toronto's big fat slob mayor now also smokes crack



  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    jim flaherty finance minister and personal friend of said crackhead was in tears saying he hopes rob gets well
    a conservative fiscalist crying
    privilege doesnt begin to describe this horrible fmaily its like the Bush on crack literally

    hey everything is back to normal okay
    when the PM should be forcing him out instead he is legitimatizing him talk about enabling

  • FrankFrank 2,379 Posts

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    Frank said:
    bassie said:
    addiction, privilege, denial, enablers

    mother and sister giving interviews now saying he doesn't need rehab

    The sister who had her scalp blown off by a drug dealer and whose ex lover shot and killed her then-lover with a sawed-off in front of her kids? Yeah, I hope he listens to her advice.

    Ford should not even be given the option to take a break. Constantly remaining under the public eye and experiencing the discomfort and contempt of everybody he has to work with as a mayor while being ridiculed by the media will only accelerate the process of self-destruction. He has entered a cycle that he would have a hard time escaping even if he was given a break, if he would be surrounded by well meaning friends and a family of good and decent people and if he was not a genuine sociopath. With the situation being as it is, it would be a shame to not just let this play out while sitting back and enjoying the show. Not only is it just plain wrong to stop bad things from happening to bad people but I also have the strong feeling that this bag full of rancid fat still has some perhaps even more glorious moments to share with his now global audience so please let him go on. Also: the more shit that happens, the more of it you can rub into the face of the conservative idiots who have voted this guy into power. Let the Ford Nation fully enjoy what they've voted for. Just make sure he doesn't have any guns in his office and let him walk through a metal detector when entering city hall.

    HA! Knew you'd come through, Frank. Seriously, who gives a shit about his personal demons and all the rest. He's a fucking car crash as a politician and probably as a person too if his immediate family is anything to go by. I'm clueless as to why he's still in the job. Isn't there anyone with the authority to remove him? That said, can't wait to see what he comes up with next. Never underestimate the voting public's love of dipsomaniac, drug addled, priapic politicos who say sorry.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,793 Posts
    Flomotion said:
    Never underestimate the voting public's love of dipsomaniac, drug addled, priapic politicos who say sorry.

    That all you got?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
    Only person that can get rid of him is the premier of the province. And she's kinda tip toeing around because of her party's issues/possibles scandals . She doesn't want to look like she's interfering with municipalities issues.

    The City of Toronto can only dump him if he's convicted of a crime.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    This is how Ford pictures himself in my private mind garden.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    I type CRACK PANDA into Google search and find this...

  • Flomotion said:
    I type CRACK PANDA into Google search and find this...

    It looks like his face is chillin on a bean bag chair.

  • MoSSMoSS 458 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    ford's popularity actually increased in the wake of the police disclosure. how is that even possible? what the hell is going on in toronto? why aren't folks wielding pitchforks, demanding that he resign? i understand there is no legal way to force him out barring a criminal conviction, which sounds unlikely at the present but maybe not, maybe his buddy will flip. videos of him and ford exchanging envelopes and suitcases, for fucks sake.

    this was not a good a week for democracy in the great white north.

    Toronto's the same city today that it was a year ago. Rob Ford's been on some WTF shit for a while now, the main difference is the US media caught on to the crack story and now everyone outside of the city is telling Toronto how upset the people of Toronto should be. It's not like this is going to hurt tourism or stop roads from getting fixed. I'm in the burbs of Toronto so he's not my mayor per say, but it's not like I woke up today and decided I need to move.

  • add to the list.

    oxycontin, drinking vodka while driving, prostitution IN the mayors office......

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Perfect CV for leading the Santa Claus Parade.

    jj - I know the parade organizers asked him to not participate but knowing him, he'll show up anyway. The family mayor!

  • FrankFrank 2,379 Posts
    "I'm most definitely keeping this job," he said. "I am not leaving here. I'm going to sit here and going to attend every meeting."

    That's the spirit, I hope his supporters will stand by him and keep those approval ratings way up!

  • full, unredacted court documents are HERE.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    add to the list.

    oxycontin, drinking vodka while driving, prostitution IN the mayors office......

    Other than being in the mayor's office.......................... who hasn't done this?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
    This list is just too much of how much of an embarrassment the guy is. Choices quote from the police reports.

    -- Before the tumultuous night was over, they told police, Ford would call a cab driver a ???Paki,??? deride several top aides as ???Liberal bitches,??? burst into tears about his deceased father and tell a female staffer that ???I banged your pussy.???

    -- After the staff got Ford into a cab to leave the Bier Markt and return to City Hall, Ford???s mood changed, Ransom told police. The mayor seemed ???tired and erratic. At one point, Mayor Ford broke down and cried about his father,??? the police document said.

    Several staff told police Ford had called them from his father???s gravesite, sometimes sounding choked, as if he was crying.

    Provost later took the ???inebriated??? mayor home in a taxi. During the trip, Ford told his staffer to get out of the taxi so he could talk to an unknown man about to set up a meeting, Towhey told police.

    When they arrived at the mayor???s Etobicoke home, Ford ???jumped out of the taxi, jumped into his own car, reversed it very quickly almost hitting the taxi and Provost and left the area.???

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    My friend and I watched the elections three years ago over dinner and left the place dejected and depressed, but not that surprised. We recently reminisced to say we could have never imagined the shameful shitstorm we're in now. Even those who voted for him could have never imagined this and they certainly did not ask for it. He has been a mostly ineffective oaf whose laziness and ineptitude has meant the city continuing to run despite him. There is absolutely no joy or satisfaction in watching him fall apart and take city hall with him.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
    I've got a co-worker who I don't think is a Ford supporter per say. But they have been very "This is the media creating blah blah blah".

    Everything thing up until today has been a debate. Until the alleged prostitution stuff. Now he must step down if true...

    It hurts my head.

    I've been arguing Fords merits since he first got on council. I can't believe the stuff over the last few months and he still has his supporters.

    Seeing Ford go at Denzil Minnan-Wong was mind blowing today. One of his main supports until the last week and he was ready to fight him at one point it seemed.

    I have no idea how Ford thinks he will govern at all with just his brother and Mammoliti (Who needs to STFU IMO).

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
    bassie said:
    Perfect CV for leading the Santa Claus Parade.

    jj - I know the parade organizers asked him to not participate but knowing him, he'll show up anyway. The family mayor!

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    it's as if the darkside of chris farley became mayor
    i think about how little tolerance there is the music/studio world i operate in for ANYTHING remotely outside of competence and functionality ??????..and trust me coke and hookers are a ok in that world but you still need to get the job done.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
    This is the funniest shit of the day.

    And anyone looking for a great breakdown of everything that was released today.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    bassie said:
    My friend and I watched the elections three years ago over dinner and left the place dejected and depressed, but not that surprised. We recently reminisced to say we could have never imagined the shameful shitstorm we're in now. Even those who voted for him could have never imagined this and they certainly did not ask for it. He has been a mostly ineffective oaf whose laziness and ineptitude has meant the city continuing to run despite him. There is absolutely no joy or satisfaction in watching him fall apart and take city hall with him.
    whoa thought I was in an Obama thread when I read this

  • jdeezjdeez 638 Posts

    :balla: :raw:



  • Isn't this guy playing Chris Farley in Tommy Boy to a T? I'm actually starting to like his blunt honesty. [Pun intended]


  • well, this has gone beyond tragedy, beyond parody, i think we may be into the realm of performance art but that's too trite. basically, caligula is running the biggest city in the country. the line about not licking his colleagues pussy because he has plenty to eat at home is basically un-toppable. i mean, if he started to smear his feces on the walls of city hall that might be more shocking and outrageous but not by very much.

  • He's the most famous Canada-based Canadian since Wayne Gretzky.

  • LazarusOblong said:
    He's the most famous Canada-based Canadian since Wayne Gretzky.

    how much do we owe you for such incredible insight on the matter?

  • FrankFrank 2,379 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    he line about not licking his colleagues pussy because he has plenty to eat at home is basically un-toppable.

    My gut instinct is telling me that the best is yet to come.

    I only hope no stroke or heart attack is going to interrupt this spectacle. He should balance out the coke with some smack, that might also bring down his blood pressure a bit but on the other hand it might take away too much of his edginess. -Oh snap, I forgot he's already on the Oxy... same difference.

  • vintageinfants said:
    LazarusOblong said:
    He's the most famous Canada-based Canadian since Wayne Gretzky.

    how much do we owe you for such incredible insight on the matter?

    You don't usually stoop to the "we," so I guess that one worked.


    It's on the hoose.
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