David Icke on Coast To Coast AM tonite!



  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    No Kris Kristoferrson?

    If any further evidence was needed of the nature of Ike's claims, it should be remembered why he chose to retire from football (other than the fact that he played for Coventry city).

    Ike anounced to the world, or at least the few sods watching t.v., that he was the son of God, and naturally had more important things to do than pick balls out of the back of the net (Mmmm, maybe this is the true anti-semetism angle?)

    I thought after he retired from playing he became a TV Soccer announcer??? And everyone knows Howard Cosell was the Son Of God!!!

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Y'all are truly some talented internet comedians.

    Meanwhile New Orleans remains displaced.

  • I just saw 3 lizards in my window singing "Na na Hey Hey Goodbye"

    what does this mean for me?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    No, son-of-God. But I don't know how long he persisted with that notion (I don't think he likes to talk about that episode of his life now - anyone see the Theroux doc? Funny as), and I'm sure once God failed to pay his rent, sports punditry seemed like a natural progression.

  • Y'all are truly some talented internet comedians.

    Meanwhile New Orleans remains displaced.

    Jews have always perferred Miami over New Orleans

    the truth is out there

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Y'all are truly some talented internet comedians.

    Meanwhile New Orleans remains displaced.

    Are you suggesting I should use my supernatural comedic talents for the betterment of mankind instead of wasting them here on SS?

    I'm actually wearing my ReNew Orleans T-Shirt as I type this....for real.

    Sorry I can't take this Icke guy seriously, how many hours of your time have you wasted reading his books and fearing the Lizard People when you could have been in NO fighting black mold??

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    I am going to take this opportunity on this world renowned public record collectro website and claim that I am too the son of God.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    Want to know the truth about David Ike?

    Find out here: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=38534391

  • But surely thats the kind of observation any semi-well trained historian can make, except I'd be amazed to see evidence to prove that the Japanese were under american instruction to bomb pearl harbour. Icke is a nut, the fact that he also makes a completely commonplace observation doesn't make him any more interesting. Leaping from observing that ruling elites turn things to their favour to assuming they've done them themselves requires more and better evidence than Icke can bring. Lizards noticeable needn't feature either.
    I've never heard the Japanese were under American instruction to bomb Pearl Harbor. I have heard that Roosevelt allowed it to happen.

    Proving the Reichstag was burned by one mentally retarded man requires more evidence than the Nazi party was ever able to bring.

    The case for official explanation for the 9-11 attacks depends on evidence like hijacker passports miraculously found intact in the WTC rubble.

    Much evidence has been presented on both sides of the debate over whether or not there was government involvement/complicity; what one decides to believe is, of course, a personal matter.

    All I've said is that it's unfair to completely dismiss everything a person has to say - including Icke - simply because they espouse a viewpoint with which you don't agree. I made the mistake myself. A friend of a friend insisted on loaning me one of Icke's books; I said I wasn't reading anything by anyone who believed in lizards from another dimension manipulating world events but eventually relented and gave the book a chance. Of course I don't believe all of it, and he may in fact be nuts; nonetheless I found it thought-provoking. You may think only a dullard would find Icke thought-provoking and you're entitled to that opinion.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I'm saying that buying a FDNY hat or even a Katrina benefit cd doesn't do shit to stop planes from flying into buildings or the feds from selling off urban New Orleans to foreign interests.

    The shit that has been happening overseas for centuries is now happening here in the states and y'all are just as skeptical as ever that a globally unified force is behind it.

    I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet. Sorry, but while I don't necessarily subscibe to the theory and regognize the amount of speculation that goes into entertaining its premise, it isn't something that blows my mind as beyond the scope of possibility.

    As Icke puts it: Descendants of reptilians are obsessed with interbreeding as a means to keep their bloodline pure. Over the course of the millenia, despite their best efforts, there has still been a deterioration of the orginal reptilian gene pool. That's why black magic becomes so important to them. Instead of naturally being able to shapeshift and mindmeld as their anscestors did, they now have to use technological means to do so which entails a whole lot of human sacrifice.

    Maybe that's complete bullshit, but at the same time it coincides with what we have seen through history.

    Think of it this way. If a fossilized dinosaur can be mined, refined, and burned to create potential energy. Imagine the energy that could be produced from a live emotional creature.

    That shit is power in a bottle for these clowns.

    And they feed off of your consent.

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    I blame katrina for that tbh.

  • I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet.

    I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet.

    I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet.

    I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet.

    I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet.

    I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Y'all are truly some talented internet comedians.

    Meanwhile New Orleans remains displaced.

    this kind of shit i find insulting.

    New Orleans remains displaced. For real it does.

    But people want to blame conspiracies and lizards and ghosts and masonic illuminati leonardo da vinci monsters and aliens and the abominable snowman. why? what the fuck is that about? aren't money grubbing corporate racist scum who couldn't give a fuck about the poor good enough for you? why do you have to involve little green men?

    What the heck is a corporation but an alchemical vehicle created by these same green men/black magic specialists?

    And if the person is a racist crook, why do you give such a fuck if they get labeled as snakes, lizards, shitheads, assholes, or scumbags?

    Fight them, not Icke.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    This thread is the reason I love soulstrut.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Y'all are truly some talented internet comedians.

    Meanwhile New Orleans remains displaced.

    this kind of shit i find insulting.

    New Orleans remains displaced. For real it does.

    But people want to blame conspiracies and lizards and ghosts and masonic illuminati leonardo da vinci monsters and aliens and the abominable snowman. why? what the fuck is that about? aren't money grubbing corporate racist scum who couldn't give a fuck about the poor good enough for you? why do you have to involve little green men?

    What the heck is a corporation but an alchemical vehicle created by these same green men/black magic specialists?

    And if the person is a racist crook, why do you give such a fuck if they get labeled as snakes, lizards, shitheads, assholes, or scumbags?

    Fight them, not Icke.

    Harvey.....if you are going to be at the Austin Show please come see me, look me in the eyes with a straight face, and tell me you believe the fate of the earth is being controlled by reptillian beings.....for every person who you can bring along that agrees with you I'll give you a free LP of your choice.....damn this show is gonna be entertaining!!!

    The only catch is that I can invite a few people over to hear what you have to say.....cool??

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    This thread is the reason I love soulstrut.

    Take this shit to Waxidermy.com

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    This thread is the reason I love soulstrut.

    Take this shit to Waxidermy.com

    I can't waxidermy.com is actually run by lizard people with vinyl fetishes.

    There are some very powerful lurkers over there

  • BelsonBelson 880 Posts
    And for those that didn't see it before - here is the man himself checking into my flight from LA last year.


  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

    its amazing what a bit of sleep will do for a man.

    it is heartening to see that in my absence this thread has mutated in ways never before thought possible...

    I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet.

    Harvey Canal: i fuckin love you dude. (in a brokeback lizard sorta way)

    there is nothing more i can say. you have single-handedly restored my faith in humanity.

    Miss Bassie: yeah, i did stay up all night drinking and posting, its pathetic. i couldnt drag myself away from this entertaining thread (plus my scaley tail was trapped under the desk).

    z illa: in the immortal words of my reptilian cohorts "where is the love?"

    Guzzo: The owl has flown, ill meet you at the grove.

    I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet.

    I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet.

    I honestly don't know what is so far-fetched about certain earthlings being descendants of reptilian visitors from another planet.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    ok folls (what up Guzzo [secret handshake]?[/secret handshake])

    it has been brought to my attention that my late night binge drinking fuelled binge post/baiting has gotten a few feathers ruffled (scales shook)

    yes i said Icke was an antisemite.

    yet after reading more it seems that i kinda missed the point.

    i hereby take back that statement.


    This thought re-evaluation was made all the more easier by watching Scooby Doo...

    Let me explain:

    Remember at the end of every episode Scooby and co. would drive the mystery machine up to the dastardly crook and remove his mask and we would all gasp as it turned out to be the janitor?

    ???And if it wasn???t for you damn kids I would have gotten away with it!???

    well it???s the same with icke, you see when he rolled up to the bad guys and removed the mask HE WAS A LIZARD!!!!

    But then shaggy removed the next mask AND HE WAS A JEW!!!!

    But now, it turns out that the jewface was a mask as well and he is ACTUALLY A LIZARD!!!!

    Thank you David Icke.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    I love it when people get all up in arms over this shit. Why does it bother yall so much? Really, why? Because it hits something deep down doesnt it? Some primal instinct. Inside of you somewhere is a voice telling you all is not as you seem to percieve. This voice disrupts your world view and makes you violently uncomfortable.

    The easiest thing to do is to write it off as completely rediculous nonsense, but there is still some part of you that is not immune to truth.

  • I love it when people get all up in arms over this shit. Why does it bother yall so much? Really, why? Because it hits something deep down doesnt it? Some primal instinct. Inside of you somewhere is a voice telling you all is not as you seem to percieve. This voice disrupts your world view and makes you violently uncomfortable.

    The easiest thing to do is to write it off as completely rediculous nonsense, but there is still some part of you that is not immune to truth.

    The response is so intense, I would put my money in a remake of "V". In the meantime this direct to video masterpiece delivers really well. At one point you think the humans will win the battle, screaming: DIE YOU ALIEN SCUM!, but in the end the reptile aliens find their way into the whitehouse:

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    I love it when people get all up in arms over this shit. Why does it bother yall so much? Really, why? Because it hits something deep down doesnt it? Some primal instinct. Inside of you somewhere is a voice telling you all is not as you seem to percieve. This voice disrupts your world view and makes you violently uncomfortable.

    The easiest thing to do is to write it off as completely rediculous nonsense, but there is still some part of you that is not immune to truth.

    bro, do yourself a favor and listen to some Bill Hicks.

    in order to adknowledge the existance of a worldwide ruling elite or indeed a grand conspiracy one does not have to subscribe to the 'they are all lizards from outer space' theory.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    And in case you havent noticed...


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