I just had a customer call me racist :(

BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
edited May 2006 in Strut Central
I work at an internet cafe and doggie comes in with his wife and kid to use the wireless network. The wireless network is free to use with a five dollar purchase. He spends five dollars, I have him signup for the wireless, and then I attempt to type in the network key. For some reason or another, his computer was not connecting to our network after I typed it in. I suggested a few things to try and doggie would not listen. Instead, he insisted that I type in the network key again and after five attempts, I told him that I would not type in the password again and that he should try the things I recommended. At this point he got all pissed off and threatened to take me to small claims court. Considering this is not my business and that he really has nothing to claim, I was all aight whatever. He then says "I don't know if it's because you're racist" and I just laughed at him. Dude was some white guy and he had a Chinese wife. I hate white people as much as anyone but it ain't like I was like "cracker ain't allowed on our network!" All of the customers in the mufuckah are looking at us at this point and I'm just amazed this shit is happening. He spouts some more shit off while I just have my "i dont give a fuck" face on and he eventually packs his shit and leaves. His wife didn't seem to be too suprised by the whole thing so I'm assuming he pulls this kind of shit a lot. This isn't as interesting as I thought it was but I typed up this whole mufuckah so ya'll gonna read it.


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    edit: delete becuase i can't read

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    I hate white people as much as anyone

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    I hate white people as much as anyone

    it was a joke

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    what was the context?
    I believe he said "I don't know if you don't want to help me because you're racist" and then I cut him off and said I don't think I'm racist. Then he dropped the ultimate "The judge will decide that!" bomb and I tried really hard to keep a straight face, haha.

  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts
    doggie[/b] comes in with his wife and kid to use the wireless network.

    doggie[/b] would not listen

    So you're saying that Asians don't eat dogs, but they do marry dudes that smell like them?


  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    what was the context?
    I believe he said "I don't know if you don't want to help me because you're racist" and then I cut him off and said I don't think I'm racist. Then he dropped the ultimate "The judge will decide that!" bomb and I tried really hard to keep a straight face, haha.

    the racist shit i could prolly brush off, i am more interested in why anyone would think what transpired would warrant small claims court.

    it always weirds me out when someone jumps from a 2 on the kooky charts to a 10 when they get pissy.

    not like "i will never do business with you" or "let me talk to the owner". but instead "i am going to sue you".

    people (read: white people) are a peculiar species.

    unless you kicked his wife and poured coffee on his computer. then maybe it makes sense.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Oh, I don't care about the racist shit at all. I was just more stunned that it went from "yo can you type in the password" to "i'm taking you to court you racist!" He seemed pretty reasonable up until he snapped although he was kinda pushy and wanted to front like he had knowledge on some computer shit that I know he was just making up. I mentioned at least three times several things he could try that helped 90% of the customers who come in that have the same problem as him but he just refused to listen.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I don't understand what you did or didn't do for him to call/imply that you're racist. Sounds like some sort of overreactionary guilt to me, man. Don't sweat it.

    In similar news: I was walking up to the entrance of my apartment building in workout clothes this evening, keys in hand, when I saw this late 20 something white lady on the phone waiting to get in. She was talking to somebody in the building and trying to figure out how to get buzzed thru. I scooted past her as she said to her friend, "well, somebody's gonna try to let me in, I'm not sure if he lives here or not" then looks over at me with a half-ass smile "I hope the security camera is working, bla-bla-blah..." and I'm thinking WHATTHEFUCK? Is this chick just trying to be cute or purposely trying to piss me off? Because she has no idea what it feels like to have people think you're trying to sneak in a nice apartment building because you look different than they do. Then as we both walked into the building, I tried to get her attention saying, "Actually, you're the one that the camera should look out for." I don't even think I got a "thank you." I hate that shit! I'm not letting anybody in without proof they live in the building anymore. They're gonna get a few stern questions from me and left behind in the lobby until somebody comes down to get their ass. Treat folks just how they do me.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    I'm not letting anybody in without proof they live in the building and forgot their keys anymore.

    you saw what happened when seinfeld did that.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    haha, dude that's fucked up. i would have closed the door in her face man

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    So many people use that racist call to try and get a rise out of someone, you did the best thing possible & just stayed calm, he ended up looking like the tool because you didn't bite.

  • mojoworkinmojoworkin 283 Posts
    I'm not letting anybody in without proof they live in the building and forgot their keys anymore.

    HAHAHA I used to do that shit all the time - before we got our alarm system installed.

    We are the only people in the building with an alarm system, but it's already paid for itself; a week after we got it, the people next door to us were broken into.

    Now, I don't give a fuck about people trying to get in behind me, unless they're assholes about it. I'm just waiting for the day when some loser tries to test the ADT sticker on the outside of my door, and I'm home.

    P.S. I turn 27 today! Go me!!! Here's to greater harmony and tolerance in my 27th year. Life is to be enjoyed and savoured for its beauty.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    I don't even think I got a "thank you."

    you keep the door open for some stranger and they don't say "thank you". pisses me off every time.

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    I don't even think I got a "thank you."

    you keep the door open for some stranger and they don't say "thank you". pisses me off every time.

    It boils my blood. It happens so much where I work (Beverly Hills) that I've learned to not expect a response. I hold the door without acknowledging their existence. It's easier to ignore people, but occasionally I say YOUR WELCOME, in a MOCKING tone.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    I don't even think I got a "thank you."

    you keep the door open for some stranger and they don't say "thank you". pisses me off every time.

    It boils my blood. It happens so much where I work (Beverly Hills) that I've learned to not expect a response. I hold the door without acknowledging their existence. It's easier to ignore people, but occasionally I say YOUR WELCOME, in a MOCKING tone.

    this is also one of my pet peeves, it fucking gets me every time.

    and Brian, your story is gold. i think the opressed white mans wife's reaction speaks volumes.

    "youre racist!" bet he is fun at parties.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I'm not letting anybody in without proof they live in the building and forgot their keys anymore.

    HAHAHA I used to do that shit all the time - before we got our alarm system installed.

    We are the only people in the building with an alarm system, but it's already paid for itself; a week after we got it, the people next door to us were broken into.

    Now, I don't give a fuck about people trying to get in behind me, unless they're assholes about it. I'm just waiting for the day when some loser tries to test the ADT sticker on the outside of my door, and I'm home.

    P.S. I turn 27 today! Go me!!! Here's to greater harmony and tolerance in my 27th year. Life is to be enjoyed and savoured for its beauty.

    Happy Birthday, Mojo!

    I say clutch your wallet and look at them suspicious just on GP.

    It's a new decade, fuck all that mess.

  • mojoworkinmojoworkin 283 Posts

    Happy Birthday, Mojo!

    I say clutch your wallet and look at them suspicious just on GP.

    It's a new decade, fuck all that mess.

    Thanks man!

    I think I will do nothing but listen to records today!

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    P.S. I turn 27 today! Go me!!! Here's to greater harmony and tolerance in my 27th year. Life is to be enjoyed and savoured for its beauty.


  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    P.S. I turn 27 today! Go me!!! Here's to greater harmony and tolerance in my 27th year. Life is to be enjoyed and savoured for its beauty.

    bro, happy birthday to the creator of the funniest gif i have seen yet.

    you sir... you rock

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    what was the context?
    I believe he said "I don't know if you don't want to help me because you're racist" and then I cut him off and said I don't think I'm racist. Then he dropped the ultimate "The judge will decide that!" bomb and I tried really hard to keep a straight face, haha.

    the judge will decide that!!! that's the best part of the story. You should of laughed in his face...Was he talking about the lord or judge Mathis?

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    Can we get a greamlin thats David Duke's head with a talk bubble that says "your racist".

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    the racist shit i could prolly brush off, i am more interested in why anyone would think what transpired would warrant small claims court.

    it always weirds me out when someone jumps from a 2 on the kooky charts to a 10 when they get pissy.

    not like "i will never do business with you" or "let me talk to the owner". but instead "i am going to sue you".

    people (read: white people) are a peculiar species.

    I am down to hate on white people whenever, but thinking that you can sue someone for no reason at all is more of an American problem than a strictly white one.

  • G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts
    He then says "I don't know if it's because you're racist"

    I hate white people

    seems pretty cut and dry to me.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    what was the context?
    I believe he said "I don't know if you don't want to help me because you're racist" and then I cut him off and said I don't think I'm racist. Then he dropped the ultimate "The judge will decide that!" bomb and I tried really hard to keep a straight face, haha.

    the judge will decide that!!! that's the best part of the story. You should of laughed in his face...Was he talking about the lord or judge Mathis?

    your racism, as a question of fact, would be for the jury not the judge.

    you should have hit him with that one.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    So many people use that racist call to try and get a rise out of someone, you did the best thing possible & just stayed calm, he ended up looking like the tool because you didn't bite.

    Yeah, I got that once from a snotty preteen girl while I was working in the shithole that is Barnes & Noble in Berkeley. The conversation went like this:

    Her (Storming up to me): Hey, you! Can you go in the back and microwave my lunch for me?
    Me (Wondering what would possess her to ask a bookstore employee to microwave her lunch): Uh...no.
    Her: I bet you'd do it if I was white!
    Me: What?
    Her: You heard me.
    Me: OK, then. (I walk away, she storms out of the store.)

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    So many people use that racist call to try and get a rise out of someone, you did the best thing possible & just stayed calm, he ended up looking like the tool because you didn't bite.

    Yeah, I got that once from a snotty preteen girl while I was working in the shithole that is Barnes & Noble in Berkeley. The conversation went like this:

    Her (Storming up to me): Hey, you! Can you go in the back and microwave my lunch for me?
    Me (Wondering what would possess her to ask a bookstore employee to microwave her lunch): Uh...no.
    Her: I bet you'd do it if I was white!
    Me: What?
    Her: You heard me.
    Me: OK, then. (I walk away, she storms out of the store.)

    You should have taken her lunch in the back and eaten it.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    So many people use that racist call to try and get a rise out of someone, you did the best thing possible & just stayed calm, he ended up looking like the tool because you didn't bite.

    Yeah, I got that once from a snotty preteen girl while I was working in the shithole that is Barnes & Noble in Berkeley. The conversation went like this:

    Her (Storming up to me): Hey, you! Can you go in the back and microwave my lunch for me?
    Me (Wondering what would possess her to ask a bookstore employee to microwave her lunch): Uh...no.
    Her: I bet you'd do it if I was white!
    Me: What?
    Her: You heard me.
    Me: OK, then. (I walk away, she storms out of the store.)

    You should have taken her lunch in the back and eaten it.

    Dammit, that would've been perfect! I feel like George Costanza not coming up with a perfect line like "Jerk Store" until after the fact.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts

    the racist shit i could prolly brush off, i am more interested in why anyone would think what transpired would warrant small claims court.

    it always weirds me out when someone jumps from a 2 on the kooky charts to a 10 when they get pissy.

    not like "i will never do business with you" or "let me talk to the owner". but instead "i am going to sue you".

    people (read: white people) are a peculiar species.

    I am down to hate on white people whenever, but thinking that you can sue someone for no reason at all is more of an American problem than a strictly white one.


    but my white hatt was directed more towards this person's emotional instability; jumping from "no i don't want to take your suggestions regarding wi-fi at a coffee shop" to "i am going to take you to court you racist".

    in my experience that type of illogical thinking (i.e. getting so asshurt that you make ludicrous claims) usually involves someone with origins from the Caucus Mts.
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