
  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    DB_Cooper said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    DB_Cooper said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Boston sports teams are like the Grateful Dead......the only reason I dislike them is their fans are such aholes.

    Are we talking people from New England who are homegrown, legitimate fans, or the bandwagon-jumping diaspora found nationwide? Because the former dislike the latter as well.

    There are Patriot fans that didn't grow up in the Boston area?

    Not sure that I've ever met one.

    Oh, hell yeah. Just like there are frontrunner faux fans for whoever are considered the best teams in the league. Dudes who want to associate themselves with success, so they claim the team as their own. Never mind all the kids who come to Boston for college and leave calling themselves Red Sox and Pats fans. Shit's not real. It's just an affectation.

    Again, I think y'all are so on your own jocks that y'all have imagined this so-called bandwagon that you speak of. Yes, it's natural to assume that by winning there would be a bunch of new periphery fans, but in the case of the Pats...*crickets*.

    Haha! Fair enough, my dude. Now back to burning this trash can.

    Red Sox Fan Dedicates Garbage Can He???s Lighting On Fire To Marathon Victims

  • vintageinfants said:
    DB_Cooper said:
    rootlesscosmo said:
    with all due respect, the fuck is the point of this pair of non sequitor posts?

    My bit can be summed up as "I love the Pats, haters gon' hate, I give no fucks."

    boston wants us to care about them so much they have to remind us how important their football team is all the time.

    The endless whining every time the Patriots go deep in the playoffs should tell you something.


    Start a CFL thread and see how much talk there is about the Roughriders...

  • HoustonCanal said:
    DB_Cooper said:
    rootlesscosmo said:
    should I just start posting Niners Super Bowl highlights with no connection to this thread?

    so many to choose from....

    Nah. That was more on some "I'm publicly declaring that I'm rooting for my Pats this postseason, and I know a lot of you are going to hate, but here's why I love them, etc." You know Pats/Sox love gets instant backlash here and throughout most of the country. We're the modern version of the Yankees of the 90s/00s. People hate the success, and that's fine. But there was a time the country loved us, and I'm reminding dudes of that.

    The success we don't mind. That y'all are so blind to anything but your own success is what makes you the national assclowns that y'all are.

    Remember that this guy is from Texas, the assclown capital of the Milky Way galaxy.

  • DB_Cooper said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    DB_Cooper said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Boston sports teams are like the Grateful Dead......the only reason I dislike them is their fans are such aholes.

    Are we talking people from New England who are homegrown, legitimate fans, or the bandwagon-jumping diaspora found nationwide? Because the former dislike the latter as well.

    There are Patriot fans that didn't grow up in the Boston area?

    Not sure that I've ever met one.

    Oh, hell yeah. Just like there are frontrunner faux fans for whoever are considered the best teams in the league. Dudes who want to associate themselves with success, so they claim the team as their own. Never mind all the kids who come to Boston for college and leave calling themselves Red Sox and Pats fans. Shit's not real. It's just an affectation.

    You know what's even more pathetic? People born in one state who grew up rooting for their home teams and end up transferring allegiance to some shabby organizations just because they moved.

    That's just disgusting.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    LazarusOblong said:
    You know what's even more pathetic? People born in one state who grew up rooting for their home teams and end up transferring allegiance to some shabby organizations just because they moved.

    That's just disgusting.

    Oh, man. Preaching to the choir. See the case of Loyalty v. the State of Desperately Wanting to Fit In.

  • all lies

    the reason there's so many Pats/Sox/Celts/etc fans outside of Boston is because everyone leaves. Because, BOSTON.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    all lies

    the reason there's so many Pats/Sox/Celts/etc fans outside of Boston is because everyone leaves. Because, BOSTON.

    Said the Berkeley expat. I SEE YOU, JONNY

    :eyeball: :eyeball:

  • oh good, LazarusOblong* is here to convince us that bostonians are likable people!

    *a note to future users: as a testament to his successes on this board, he has probably been banned several times since this nom de plume. we are certain the name has changed, but he shouldn't be too hard to spot.

  • vintageinfants said:
    oh good, LazarusOblong* is here to convince us that bostonians are likable people!

    *a note to future users: as a testament to his successes on this board, he has probably been banned several times since this nom de plume. we are certain the name has changed, but he shouldn't be too hard to spot.

    Sour grapes because the most prominent name in your entire country's football history is "Flutie."

    (And need I tell you where those Fluties originated? Get back to me when you can start growing your own.)

  • DB_Cooper said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    all lies

    the reason there's so many Pats/Sox/Celts/etc fans outside of Boston is because everyone leaves. Because, BOSTON.

    Said the Berkeley expat. I SEE YOU, JONNY

    :eyeball: :eyeball:

    Yes, his record is not good in this department.

    Rootlessness is a bitter road.

  • way to prove us all wrong, friend.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    all lies

    the reason there's so many Pats/Sox/Celts/etc fans outside of Boston is because everyone leaves. Because, BOSTON.


    God knows we have more than our share down here.

  • vintageinfants said:
    way to prove us all wrong, friend.

    Speak for yourself, not the hive mind.

    You're better than that, right?

  • Rockadelic said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    all lies

    the reason there's so many Pats/Sox/Celts/etc fans outside of Boston is because everyone leaves. Because, BOSTON.


    God knows we have more than our share down here.

    Someone has to show the cowboys how to read and do math above a 6th grade level.

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts

  • best NFC championship matchup in a minnit.

    someone buy me a ticket and drinks are on me when I get up there.

  • rootlesscosmo said:

    someone buy me a ticket and drinks are on me when I get up there.

    better hope you don't have to show your ID.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    rootlesscosmo said:

    someone buy me a ticket and drinks are on me when I get up there.

    better hope you don't have to show your ID.

    Weakest sauce ever?

  • HarveyCanal said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    rootlesscosmo said:

    someone buy me a ticket and drinks are on me when I get up there.

    better hope you don't have to show your ID.

    Weakest sauce ever?

    (a) scared of Niners fans punking you in your own house, or

    (b) scared that the stadium won't be sufficiently loud to prevent the Niners from communicating plays.

    Take your pick of bitch-ass rationales.

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    Denver is restricting ticket sales too. Apparently it's common practice.

    I'm old enough to know that the Broncos are the OG Seattle Seahawks' enemy. Not rivals, as they'd routinely MURDER the Seahawks in the AFC West, but they definitely have inflicted more damage than any other team in the NFL.

    Also: Russel Wilson is a devastating bore.

  • Very drunk Charles Barkley offering opinions in the Patriots locker room after the game:

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    Don't earn home field advantage, don't complain.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts

  • rain103 said:
    Don't earn home field advantage, don't complain.

    haha yeah totally: "we've EARNED the right to carry out this lame practice of limiting our ticket sales!"

    between bragging about your unique ability to make noise in unison, and now this, Seattle fans STAY getting cocky in defense of some really lame shit!


  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    You can still purchase tickets to the game. Just not via the Seahawks. Find another non-story to complain about, I'll wait.

  • Lol, yeah i know it is common practice.

    But it looks lame because of the whole 12th man thing. And as always, Seattle fans are fun to mess with.

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    I remember a couple of years ago a bunch of Supersonic fans planned on purchasing tickets to the Oklahoma City Thunder's home playoff game to represent and stir things up but were rejected by the same type of 'ban'.

    They ended up starting a fundraiser and buying tickets through other means. Long story short. The policy is stupid and rigged in favor of the home team but tickets are not impossible to come by.


  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    LazarusOblong said:
    Very drunk Charles Barkley offering opinions in the Patriots locker room after the game:

    That was fucking awesome. Even if he was lit, dude preached.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    There may not be a single Pats fan in Denver this weekend, and it won't make a damn bit of difference. Both Brady and Manning are too experienced to be shook by crowd noise.

  • ... and Kaep's got his noise-canceling joints pon stash.

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