Strut Profession Roll Call (Your Job Related)



  • KinoKino 17 Posts
    I'm the facility coordinator/ help desk monkey/ audio editor for a major internet news source that recently broke the AT&T wiretapping story.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    its really not as bad as its cracked up to be

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    I know we've got some other chefs on here: add me to the list. I've got a pretty good CA gig that allows me to spend Jan-Feb-Mar working in New Orleans.

    Post your restaurant in Cali or you're Beard Papa cream puff soft.

    And yo - what's NOLA been like this year?

    I'm the entrementier at Auberge du Soleil ( Not quite as cutting edge as the Laundry, but pretty swank nonetheless. We're getting to the busy season now, so when it slows in the winter I will be returning to K-Paul's in the French Quarter, where I worked right up until the hurricane.

    I wasn't in New Orleans this past winter, but I hear mixed reports from my friends who live there. I'm hoping NOLA begins to return to form by the time I get back there -- a long road, but the city has a strong spirit.

  • Youth activity supervisor at a big fancy shmancy resort in Scottsdale, AZ. Can range from the most wonderful experience to the most infuriating one.

  • LazerLazer 796 Posts
    I manage a bicycle shop in the upper midwest.

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    I'm a translator/copywriter for a South American-based skin care and makeup company (think Avon). I also freelance for XLR8R mag and occasionally SF Weekly. Oh, and I DJ a little.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I'm a translator/copywriter for a South American-based skin care and makeup company

    May I take it that your job involves intensive contact with Brazilian models?

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    I'm a translator/copywriter for a South American-based skin care and makeup company

    May I take it that your job involves intensive contact with Brazilian models?

    Alas, it does not.

    It does, however, involves a lot of instant messaging with Peruvian coworkers ("jajaja!") and translating terms like "reduces the appearance of expression lines."

    Side note: my company is Peru's lone corporation.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts

    Side note: my company is Peru's lone corporation.

    how is that possible?

    i am the nutrition coordinator for a big fucked up public school in philly.
    i cook with kids a lot, strong arm teschers to incorporate nutrition into their school curriculum and train a crew of youthworkers afterschool to teach cooking in the community and cultivate our organic garden for a farmers market.

    Im paid because of the obesity crisis. But i look at it as raising awareness about the food supply's social, cultural, economic, political and justice issues. kinda like gandhi leading people to the ocean to make their own salt (except we aint on that dudes mighty level)

    my salary is paid by university of pennsylvania, so its got some thorough bennies.
    doing it for three years.

  • I used to be a daily newspaper reporter (covering tedious small town municipal b.s.). Had enough of that after a few years and worked in a bookstore for a couple years, then a record store. For the last year I've been a record dealer (I sell on ebay, various message boards and anyone on this board is welcome to drop by my place and see what I have for sale. No Ayo.). I hope I can continue to do this indefinitely since I really am not motivated to get a "real job."

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts

    Side note: my company is Peru's lone corporation.

    how is that possible?

    i am the nutrition coordinator for a big fucked up public school in philly.
    i cook with kids a lot, strong arm teschers to incorporate nutrition into their school curriculum and train a crew of youthworkers afterschool to teach cooking in the community and cultivate our organic garden for a farmers market.

    Im paid because of the obesity crisis. But i look at it as raising awareness about the food supply's social, cultural, economic, political and justice issues. kinda like gandhi leading people to the ocean to make their own salt (except we aint on that dudes mighty level)

    my salary is paid by university of pennsylvania, so its got some thorough bennies.
    doing it for three years.

    Now I feel like an ass for cooking for customers....
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