covers of Shaft worth checking out.

I have heard countless and countless versions of Shaft. Mostly coming from high-school bands or those generic 'soundalike' groups (ie: 'the hits from '72!'). And I have yet to hear one that even comes close to be good as the original. Proove me wrong. I am interested in finding a decent cover of this song that has its own uniqueness (hence the point of doing a cover in the first place). Are there any out there?
Well, one line from that song kinda answers your question: "...the original is still the greatest..."
yes this is true.
i haven't played it in a bit - but the flip is another version of Shaft by i think the Soul Syndicate - also damn fine.
"Shaft is one bad...callate la boca"
Harriott also did an interesting rendition of "Shaft" in his "Black Moses" 45 which is basically the Shaft tune with some studio technical wizardry (drop out's, etc)
i can't stand shaft, but that didn't matter when hearing this version.
Nothing wrong with either.
To a degree.
K in Canada.
one of my favorite covers of the track, the fuzz is what makes it.
that album is criminally selpt on (check Ebay)
sold a copy that I had sound clips for for like 4 times the going rate...all it takes is a listen and youre hooked
That came out on 45 too..
also the Caesar Frazier recorded a sweet jazzy cover of Ellie's love theme
That version is
It's actually pretty good until then. When he starts singing/talking though:
Here's one with a break: