
  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    Happy that City have kept the wheels on despite playing without their best forward (or any forwards) and their best defender. I still think we are not at the Barca/Real level but most aren't.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    DOR said:
    pcmr said:
    what is your mid season take on your team?

    Sub par season for the most part so far. I really thought we've make a strong go of it, but I kinda thought they tried too hard to compensate for the loss of Suarez and it was just too much so quick. It was kinda like they were trying to rebuild.

    But now I'm gutted with the talk of Gerrard leaving. I thought he would retire, but rumours flying he'll be off to MLS? At least I'll be able to see him play once in a while.

    It's not talk, unfortunately; he's definitely going. And you know what? For all the times I've criticised him and pissed and moaned about this or that aspect of his game, both here and elsewhere, I am genuinely sad at the thought he won't be an LFC player next season. I have a huge amount of respect for one-club players on general principle, and especially for those one-club players who could have played at the highest level anywhere they wanted for most of their careers, yet chose instead to stay with the same hometown underachievers they'd been with for 26 years. Twenty-six fucking years. Came up through the ranks, never got shunted out on loan, was there when it counted for every great moment the club had during his term, and for plenty of the not-so-great ones. Couldn't ask for much more than that. Why would he taint any of it for the so-called Big Payday he could have had at any point over the last 15 seasons? He'll never kick a ball for another English club, and that absolves him of pretty much anything for me. Just a pity we couldn't give him the send-off he deserves.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:

    It's not talk, unfortunately; he's definitely going. And you know what? For all the times I've criticised him and pissed and moaned about this or that aspect of his game, both here and elsewhere, I am genuinely sad at the thought he won't be an LFC player next season. I have a huge amount of respect for one-club players on general principle, and especially for those one-club players who could have played at the highest level anywhere they wanted for most of their careers, yet chose instead to stay with the same hometown underachievers they'd been with for 26 years. Twenty-six fucking years. Came up through the ranks, never got shunted out on loan, was there when it counted for every great moment the club had during his term, and for plenty of the not-so-great ones. Couldn't ask for much more than that. Why would he taint any of it for the so-called Big Payday he could have had at any point over the last 15 seasons? He'll never kick a ball for another English club, and that absolves him of pretty much anything for me. Just a pity we couldn't give him the send-off he deserves.

    Well said.

    Reading his statement put a small tear in the eye. Quality human being. What more could you ask from a guy from Merseyside.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    DOR said:
    Quality human being.

    Well, there was the punch-up at Southport. And that thing with the gangsters/the Chelsea temptation. But as a player, I agree with Jamie Carragher that he's been their best-ever servant. Kenny did benefit from having a fantastic coach and surrounding cast.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    He'll always be Gerrard Biff to me.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Possible Gerrard & Keane in LA? I hope they get a reality TV show on top... I'd watch it.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Since this is likely to be the first working day of the year for many folks, I figure a laugh might be useful, so...

    Two guys on a bodybuilding forum argue over how many days there are in a week.

    I've seen this a few times over the last couple of days, so it's probably well on the way to going viral by now.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:
    Since this is likely to be the first working day of the year for many folks, I figure a laugh might be useful, so...

    Two guys on a bodybuilding forum argue over how many days there are in a week.

    I've seen this a few times over the last couple of days, so it's probably well on the way to going viral by now.

    That thread has direct parallels to recent strut threads featuring Zilla et Al


    What's the Brit-strut opinion on Ched Evans?
    Ched? Really?
    Wtf kind of name is that?

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    Short for "Chedwyn". Welsh, see.

    He started out at City, IIRC. Was loaned away. Wise move.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    I find it bizarre and disturbing that police organisations are lobbying for him not to get back into the game.

    They did their job by getting him prosecuted. Society empowered a judge to pass sentence. Wtf has it now got to do with coppers if the dude moves on with his life in his chosen profession?
    They should have no skin in that game. Ched contrition or maintenance of innocence is purely for him, and club owners can decide if they can live with their judgement of that.
    And fans can vote with their feet.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    I guess it depends on whether you are prepared to forgive man or not.

    Him and some other footballer got some girl hammered and then did the do, judge said she was too drunk to conciously consent. I wouldn't do it, even if I was in his position of being young, free, single and loaded. I am just not that kind of bloke, doe.

    It would very much appear, from what I've read in numerous places, that young footballers are used to, and expect, all female company to be this compliant. See Rio. Giggsy. There is a bird that works here who is stunning, and from what I'm told, aspires to nothing more than copping off with a footballer in town. I guess this is easier than winning the lottery.

    Is Ched allowed a life after prison? Was it six of one, and half-a-dozen of the other? Should he be made to pay for his mistake for ever? Will wronged girly-girl be able to move on (with another footballer after another nightclub?)

    If you are prepared to let rap*sts move on, where do you draw the line? N*nces? H*tler?

    I guess my gut take on him is that I don't feel he's paid enough dues. With great wealth comes great responsibility. I mean, you never see the R*yals setting a bad example, do you?


  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    It's a hard one to judge in all honesty. Dude set his friend up in a hotel room, that you kind of presume was for this kind of purpose. He brings back some out of it bird, they get it on. None of which was deemed punishable by law, despite her being too drunk to consent. But said friend also rings his mate Ched, who then sneaks into the hotel and has 'his go'. He claims that once in the hotel room and introduced to the young lady, she invited him to perform a sexual act on her thus giving consent, so he considered himself innocent and has never admitted fault and apologised. In fact he sees himself as the victim, and so, for some reason does the girlfriend who was waiting at home for him.
    Given the bare bones of the case it's hard to not find him at fault, but it's hard to judge him guilty of rape if what he says of the girl giving consent is true. Really you're stupid and total scumbag for setting up the whole situation and that would be enough for me to not want him at any club I supported. There's also the fact that a judge and jury given all the facts found him guilty and he needs to accept that at least before he is allowed to move on.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    skel said:
    ... and club owners can decide if they can live with their judgement of that.
    And fans can vote with their feet.

    I've only skimmed the details of this ordeal so it would be remiss for me to opine too much, but from what I've read it seems like the Oldham board/ownership have really made a mess of this.

    My preference would be for the club to take a stand one way or the other...instead they appeared to draw it out with non-stop blathering about "ifs", "possibly" and "maybe" as to whether they really wanted to sign this guy or not.

    I'm not really a huge fan of punishing people twice for the same offence, but in this case, when you are playing such a public/commercial/social game, the court of public opinion will impact. If any good comes out of this, hopefully the next footballer in a similar situation will realize how dangerous it is to get into that predicament.

    Also...is this guy even good? Did Oldham create a schitt storm for a marginal player? I'm American so I only care about teams in the PL

    BTW -- Happy 2015 fellas. For random reasons I've fallen off the board over the past few months, but hopefully I'll get to add my useless YANK opinions more going forward.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    So now the law requires an offender to feel / demonstrate contrition after paying the penalty?
    Surely not. I can't be down with this at all.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    The law doesn't, but the "Average Man In The Street™" would.

    He should consider coaching. I am sure even if he gets a playing gig, there will be plenty of "John Terry" handshakes from opponents and, jeez, you'd need a Teflon/Unobtainium Alloy skin to not be affected by the terraces.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    jlee said:

    Also...is this guy even good?

    Fair to say he's a league above the two teams that contemplated signing him - Sheffield United (?) and now Oldham. So it makes sense from that angle. Given he's been inside for a while, no doubt plenty of edge has been dulled though.

    jlee said:

    BTW -- Happy 2015 fellas. For random reasons I've fallen off the board over the past few months, but hopefully I'll get to add my useless YANK opinions more going forward.

    HNY to you too dude; far from being useless, your opinion is always valued. Well informed, consistently well reasoned, and your lack of local skin in the game affords you a detached clarity the rest of us can't summon.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure owning up and accepting responsibility for your crimes has for many years been a consideration, as a major premise of our penal system is that it's meant to be about rehabilitation more than just punishment.
    But this dude won't admit he did any wrong, so how could he even begin to demonstrate contrition. The only reason he wouldn't do the exact same thing again would be due to self preservation. [em]So, all you dudes out there who are considering rape, don't do it cause you might get caught. Not because it's an abhorrent crime, that often ruins the lives of the victims, for which perpetrators should be treated as the pariahs they are until they can indeed show they deserve to be part of a civilised society once more.[/em] There are plenty of occupations you can't return to once you have a criminal record or are a sex offender. And like it or not this guy is an idol and a role model so he has to except that he can also be made an example of, as it comes with the territory along with the fame, money and power he has enjoyed until now.

    His football club clearly want to resign him. They are just trying to see if they can weather the backlash of doing so. If dude truly believes he's innocent of any wrong doing, then he should reenter the courts to clear his name. Until then it's a fact he was found guilty of rape by a Court of Law, but his acting like he's still innocent opens it up and puts a decision of guilt and punishment in the hands of a small board on a football club, where it doesn't belong. If he admits his wrong and shows contrition, then it becomes a simpler decision at least.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    And b/w I just spent an hour ironing whilst grooving to a double play of an Alessi Brothers album, and it was a fantastically uplifting experience.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Er, Moke, he is on course for a trial to clear his name.

    And the lack of contrition is taken into account at sentencing.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    skel said:
    And b/w I just spent an hour with heating turned up full, ironing whilst wearing nothing but a banana hammock grooving to a double play of an Alessi Brothers album, and it was a fantastically uplifting experience.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    skel said:
    Er, Moke, he is on course for a trial to clear his name.

    And the lack of contrition is taken into account at sentencing.

    I think it's also considered in parole and release, so I'm not sure what your point is. The only real value of being 'on coarse' is to further the thought that he could be innocent. Until he clears his name he's still a convicted rapist.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Just got back from Bangkok. This bar was high enough that I was mentally doubting the construction skills of the builders.


  • ppadilhappadilha 2,243 Posts
    good thing Man Utd signed the brilliant tactician who single-handledly won the World Cup this past summer, eh?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Duderonomy said:

    Props L*o, very rarely have I seen a dude turn their life around so fully. From a feature-less and future-less wasteland (no offence ;-)) to a journey through exotic lands and classrooms full of hot señoritas all hanging on your every word. Respect and fist bumps and so on.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    good thing Man Utd signed the brilliant tactician who single-handledly won the World Cup this past summer, eh?

    After Southampton did Arsenal the other week I feel that 1-0 flattered Man U!

    skel said:

    Props L*o, very rarely have I seen a dude turn their life around so fully.

    Cheers S*e*e, life is still very much uphill at the moment, but that's the point of it all, right? Stagnation does no good. Very happy in my work, and one of the best things about holidays is that you appreciate your home a bit more. Prior to the Bangkok trip, a slight gripe I had with Barcelona is that it's more polluted than Oxford. Well, most cities worthy of the name are, but after the smog-choked chaos of Bangkok I returned to Barcelona feeling a new and deeper respect for the quality of life here.
    And for the senoritas. Mmmm.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Just watched the darts world champ final. Fucking radical.
    I need to attend one of them.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Cf Harvey Canal "no, no black people in London"

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Just got back from Bangkok. This bar was high enough that I was mentally doubting the construction skills of the builders.


    Looks like you had a proper interesting xmas Duder. Beats staying at home and watching granny fall asleep then wake herself up by farting.

    Did you get to see much of Thailand/Bangkok?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Okem said:

    Looks like you had a proper interesting xmas Duder. Beats staying at home and watching granny fall asleep then wake herself up by farting.

    Did you get to see much of Thailand/Bangkok?

    Hey, I did X-Mas in England, complete with farting granny! Bangkok was a 10 day New Year's trip. A lot of travelling from Barcelona, Oxford, Witney, London, Bangkok, and my brother got annoyed that I didn't hop on another plane to see him in Cambodia (next time broseph).It was my 4th visit, so mainly spent catching up with Thai friends, eating street food, necking booze, getting massages, cruising the markets, and re-discovering the joy of helmet-less motorcycle taxis (ffffffffuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkk, I wish I knew Thai for "slow down"). Back to the grim mundanity of Barcelona :-P
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