Funny Biz Markie stories and appreciation thread!



  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts

    and does anyone have THIS one????

    yep, its the one with "get thy bearings", green cover with some flower on it. only good donovan record imo...there are some cool coverversions of "hurdy gurdy" floating around though

    to clarify: when Biz said Donovan's Hurdy Gurdy Man he meant the song and not get thy bearings. Supposedly there is a version of the title track with drums on the intro and not the obvious dollar-bin common album everyone should already have.

    whatever rookie... phone call or not... im still saddened by your lack of big dog skills during those years... its just not the same feeling i once had for you...

    i guess i only have jeff to look up to now...

  • whatever rookie... phone call or not... im still saddened by your lack of big dog skills during those years... its just not the same feeling i once had for you...

    i guess i only have jeff to look up to now...

    side-splitting!!!! when you're out the womb everyone's a big dude.....

  • aegisaegis 261 Posts

    This foll had an og Manzel Midnight theme 45 GLUED on top of a random 12" record so he could cut with it!

    hmm, i got a copy that was glued to a 12". I say "was" because the artist/song info was blacked out and I ripped it off the 12 before listening Still worth the 50 cents

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts

    to clarify: when Biz said Donovan's Hurdy Gurdy Man he meant the song and not get thy bearings. Supposedly there is a version of the title track with drums on the intro and not the obvious dollar-bin common album everyone should already have.

    aight, already thought that would be too obvious. didnt know there was a version with extra drums. however, over here in europe, even the album is not seen often. thanx for droppin knowledge on a lil dude!!!

  • aight, already thought that would be too obvious. didnt know there was a version with extra drums.

    barring any petulence from the start-ups, I thought so too

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    to everyone who knows our newly annointed soulstrut hero... how'd you meet the biz?

  • I could just imagine a crowd chasing a young unknown biz down the street.

    And now guess what they caught...

    That totally reminded me of the part of the vapors video where he's tring to be down and get's dismissed with the food stamp on his hat. I should make BIZ hats with a food stamp on the visor.

  • to everyone who knows our newly annointed soulstrut hero... how'd you meet the biz?

    Thru Red Alert during my days at Def Jam when Funkenklein was my rooomate

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    One time when Biz and Kane were in town way back in the late 80's, I went up to the hotel to meet with them and I don't know what the situation was but when I rolled up Cool V was getting his ass kicked by a few of our local BGD members. Then out of no where comes Biz with a 2x4 and in one solid fluid motion whops the three guys in the head and layed them out! Then he told me a story about some guys in VA cahsing him after a gig and shooting at him and he ended up getting away. Then he said the next day he was going through the crate he had next to him in the car and there was a bullet that traveled half way through the records and then stopped! He said his records saved his life.

  • Cool V was getting his ass kicked by a few of our local BGD members.
    Union Street Hustlas, 23rd's the Word! Man BGD had me shook as a freshman in high school.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Wonder if the diabolical has this one?

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts


    best thread ever!!!

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    wow, great this thread was a great read! copy and paste into some archive sheit!

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts

    "Zigga-zigga GOT IT! Come on Morocco Mole, get to the RARE lunchboxes! I got a people records lunch box. It got James Brown on one side and the JBs on the other side. I know you don't got that one!"

    Chan, that sounds just like a CLASSIC Biz boast! That's exactly the kind of stuff he says, just ridiculous stuff that you know damn well ain't true. What's ill is when some of that stuff actually DOES turn out to be true! You just never know with this guy.

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    What about the Fat Albert "See & Say" he found at a yard sale in Compton.

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts


    best thread ever!!!


  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    can we not let this thread die?

    i know my dc heads remember the "ughhhhh... they got eerryything" biz eargasm ads, right?

  • The definition of a really real MC- Big Baby Jesus had nothing on The Biz![/b]

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts

  • autezautez 404 Posts

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    Hillarious. Dude needs to write an autobiography.

  • Check out some of Biz's legal papers I dug up from the "alone again" era. My man stays in financial flux.

    love him like a mentally challenged brother.

    biz papers

  • backstage in l.a. couple years back biz is supposed to go on stage in 5 minutes comes to the dressing room for snack. finds cheetos but its only the little 12 packs. he proceeds to destroy all 12 packs in 1.5 minutes. peace, stein. . .

  • flunkflunk 230 Posts
    try again biz legal papers

    ........holding a $50000 cd as collateral?

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    try again biz legal papers

    ........holding a $50000 cd as collateral?

    Yeah, I mean, what the fuck?

    Those mp3s are good and all that, but the one I really want to hear is the one Paul Nice did using "Falling In Love" by Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds, which I remember reading Paul himself describe as being like "Just A Friend Pt.2" in an interview. I always had a soft spot for that tune, and you could probably make a great beat with it. There was a "Weekend Warriors Unreleased" EP doing the rounds a while ago that had one or two of those tracks on it, but no sign of that Paul Nice joint.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Just one of those threads that deserves a little bump.
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