Introducing... The Soul Strut Music Archive

For the past few years, it's been extremely quite around here. While the web site hasn't seen much activity (other than the mixes page), I have been extremely active behind the scenes meticulously combing a vast archive of discussion threads from 2001-2007 documenting the eclectic and diverse musical tastes and trends of the Soul Strut community.
I have amassed around 17,000 albums and singles (and that is up until 2007.)
I've made a life time decision to review and collect the most relevant recordings discussed on here in order to inform music lovers for years to come of how great this place reallywas is.
I'm going alphabetical. So with an average of 5 reviews a day, it will take me YEARS to complete.
So, without further, here is the soft opening of THE ARCHIVE.
I have amassed around 17,000 albums and singles (and that is up until 2007.)
I've made a life time decision to review and collect the most relevant recordings discussed on here in order to inform music lovers for years to come of how great this place really
I'm going alphabetical. So with an average of 5 reviews a day, it will take me YEARS to complete.
So, without further, here is the soft opening of THE ARCHIVE.

So good
Two thumbs
'01-03 can be downloaded here (Golden era Soul Strut!): Board
2004 is on Waybackmachine, but you can only see subjects. This is when I switched from HTML to a MySQL database and lost the back up.
The board here starts in February 2005 I believe.... So we are missing Nov 2003 - to Feb 2005... sadly.
Short, informative (sometimes entertaining reviews). This isn't allmusic, but I want to try to give the best back story I can while tying it in with records discussed on here.
Hell of a mission, but I think it's a really cool undertaking. Thanks for the link to the oldies too, the knowledge dropped in that should be fun to sieve through.
Flipped through a few records, and not only were the reviews on point, the format and linkage to thraeds was really satisfying. This will keep me busy... thank you, Raj!
It's looking great so far btw.
Thanks Ketan. I'm hoping it will be a game changing resource. if not, I'm learning a lot about the recordings and the artists and generating the world's largest "WANT LIST".
I would imagine that once I log in that should follow me from page to
I'm using the Vanilla software for this message board which has a commenting system that is associated with this login. It's terrible. I thought I would try Disqus which is more modern robust option, but that means you need two accounts to make your experience here seamless. So, I'm kind of stuck at the moment.
Loc for sure.
word yup!
Good news about the archive of the archives.
wow! this is great
this place was truly magical because of discoveries like this and it has shaped my DJing and taste for life
soulstrut por vida
Love your work on letter "A" Raj. Keep em coming
Thanks... Throwing in some Soul Strut 100s in the mix so I can at least have a finalized list of that soon.
I got an extra that I've been trying to sell for years. It's yours if you want it.
I really want to comment on loads of these, but not become 'that guy'.
Does anyone else plan to join me?