SLANG words you NEVER want to hear again



  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    not slang, but more of an old phrase that i would like to use is "you sir are a gentleman and scholar" but no one impresses me enough to use it.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    not slang, but more of an old phrase that i would like to use is "you sir are a gentleman and scholar" but no one impresses me enough to use it.

    Ha ha! I seriously say that shit ALL the time. Fools looks at me like..huh?

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    The only one i really have a problem with in here is cool beans, and thats because it was always pointless. Not in any way different of more descriptive than just saying something is cool.

    I love using dated slang, I love when it makes people mildly uncomfortable too!

    I like me some 2002 era slang like saying things are the jump off.

    I will use gnarly quite a bit, but i am not really a fan of any of the other expressions it has generated except for saying things are kind of gnar gnar. gnar gnar binks is also kind of funny.

    lately i find myself using alot of lolspeak internet language in speaking conversations which i really enjoy. Calling people noobs, or saying LMFAO NOOB! is very amusing off line. Also referring to something as nerfed for anything made easier or less potent.

  • the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts
    need to go in general


    things i need to stop saying

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    It was fun reading this again.

    I said "tight" without even really thinking about it sometime in mid 07 and immediately got an uneasy feeling. Noone called me out but inside I knew what I had done.

    But get this, dude who works with me, (he's some kind of VP of something or other, people kiss his ass) he says... are you ready *GULP...*

    "gettin jiggy with it."

    GETTIN JIGGY WITH IT!!! as late as last month! And on at least 3 different occasions! He's a 50 something yr old fat white man and he laughs after he says it like: "Oh man, you should've seen us! It was a blast! We were (with some weird emphasis or inflection) I>gettin jiggy with it!/I> HAHAHA"

    Man that's a tough one to endure.

    Oh, I say rad. I love rad.

    you felt uneasy saying tight, but you love the word rad...
    classic strut shit right there...


  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts

    things i need to stop saying
    thats like standard english in my book

    i cant stomach "stoked" "jazzed" "geeked" "amped" barely ever heard it and when ever i do, i gotta ask if they really just said that on purpose or did they just have a surfboard stuck up their ass.

    a real head scratcher in philly was kids calling p*ssy -cock.
    like, "she gonna give up that cock." this was when i was working in a middle school, so maybe it was just misguided youth. so id have to pull them aside and slap them

    to make up for that aberration, we have the eternal "you joe" and "you drawn"

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts

    a real head scratcher in philly was kids calling p*ssy -cock.
    like, "she gonna give up that cock."

    That's some Houston shit too.

  • shoulder horse.

    peace, stein. . .

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    the fuck is that?

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    "phone tag"... ughhh

    makes my skin crawl

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts

    Should be handed back to the college on the day you graduate.

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    "sucks the bag" from back in the day. i never understood the origin of this, is it an oral sex reference?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    "sucks the bag" from back in the day. i never understood the origin of this, is it an oral sex reference?

    It sounds like suckin a used condom.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    I love using dated slang, I love when it makes people mildly uncomfortable too!

    The term "boss" has GOT to make a comeback, and I don't mean maybe!

    "She looks BOSS in that newsboy cap"
    "That is one BOSS bass solo on Dennis Coffey's 'Scorpio'"
    "I got this paint job on my old Corvette that looks so BOSS"

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I love using dated slang, I love when it makes people mildly uncomfortable too!

    The term "boss" has GOT to make a comeback, and I don't mean maybe!

    "She looks BOSS in that newsboy cap"
    "That is one BOSS bass solo on Dennis Coffey's 'Scorpio'"
    "I got this paint job on my old Corvette that looks so BOSS"

    Go to the Local Black Exp hang out and say it a thousand times. Somebody will bite.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    I love using dated slang, I love when it makes people mildly uncomfortable too!

    The term "boss" has GOT to make a comeback, and I don't mean maybe!

    "She looks BOSS in that newsboy cap"
    "That is one BOSS bass solo on Dennis Coffey's 'Scorpio'"
    "I got this paint job on my old Corvette that looks so BOSS"

    Go to the Local Black Exp hang out and say it a thousand times. Somebody will bite.

    "Boss" has a different meaning in the hood. If you're buying something and there's an African-American in his fifties behind the counter: "here's your change and have a nice day, boss." And it's not said in a demeaning way either, the word "boss" is used more like "bro."

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I love using dated slang, I love when it makes people mildly uncomfortable too!

    The term "boss" has GOT to make a comeback, and I don't mean maybe!

    "She looks BOSS in that newsboy cap"
    "That is one BOSS bass solo on Dennis Coffey's 'Scorpio'"
    "I got this paint job on my old Corvette that looks so BOSS"

    Go to the Local Black Exp hang out and say it a thousand times. Somebody will bite.

    "Boss" has a different meaning in the hood. If you're buying something and there's an African-American in his fifties behind the counter: "here's your change and have a nice day, boss." And it's not said in a demeaning way either, the word "boss" is used more like "bro."

    exactly, boss.

  • I wish people would start saying flicted again.

  • deLYSdeLYS 388 Posts
    Anything adopted by old folks so quickly must be abandoned with the quickness

    Old folks are my litmus test for relevent slang, I don't shy away when I hear them say things, I take comfort in studying their perspective. Does it translate?
    I use adjectives such as boss for something $$$ and crush for beauty still, but in a championing fashion.

    I get down on myself for using 'mad' in place of 'really'
    Almost as hard to shake as droppign the f word on accident while Im trying to remember something.

    Makes me appreciate the 'frickin' ghost that replaces it here. It exposes the foolishness of its gratuitous use stark naked and has opened doors of enlightenment to my webspeak (which Im very new at), and I for one thank the g(m)ods. Fuck has power. Theyre not taking it from you, use it good! (well)

    Also, a nerd is a nerd (like revenge of) NERDS! and I like to smoke herb way too much to give it such an association.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    Anything adopted by old folks so quickly must be abandoned with the quickness

    It's not about the old folks so much as it is the square folks. I'm sure you all shuddered the first time Chad and Becky told us Not To Go There. But if some older hipster dude like Jerry Wexler said it, then it would take on a whole new positive meaning...

    Old folks are my litmus test for relevent slang, I don't shy away when I hear them say things, I take comfort in studying their perspective.

    Especially when they say something from their generation. Find Dr. John's 1994 autobiography sometime - he's pulling these old-time Louisiana sayings out of his ass without even thinking twice, and damn me if they don't sound fresher that whatever "the kids today" are repeating.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    It's not about the old folks so much as it is the square folks. I'm sure you all shuddered the first time Chad and Becky told us Not To Go There.

    This is my arguement w/ the word Dope. It was dead in my hood a long time ago and then it was picked up/championed by the Yo MTV Raps demographic.

    Then Im hearin it in the mid nineties up to today and I still cringe.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    "Say word!"

    what the fuck am i supposed to say tot that shit? am i suppose actually say "word"? i mean here you are asking me to say "word"? what the fuck for? i don't get that shit at all.... get that shit the fuck out of here... keep that shit in NY don't bring that shit out here... shit don't even sound right. "say word" how about say "i'll bash your Frickin' skull if you ask me to say that faiggy-ass shit".

    Hahah, YOU MAD. Say word, you maaaaadddddd...

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    "Say word!"

    what the fuck am i supposed to say tot that shit? am i suppose actually say "word"? i mean here you are asking me to say "word"? what the fuck for? i don't get that shit at all.... get that shit the fuck out of here... keep that shit in NY don't bring that shit out here... shit don't even sound right. "say word" how about say "i'll bash your Frickin' skull if you ask me to say that faiggy-ass shit".

    Hahah, YOU MAD. Say word, you maaaaadddddd...
    'u mad' is my favorite slang ever

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    "Say word!"

    what the fuck am i supposed to say tot that shit? am i suppose actually say "word"? i mean here you are asking me to say "word"? what the fuck for? i don't get that shit at all.... get that shit the fuck out of here... keep that shit in NY don't bring that shit out here... shit don't even sound right. "say word" how about say "i'll bash your Frickin' skull if you ask me to say that faiggy-ass shit".

    Say word


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    "faiggy-ass shit"

  • did anyone cover "yeah YEAH!!!" ? y'know with the upward inflection on the second YEAH, all umm, li'l jon style? almost like it's a question???

    Bside: "come correct"

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    "real rap"

    a close associate of "word is bond"

  • djJazzOnedjJazzOne 302 Posts
    I have been tying to start my own slang. I figure it has to start somewhere.

    Jazz One-isms
    Tobasco or Tobasco Sauce- used instead of hot.

    Like Reece's Peanut Butter Cups- Two things you like together. Linklater adapting a Phillip K Dick book. Saul Williams and Trent Reznor. etcc

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts


    peace, stein. . .
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