Post a good starting salary for a college grad



    Yo I would say running your own business (Good Records, for example) is a step up from grinding a 9-5 unless you're some senior VP or something at a company. Saying, real world moves.
    It's def a step up in lifestyle but my bet would be a step down in cashflow. Small businesses fail left and right plus it can take a couple years just to get out of the red. I'd love to own my own business... I think it's one of the only ways to love your work...

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Out of college w/ Fine Arts Degree...............

  • What value are you providing to the employer. Cause if you ain't your expendable. You'll be SWAYZE real quick like. So you take the value your providing and figure how much money you will make them then figure out how much they are willing to pay for that value and were there profit margine is at. They will def try and dick you and use things like "you don't have any real world experiece" and "we are putting you on a trial period". F that you didn't spend all the loot and time to make what your average grocery worker makes. Aim for the sky, walk right in and ask for a cool half a mill right up front. See what they say. Remember they have for years been making a good living working deals and angles. Don't let them get in your head.

    and then when they "dick you", proceed to Starbucks and take Now Hiring sign out window and get job.

    I dont think the "you don't have any real world experience" is an employer trying to dick you, they are looking out for their best interest in getting a candidate thats marketable for their a person with a degree and no experience best qualified over a person with no degree and 10+ years of experience in a related area?

    Fresh out of college, no real world experience....cant really resonably aim for the sky.

    Remember they having been making a good living running a business that hires people that add value.

    Pay your dues and shit will happen, 30k first year, 40 the second after busting your ass.....up and up from there.

    Dude you weren't supposed to let the collage grads know that. 30k to start. That's livin with Ma Dukes type chedder. Half ass hustlers that didn't finish High School could make that with there eyes closed. So why would anyone wanna waste big time loot on a collage degree, if they were only gonna make chips like that. I mean if you went to a big university and dropped $20,000+ grand a year on that why would you wanna only make 30k to start. Let me see let me take 4 years of hard work to go to school then, let me waste another 10 payin it back with the compound intrest. Sounds like a winner of a plan then at the end justify by saying I've "Payed My Dues". When in it seems I've paid everybody eles dues. John Galt baby. Watch. Not saying that working hard for something is not good, just saying when you go to negotiate you better come in swingin and bringin the value. You gotta fight for each cent. Of course as time goes by you should be wiser and be able to negotiate more money.

    As far as for aimin for the sky, why not? Gotta try.

    Remember they having been making a good living running a business that hires people that add value.

    Can't dispute that, they have been making a good living. Of course were the employee fits into that is a mystery to me. As far as what, if anybody has felt like they have never been dicked in their life by an a particular employer please let me know cause I'm tryin to hollar.

    This picture says it all.

    cant really resonably aim for the sky

    How many people get ahead being reasonable. If you want diffrent results gotta try diffrent actions. Cause how many people are just getting ahead playing by the "rules". Not saying you gotta do something that is illegal, just gotta be creative.

  • I would say for joining a field with no experience or connections 30 is average. I got a temp-to-perm job in 2001 (post-bubble) that paid more than that, in an industry I had no experience in, and was raised up to 55 (without trying) in three years. For someone starting out with expertise and significant education in the field 30 is inappropriate, IMO.
    This was all in NYC right? Our boy is not looking for work in NYC from what I've gathered. So, why did you "give it all up" to open a record store?

    This was in San Francisco actually, where the economy in late 2001 was fucked. But I'm saying - no experience, no degree in the field, no connection, just walking in off the street and interviewing.

    And I left all that shit because all the money in the world don't make you happy if you don't love what you do.

  • They also didn't get to be in a position of hiring folks for a position because they are stupid either (even if they ARE stupid, they were smart enuff to convince someone they were smart at some point).
    I can live with that. It would be good when you go in to get that job to at least be smart enough to convince them to give you as much as you can.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Dude you weren't supposed to let the collage grads know that. 30k to start. That's livin with Ma Dukes type chedder. Half ass hustlers that didn't finish High School could make that with there eyes closed. So why would anyone wanna waste big time loot on a collage degree, if they were only gonna make chips like that. I mean if you went to a big university and dropped $20,000+ grand a year on that why would you wanna only make 30k to start.

    The difference between college graduates and people who didn't go to college (as well as half ass hustlers) is usually quantified in lifetime earnings, not first year earnings.

  • Dude you weren't supposed to let the collage grads know that. 30k to start. That's livin with Ma Dukes type chedder. Half ass hustlers that didn't finish High School could make that with there eyes closed. So why would anyone wanna waste big time loot on a collage degree, if they were only gonna make chips like that. I mean if you went to a big university and dropped $20,000+ grand a year on that why would you wanna only make 30k to start.

    The difference between college graduates and people who didn't go to college (as well as half ass hustlers) is usually quantified in lifetime earnings, not first year earnings.

    As well as job security.

  • The difference between college graduates and people who didn't go to college (as well as half ass hustlers) is usually quantified in lifetime earnings, not first year earnings.
    No one on earth is promised tmrw.

  • Well I don't really believe in job security. I think it is a myth. I live in the Pacific Northwest and I'm sure all the Boeing people that got fired are feelin real securrr right thurrr. The value you bring and how adaptable to situations you are is your real security. Regardless if you are rockin it like Tony Robbins or like Too Short. Get in were you fit in.

    where the economy in late 2001 was fucked.
    yet a 1,100sqft. bungalow was still $600,000+'s pretty well known that SF is and has been one of the most expensive citys to live in for some time, therefore jobs have to pay more, not the case in regular america.

    And I left all that shit because all the money in the world don't make you happy if you don't love what you do.

  • The TRUTH.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    The difference between college graduates and people who didn't go to college (as well as half ass hustlers) is usually quantified in lifetime earnings, not first year earnings.
    No one on earth is promised tmrw.

    While a true statement, as a life philosophy it is rather pointless.
    take it from someone who didn't save a DIME til after I was 30. The less you plan and save, the longer you will probably be around to suffer for it.

    Life is no sprint. And education is not empty even if it don't make you rich. it's training in the network, training for the hustle, training for the grind, in addition to hopefully enriching your life. If you don't learn some of that in school you are not trying hard enuff.

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts

    "I make about a G a day - fuck school"

    -KRS One-

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    The difference between college graduates and people who didn't go to college (as well as half ass hustlers) is usually quantified in lifetime earnings, not first year earnings.
    No one on earth is promised tmrw.

    This is worth about as much as your advice to Grafwritah to demand a starting salary of half a million dollars.

  • where the economy in late 2001 was fucked.
    yet a 1,100sqft. bungalow was still $600,000+'s pretty well known that SF is and has been one of the most expensive citys to live in for some time, therefore jobs have to pay more, not the case in regular america.

    You can read all the cost comparisons you want, but the bottom line is at that time it was hard as hell to find a job, nobody had work, and I still managed to get a job paying over thirty through a friggin temp service.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    "I earn about a G a day - fuck school"
    -KRS One-

    Sellin' drugs was that scenario. Fuck that.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    one year out of college I was pullin $30K in st. louis and I had way more money than I needed. that was two years ago.

    that's my two cents.

  • Well I don't really believe in job security.

    While I agree that the 30 to 40 year job security of the past is no more, I also believe that when lay offs hit those without degrees tend to be the first ones sent walking and when jobs are scarce they have a harder time finding them. I do think it takes more then a degree to get ahead, but today a BA is like a high school diploma was 20 years ago. If you want to move up and stay out of the service industry and labor related jobs you need one. That???s not to say you can???t make it without a degree. I have a lot of friends from high school that didn???t go to college and did all right for a while, but eventually they started getting passed up for promotions in favor of those with a degree. Now most of them are back in school.

    College is a scam. most degre's are worthless. If I were to give someone advice I'd say get a job right out of high school, something like and electical apprenticeship or what not and by the time your friends who went to college graduate you'll be making $40+ an hour. Youy want job security? Learn a trade, they pay very well and as long as there is plumbing and electricity you'll have a job...Either that of go straight through and get an MBA don't forget to join a frat either 'cause thats where you'll make your connect for a good corporate job...

  • gotta be creative.

    Yeah, you've gotta to have vision, or at least an idea of how you're different from everybody else.

    Location is so huge. Like a lotta folks here I was laid off in the dot-com bust and was unemployed for upwards of 2 years outside of boston. Temped for a long while. Nothing says broke like living in a city with millions of students or recent graduates.

    In one interview I got, the only one in about 6 months, I was told how lucky I was because I was one of 5 people who got interviews out of *450* applicants. For an entry-level flash job. Made one flub on a technical question and it was back to the kraft & 40s.

    Now where I am I've been pretty lucky. Going for my MA and making good coin freelancing. But I had to get out of Boston and rethink the whole way I went about business and making those connections.

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    College is a scam. most degre's are worthless. If I were to give someone advice I'd say get a job right out of high school, something like and electical apprenticeship or what not and by the time your friends who went to college graduate you'll be making $40+ an hour. Youy want job security? Learn a trade, they pay very well and as long as there is plumbing and electricity you'll have a job...Either that of go straight through and get an MBA don't forget to join a frat either 'cause thats where you'll make your connect for a good corporate job...

    That's some real talk. My best advice which I wasn't smart enough to do is buy real estate as young as possible and keep fliping that shit. You'll be a self made millionaire in no time at all.

  • "I make about a G a day - fuck school"

    -KRS One-


    A G a day brings a smile to my face. The day's I bring in a G are always good days for me.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    College is a scam. most degre's are worthless. If I were to give someone advice I'd say get a job right out of high school, something like and electical apprenticeship or what not and by the time your friends who went to college graduate you'll be making $40+ an hour. Youy want job security? Learn a trade, they pay very well and as long as there is plumbing and electricity you'll have a job...Either that of go straight through and get an MBA don't forget to join a frat either 'cause thats where you'll make your connect for a good corporate job...

    This is just ignorance.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    College is a scam. most degre's are worthless. If I were to give someone advice I'd say get a job right out of high school, something like and electical apprenticeship or what not and by the time your friends who went to college graduate you'll be making $40+ an hour. Youy want job security? Learn a trade, they pay very well and as long as there is plumbing and electricity you'll have a job...Either that of go straight through and get an MBA don't forget to join a frat either 'cause thats where you'll make your connect for a good corporate job...

    This is just ignorance.


    That's some real talk. My best advice which I wasn't smart enough to do is buy real estate as young as possible and keep fliping that shit. You'll be a self made millionaire in no time at all.
    real estateis for sure a great way to become a self made's harder now w/ the ballon though...

    This is just ignorance.
    no, it's just the facts of life. Most people aren't gonna be well paid lawyers like you. If you go to college it better be for an MBA, an MD or a Juris Doctorate. MAye a few specialized tech things like engineering. Otherwise it's a f'n waste of your time and money. Liberal Arts degree's aren't worth shit in the job market. Ask anyone who's got one. Learn a trade or get one of the above mentioned degrees. Or get your paper the old fashioned way: inherit it. That real estate route is good too. And I'm dead serious about joining a frat too. "brothers" hook "brothers" up w/ those fast track, well paid corporate jobs.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    This is just ignorance.
    no, it's just the facts of life. Most people aren't gonna be well paid lawyers like you. If you go to college it better be for an MBA, an MD or a Juris Doctorate. MAye a few specialized tech things like engineering. Otherwise it's a f'n waste of your time and money. Liberal Arts degree's aren't worth shit in the job market. Ask anyone who's got one. Learn a trade or get one of the above mentioned degrees. Or get your paper the old fashioned way: inherit it. That real estate route is good too. And I'm dead serious about joining a frat too. "brothers" hook "brothers" up w/ those fast track, well paid corporate jobs.

    Again, pure ignorance.

    And you sound mad.

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    This is just ignorance.

    no, it's just the facts of life. Most people aren't gonna be well paid lawyers like you. If you go to college it better be for an MBA, an MD or a Juris Doctorate. MAye a few specialized tech things like engineering. Otherwise it's a f'n waste of your time and money. Liberal Arts degree's aren't worth shit in the job market. Ask anyone who's got one. Learn a trade or get one of the above mentioned degrees. Or get your paper the old fashioned way: inherit it. That real estate route is good too. And I'm dead serious about joining a frat too. "brothers" hook "brothers" up w/ those fast track, well paid corporate jobs.

    What about the abundance of fresh punani? College is not a waste. Get your priorities right.

    College is an experience, if you can get a job out of it, consider yourself lucky.

    Otherwise just look at it as an expensive stepping stone to becoming something.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,110 Posts

    Again, pure ignorance.

    Karlito's advice seems pretty logical. Why is it ignorant, out of curiousity?
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