Googled and found this.....not sure who runs this site or what their motives are but they are obvioulsy pretty negative towards Icke....
He had me hook line and sinker right up to the spot where he implicates Kris Kristofferson......seriously, does anyone believe ANY of this and if so why??
Icke's politics today are a mishmash of most of the dominant themes of contemporary neofascism, mixed in with a smattering of topics culled from the U.S. militia movement. He has written diatribes on the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission as examples of secret plots to take over the world. He opposes gun control as a plot by this Elite, which has deliberately orchestrated numerous mass shootings to whip up opposition to guns.5 He has repeatedly posted anti-abortion literature and articles on his web site.6 He rails against conspiracies to implant microchips in everyone's bodies, coded with the Satanic number "666".7 He even accuses the U.S. government of carrying out the Oklahoma City bombing and murdering 168 men, women and children.8
For a decade Icke has exhibited signs of serious mental instability. In his web site autobiography he reveals that as early as 1990 he became aware of "a presence around me, like there was always someone in the room when there was not. It got to the point where I sat on the side of the bed in a hotel room in London in early 1990 and said to whoever or whatever: "If you are there will you please contact me because you are driving me up the wall." A year later, on holiday in Peru, Icke describes hearing voices: "as I looked at the mound, a voice in my head began to say: "Come to me, come to me, come to me.... Suddenly I felt my feet pulled to the ground again like a magnet, the same as in the newspaper shop, but this time far more powerful. My arms then shot above my head, with no decision by me for them to do so.... A flow of powerful energy began to go into the top of my head like a drill, and I could feel the flow going the other way up from the ground through my feet. It was then I heard the third voice in my head, something that has never happened since. It said very clearly: "It will be over when you feel the rain".9
Over the last year Icke's writings have become so paranoid and so extreme that many are probably inclined to dismiss him as posing any sort of threat, or requiring a response. Icke is now arguing in all seriousness that the Illuminati plot to take over the world is actually being carried out by a race of extraterrestrial reptiles in human form. They are described, literally, as being child-sacrificing, blood-drinking Satan-worshippers capable of changing their shape, whose ranks include George Bush, Bill and Hilary Clinton, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mum, Bob Hope and Kris Kristofferson, among others.10
rock, all I can say is, do the research for yourself and you will be rewarded. your Britney Spears if you told me SHE was reptillian I might believe it.
Save me the time and effort of reading through 4 books of Icke's work and just give me one definitive piece of evidence that suggests he may be on to something....
Or is it like the Bible and I just have to read it all and have some faith???
nah.. just listen to his coast coast appearances... you can find some old ones online or just wait til tonight and form your own opinion... hell, you can even call in if you really wanna ask him sumthin.
HarveyCanal"a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
masonic owl
In the web pattern? That's a bit of a stretch.
you're blind if you can't see the owl there.
rock, all I can say is, do the research for yourself and you will be rewarded. your Britney Spears if you told me SHE was reptillian I might believe it.
Save me the time and effort of reading through 4 books of Icke's work and just give me one definitive piece of evidence that suggests he may be on to something....
Or is it like the Bible and I just have to read it all and have some faith???
Just like Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the DaVinci Code, it's all about tracing interbred royal bloodlines back to the "gods".
But yes, it requires a bit of reading between the lines.
I knew I shouldn't have started with this today, but I assume you believe the government (cia) had nothing to do with the oklahoma bombings? Dig up anyone's reports on that and you're overall opinion on Icke might change. Ohh and you do know [sarcasm]your[/sarcasm] party is behind that atrocity in my avatar.
Now back to the fun stuff:
MDCCLXXVI is 1776 in Roman Numerals The Babelonian numbering system is base 60 Mystery Babylon is the Biblical name for the Devil The triangle is the mathematical representation of Diabalon By applying the Delta to MDCCLXXVI gives us the numerical arrangement of 666
rock, all I can say is, do the research for yourself and you will be rewarded. your Britney Spears if you told me SHE was reptillian I might believe it.
Save me the time and effort of reading through 4 books of Icke's work and just give me one definitive piece of evidence that suggests he may be on to something....
Or is it like the Bible and I just have to read it all and have some faith???
Just like Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the DaVinci Code, it's all about tracing interbred royal bloodlines back to the "gods".
But yes, it requires a bit of reading between the lines illogical explanation and fear-mongering.
HarveyCanal"a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
masonic owl
In the web pattern? That's a bit of a stretch.
you're blind if you can't see the owl there.
rock, all I can say is, do the research for yourself and you will be rewarded. your Britney Spears if you told me SHE was reptillian I might believe it.
Save me the time and effort of reading through 4 books of Icke's work and just give me one definitive piece of evidence that suggests he may be on to something....
Or is it like the Bible and I just have to read it all and have some faith???
Just like Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the DaVinci Code, it's all about tracing interbred royal bloodlines back to the "gods".
But yes, it requires a bit of reading between the lines illogical explanation and fear-mongering.
well i guess it would have to be the whole "gods" and lizard people thing
So visiting creatures from another planet goes beyond your scope of reason?
there is about the same solid scientific evidence for the toothfairy and unicorns as there is for ufos
dude, its real. This is the "science" "they're" too "scared" to "teach" you in "school"
as opposed to the "real" science they do teach you in school? Now that the discussion has turned this way, I am more excieted about thursday's show with Bruce Maccabee.
Many of the things our mind can conceive of might exist but the lizard people thing is kind of easy to explain. Some mutherfuckers dominate and some get dominated. The dominating humans of any society are very human and far from lizard like. But the analogy is kinda cool. But still human is human and probably more fucked up than any lizard.
Many of the things our mind can conceive of might exist but the lizard people thing is kind of easy to explain. Some mutherfuckers dominate and some get dominated. The dominating humans of any society are very human and far from lizard like. But the analogy is kinda cool. But still human is human and probably more fucked up than any lizard.
the power structure of the world is based on cliques and nepotism not reptiles, yes humans have the ability to do some of the most fucked up things, by creating this whole lizard bullshit it gives folks a scapegoat and they can keep on thinking that we humans are not as bad as we really are
there may be other planets supporting life out there, even if someone is doubtful of the drake equation the odds are still pretty high, but the odds that these life forms are controlling what we do and how we live our life is fucking lame, its our own faults we are as shitty to each other as we are
blame bush, blair, or even sabadoodoo, but this shit is like blaming merlin or harry potter, its fiction
some dudes have watched stargate one too many times
damn the illuminati....
He had me hook line and sinker right up to the spot where he implicates Kris Kristofferson......seriously, does anyone believe ANY of this and if so why??
Icke's politics today are a mishmash of most of the dominant themes of contemporary neofascism, mixed in with a smattering of topics culled from the U.S. militia movement. He has written diatribes on the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission as examples of secret plots to take over the world. He opposes gun control as a plot by this Elite, which has deliberately orchestrated numerous mass shootings to whip up opposition to guns.5 He has repeatedly posted anti-abortion literature and articles on his web site.6 He rails against conspiracies to implant microchips in everyone's bodies, coded with the Satanic number "666".7 He even accuses the U.S. government of carrying out the Oklahoma City bombing and murdering 168 men, women and children.8
For a decade Icke has exhibited signs of serious mental instability. In his web site autobiography he reveals that as early as 1990 he became aware of "a presence around me, like there was always someone in the room when there was not. It got to the point where I sat on the side of the bed in a hotel room in London in early 1990 and said to whoever or whatever: "If you are there will you please contact me because you are driving me up the wall." A year later, on holiday in Peru, Icke describes hearing voices: "as I looked at the mound, a voice in my head began to say: "Come to me, come to me, come to me.... Suddenly I felt my feet pulled to the ground again like a magnet, the same as in the newspaper shop, but this time far more powerful. My arms then shot above my head, with no decision by me for them to do so.... A flow of powerful energy began to go into the top of my head like a drill, and I could feel the flow going the other way up from the ground through my feet. It was then I heard the third voice in my head, something that has never happened since. It said very clearly: "It will be over when you feel the rain".9
Over the last year Icke's writings have become so paranoid and so extreme that many are probably inclined to dismiss him as posing any sort of threat, or requiring a response. Icke is now arguing in all seriousness that the Illuminati plot to take over the world is actually being carried out by a race of extraterrestrial reptiles in human form. They are described, literally, as being child-sacrificing, blood-drinking Satan-worshippers capable of changing their shape, whose ranks include George Bush, Bill and Hilary Clinton, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mum, Bob Hope and Kris Kristofferson, among others.10
What is being pointed out here? My third eye is obviously not open.
Looks like an owl....either that or a reptillian, shape changing neo-Nazi???
And if Dick Cheney COULD change his shape do you really think he'd look like he does??
...well, he is!
In the web pattern? That's a bit of a stretch.
the silly motherfucker actually believes his own drivel.
if you look closer you will find it is actually...
you're blind if you can't see the owl there.
rock, all I can say is, do the research for yourself and you will be rewarded.
nice bum your Britney Spears if you told me SHE was reptillian I might believe it.
Save me the time and effort of reading through 4 books of Icke's work and just give me one definitive piece of evidence that suggests he may be on to something....
Or is it like the Bible and I just have to read it all and have some faith???
Just like Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the DaVinci Code, it's all about tracing interbred royal bloodlines back to the "gods".
But yes, it requires a bit of reading between the lines.
Now back to the fun stuff:
MDCCLXXVI is 1776 in Roman Numerals
The Babelonian numbering system is base 60
Mystery Babylon is the Biblical name for the Devil
The triangle is the mathematical representation of Diabalon
By applying the Delta to MDCCLXXVI gives us the numerical arrangement of 666
What part is illogical to you?
well i guess it would have to be the whole "gods" and lizard people thing
So visiting creatures from another planet goes beyond your scope of reason?
they'll hear you
justify your feelings on the goodlife originating black music by crediting the creatures from another planet, or you're soft.
this is the only way i would believe either.
there is about the same solid scientific evidence for the toothfairy and unicorns as there is for ufos
dude, its real. This is the "science" "they're" too "scared" to "teach" you in "school"
as opposed to the "real" science they do teach you in school? Now that the discussion has turned this way, I am more excieted about thursday's show with Bruce Maccabee.
It's obviously a sloth.
And when you note that Sloths United for Conservative Values was one of the main Bush/Cheney contributors it all becomes quite clear.
There's no tooth fairy???
Yep, gravity didn't exist until Newton explained it.
the power structure of the world is based on cliques and nepotism not reptiles, yes humans have the ability to do some of the most fucked up things, by creating this whole lizard bullshit it gives folks a scapegoat and they can keep on thinking that we humans are not as bad as we really are
there may be other planets supporting life out there, even if someone is doubtful of the drake equation the odds are still pretty high, but the odds that these life forms are controlling what we do and how we live our life is fucking lame, its our own faults we are as shitty to each other as we are
blame bush, blair, or even sabadoodoo, but this shit is like blaming merlin or harry potter, its fiction
some dudes have watched stargate one too many times