covers of Shaft worth checking out.



  • Oh, Henry Mancini does one too, but I don't remember it being that great.

    Its funny how all the ones i listed are easy listening/ lounge records.

    In the Shaft related category is Shaft's Mama (or something like that) by Charlie Whitehead. It sounds nothing like shaft, but it is a whole song about shaft's mom, so hey, there you go.

    And that old ass Simpson's episode where bart and lisa do Shaft karaoke at the japanese resturant is pretty awesome.

  • puppup 133 Posts

    I can't believe I'm the first to mention Soul Mann and the Brothers...

    ... and in a loungey mood Jimmy McGriff

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    This Hollyridge Strings "Sounds of the 70's" muzak LP has a version with some moments. Intro is very cool with the hyper hi-hats, and the "Shaft!" vocal has some crazy echo on it.

    Personally, I really like the theme from "Shaft's Big Score" by - of all people - O.C. Smith, called "Blowing Your Mind," which is a variation of the original Shaft theme track, and when the chicks go "Shaft!" he says, "he'll blow your funky mind, baby!"

  • Cecil Holmes joint
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