Why White Hipsters Are Wankers



  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts
    You can witness white people listening to the same music, dressing the same styles, and acting the same way as this party in clubs in just about any city in America. I guess the main difference is that outside of Wmburg, they don't call it "Kill Whitey."

    You can chalk that up to the rest of the country either having decency and common sense, or lacking arrogance and for lack of a better word, imagination.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    or lacking arrogance and for lack of a better word, imagination.


    in the rest of the country this shit just gets qualified as a frat party.

    im sure theres a kegger ragin in french lick indiana right now that is all white dudes grinding to California Love by Tupac.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    You can witness white people listening to the same music, dressing the same styles, and acting the same way as this party in clubs in just about any city in America. I guess the main difference is that outside of Wmburg, they don't call it "Kill Whitey."

    You can chalk that up to the rest of the country either having decency and common sense, or lacking arrogance and for lack of a better word, imagination.


  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Kill Whitey - for white people who like hip hop but are afraid of black people.

    white people generally have always had the nagging suspicion that black people are having more fun than them.

    the whole 'ironic' aspect is over-the-top, but I can't really see how this is much different than any other defacto-segregated party out there - i.e white hipsters dancing to exclusively black-made funk from 1970, suburban choads dancing to 50cent etc etc.


  • asparagusasparagus Northampton, MA 333 Posts
    Kill Whitey - for white people who like hip hop but are afraid of black people.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Let this shit go....................Damn,cats got their panties in a bunch over some joke theme party. Its 2005!

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts

    I think most oppressed and/or minority groups co-opt white mainstream slang to make it their own.

    I take your point but 'opressed' and 'minority' are not synonymous and the inference that a minority is by definition downtrodden is a little sweeping. But back to Kill Whitey - it's a stupid name and that's all.

  • mrpekmrpek 627 Posts
    I am offended that I read this whole thread and nobody even mentioned the fact that this dudes name is Pumpsta....Come on Pumpsta ....that ish deserves some form of verbal bashing.

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts

    I think this is a point -

    Black people couldn't throw a "Kill Whitie" party and have people think it's cute, even if it's in jest. First of all that shit wouldn't be a sidebar human interest story (look how crazy these young white kids are!) it wold be full scale news complete with lots of smart ass people using that stupid fucking made up word "reverse racism". Second, the cops, either on their own or by upper eschalon orders, would clamp down on that party so hard, only nuns and librarians could get in. Third, it would only add fuel to a media fire that's dead bent on making the black community look like folls, criminals, and uneducated.

    The whole concept and title is in itself an exercise of white privilage.

    When black people get together and talk about killing whitey the CIA fucks 'em up, when white people do it it's cute.


    I don't think I could have put it any better. ON POINT!

  • I live in a shanty in the shantytown.
    We have no money so we had to sleep on the ground.
    I played the music. My father he dig a ditch.
    My mother she do laundry life sure was a bitch.

    But soon we killed the white people. Ooh we gun make them hurt.
    Kill the white people yea. But buy my record first.
    Ooh yea. Why don't you buy my record?

    We sing of freedom and ooh equality.
    But we really don't care we just want money money money.
    We want to drive in a big black limo.
    Get so high off ganja we cant even see.
    Soon we kill the white people. Ooh we gunna make them hurt.
    Kill the white people. Yea. Ooh but buy my record first ooh.

    When u go in the record store. We gunna wait outside.
    We gunna hit them in the bat and make them cry.
    Soon we kill the white people.
    Yea but buy my record first.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Hmmm, I'm not to sure how to take this... One one hand, isn't this just a play on words? For yearrrrrsssssss the joke has been that white people can't dance or that anyone other than someone black ain't got soul?. Isn't this just saying, fuck it... You can't dance? Do it anyway!!!

    While you would never catch me at a night like this and I do feel that the term is kinda fucked up. I think people gotta remember these are only words... I'd be more interested in knowing how anyone of a different background was treated if they when to show up there to have a good time. Not that I think anyone would.

    In any fact, it does come off a touch negative... Fuck, I need some more positivity in the world. Someone PM me a story of something positive out there. Not cat stuff... Dogs saving a kid is ok tho!

    Hope ya'll are gonna have a good weekend! I'm getting sloshed tonight! Any non Toronto hipster Strutters who are gonna be at The Supermarket tonight, say whats up! I'll be the tall geeky lookin' drunk guy.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    honestly, i'm suprised to see everyone getting gased up over this... it's 2005, the irony train has been running strong for like 10 years... can you really say this is soooooooooooooooooo shocking???????????? yeah, i see the flyers and i think it's wack, but my opinion is irrelevant, b/c i don't go out to bars and drop 50 bucks every night... and something to think about, cosmo and ayres, do you really think your audience recoginizes the difference between his irony and your sincerity... or is it just GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG-UNIT all around??????????

    My people don't really fuck with that spot at all.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    what do you think Kill Whitey people would do if a grip of black people showed up?

    that right thurr is the litmus test.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    what do you think Kill Whitey people would do if a grip of black people showed up?

    that right thurr is the litmus test.


  • aleitaleit 1,915 Posts

    The only thing I can say is at least reggae's not involved. They love mixing some reggae and "kill whitey" with fake locks and stupid accents.


    oh shoot. you found me out, aaron. how'd you know?

  • ayresayres 1,452 Posts
    something to think about, cosmo and ayres, do you really think your audience recoginizes the difference between his irony and your sincerity...


  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Right now I've never been more ashamed to call some of you people my friends or equals

    You have no equal.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    what do you think Kill Whitey people would do if a grip of black people showed up?

    that right thurr is the litmus test.

    Well, In my magical private mind garden I would wish that no one did anything or even though anything and just had a fucking good time. But this is the real world... Really, fuck anyone who has a problem. Ignorance is bliss...

    Anyone that does have a major racist attitude (On all sides) in their life dosen't want people to come together. Fuck'em...

    In anycase, you could name ur night Kill DOR. I might show up...

    I've been putting up with the whole "Kill Bill" deal for awhile now (My name is Billy btw). I've been called a great many things just on appearance since I was a kid, by people who know nothing about me. At the end of the day, these are just words... It's how people treat you in the real world that should matter.

    One thing, Gawd I hate the word Wankers... Unless it's said with a british accent!

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    At least it shows beyond a doubt that hip-hop is now dead or dying fast.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

    here ya go black folks dancin' at kill whitey

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Nah son.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    I was looking for some good pictures of "tha_pumpsta"


  • CLabCLab 76 Posts

    apropos of nothing, cam could not look any less comfortable with those guns.

    also, let's ruminate that the approved jpeg for HARD NEGRO WHITEY KILLAH is sourced from the fucking FADER MAGAZINE BLOG, for christsakes.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    HARD NEGRO WHITEY KILLAH is sourced from the fucking FADER MAGAZINE BLOG


    Hey CLab.

  • also, let's ruminate that the approved jpeg for HARD NEGRO WHITEY KILLAH is sourced from the fucking FADER MAGAZINE BLOG, for christsakes

    context is everything though

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    apropos of nothing, cam could not look any less comfortable with those guns.

    also, let's ruminate that the approved jpeg for HARD NEGRO WHITEY KILLAH is sourced from the fucking FADER MAGAZINE BLOG, for christsakes.

    Apropos of your comment, I always thought Cam's boast on the "Never Scared" remix that he was known to "style with them hammers" was funny.

  • CLabCLab 76 Posts
    HARD NEGRO WHITEY KILLAH is sourced from the fucking FADER MAGAZINE BLOG


    Hey CLab.

    what's really good cos.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    I think the party probably needs to be understood within it's milieu - Williamsburg, a post-collegiate trust-fund playground where 20somethings attempt to be transgressive through outrageous behaviors, developing drug problems & choosing shocking online names like 'rape donkeys'...

    seems harmlessly stupid to me.

  • Kill Whitey - for white people who like hip hop but are afraid of black people.

    Right? What did that "too hardcore" comment even mean? Is she afraid to dance to hip hop in front of black people because she fears they might think she really likes the music in a non-ironic way? Will they "not get it" when she grinds with her girlfriend? Or is she just afraid of black people in general?
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