alright goddammit. i saw a commercial the other day for some "who's the biggest diva"[/b] shit and its my girl mariah, of course, and fucking gwen stefani and kelly clarkson. what in tarnation?now this just my opinion, but in order to be a diva, first and foremost, you MUST[/b] attract drama. mary j., elton john, howard stern, these folks are bonerfide divas. cmon, kelly clarkson? gwen stefani? i mean, does either of them even have a fricken boob job? have they collapsed on stage? ever? are they addicted to a cocktail of designer drugs?, you absolutely MUST have a song stating your aversion to drama. a song displaying your own personal drama works too and NO hollaback girl dont cut it. gotta have diva hand. you know, like when mariah is hitting them dog pitch high notes and she's all hunched over like she's pushing out a fart, and then the hand comes up as a sort of visual cue, a marker if you will, like when michael jackson grabs his manballs. in any case, dont bullshit us divas plaese. though i dont mind kelly clarkson and, uh, i guess gwen stefani, they are NOT divas thank you.
how about the indigestion look?
You gotta have that melisma "aaaahhhhaoooooahahhaoooooohuuuuhaaaah" trying to hit like 19 notes in 2 seconds
"melisma" sounds like a bad growth
see what i mean?
a cheap imitation
anyone else notice asprin studying the techniques of my divahand? either that or he's checking out my junk.
5 stars!
Well, maybe....
Seriously, though, Gwen's not a diva, she's just unbelievably annoying and makes really stupid songs.
my friend those are the boobs of a mild mannered housewife. hardly divaesque.
anyways, you hear about anything on that mariah doll? itd be cool if it had one of them strings you could pull and she'd talk or dog chirp.
for some reason I assumed you were talking about a Mariah real[/b] doll...
but I guess they don't make those for pop stars huh...
no i missed it. i saw the opening act which i think was ciara but then i went to a dinner party and they didnt have a tv. was it good?
The legend award to Mary J Blige was nice and short and Miss Mariah looked good and she looked happy. I thought of you.
as much as i make fun of mariah, i admire the fact that she was able to pick her crazy ass up off the floor and dust herself off.
I was waitin for the vibe awards thread.
the "play" ladies were off the chain. what did Banner's shirt say that they didn't show it?
"jamrock" sucked live.
the white girl from "hustle and flow" was fuuuucked up...
and mariah looked good. I like how she blew up pharell's spot..."I think he left out the side door an hour ago."
So I guess they edited this out?
The editor of Vibe magazine has hit back at Mary J. Blige after the R&B star slammed the publication at last weekend's Vibe Awards.
The singer thanked Mimi Valdes for the Vlegend Award she was presented with at the bash, but proceeded to embarrass the magazine bestowing the prize, by criticizing its recent cover photo of her.
At the ceremony Blige said, "For so many years, Vibe has given me great, great, great covers, but I must say, I'm very, very disappointed at the cover this time, so Mimi, me and you really need to talk, as women. No disrespect, but I really hated the way you guys shaved off my head, pushed my forehead way back behind my ears. I'm just insulted."
Valdes angrily denies tampering with the picture and is furious at the manner in which Blige made "a private conversation public."
She writes in a letter on, "Dissing Vibe while accepting our VLegend Award was extremely disappointing. I'm sorry you find your most recent cover insulting. It was definitely not our intention.
"Besides your desire to make a private conversation public, your accusations are untrue. How your hair looks on that cover is between you and your hairstylist. I swear, your hairline is no different than the Polaroids you saw at the shoot or the snapshots we printed in my What's Good column.
"I'd be lying not to admit how hurt we were by the negativity you brought to our celebration, especially since you were being honored."
yup - she was embarassing.
they also didn't show what it said on the back of luda's hoodie after he took the jacket off - another confederate flag and all i saw was the first word which was "united". ?????
Where is this from?
This is clearly a very important cultural moment.
dunno but that "georgia" track is dope
side note:
can luda start a movement in southern black american to reclaim the confederate flag?
where you been hommie? southern rappers have been reppin the flag for a while now...
awkward slience.
There was much handwringing on the editorial pages of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution when this was released... I'm not sure why anybody--that wasn't some sort of staright-up racist--would find it offensive.
Was that the one with Toure? After which he announced that he was trading in all of his Mary CDs?