David Icke on Coast To Coast AM tonite!



  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    Okay, I get it. Icke presents a species-based conspiracy yet some can't help but apply their own hang-ups on race and religion to even entertain it. Fine, I'm outta here.

    what the fuck are you talking about, the dude says there is a small group of jews that run shit and financed hitler, he gets called a jew hater, and then says "oh it has nothing to do with jews, they are actually lizard people" and folks still eat this shit up

    its bad enough the world has to deal with dumb rednecks and stupid hippies but this shit is on some other level of retardedness

    Why do so many Jews seem to think that none of their fellow Jews have ever done anything foul against their own people?

    A Jewish reporter does a story on a Catholic priest actually raping a Catholic boy and noone yells anti-Catholic on that alone. Once sweeping generalizations are made it gets into a whole new suspect territory, but dealing with it on a factual basis should be kosher.

    Icke has never indicted Jews as a group. He specifically points out some shady characters who happened to at least appear to the public as Jewish and engaged in some traitorous shit. Yet the reaction is as if he said that the same Jews who died in the Holocaust put themselves there. Hell naw, that's not what he is saying.

    Some folks who appear to be Jewish such as the Rothchilds and more recently Henry Kissinger are part of a bigger conspiracy that transcends specific religious affiliation.

    That shouldn't be so hard to fathom.

    This kind of thing happens everyday.

    In other words, maybe it ain't true. But it sure isn't antisemitic.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Why do so many Jews seem to think that none of their fellow Jews have ever done anything foul against their own people?

    because we the chosen people bro.

    A Jewish reporter does a story on a Catholic priest actually raping a Catholic boy and noone yells anti-Catholic on that alone. Once sweeping generalizations are made it gets into a whole new suspect territory, but dealing with it on a factual basis should be kosher.

    and we own and control the media

    Icke has never indicted Jews as a group. He specifically points out some shady characters who happened to at least appear to the public as Jewish and engaged in some traitorous shit. Yet the reaction is as if he said that the same Jews who died in the Holocaust put themselves there. Hell naw, that's not what he is saying.

    appera to the public as jewish?!? WTF! what you mean, big nose? funny sideburns? bad taste in clothing? appear to the public as jewish...

    Some folks who appear to be Jewish such as the Rothchilds and more recently Henry Kissinger are part of a bigger conspiracy that transcends specific religious affiliation.

    because they only APPEAR to be jewish and they are ACTUALLY giant intergalactic lizards that eat babies...

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I'm convinced.......

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I'm convinced.......

    that fucker on the left gave me a wedgie in synagogue last week

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    appera to the public as jewish?!? WTF! what you mean, big nose? funny sideburns? bad taste in clothing? appear to the public as jewish...

    Again, are the Rothchilds Jewish or not?

    Some think so, others think not.

    While we're at it, is George Bush a Christian?

    Some think so, others know him to be a practicing Skull and Bones Satanist.

    Doesn't have anything to do with looks. It's about people claiming something publicly that they simply aren't behind the scenes.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    my picture if Diana from V wont link.

    those damn jewzards have infiltrated the internets again...

  • appera to the public as jewish?!? WTF! what you mean, big nose? funny sideburns? bad taste in clothing? appear to the public as jewish...

    Again, are the Rothchilds Jewish or not?

    Why don't you explain the story of the Rothchilds to us non-beleivers

  • While we're at it, is George Bush a Christian?

    no, no, no... HE'S A LIZARD!!!


  • While we're at it, is George Bush a Christian?

    no, no, no... HE'S A LIZARD!!!


    Anna said he was a sloth.

    I've always thought of him as an Okapi with an agenda

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I wish I knew how to use Photoshop.....I really want to take one of my Jews For Jesus LP's and turn it into a Jews for Lizards cover.

    And for the record...that is the FIRST time the word Jew has ever appeared in one of my posts!!!

  • Hey guys!

    This is much bigger than just Jews, listen to the radio program
    for yourself tonight and then report back tomorrow!

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

    appera to the public as jewish?!? WTF! what you mean, big nose? funny sideburns? bad taste in clothing? appear to the public as jewish...

    Again, are the Rothchilds Jewish or not?

    Some think so, others think not.

    While we're at it, is George Bush a Christian?

    Some think so, others know him to be a practicing Skull and Bones Satanist.

    Doesn't have anything to do with looks. It's about people claiming something publicly that they simply aren't behind the scenes.

    ok matey, ill take the bait...

    first off i have no fucking clue who th erothschilds are, call me whatever, so count me out on that one.
    but as far as illuminati, lizard, skull and bones, secret groves where they worship owls, bilderburg group meetings, area 51, blablabla, dosnt the fact that a bunch of guys are talking about it on an internet forum, the very fact that we have knowledge of all this topsecret malarkey (thats right i said malarkey)negate the topseretness of it all?

    now i dont know if you are a high ranked soldier in the rebel alliance who has vowed to fight to save humanity from the lizardfolk, but im a 30-something bartender who collects old records, not too high up in the scheme of things, the mere fact that i know what the skull and bones club is, where the secret grove lies, who founded the bilderburg group etc should be proof enough to anyone that if there is a secret cabal of lizards controlling society, they are pretty crap at it.

    im off to look at albas bum.

    fight the good fight young padwan.

    oh and since i said malarkey, how about tomfoolery and shenanigans.

  • Okay, I get it. Icke presents a species-based conspiracy yet some can't help but apply their own hang-ups on race and religion to even entertain it. Fine, I'm outta here.

    what the fuck are you talking about, the dude says there is a small group of jews that run shit and financed hitler, he gets called a jew hater, and then says "oh it has nothing to do with jews, they are actually lizard people" and folks still eat this shit up

    its bad enough the world has to deal with dumb rednecks and stupid hippies but this shit is on some other level of retardedness

    Why do so many Jews seem to think that none of their fellow Jews have ever done anything foul against their own people?

    iam not jewish dog

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Okay, I get it. Icke presents a species-based conspiracy yet some can't help but apply their own hang-ups on race and religion to even entertain it. Fine, I'm outta here.

    what the fuck are you talking about, the dude says there is a small group of jews that run shit and financed hitler, he gets called a jew hater, and then says "oh it has nothing to do with jews, they are actually lizard people" and folks still eat this shit up

    its bad enough the world has to deal with dumb rednecks and stupid hippies but this shit is on some other level of retardedness

    Why do so many Jews seem to think that none of their fellow Jews have ever done anything foul against their own people?

    iam not jewish dog

    prove it, you slithery bastard

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    Why do so many Jews seem to think that none of their fellow Jews have ever done anything foul against their own people?

    iam not jewish dog

    but you do believe that Jews have never done anything to harm other Jews?

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Why do so many Jews seem to think that none of their fellow Jews have ever done anything foul against their own people?

    iam not jewish dog

    but you do believe that Jews have never done anything to harm other Jews?

    don't tell me you beleve a secret cabal of jews helped Hitler plan the holocaust too?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Why do so many Jews seem to think that none of their fellow Jews have ever done anything foul against their own people?

    iam not jewish dog

    but you do believe that Jews have never done anything to harm other Jews?

    Individually....sure........but I certainly don't believe the following.....

    "I strongly believe that a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the mass of Jewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the Second World War. They financed Hitler to power in 1933 and made the funds available for his rearmament".[/b]

    But what I really want to know is.....

    Do any of YOU believe this???


    What the hell did Kris Kristofferson do???

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    Why do so many Jews seem to think that none of their fellow Jews have ever done anything foul against their own people?

    iam not jewish dog

    but you do believe that Jews have never done anything to harm other Jews?

    don't tell me you beleve a secret cabal of jews helped Hitler plan the holocaust too?

    no, i don't.

    i do believe no one is above treating other humans like pieces of shit.

    women participate in the assualt and rape of other women, christians slaughter christians, muslims blow up muslims, fathers fuck their daughters, homies snitch on homies and husbands set fire to their wives. is it impossible that jews sent other jews to their death maybe to save their own life, maybe to save the lives of their families, maybe for money, maybe for a ticket out of hell? i think that is quite possible.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Why do so many Jews seem to think that none of their fellow Jews have ever done anything foul against their own people?

    iam not jewish dog

    but you do believe that Jews have never done anything to harm other Jews?

    don't tell me you beleve a secret cabal of jews helped Hitler plan the holocaust too?

    no, i don't.

    i do believe no one is above treating other humans like pieces of shit.

    women participate in the assualt and rape of other women, christians slaughter christians, muslims blow up muslims, fathers fuck their daughters, homies snitch on homies and husbands set fire to their wives. is it impossible that jews sent other jews to their death maybe to save their own life, maybe to save the lives of their families, maybe for money, maybe for a ticket out of hell? i think that is quite possible.

    I don't doubt the possibility and reality of people selling other people out. However what Archaic and David Icke have been trying to say is that a small sect of jews helped plan and bring about the holocaust, as well as many other major wars. To me, it sounds like good ol anti-semetic scapegoating of real world issues with a reptile twist

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    Why do so many Jews seem to think that none of their fellow Jews have ever done anything foul against their own people?

    iam not jewish dog

    but you do believe that Jews have never done anything to harm other Jews?

    don't tell me you beleve a secret cabal of jews helped Hitler plan the holocaust too?

    no, i don't.

    i do believe no one is above treating other humans like pieces of shit.

    women participate in the assualt and rape of other women, christians slaughter christians, muslims blow up muslims, fathers fuck their daughters, homies snitch on homies and husbands set fire to their wives. is it impossible that jews sent other jews to their death maybe to save their own life, maybe to save the lives of their families, maybe for money, maybe for a ticket out of hell? i think that is quite possible.

    I don't doubt the possibility and reality of people selling other people out. However what Archaic and David Icke have been trying to say is that a small sect of jews helped plan and bring about the holocaust, as well as many other major wars. To me, it sounds like good ol anti-semetic scapegoating of real world issues with a reptile twist

    yea, but that's not the issue I was addressing. my question had nothing to with Icke and reptiles...you flipped it into this other thing that has nothing to do with me.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    homies snitch on homies

    This is a BAD thing.....in the same breath as Fathers fucking their daughters and Husbands setting their wives on fire???

    Jeeez...I am becoming an old fart

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    homies snitch on homies

    This is a BAD thing.....in the same breath as Fathers fucking their daughters and Husbands setting their wives on fire???

    Jeeez...I am becoming an old fart

    it's all relative innit? that kind of betrayal has resulted in dead bodies and destroyed lives just the same...no matter how worthless some people may think those lives are.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    homies snitch on homies

    This is a BAD thing.....in the same breath as Fathers fucking their daughters and Husbands setting their wives on fire???

    Jeeez...I am becoming an old fart

    it's all relative innit? that kind of betrayal has resulted in dead bodies and destroyed lives just the same...no matter how worthless some people may think those lives are.

    So if I snitch on my Father for fucking my sister or my Brother for setting his wife on fire that's wrong?? I don't understand you young whippersnappers(said in my best Walter Brennan voice)

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    I don't doubt the possibility and reality of people selling other people out. However what Archaic and David Icke have been trying to say is that a small sect of jews helped plan and bring about the holocaust, as well as many other major wars. To me, it sounds like good ol anti-semetic scapegoating of real world issues with a reptile twist

    No, what Archaic and Icke are expressly saying is..

    that a worldwide conspiracy

    comprised of Satanists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.

    planned and brought about

    the slaughter of blacks, Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, the handicapped, twins, political dissidents, etc.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

    No, what Archaic and Icke are expressly saying is..

    that a worldwide conspiracy

    that some fuckos on an internet forum are discussing... ooooohhh, secret!

    comprised of Satanists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.

    planned and brought about

    the slaughter of blacks, Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, the handicapped, twins, political dissidents, etc.

    but they are actually giant walking talking intergalactic lizards only pretending to be Satanists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists....

    could be worse though i guess, at least he dont believe in thetans.........

    oh, and good morning to all.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

  • gibla74gibla74 182 Posts
    Everyone's heard about David's belief in shape shifting reptilians but I've never heard an explanation as to why he thinks this. Does he sight any evidence or source as to where his lizard theories stem from?
    I've always thought it strange as alot of his ideas are within the realm of possibility & could warrant serious debate but all the lizzard stuff just makes him a laughing stock amongst most rational people. For someone who has struggled with credibilty to come out with this stuff would seem like career suicide, so what arguements does he use to back up his case???

    Also I've heard "jews were behind the Holocaust " theories mentioned before but what were they sposed to have gained by funding hitler etc??

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Everyone's heard about David's belief in shape shifting reptilians but I've never heard an explanation as to why he thinks this. Does he sight any evidence or source as to where his lizard theories stem from?
    I've always thought it strange as alot of his ideas are within the realm of possibility & could warrant serious debate but all the lizzard stuff just makes him a laughing stock amongst most rational people. For someone who has struggled with credibilty to come out with this stuff would seem like career suicide, so what arguements does he use to back up his case???

    Also I've heard "jews were behind the Holocaust " theories mentioned before but what were they sposed to have gained by funding hitler etc??

    Thats 2 damn good questions...

    id also like to know where the hell he got the lizard thing from.
    and as for the evil jews funding hitler... any explanations gonna be a doozy!

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts

    reptillians are so damn real its not even a question. Come on fools. Open your eyes to the lizard conspiracy!
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