Why White Hipsters Are Wankers



  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I think the party probably needs to be understood within it's milieu - Williamsburg, a post-collegiate trust-fund playground where 20somethings attempt to be transgressive through outrageous behaviors, developing drug problems & choosing shocking online names like 'rape donkeys'...

    seems harmlessly stupid to me.


    I'm still rather disgusted with some of your guys selected offensiveness to racial hate.

    white guiltstrut at its absolute worse right now

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I find the relative outrage (or lack thereof) by various posters illuminating. And a little despairing.

    All I can say is that a grip of Bedstuy roughnecks should roll through this party for a few weeks in a row and that'd pretty much kill the vibe for real quick. Kill Whitey only works in the absence of Blackness but confronted with actual Blackness, people wouldn't be so quick to live out their little video ho fantasies.

    Actually, now that this story is getting some national play, I wouldn't be surprised if that alone kills the night either because 1) patrons will not want to be associated with it and 2) some militant BK folk are going to roll up in there and ice grill everyone.

  • Where do you draw the line? most of the white folk on here no doubt have used hip hop slang for comic value, have danced ironically to corny hip hop songs at a party, dressed up or mimicked certain hip hop artists/cliche's for fun???
    Is it ok for white strutters to appropriate black culture because they are down/respectful but not these people at kill whitey because they are chumps?

    I draw that line right here (white people) because to me, it seems like the behavior you find acceptable is a lot like the old "black face" days.

    dancing ironically

    acceptable: doing the roger rabbit when kid n play comes on

    unacceptable: throwing up gang signs when the dj plays g-unit

    dressing up like a hip hop artist:

    acceptable: halloween...maybe

    unacceptable: pretty much always

    As far as using hip-hop slang goes...i think there is only a problem when white people talk a certain way to their white friends and a different way when they are around black people. This goes for message boards too - i get it that you are on a hip-hop forum, but still, if your not quoting a rap song, you have identity issues if you write different than u speak.

    that being said, i do think there is a huge difference between someone who has surrounded themselves with black music/black culture their whole lives (the majority of this board) acting in the aforementioned way, and the people who are probably at that party.

  • CLabCLab 76 Posts


    I'm still rather disgusted with some of your guys selected offensiveness to racial hate.

    white guiltstrut at its absolute worse right now

    get back on your high horse and go listen to michael wycoff

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts


    I'm still rather disgusted with some of your guys selected offensiveness to racial hate.

    white guiltstrut at its absolute worse right now

    get back on your high horse and go listen to michael wycoff

    of course much easier to attack me, than to really erally think about what I'm saying

    carry on

  • aleitaleit 1,915 Posts
    I find the relative outrage (or lack thereof) by various posters illuminating. And a little despairing.

    All I can say is that a grip of Bedstuy roughnecks should roll through this party for a few weeks in a row and that'd pretty much kill the vibe for real quick. Kill Whitey only works in the absence of Blackness but confronted with actual Blackness, people wouldn't be so quick to live out their little video ho fantasies.

    Actually, now that this story is getting some national play, I wouldn't be surprised if that alone kills the night either because 1) patrons will not want to be associated with it and 2) some militant BK folk are going to roll up in there and ice grill everyone.

    road trip? i'm down.

    now we need to start another post about why white girls suck.

    or strictly for my ________

    or a post about shitting three times a day

    or a post about fucking your boss

    this board seems to be getter further and further from the turning point of absurdity

    but sillininess aside:

    this article was interesting to me. but more interesting than condemning (which is easy and sonicreducer's points were the point- no more need be said) i'm primarily interested in how the same appropriation (without intended irony) occurs (minus the kill whitey label) w/ members of the record collecting subculture in general. in other words, the collecting of primarily black music or for many "other" music is truly that- how is in a sense this same music fetishized or in essence subjugated? simply put- another funk night w/ flyers of black women w/ afro's and bikinis... or in my case, a curious fascination w/ say african music... ideas not guilt here- gotta think about the shit, most don't.

    in any case, watching white tourists get freaky on bourbon street here in new orleans is particularly unsettling. they don't talk about killing whitey but rather killing another hurricane. but whiteys will be killed if they continue to disregard stop signs at intersections in the Quarter.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    all I got to say to this is that this site is full of white liberal guilt and some hypocrites.

    Have fun showing your shock and disapproval at this.

    Really though, some of y'all need to check your "I'm offended cards" at the door

    I'm sure there is going to be some "fuck it this is guzzo just being reactionary" type response to this, but I am incredibly serious.

    Right now I've never been more ashamed to call some of you people my friends or equals, and your reactions truly sicken me. I'm more dissapointed in your selective times to be offended than I am at the story Oliver posted and I am not joking in any way.


    Man, shut the fuck up dude.

  • what's up day? i bet your pm box is getting hella play right about now.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    all I got to say to this is that this site is full of white liberal guilt and some hypocrites.

    Have fun showing your shock and disapproval at this.

    Really though, some of y'all need to check your "I'm offended cards" at the door

    I'm sure there is going to be some "fuck it this is guzzo just being reactionary" type response to this, but I am incredibly serious.

    Right now I've never been more ashamed to call some of you people my friends or equals, and your reactions truly sicken me. I'm more dissapointed in your selective times to be offended than I am at the story Oliver posted and I am not joking in any way.


    Man, shut the fuck up dude.

    ...there is a certain self-satisfaction that goes hand-in-hand with being indignant at this existence of a corny party like this tho.

    however, expressing this critique as a holier-than-holier-than-thou diatribe is delicious irony.


  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    This has nothing to do with "white guilt".
    How anyone can't see how this is fucked up is beyond me.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    this article was interesting to me. but more interesting than condemning (which is easy and sonicreducer's points were the point- no more need be said) i'm primarily interested in how the same appropriation (without intended irony) occurs (minus the kill whitey label) w/ members of the record collecting subculture in general. in other words, the collecting of primarily black music or for many "other" music is truly that- how is in a sense this same music fetishized or in essence subjugated? simply put- another funk night w/ flyers of black women w/ afro's and bikinis... or in my case, a curious fascination w/ say african music... ideas not guilt here- gotta think about the shit, most don't.

    this is a much more interesting topic, but I doubt it will be addresses. too close to home. haha!

  • How anyone can't see how this is fucked up is beyond me.

    Guzzles loved Vitamin??s rap, too.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Hi Ross!

    Get home safe dude and make sure you cop us all Xingu's and coke.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    This is getting amazing to me.

    Does this party suck? YES
    Is it offensive? YES
    Will I support it? NO
    Will it get me upset? NO
    Why not? There are more important and society impactin race related topics to get upset about. Namely, for one, the over coverage of missing white girls and the practically non-existant coverage of missing black girls.*

    *Im not trying to debate that, im sayin that, for instance, this is something WORTHY of my debate and anger. This fuckwad party is not. It will be gone soon. It has already had too much shine. NOw this little fucker will think that he is doing something important.

  • Hi Ross!

    Get home safe dude and make sure you cop us all Xingu's and coke.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    this article was interesting to me. but more interesting than condemning (which is easy and sonicreducer's points were the point- no more need be said) i'm primarily interested in how the same appropriation (without intended irony) occurs (minus the kill whitey label) w/ members of the record collecting subculture in general. in other words, the collecting of primarily black music or for many "other" music is truly that- how is in a sense this same music fetishized or in essence subjugated? simply put- another funk night w/ flyers of black women w/ afro's and bikinis... or in my case, a curious fascination w/ say african music... ideas not guilt here- gotta think about the shit, most don't.

    this is a much more interesting topic, but I doubt it will be addresses. too close to home. haha!

    intercultural fascination & appropriation is probably inevitable - spaghetti is from China etc etc.

    given that the subtext of 95% of soulstrut is 'How can I be a better wigger than the next man?' issues such as these will be glossed over, & it's probably for the best too...


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    this article was interesting to me. but more interesting than condemning (which is easy and sonicreducer's points were the point- no more need be said) i'm primarily interested in how the same appropriation (without intended irony) occurs (minus the kill whitey label) w/ members of the record collecting subculture in general. in other words, the collecting of primarily black music or for many "other" music is truly that- how is in a sense this same music fetishized or in essence subjugated? simply put- another funk night w/ flyers of black women w/ afro's and bikinis... or in my case, a curious fascination w/ say african music... ideas not guilt here- gotta think about the shit, most don't.

    this is a much more interesting topic, but I doubt it will be addresses. too close to home. haha!

    intercultural fascination & appropriation is probably inevitable - spaghetti is from China etc etc.

    given that the subtext of 95% of soulstrut is 'How can I be a better wigger than the next man?' issues such as these will be glossed over, & it's probably for the best too...



  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts

    Another flier offers free admission to anyone with a bucket of fried chicken.

    most of the article i chalk up to white kids being dumb + never knowing any black kids, but the flyer shit is as hell.

  • mrpekmrpek 627 Posts
    NOw this little fucker will think that he is doing something important.

    Exactly DOC!

    Why are you letting a obviously rediculous dude get this shine especially for doing something so stupid...... This cat is blowing up over controversy...Now I'm gonna have to see his dumb mug on Good Morning America....

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts

    given that the subtext of 95% of soulstrut is 'How can I be a better wigger than the next man?' issues such as these will be glossed over, & it's probably for the best too...

    Hahaha! Now that's funn, errr, um... I mean fuck you dude!

  • SooksSooks 714 Posts

    this article was interesting to me. but more interesting than condemning (which is easy and sonicreducer's points were the point- no more need be said) i'm primarily interested in how the same appropriation (without intended irony) occurs (minus the kill whitey label) w/ members of the record collecting subculture in general. in other words, the collecting of primarily black music or for many "other" music is truly that- how is in a sense this same music fetishized or in essence subjugated? simply put- another funk night w/ flyers of black women w/ afro's and bikinis... or in my case, a curious fascination w/ say african music... ideas not guilt here- gotta think about the shit, most don't.

    I think the difference between a funk night that plays primarily black music and 'kill whitey' (which also plays primarily black music) is that 'kill whitey' was set up in opposition to existing hip-hop nights so that the patrons can get down without it being "too hardcore", which I have a hard time not reading as "too black."

  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts

    however, expressing this critique as a holier-than-holier-than-thou diatribe is delicious irony.


    you hit the nail right on the head with this one.

    Over all I'd say that these guys are just tools. In bad taste but not that big a deal overall. I liked marcos sentiments on it. I think it's sad that these girls (adn dudes I guess) can't just get freaky wherever and whenever they want. I think these kind of partys are just too full of pretention and spoiled brats to be trully any fun. The folks probably look down there noses at anyone new who comes in the door, regardless of race. It kind of bothers me that people can't just like music b/c they like it and it makes them fell a way they want to feel. I don't understand wehy they have to like it ironically. Can something really be ironic if it's planed and not just serendipitous?

    I think the party probably needs to be understood within it's milieu - Williamsburg, a post-collegiate trust-fund playground where 20somethings attempt to be transgressive through outrageous behaviors, developing drug problems & choosing shocking online names like 'rape donkeys'...

    seems harmlessly stupid to me.
    so true.

  • this article was interesting to me. but more interesting than condemning (which is easy and sonicreducer's points were the point- no more need be said) i'm primarily interested in how the same appropriation (without intended irony) occurs (minus the kill whitey label) w/ members of the record collecting subculture in general. in other words, the collecting of primarily black music or for many "other" music is truly that- how is in a sense this same music fetishized or in essence subjugated? simply put- another funk night w/ flyers of black women w/ afro's and bikinis... or in my case, a curious fascination w/ say african music... ideas not guilt here- gotta think about the shit, most don't.

    I think the difference between a funk night that plays primarily black music and 'kill whitey' (which also plays primarily black music) is that 'kill whitey' was set up in opposition to existing hip-hop nights so that the patrons can get down without it being "too hardcore", which I have a hard time not reading as "too black."

    i think that the difference is that a funk nite would be for people who really appreciate the music while the kill whitey party seems like its for people who enjoy mocking the music. hipster dipset fans and such...

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    [color:purple] A regular Kill Whitie partygoer, she tried the conventional (that is, non-hipster) hip-hop clubs but found the men "really hard-core." In this vastly whiter scene, Casady said that "it's a safe environment to be freaky."

    She's basically saying that Black people scare her. I may be a priviledged whitey myself, but I still think I have the right to say that this is a fucked up thing to say and this party encapsulates what I hate about hipsters.

  • wonkawonka 84 Posts
    what will those crazy whiteies think of next?

    set up in opposition to existing hip-hop nights so that the patrons can get down without it being "too hardcore", which I have a hard time not reading as "too black."
    Well, depending on what kind of spots the girl who was quoted was hitting b4 this party she may well have been at some aggressive places. You gotta understand that many women are very afraid of agressive men regardless of race. My guess is that this party doesn't look as intimidation to her, no metal detectors, dress code or dudes making lewd coments. These things have nothing to do with "blackness". But are a staple at lots of big hip-hop nights. Now in truth there are probably just as many potential rapists etc. at the "kill whitey" party.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    [color:purple] A regular Kill Whitie partygoer, she tried the conventional (that is, non-hipster) hip-hop clubs but found the men "really hard-core." In this vastly whiter scene, Casady said that "it's a safe environment to be freaky."

    She's basically saying that Black people scare her. I may be a priviledged whitey myself, but I still think I have the right to say that this is a fucked up thing to say and this party encapsulates what I hate about hipsters.

    make what you will of this:

    back when I lived in NYC my girl & her friend( both blonde & blue-eyed) liked to go dancing together & they wanted to dance to some hot hiphop stuff & not the corny house shit most clubs play. When they hit the dancefloor at Cheetahs or the Tunnel or wherever it would be like throwing a steak in a piranha tank.

    I guess it's not that much fun having to continually swat off hordes of drunk dudes trying to grind on your ass.

    I almost think the whole 'kill whitey' theme could be overcompensation for having a strictly hipster hiphop thing.


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    all I got to say to this is that this site is full of white liberal guilt and some hypocrites.

    Have fun showing your shock and disapproval at this.

    Really though, some of y'all need to check your "I'm offended cards" at the door

    I'm sure there is going to be some "fuck it this is guzzo just being reactionary" type response to this, but I am incredibly serious.

    Right now I've never been more ashamed to call some of you people my friends or equals, and your reactions truly sicken me. I'm more dissapointed in your selective times to be offended than I am at the story Oliver posted and I am not joking in any way.


    Man, shut the fuck up dude.

    Talk your bullshit if you want., I really don't give a fuck as far as I'm concerned all y'alls slip is showing really badly here.

    soulstrut rules of race offensiveness:

    1. ok to be duragotory to gay people, the word "fag" is not only accepted, but defended when questioned as to why its used so openly

    2. Don't say anything bad about black people, it doesn't matter what the case is if the words "race" & "Black" is found together it clearly means some white guy must have done something bad.

    2b. The rules of what you can't say about black people however don't apply to other race

    ex. do not put a picture of a man in blackface up and make a gerneal comment about how funny it is, however you can post one depicting other races & cultures (see this weeks posts for more examples)

    3. The idea of irony is lost on soulstrutters when speaking on racial issues. White people must censor themselves or face the wrath of those that get offended at bad senses of humor rather than just acknowledging it as just that.

    4. If you are white and don't overcompensate for other white peoples racist actions of both the present and past you are looked at as an asshole.

    5. (and my least favorite) white people will never understand the type of prejudice associated with racism. Anti-semitism & homophobia are nowhere near the same league and YOU MUST NEVER QUESTION IT[/b].

    keep riding y'alls fucking high horse, at least I'm consistant with my stances and don't shift my ideals to fit some guilt-ridden viewpoint du jour.

  • parenparen 537 Posts
    it's a safe environment to be freakyit's a safe environment to be freakyit's a safe environment to be freaky[/b]

    thank you, anna, for revisiting what I think is the point... saying that the party is functional b/c black people are frightening... you've got to be fucking kidding me!

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