David Icke on Coast To Coast AM tonite!



  • gibla74gibla74 182 Posts
    Cut the bullshit & just answer my questions already!


  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    Apparently he gets alot of his theories from old sumarian texts that describe & depict lizard type folks. He also refers to alot of architecture with lizard refrences like gargoyles etc.
    I love conspiracies & alot of the stuff i know isnt conspiracy theory, its conspiracy fact! Persoanlly im not buyin the lizard people theory though cos its just too crazy & did anybody see that documentry he did where he interviewed a crazy lady that said she was abused by shapeshifters? Man that was dumb. Icke is a bit of a muppet tbh.
    Now moloch the owl on the dollar bill is some dodgy business. The worlds elite (kissinger, clinton, bush, blair) have all been to pay a visit to this guy before they took power. They worship a giant statue of him down at the lovely bohemian grove & then pretend? to sacrifice a screaming child in a pit of fire. Anybody who is having problems beleiving alot of this crazy stuff should watch the cremation of care & see how the politicians like to spend their free time. Its just some straight up freaky shit.

    Did anybody record the radio show? I love coast to coast but we dont get it here in the uk.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Apparently he gets alot of his theories from old sumarian texts that describe & depict lizard type folks. He also refers to alot of architecture with lizard refrences like gargoyles etc.
    I love conspiracies & alot of the stuff i know isnt conspiracy theory, its conspiracy fact! Persoanlly im not buyin the lizard people theory though cos its just too crazy & did anybody see that documentry he did where he interviewed a crazy lady that said she was abused by shapeshifters? Man that was dumb. Icke is a bit of a muppet tbh.
    Now moloch the owl on the dollar bill is some dodgy business. The worlds elite (kissinger, clinton, bush, blair) have all been to pay a visit to this guy before they took power. They worship a giant statue of him down at the lovely bohemian grove & then pretend? to sacrifice a screaming child in a pit of fire. Anybody who is having problems beleiving alot of this crazy stuff should watch the cremation of care & see how the politicians like to spend their free time. Its just some straight up freaky shit.

    Did anybody record the radio show? I love coast to coast but we dont get it here in the uk.

    dont forget the star of david and the menorah on the yankee dollar as well

    and marlboro cigarette packets have kkk on them

    and the popes staff has the number 666 on it

    and the pentagon is acually a pentagram

    and the Giza pyramids are an exact map of Orions belt with the river Nile representing the Milky way

    Atlantis is buried beneath Antarctica

    Nostradamus predicted everything

    Bin Laden and Dubyas daddies were in the same room in texas when the planes hit on 911

    the pentagon 911 plane never existed

    the moon landing was a hoax

    The MI5 killed Diana

    The CIA killed Kennedy

    Mcdonalds special sauce is thousand island dressing

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    [and the Giza pyramids are an exact map of Orions belt with the river Nile representing the Milky way

    Fo' real?

    Bohemian grove isnt some lame-o theory though...its there in technicolour.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Fo' real?
    fo' real.
    Bohemian grove isnt some lame-o theory though...its there in technicolour.

    maybe it was "something" once upon a time, but now it is a fucking magnet for crackpot conspiracy theorists.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    and giza is also the center of the earth...

    those clever Egyptians, what will they think of next?

  • Rich45sRich45s 327 Posts
    Wow, I can't believe I'm reading about David Icke on a predominantly American board about old records. I didn't realise he was big outside of the UK. Here he's a discredited joke of an ex-goalkeeper who only ever gets on TV when a chat show needs to fill the 'laugh at the crazy man' segment of their show.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    oh thats it, building a pyramid on mars...

    did you know Walt Disney is frozen...



    black helicopters maaaaaan.


  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Wow, I can't believe I'm reading about David Icke on a predominantly American board about old records. I didn't realise he was big outside of the UK. Here he's a discredited joke of an ex-goalkeeper who only ever gets on TV when a chat show needs to fill the 'laugh at the crazy man' segment of their show.

    dude, wrong thread, you sound lucid and rational.

    nothing to see here, move along, move along.

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    Theyre triangulating on my current locaton.

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    holy shit man. you are fucking stupid. if you keep up your drinking guzzo might have some competition around here.

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    holy shit man. you are fucking stupid. if you keep up your drinking guzzo might have some competition around here.

    stupid people dont believe in them thar lizardfolk?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    They have an mp3 section for download. But ya gotta be a member.

    Global Agenda
    In the second half of the show, speaker and author David Icke shared his view that a hidden global elite is seeking to control humanity, and plans a centralization of power and an eventual one world government. This group manipulates the population through various means, he contended. These methods include the bombardment of electromagnetic frequencies (from cell phones, cell towers, HAARP) and substances such as aspartame and fluoride, which act as "excitotoxins," lowering brain cell functioning and vitality.

    To reach their goal of creating a centralized state with a microchipped population connected to a computer, super powers such as the US have to be destroyed, and Icke believes that is now systematically under way. They want to create the conditions for World War III, said Icke-- afterwards they can step in and say that in order to stop this from ever happening again, we need a world government to take over.

    He foresees a "massive fork in the road," for humanity's future. Within a few short years we could be living in a global fascist state-- "a centralized Orwellian nightmare," or if we start to address this now and not cooperate, we can transform the outcome into something very different.

    In the first half of the show, author Steve Quayle presented similar concerns about the agenda of globalists. He argued that the bird flu is a cover for a more deadly "transgenic" epidemic, which the elite intend to use to massively reduce the earth's population. Quayle also shared his belief that there are a number of signs we are currently living in the prophesized Biblical "end times," such as the new National ID law.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    do a google image search for 'owl', and check out the first owl that comes up. bohemian grove, dude.

    is this the Bohemian Grove Owl?

    This is what came up for me. I know, I must be bored.

    it was the first image that came up for 'owl'. Please let me know if I am supposed to be adding any other key words, like 'nutty conspiracy freaks' or 'lizard people' or something like that to get the same results as you got.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    do a google image search for 'owl', and check out the first owl that comes up. bohemian grove, dude.

    A highly-esteemed US funk afficiando is a known owl worshiper - coincidence? I think not.

    this conspiracy has even penetrated the top levels of the collectro world...

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    nzshadow - dude, did you sleep at all? or did you drink and post all night / day?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

    was leonardo da vinci a lizard?

    Does a bear shit in the woods?

    Is the Pope a Catholic Reptile?

  • SooksSooks 714 Posts

    Global Agenda
    In the second half of the show, speaker and author David Icke shared his view that a hidden global elite is seeking to control humanity, and plans a centralization of power and an eventual one world government. This group manipulates the population through various means, he contended. These methods include the bombardment of electromagnetic frequencies (from cell phones, cell towers, HAARP) and substances such as aspartame and fluoride[/b], which act as "excitotoxins," lowering brain cell functioning and vitality.

    I thought it was the commies putting the fluoride in our water... unless, of course, the commies are lizards! It all makes sense now!

  • It's not hard to see why folks dismiss Icke once they learn of his lizard theory. That's unfortunate, however, because his most important theme is what he calls "problem-reaction-solution." The elite create a problem to engender a reaction in the people so a solution can be sold to them with ease. The 1933 Reichstag fire, Pearl Harbor, 9-11, all created a pretext for war and the surrender of civil liberties.

    Icke has very interesting things to say about the power of fear as an instrument of control, both in individual and mass consciousness, but I don't think he can be fairly called a fear monger as he's very careful to point out that we ultimately control our own destiny.

    His work picks up where books like the late William Cooper's "Behold a Pale Horse" left off. You don't have to believe reptilians seeded this planet long ago to find an element of truth in his writings. Even if you think he's full of crap, you owe it to yourself to read at least one of his books because it's better than the stuff billed as science fiction. His reading of the movie "Monsters Inc.," for instance, is worth the price of admission alone (that's in "The Biggest Secret").

    It's fine to be skeptical, but it's not fair to dismiss everything a person has to say out of hand simply because you've heard they have some crazy things to say. Society's most cherished authors, artists, scientists, philosophers and musicians were/are often perceived as crazy as road lizards. Doesn't mean we have to burn their books/records/paintings.

    Just my two cents. And by the way, hello to the board. I've lurked for some time; just reticent by nature, I guess.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    What the hell did Kris Kristofferson do???

    Kris Kristofferson

    Actor - filmography
    (In Production) (2000s) (1990s) (1980s) (1970s)

    Fast Food Nation (2006) (post-production)

    Disappearances (2006) .... Quebec Bill
    Gun (2005) (VG) (voice) .... Ned White
    Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (2005) .... Pop Crane
    14 Hours (2005) (TV) .... Chuck Whortle
    The Wendell Baker Story (2005) .... Nasher
    The Jacket (2005) .... Dr. Thomas Becker
    Blade: Trinity (2004) .... Abraham Whistler
    Lives of the Saints (2004) (TV) .... Matthew Bok
    Sam Peckinpah's West: Legacy of a Hollywood Renegade (2004) (TV) (also archive footage) .... Narrator/Himself
    Silver City (2004) .... Wes Benteen
    Where the Red Fern Grows (2003) .... Older Billy Coleman
    Blade II (2002) .... Abraham Whistler
    ... aka Blade II (Germany)
    D-Tox (2002) .... Doc
    ... aka D-Tox (Australia)
    ... aka Eye See You (USA: video title)
    ... aka Im Auge der Angst (Germany)
    Wooly Boys (2001) .... Shuck
    Chelsea Walls (2001) .... Bud
    ... aka Chelsea Hotel
    Planet of the Apes (2001) .... Karubi
    "American Roots Music" (2001) (mini) TV Series (voice) .... Narrator
    Perfect Murder, Perfect Town: JonBen??t and the City of Boulder (2000) (TV) .... Lou Smit
    Comanche (2000)

    The Joyriders (1999) .... Eddie
    Limbo (1999) .... 'Smilin' Jack Johannson
    Molokai: The Story of Father Damien (1999) .... Rudolph Meyer
    ... aka Damiaan (Belgium: Flemish title)
    ... aka Father Damien
    ... aka Molokai: The Forbidden Island (UK: DVD title)
    Payback (1999) .... Bronson
    NetForce (1999) (TV) .... Steve Day
    Outlaw Justice (1999) (TV) .... Tarence
    ... aka The Long Kill (USA)
    The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock (1998) (V) (voice) .... Doc
    A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries (1998) .... Bill Willis
    ... aka Fille d'un soldat ne pleure jamais, La (France)
    Dance with Me (1998) .... John Burnett
    Blade (1998) .... Abraham Whistler
    Girls' Night (1998) .... Cody
    Two for Texas (1998) (TV) .... Hugh Allison
    Fire Down Below (1997) .... Orin Hanner Sr.
    Dead Man's Gun (1997) (TV) .... Narrator
    "Dead Man's Gun" (1997) TV Series (voice) .... Narrator
    Blue Rodeo (1996) (TV)
    Lone Star (1996) .... Sheriff Charlie Wade
    Inflammable (1995) (TV) .... Capt. Jack Guthrie
    Tad (1995) (TV) .... Abraham Lincoln
    Brothers' Destiny (1995) (TV) .... Davis
    ... aka Long Road Home
    ... aka The Road Home
    Pharaoh's Army (1995) .... Preacher
    Sodbusters (1994) (TV) .... Destiny
    The Songs of Six Families (1994) (TV) .... Host
    Knights (1993) .... Gabriel
    Trouble Shooters: Trapped Beneath the Earth (1993) (TV) .... Stan Mather
    No Place to Hide (1993) .... Joe Garvey
    Paper Hearts (1993) .... Tom
    ... aka Cheatin' Hearts
    Christmas in Connecticut (1992) (TV) .... Jefferson Jones
    Miracle in the Wilderness (1992) (TV) .... Jericho Adams
    Original Intent (1992) (V) .... Jack Saunders
    Another Pair of Aces: Three of a Kind (1991) (TV) .... Rip Metcalf
    Pair of Aces (1990) (TV) .... Rip Metcalf
    Night of the Cyclone (1990) .... Stanley 'Stan'
    ... aka Perfume of the Cyclone
    Sandino (1990) .... Tom Holte

    Welcome Home (1989) .... Jake
    Millennium (1989) .... Bill Smith
    Big Top Pee-wee (1988) .... Mace Montana
    The Tracker (1988) (TV) .... Noble Adams
    ... aka Dead Or Alive
    "Amerika" (1987) (mini) TV Series .... Devin Milford
    I Am What I Am (1987) (TV) .... Self
    Stagecoach (1986) (TV) .... Ringo aka Ringo Kid aka Bill Williams
    Blood & Orchids (1986) (TV) .... Capt. Curtis 'Curt' Maddox
    The Last Days of Frank and Jesse James (1986) (TV) .... Jesse James
    Trouble in Mind (1985) .... Hawk
    Flashpoint (1984) .... Bobby Logan
    Sunday Night Live (1984) (TV) .... Master of Ceremonies (M.C.)
    The Lost Honor of Kathryn Beck (1984) (TV) .... Ben Cole
    ... aka Act of Passion
    Songwriter (1984) .... Blackie Buck
    Rollover (1981) .... Hubbell Smith
    A Special Anne Murray Christmas (1981) (TV)
    Heaven's Gate (1980) .... James Averill
    ... aka Johnson County Wars

    Freedom Road (1979) (TV) .... Abner Lait
    Convoy (1978) .... Rubber Duck aka Martin Penwald
    Semi-Tough (1977) .... Marvin 'Shake' Tiller
    A Star Is Born (1976) .... John Norman Howard
    Vigilante Force (1976) .... Aaron Arnold
    The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea (1976) .... Jim Cameron
    "Saturday Night Live"
    ... aka NBC's Saturday Night (USA: original title)
    ... aka SNL
    ... aka SNL 25 (USA: new title)
    ... aka Saturday Night Live '80 (USA: new title)
    - Episode #1.24 (1976) TV Episode .... Host
    Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974) .... David
    Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974) .... Biker
    ... aka Traiganme la cabeza de Alfredo Garcia (Mexico)
    Blume in Love (1973) .... Elmo Cole
    Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973) .... William H. Bonney (Billy the Kid)
    Gospel Road: A Story of Jesus (1973) .... Vocalist
    ... aka Gospel Road (USA: short title)
    Cisco Pike (1972) .... Cisco Pike
    The Last Movie (1971) .... Minstrel wrangler
    ... aka Chinchero

    Filmography as: Actor, Composer, Miscellaneous Crew, Himself, Archive Footage

    Composer - filmography
    (2000s) (1990s) (1980s) (1970s)

    Passion & Poetry: The Ballad of Sam Peckinpah (2005)
    Sam Peckinpah's West: Legacy of a Hollywood Renegade (2004) (TV) (song)

    U Turn (1997) (song "Help Me Make It Through the Night")
    ... aka U Turn - Ici commence l'enfer (France)
    The Ice Storm (1997) (song "Help Me Make It Through the Night)
    Message to Love: The Isle of Wight Festival (1997) (song "Me & Bobby McGee")
    ... aka Message of Love: The Isle of Wight Festival: The Movie (USA: video title)
    ... aka Message to Love (UK)
    Sam Peckinpah: Man of Iron (1992) (TV)
    ... aka Sam Peckinpah: A Retrospective (USA: video catalogue title)

    Walking After Midnight (1988)
    "S??rie noire"
    - Grandeur et d??cadence d'un petit commerce de cin??ma (1986) TV Episode (song "Me and Bobby McGee") (uncredited)
    Trouble in Mind (1985) (end title "El Gavilan")
    Songwriter (1984) (songs)

    The Music for UNICEF Concert: A Gift of Song (1979) (TV) (song "Fallen Angel")
    ... aka A Gift of Song: The Music for UNICEF Concert (USA)
    The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea (1976) (theme)
    Gospel Road: A Story of Jesus (1973)
    ... aka Gospel Road (USA: short title)
    Fat City (1972) (songs)
    Cisco Pike (1972)
    The Last Movie (1971)
    ... aka Chinchero
    Clay Pigeon (1971)
    ... aka Trip to Kill (UK) (USA: video title)

    Filmography as: Actor, Composer, Miscellaneous Crew, Himself, Archive Footage

    Miscellaneous Crew - filmography
    (1990s) (1970s)

    The Panama Deception (1992) (additional supporter)

    The Music for UNICEF Concert: A Gift of Song (1979) (TV) (lyricist: "Fallen Angel")
    ... aka A Gift of Song: The Music for UNICEF Concert (USA)
    A Star Is Born (1976) (singer: "Watch Closely Now", "Lost Inside of You", "Hellacious Acres", "Crippled Crow" and "Love Theme from a Star Is Born (Evergreen) ")
    Taxi Driver (1976) (special thanks)
    Fat City (1972) (singer)

    Filmography as: Actor, Composer, Miscellaneous Crew, Himself, Archive Footage

    Himself - filmography
    (2000s) (1990s) (1980s) (1970s)

    Ricky Nelson Sings (2005) (TV) .... Himself
    Brats: Our Journey Home (2005) .... Narrator
    Passion & Poetry: The Ballad of Sam Peckinpah (2005) .... Himself
    The Jacket: Project History and Deleted Scenes (2005) (V) .... H imself
    CMT: 20 Greatest Country Bands (2005) (TV) .... Narrator
    The Life and Hard Times of Guy Terrifico (2005) .... Himself
    The 47th Annual Grammy Awards (2005) (TV) .... Introduce - Janis Joplin Memorial
    Trudell (2005) .... Himself
    Be Here to Love Me: A Film About Townes Van Zandt (2004) .... Himself
    Ronnie Hawkins 'Still Alive and Kickin' (2004) (TV) .... Himself
    Final Cut: The Making and Unmaking of 'Heaven's Gate' (2004) .... Himself
    "The Heaven and Earth Show"
    - Episode dated 22 February 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself
    Second Chances: The Making of 'Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore' (2004) (V) .... Himself
    "Get Up, Stand Up" (2003) (mini) TV Series .... Himself/Interviewee
    Willie Nelson & Friends: Live and Kickin' (2003) (TV) .... Himself
    Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex, Drugs and Rock 'N' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood (2003) .... Himself
    John Ford Goes to War (2002) (voice) .... Narrator
    Immaculate Funk (2000) .... Himself
    The Ballad of Ramblin' Jack (2000) .... Himself
    Johnny Cash: Half Mile a Day (2000) (V) .... Himself

    "The Howard Stern Radio Show"
    - Episode dated 18 December 1999 (1999) TV Episode .... Himself
    An All-Star Tribute to Johnny Cash (1999) (TV) .... Performer
    The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1998) (TV) .... Himself
    "Late Night with Conan O'Brien"
    - Episode dated 18 September 1998 (1998) TV Episode .... Himself
    Roger Miller Remembered (1998) (TV) .... Himself
    "The Rosie O'Donnell Show"
    - Episode dated 12 January 1998 (1998) TV Episode .... Himself
    Big Guns Talk: The Story of the Western (1997) (TV) .... Himself
    The American Film Institute Salute to Martin Scorsese (1997) (TV) .... Himself
    Message to Love: The Isle of Wight Festival (1997) .... Himself
    ... aka Message of Love: The Isle of Wight Festival: The Movie (USA: video title)
    ... aka Message to Love (UK)
    The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1996) (TV) .... Himself
    Dolly Parton: Treasures (1996) (TV) .... Himself
    "America's Music: The Roots of Country" (1996) (mini) TV Series .... Narrator
    "VH1 Legends" (1996) TV Series .... Narrator
    Big Dreams & Broken Hearts: The Dottie West Story (1995) (TV) .... Himself
    Adventures of the Old West (1995) (TV)
    "The Larry Sanders Show"
    - Arthur's Crises (1994) TV Episode .... Himself
    Willie Nelson: The Big Six-0 (1993) (TV) .... Himself
    Bob Dylan: 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration (1993) (TV) .... Himself
    Kris Kristofferson: His Life and Work (1993) (TV) .... Himself
    Sam Peckinpah: Man of Iron (1992) (TV) .... Himself
    ... aka Sam Peckinpah: A Retrospective (USA: video catalogue title)

    Farm Aid '87 (1987) (TV) .... Himself
    The Winning Hand (1985) (TV) .... Himself
    Joan Rivers and Friends Salute Heidi Abromowitz (1985) (TV) .... Himself
    Country Comes Home (1982) (TV)
    The 22nd Annual Grammy Awards (1980) (TV) .... Himself

    The Unbroken Circle: A Tribute to Mother Maybelle Carter (1979) (TV) .... Host
    The 51st Annual Academy Awards (1979) (TV) .... Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Original Song
    The 21st Annual Grammy Awards (1979) (TV) .... Himself
    The Music for UNICEF Concert: A Gift of Song (1979) (TV) .... Song Performer "Fallen Angels"
    ... aka A Gift of Song: The Music for UNICEF Concert (USA)
    A Salute to American Imagination (1978) (TV) .... Himself
    "The Muppet Show"
    - Episode #3.1 (1978) TV Episode .... Himself
    "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson"
    ... aka The Best of Carson (USA: rerun title)
    - Episode dated 2 January 1978 (1978) TV Episode .... Himself
    - Episode dated 26 March 1973 (1973) TV Episode .... Himself
    Who Are the DeBolts? And Where Did They Get Nineteen Kids? (1977) .... Narrator
    Barbra: With One More Look at You (1976) (TV) .... Himself/John Norman Howard
    ... aka The Making of 'A Star Is Born' (USA: informal title)
    Free to Be... You & Me (1974) (TV) .... Himself
    "The Dean Martin Show"
    ... aka The Dean Martin Comedy Hour (new title)
    - Celebrity Roast: Ronald Reagan (1973) TV Episode .... Himself
    "The Flip Wilson Show"
    - Episode #3.12 (1972) TV Episode .... Himself

    All of this shit came up on SS during David Ike's first book tour in '01 or whenever it was, and then, as now, it was the dumb-arsed reaction of people translating inter-galactic lizard people = Jews that caused the controvesy, and as Theroux points out, has the danger of adding credence to his daft theories.
    Next thing, people will want him locked up, like the crackpot historian in Austria. Just ignore the space-cadet and he'll go away.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    It's not hard to see why folks dismiss Icke once they learn of his lizard theory. That's unfortunate, however, because his most important theme is what he calls "problem-reaction-solution." The elite create a problem to engender a reaction in the people so a solution can be sold to them with ease. The 1933 Reichstag fire, Pearl Harbor, 9-11, all created a pretext for war and the surrender of civil liberties.

    But surely thats the kind of observation any semi-well trained historian can make, except I'd be amazed to see evidence to prove that the Japanese were under american instruction to bomb pearl harbour. Icke is a nut, the fact that he also makes a completely commonplace observation doesn't make him any more interesting. Leaping from observing that ruling elites turn things to their favour to assuming they've done them themselves requires more and better evidence than Icke can bring. Lizards noticeable needn't feature either.

    The people up top are just wankers who want more money... No lizards need apply, all positions are filled by human beings.

    Ditto, I'd rather read Karl Marx if I want to know how I'm being manipulated.

  • holy shit man. you are fucking stupid. if you keep up your drinking guzzo might have some competition around here.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    It's not hard to see why folks dismiss Icke once they learn of his lizard theory. That's unfortunate, however, because his most important theme is what he calls "problem-reaction-solution." The elite create a problem to engender a reaction in the people so a solution can be sold to them with ease. The 1933 Reichstag fire, Pearl Harbor, 9-11, all created a pretext for war and the surrender of civil liberties.

    But surely thats the kind of observation any semi-well trained historian can make, except I'd be amazed to see evidence to prove that the Japanese were under american instruction to bomb pearl harbour. Icke is a nut, the fact that he also makes a completely commonplace observation doesn't make him any more interesting. Leaping from observing that ruling elites turn things to their favour to assuming they've done them themselves requires more and better evidence than Icke can bring. Lizards noticeable needn't feature either.

    The people up top are just wankers who want more money... No lizards need apply, all positions are filled by human beings.

    Ditto, I'd rather read Karl Marx if I want to know how I'm being manipulated.

    can you still be manipulated if you know you are being manipulated?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    can you still be manipulated if you know you are being manipulated?

    "Just lie back and think of England"

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Ok….I admit it…..I do have some insider info about the Lizard People and while I realize I’m putting myself and my family at risk, I’ve decided to come clean and spill my guts right here on SS.

    In the late 50’s the Lizard People, looking for a way to infiltrate our society and “create” a race of Lizard People here on Earth(Travel from their planet was getting expensive) decided to use rock music as their recruitment tool. This is one of the reasons that Christian preachers were so vehemently against Rock & Roll, but were hesitant to tell the general public about the Lizard People fearing mass hysteria. Elvis was a Lizard Person, slithering his hips on stage and seducing young people into the Lizard lifestyle. Those in the know were able to combat the Elvis effect by creating artists like Fabian, Pat Boone and Paul Anka who performed “Anti-Lizard” music that eventually drove Elvis to a life of drugs and eventual early death.

    While the Lizard people’s Rock & Roll agenda was dead by 1963, they decided to take one last shot via a combination of drugs and music and sent Timothy Leary(TL = Top Lizard) to earth to distribute LSD(Lizard Simulating Drug) to the youth of America to create a mindless Lizard race of people that would do their bidding here on earth. Giant terrariums called “Communes” were set up, mostly in deserts that could provide the Lizard people with their preferred environment. These communes spawned 1,000’s of Lizard youth that were continued to be controlled via music through the 70’s. Secret messages with instructions from the Lizard empire were sent to these Lizard youth through songs like BOC’s “Godzilla” and bands like Whitesnake, Toad and Krokodil.

    By the 80’s, the Lizard people realized that popular music on earth had become pretty crappy and began to look for other ways to spread their message. They assigned a young Lizard boy, Al Gore, to invent the Internet so they could reach the masses. At risk of making their super secretive plans for planetary domination public knowledge, they started up a My Space account where they could recruit and monitor their growing legions via the “My Friends” mechanism. They prey on people with low or no self esteem, losers who have not accomplished anything with their miserable lives and need something to blame for their lifelong failures. What better than evil Lizard People!!! (Blaming Christianity had become passe’ by 1992)

    Once the Lizard People recruit these Internet nerds and have them sign up to the “Friends Of The Lizard People” guest page, they visit them at night while they are sleeping and suck out their brains with an Intergalactic Crazy Straw. And now in 2006 these Lizard zombies are angry….they especially hate washed up UK Soccer Goalies and the Geico Gecko as these are the only two things keeping them from gaining total Universe domination.

    And now for the first time ever I will reveal the list of high ranking Lizard People who are REALLY running the game and simply using zombie clone pawns like George W and Dick Cheney to do their bidding.

    Mick Jagger
    Gene Simmons
    Joan Rivers
    Paris Hilton
    Andy Rooney
    Boy George
    All 5 Spice Girls
    Paul Hogan
    The Ghost Of Jim Morrison
    Michael Moore
    Billy Joel
    Bill O’Reilly

    Don’t say you haven’t been warned.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Jim Morrison

    aka "the lizard king"...


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    You forgot

    Pauly Shore - The wezel is to throw you off the trail.
    Eric Estrada
    One of the dudes from ZZ Top
    All the dudes from Cinderella

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    No Kris Kristoferrson?

    If any further evidence was needed of the nature of Ike's claims, it should be remembered why he chose to retire from football (other than the fact that he played for Coventry city).

    Ike anounced to the world, or at least the few sods watching t.v., that he was the son of God, and naturally had more important things to do than pick balls out of the back of the net (Mmmm, maybe this is the true anti-semetism angle?)

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    The Ghost Of Jim Morrison

    Jim morrison aint dead he's chillin on an island with biggie, pac & elvis.
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