HarveyCanal Appreciation



  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    All I need is someone to make a mashup with this gif and that Alba's ass one.
    Make the weather lady's hand touch Alba. Thanks.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    oh and jackie the weather lady on the spanish channel is effing HOT!

    I'm pretty sure I spy a reptillian tail coming out of her dress....weather people are fronts for the Japanese Yakuza who have machines that control all the weather. Her fine ass is simply a distraction so that the low IQ masses don't figure out that weather is actually a weapon of mass destruction being used to wreak havoc...just ask Iowa weatherman Scott Stevens...amazingly this nutsack is also a regular guest on Coast To Coast radio show......

    Here is his latest prediction.....

    Within months, and possibly weeks, the northwestern coast of the United States will experience a tectonic and volcanic cataclysm quite unlike any other in recorded history. In the process, millions of people will die or be injured. The American economy will be shaken to its very foundations. In the process, a draconian form of martial law will be declared that will make our once cherished institute of constitutional democracy a thing of the past.[/b]


    I'm telling you....brains are being sucked out at night with Intergalactic Crazy Straws!!!!

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    dudes, this thread has everything. its like a casino buffet of vittles.

    anyways, i was gonna throw in a picture of a kitchen sink. you know, to be, um, funny. so, here you go.

    i told you jackie the spanish channel weather lady was HOT!

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
    Group taunting is some girl in a pink skirt shit if ever I've seen it.

    well-said. pure schoolyard games.

    This thread had has me laughing hysterically and schoolyard games or not, it was damn worth creating it.

    Ok folks, a question: is harvey serious? Is he just playing? I wish we still had polls, because this would be the perfect question.

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    that guy must be one of the infamous "underwear gnomes" mentioned in an older episode of south park.

  • Ok folks, a question: is harvey serious? Is he just playing? I wish we still had polls, because this would be the perfect question.

    no need for questions, the answers are already in front of us.

    I'm thinking of going to the theater tonight with some girl to see Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector. After reading about the bitter beef him and David Cross got going on I think I need to understant the science black magic that Larry controls our funny bones with

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    that guy must be one of the infamous "underwear gnomes" mentioned in an older episode of south park.

    Holy crap.....I just googled "Underwear Gnomes" and found 3 different websites that claim that Karl Rove controls an army of subterreanean gnomes that steal underwear which he uses to bribe Venezuelan Tree Trolls to sell Republicans oil at discounted prices......someone please start a "What I Learned On Soulstrut Today" thread ASAP.

  • someone please start a "What I Learned On Soulstrut Today" thread ASAP.

    don't steal my thunder

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    someone please start a "What I Learned On Soulstrut Today" thread ASAP.

    don't steal my thinder

    I meant you.......or that Guzzo guy

  • I'm amazed this thread got to 5 pages

    without a reference to Project Blowed.

  • oh and jackie the weather lady on the spanish channel is effing HOT!

    A quick google search of "Jackie The Weather Lady" revealed this:

    B stands for BOOBS


    Weather forcast: furious masterbating

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts

    Weather forcast: furious masterbating

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    There is no graemlin for how I feel right now.

  • There is no graemlin for how I feel right now.


  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts

    There is no graemlin for how I feel right now.


    Such a lovely place to take this thread.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    oh and jackie the weather lady on the spanish channel is effing HOT!

    A quick google search of "Jackie The Weather Lady" revealed this:

    GOOD GOD ALLMIGHTY!!!!!!!! Jackie the weather lady is MUY CALIENTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I need to start watching the weather report on HER station. Is she on Univision? Galavision? Telemundo? Plaese to post more info and pictures of her.

    Muchas gracias folls.

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    whats up chan!

    she comes on univision morning show. its like good morning america except its the spanish version. i think its called depiertas america or something like that. no need for cable tv, she should be on the free univision channel. well, at least she is down here...

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    hello my little puppets, DANCE PUPPETS DANCE!!!

    sorry, wrong forum.

    i am here to pay homage to the everburning light of one Mr. Harvey Canal

    dude, from the bottom of my cold blooded scaley heart i thank you for simply being you.

    i gotta get drunk more often... although isnt it fanfuckingtastic that IM the drunk one yet the SOBER guy is all about the lizards!?!

    thank you harvey canal
    thank you scooby doo.

    and contrary to what has been said here: i am not the future, i am a fucking loser that spends too much time on the computer (ask my wife, she told me so).

    is the new ex-hitler-youth pope a lizard too?

    just askin....

  • boast1boast1 142 Posts

    Empirical data, hypothesis and experiments with controls

    All vein attempts to cram an infinite universe beneath the limited understanding of the human mind.

    Nature follows nature, not science.

    fuck. i really need to put you on ignore mode. i actually agree with you.

    oh, and its vain[/b] attempts.

    Regardless, let's not get distracted with all this talk of science.

    I'm trying to hear more about black magic.

    there are a few places online where you can buy some really nice fancy Black Mirrors. You can get them as fancy as your heart desires you can even go to like michaels or one of the wizard king stands on the corner of 5th and broad downtown in any city of your choosing. But for those of you who don't want to spend alot of money and would like to get started quickly in the Art of Scrying.... you can simply make your own for about five-seven dollars. Simply go to Wal-mart or Wallgreens and buy a small 5x7 picture frame (you can buy an oval shaped one if you so choose.) and a can of flat black spray paint. When you get it home take the glass out and make sure it is clean.... no finger prints or the demon lizard of chamazycharion will dissolve the retina within 13 seconds!!! Then paint the back side of it with the flat black paint and let it dry for about a half hour. Then put it all back together making sure that the painted side is facing the back and you now have your Black Mirror ready for you to consecrate and put on your alter for Scrying! This is going to be fun!
    to invoke the king of the lizard people you should sit on a comfortable stool that is the proper height of your Alter. You don't want to be standing for a long period of time.... that is why I myself use a stool or chair. Sit and gaze (stare) into the Black Mirror. Ask the universe to bring you a vision or call upon a spirit guide to show you where the lair of the lizard people is located. You will need to sit there and gaze into the mirror for a good period of time..approx. 4 days.... you will know when it is starting to work when you own reflection vanishes and all you see is black. That is the key to knowing that you are getting close to the reptile nation of juctimolikovol. From that point on is when your visions will begin to appear. the first few times you may not even see all black... you will probably get bored and quit.. you may even go for a beer or decide to eat some sandwiches. This is not the way of the Magician. Patience is a virtue with magic. So it may take a few times to get the total black out effect. From then on you must strive to keep gazing into the mirror. You may only get a glimpse of a unfamiliar face or an unknown landscape or a giant lizard man resembling harrison ford, but not really. But as the weeks progress you will have success. One of the other most important things besides practice is for you to communicate to the universe or to your spirit guides as to your desires when Scrying. Some of you will find this very easy and many others will simply say this does not work and you may never do it again or just decide to go eat more sandwiches. Like all magic nothing comes instantly or without true dedication and practicing the art. And all and all it takes an altered state of consciousness.... however you so choose to get into that state of mind.
    I will say no more about that other than feasting on a family of salimanders (easily found under rocks in your own backyard!) will help envoke the spirit of yamatikofel, the grand high lizard. good luck.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    you may even go for a beer or decide to eat some sandwiches. This is not the way of the Magician.
    you may even go for a beer or decide to eat some sandwiches. This is not the way of the Magician.

    you may even go for a beer or decide to eat some sandwiches. This is not the way of the Magician.

    you may even go for a beer or decide to eat some sandwiches. This is not the way of the Magician.

    you may even go for a beer or decide to eat some sandwiches. This is not the way of the Magician.

  • boast1boast1 142 Posts

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Dance puppets Dance!

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Dear Harvey,

    I honestly beleive that you have serious psychological issues. Paranoia, Dementia, and god knows what else. I really think (and I mean this in all seriousness) that you should consult a psychiatrist. Unless this is all a gag, in which case I guess it is kind of funny. Otherwise, you really really really need help, and probably medications.

    Thank you, pawn of the system. May I have another?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    oh and jackie the weather lady on the spanish channel is effing HOT!

    A quick google search of "Jackie The Weather Lady" revealed this:

    Best thing ever to be posted on the strut.

    Muy caliente!!!

    She can forecast my current conditions anyday!~

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Dear Harvey,

    I honestly beleive that you have serious psychological issues. Paranoia, Dementia, and god knows what else. I really think (and I mean this in all seriousness) that you should consult a psychiatrist. Unless this is all a gag, in which case I guess it is kind of funny. Otherwise, you really really really need help, and probably medications.

    Thank you, pawn of the system. May I have another?


    I think that Conspiracy Theorists (or CTs) suffer from an imbalance that makes them feel that the world simply can't exist the way it does on its own. I think the idea that there is no man behind the curtain who is making the world complicated and cruel is frightening. CTs feel that any kind of explanation, no matter how illogical or improbable, is better than the idea of chaos. CTs somehow always seem to think that they have it all "figured out", and that helps them feel like they have some amount of control. Those that don't buy into it are helpless sheep, pawns of the system, brainwashed by the illuminati, etc. This not only helps CTs assure themselves that their beleifs are correct, but it is also the first line defense against others who don't beleive.

    Because patterns exist in the world, and it is a small world, after all it is possible for a CT for find a connection for just about anything. Kind of like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. The CT could connect Kevin Bacon to Hitler, Hitler to Nostradamus, Nostradamus to Jesus, Jesus to the pyramids, the pyramids to lizards, lizard to Kevin Bacon. Even the smallest string of coincidences is enough proof for the CT to beleive. The CT doesn't beleive because of strong evidence, or even real logic, but because he WANTS to beleive.

    Now, I'm no psychologist. I'm just offering my own opinion. I find CTs to be some of the most annoying people on earth. However, I also feel that they probably suffer from psychological imbalances that make them the way they are. Maybe like a mild schizofrenia.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Now, I'm no psychologist. I'm just offering my own opinion. I find CTs to be some of the most annoying people on earth. However, I also feel that they probably suffer from psychological imbalances that make them the way they are. Maybe like a mild schizofrenia.

    Very well put......I think that low self-esteem and the need to feel intellectually superior, regardless as to how absurd their theories are plays a role as well.

    Many Christians feel they cannot control their own destiny and they look to/rely on a mythical God to do it for them. That way they can not only eschew the responibility of personal acheivement, they can feel that they are not accountable when they fail.

    And while Christianity(and other mainstream religions) serves it's followers in many positive ways, I am not going to be convinced of the existance of their God or feel intellectually inferior by not doing so without some sort of logical and/or scientific evidence, any more than I will by not believing in Lizard People or any other mythalogical absurdities.

    And for the record, you can not be a Christian by definition if you think your God is a half-truth.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    Availability heuristic[/b] (from Wikipedia):

    The availability heuristic is a rule of thumb, or heuristic, which occurs when people estimate the probability of an outcome based on how easy that outcome is to imagine. As such, vividly described, emotionally-charged possibilities will be perceived as being more likely than those that are harder to picture or are difficult to understand, resulting in a corresponding cognitive bias.

    For example, most people think that dying from a shark attack is more likely than dying from being hit by falling airplane parts, yet the opposite is true by a factor of 30. Perhaps this is because sharks are inherently terrifying or because shark attacks receive more media coverage. Many people seem to fear plane crashes, yet one is far more likely to be harmed in a car accident on the way to the airport. Similarly, much more money is spent on fighting terrorism than on preventing car crashes, yet the latter kill many more people per year:

    Car crashes don't get attention because they occur in ones and twos. If people died at the same rate but in one horrifying crash a month that killed 3,500 people, then President Bush and Congress would speedily make auto safety a priority and save thousands of lives a year. As Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta has said: "If we had 115 people die a day in aviation crashes, we wouldn't have a plane in the sky." [1]

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Now, I'm no psychologist. I'm just offering my own opinion. I find CTs to be some of the most annoying people on earth. However, I also feel that they probably suffer from psychological imbalances that make them the way they are. Maybe like a mild schizofrenia.

    Very well put......I think that low self-esteem and the need to feel intellectually superior, regardless as to how absurd[/b] their theories[/b] are plays a role as well.

    But dude, you also think that modern racism is a myth.

  • Dear Harvey,

    I honestly beleive that you have serious psychological issues. Paranoia, Dementia, and god knows what else. I really think (and I mean this in all seriousness) that you should consult a psychiatrist. Unless this is all a gag, in which case I guess it is kind of funny. Otherwise, you really really really need help, and probably medications.

    Thank you, pawn of the system. May I have another?


    I think that Conspiracy Theorists (or CTs) suffer from an imbalance that makes them feel that the world simply can't exist the way it does on its own. I think the idea that there is no man behind the curtain who is making the world complicated and cruel is frightening. CTs feel that any kind of explanation, no matter how illogical or improbable, is better than the idea of chaos. CTs somehow always seem to think that they have it all "figured out", and that helps them feel like they have some amount of control. Those that don't buy into it are helpless sheep, pawns of the system, brainwashed by the illuminati, etc. This not only helps CTs assure themselves that their beleifs are correct, but it is also the first line defense against others who don't beleive.

    Because patterns exist in the world, and it is a small world, after all it is possible for a CT for find a connection for just about anything. Kind of like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. The CT could connect Kevin Bacon to Hitler, Hitler to Nostradamus, Nostradamus to Jesus, Jesus to the pyramids, the pyramids to lizards, lizard to Kevin Bacon. Even the smallest string of coincidences is enough proof for the CT to beleive. The CT doesn't beleive because of strong evidence, or even real logic, but because he WANTS to beleive.

    Now, I'm no psychologist. I'm just offering my own opinion. I find CTs to be some of the most annoying people on earth. However, I also feel that they probably suffer from psychological imbalances that make them the way they are. Maybe like a mild schizofrenia.

    I want to believe you but I read an article last night that mentioned your name, it was scary, whats even scarier is that the article was written 40 years ago, and whats even scarier than that is it was written by some guy named Iggy with a PH.d. in farcical science.



  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts


    I think that Conspiracy Theorists (or CTs) suffer from an imbalance that makes them feel that the world simply can't exist the way it does on its own. I think the idea that there is no man behind the curtain who is making the world complicated and cruel is frightening. CTs feel that any kind of explanation, no matter how illogical or improbable, is better than the idea of chaos. CTs somehow always seem to think that they have it all "figured out", and that helps them feel like they have some amount of control. Those that don't buy into it are helpless sheep, pawns of the system, brainwashed by the illuminati, etc. This not only helps CTs assure themselves that their beleifs are correct, but it is also the first line defense against others who don't beleive.

    Because patterns exist in the world, and it is a small world, after all it is possible for a CT for find a connection for just about anything. Kind of like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. The CT could connect Kevin Bacon to Hitler, Hitler to Nostradamus, Nostradamus to Jesus, Jesus to the pyramids, the pyramids to lizards, lizard to Kevin Bacon. Even the smallest string of coincidences is enough proof for the CT to beleive. The CT doesn't beleive because of strong evidence, or even real logic, but because he WANTS to beleive.

    Now, I'm no psychologist. I'm just offering my own opinion. I find CTs to be some of the most annoying people on earth. However, I also feel that they probably suffer from psychological imbalances that make them the way they are. Maybe like a mild schizofrenia.

    dude. what the fuck is this? i didnt laugh once.
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