifts at the carwash. but now let me get off my soap box. kfed sucks cock.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    playing with october 31st!!!!! Looking forward to it!

  • My "THAT'S RACIST"-ometer when I saw the black background dancers. I can't put my finger on it, but she didn't feel right.

    fuck this guy and all of this celebrity culture bullshit


  • To be quite honest with you fellas......I didn't have a clue who this turdbrain was untill I googled his name. Seems he's not getting a lot of love anywhere so I'm guessing he will fade away rather quickly.....

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    playing with october 31st!!!!! Looking forward to it!


    fuk k-fed, fuk his "biting" of rappers across the board and his whole shebang

    po zao, anyone?

    fuk you, kfuk

    On a positive note, at least people are getting paid off his crapola (dancers, band, producers, etc). Then again, maybe this is not a positive thing?

    K-FED, go to bed. Put a rest to this schitt, son.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    so tasty it made me vomit up my teriyaki dinner, no joke

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    for real. hes just a gimmick, just like vanilla ice and all those other clowns that jumped on a trend and road that shit into the ground. He will have his 15 minutes then he will fade back into obscurity where he belongs. Its just sad though to see cats that really bust there ass and try to succeed in music and dont get any accolades at all, then you have some ass clown like this that will actually move a few units with out having to pay any dues at all and just being lucky to knock the bottom out of some pop star then ride her coattails. But hey thats how this shit goes down. If you have a gimmick and can sell yourself out to a particular market, then you can pay your bills. If you belive in what you do and what you are trying to convey in your music you wind up picking up double shifts at the carwash. but now let me get off my soap box. kfed sucks cock.

    But, see: you're wrong. Generation Entitlement doesnt give a fuck about you or your hard work hybish-shybish. They give a fuck about money. They give a fuck about buzz. Or maybe you were sleeping through the last 15 years. It's not an issue of taste - it's an issue of Nowness. This is not even about music.

    Get on their Next Level, or turn off your YouTube.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    why are folks so mad about dude? Just sit back and enjoy the entertainment.

    [reynaldo]Nepotism and cronyism, milk it don't fight it.[/reynaldo]

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    why are folks so mad about dude? Just sit back and enjoy the entertainment.

    [reynaldo]Nepotism and cronyism, milk it don't fight it.[/reynaldo]


  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    somebody PLAESE make a graemlin with ellen doing that shit she calls dancing.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    I found it "entertaining". Thought it was ill that he has a backing band instead of getting up there with a DAT tape squirting bottled water into the crowd. The dancers were sick too. This is also worlds better than that Brazilian ass shaker track and that mindless Thomas Dolby / Mobb Deep freestyle.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    for real. hes just a gimmick, just like vanilla ice and all those other clowns that jumped on a trend and road that shit into the ground. He will have his 15 minutes then he will fade back into obscurity where he belongs. Its just sad though to see cats that really bust there ass and try to succeed in music and dont get any accolades at all, then you have some ass clown like this that will actually move a few units with out having to pay any dues at all and just being lucky to knock the bottom out of some pop star then ride her coattails. But hey thats how this shit goes down. If you have a gimmick and can sell yourself out to a particular market, then you can pay your bills. If you belive in what you do and what you are trying to convey in your music you wind up picking up double shifts at the carwash. but now let me get off my soap box. kfed sucks cock.

    But, see: you're wrong. Generation Entitlement doesnt give a fuck about you or your hard work hybish-shybish. They give a fuck about money. They give a fuck about buzz. Or maybe you were sleeping through the last 15 years. It's not an issue of taste - it's an issue of Nowness. This is not even about music.

    Get on their Next Level, or turn off your YouTube.

    Whats with dudes acting asshurt, as if kfed even has a fanbase.

    His record will brick, guys. Even yr "beckys" are laughing at him.

  • for real. hes just a gimmick, just like vanilla ice and all those other clowns that jumped on a trend and road that shit into the ground. He will have his 15 minutes then he will fade back into obscurity where he belongs. Its just sad though to see cats that really bust there ass and try to succeed in music and dont get any accolades at all, then you have some ass clown like this that will actually move a few units with out having to pay any dues at all and just being lucky to knock the bottom out of some pop star then ride her coattails. But hey thats how this shit goes down. If you have a gimmick and can sell yourself out to a particular market, then you can pay your bills. If you belive in what you do and what you are trying to convey in your music you wind up picking up double shifts at the carwash. but now let me get off my soap box. kfed sucks cock.

    But, see: you're wrong. Generation Entitlement doesnt give a fuck about you or your hard work hybish-shybish. They give a fuck about money. They give a fuck about buzz. Or maybe you were sleeping through the last 15 years. It's not an issue of taste - it's an issue of Nowness. This is not even about music.

    Get on their Next Level, or turn off your YouTube.

    didnt i say this? I understand its all about money and gimmicks. I thought that was what i said. Learn how to read a post asswipe.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    somebody PLAESE make a graemlin with ellen doing that shit she calls dancing.

    ill help get that rollin w/ an image

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    for real. hes just a gimmick, just like vanilla ice and all those other clowns that jumped on a trend and road that shit into the ground. He will have his 15 minutes then he will fade back into obscurity where he belongs. Its just sad though to see cats that really bust there ass and try to succeed in music and dont get any accolades at all, then you have some ass clown like this that will actually move a few units with out having to pay any dues at all and just being lucky to knock the bottom out of some pop star then ride her coattails. But hey thats how this shit goes down. If you have a gimmick and can sell yourself out to a particular market, then you can pay your bills. If you belive in what you do and what you are trying to convey in your music you wind up picking up double shifts at the carwash. but now let me get off my soap box. kfed sucks cock.

    But, see: you're wrong. Generation Entitlement doesnt give a fuck about you or your hard work hybish-shybish. They give a fuck about money. They give a fuck about buzz. Or maybe you were sleeping through the last 15 years. It's not an issue of taste - it's an issue of Nowness. This is not even about music.

    Get on their Next Level, or turn off your YouTube.

    didnt i say this? I understand its all about money and gimmicks. I thought that was what i said. Learn how to read a post asswipe.

    What I was remarking on wasn't meant to be taken literally; as if it was actually my opinion. I was merely talking as if I myself was a representative of Generation Ent., speaking glowingly about the triumph of money over effort as if I had 1) authority about such matters, and moreso 2) the authority to superceed the bounds of sheer musical taste to take it to a "complicated" or "refined" Cultural Plane. Of course, this is nonsensical to us - but it makes perfect sense to teens. Ask them - they're the ones who will buy, sarcastically or not, this album.

    Perhaps my tongue wasn't as obviously residing inside my cheek as it seemed to be to me upon posting this at 2 or 3 in the morning.

    And don't ever call me an "asswipe" again. The last time I heard that term, I was in 5th grade and someone called me a "dildo asswipe." It sounded just as intelligent back then.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    don't ever call me an "asswipe" again
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