Floss the Signature Record in Your Collection



  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

    The more I listen, the more I scare myself by how much I like it.

    WOW! you sir are a warlord of raer!

  • My fave (that I can find a scan of):

  • Instructional heat...

    Can you post audio? Instructional/spoken word madness is where it's at.

    Yo I posted audio of this in the Heatrocks couple weeks back - I even donated a copy.
    Definitely one of my favorite records of all time.

    I have a couple more available if anyone wants to trade...
    I actually had the turntable (didn't work), but it looked dope.

    Buddy of mine actually made a new DJ/breaks record using it finally.

    To date I know Vadim & some dude 'Scientific American' have used it, I've also heard it flexed on 2 mixtapes, my own included (so make that 3).


  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Instructional heat...

    Can you post audio? Instructional/spoken word madness is where it's at.

    Yo I posted audio of this in the Heatrocks couple weeks back - I even donated a copy.
    Definitely one of my favorite records of all time.

    I have a couple more available if anyone wants to trade...
    I actually had the turntable (didn't work), but it looked dope.

    Buddy of mine actually made a new DJ/breaks record using it finally.

    To date I know Vadim & some dude 'Scientific American' have used it, I've also heard it flexed on 2 mixtapes, my own included (so make that 3).


  • I don't even know where to start. I don't have a lot of that "stoopit raer" stuff laying around....

    I might start with something like this, indicative of the kind of stuff I'm proudest/happiest I was able to find...

  • RustyBRustyB 223 Posts
    Instructional heat...

    Can you post audio? Instructional/spoken word madness is where it's at.

    Yo I posted audio of this in the Heatrocks couple weeks back - I even donated a copy.
    Definitely one of my favorite records of all time.

    I have a couple more available if anyone wants to trade...
    I actually had the turntable (didn't work), but it looked dope.

    Buddy of mine actually made a new DJ/breaks record using it finally.

    To date I know Vadim & some dude 'Scientific American' have used it, I've also heard it flexed on 2 mixtapes, my own included (so make that 3).


    I used it on the song Smooth Daddy..on our album "On the One"



    Its a dope record, and the turntable is the stuff...

  • This is the only one I have a pic of right now:

    The story is this: My brother is Joffrey, he started dancing with them when he was 16, now basically runs the company. I found this in a Brooklyn basement. Bought it for novelty's sake. I get it home, and lo and behold - it's a funky jazz rock score, comparable to Electric Prunes or something Axelrodian. Baroque even (nodustygroove). Lots of deep shit on there. Sure, it's rare - the press was basically to sell at performances. Turns out my brother knows the composer. The rest is history!

    I have another one that I'll post when I get home tonight.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

    The story is this: My brother is Joffrey, he started dancing with them when he was 16, now basically runs the company. Turns out my brother knows the composer. The rest is history!

    Plaese to post clips? The LP sounds awesome. I think this is a good definition of "Signature." RADD!!!!

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    no offense but for a dude who calls himself "the mack"
    you look quite soft and young
    you look to well fed and middle class for a real pimp title
    sorry I gotta call it like i see it

    how old are you in this photo?
    Been at it since you was what
    6 or 7?
    I bet your mom still does your laundry and makes the bed for you not
    all of this is true except the middle class and 15 year old part, im 18, oh and im not soft either. and to be honest with you, i can pretty much guarantee i get more girls than you do

    OK RON JEREMY I 'm sure you got all the Hot LATINA and BLACK Girls on lock
    I was fucking to Al Salamm before you were born


    Bro, just quit now! You asked for that, big time!

  • Yeah, where's that pic from the dude trying to mess with the mack? Yo don't get no butt dog.

    Re: Trinity, can't believe I gave that record back to the thrift store, must not have been listening very closely, haha.

    Re: Peter Gruziden, can't believe I passed up a $6 copy of that record in 1995 right after I got the CD, cause, you know, I had the CD... I was in year one of collecting records though, so I couldn't exactly be expected to know what the fuck I was looking at...

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Instructional heat...

    Can you post audio? Instructional/spoken word madness is where it's at.

    Yo I posted audio of this in the Heatrocks couple weeks back - I even donated a copy.
    Definitely one of my favorite records of all time.

    I have a couple more available if anyone wants to trade...
    I actually had the turntable (didn't work), but it looked dope.

    Buddy of mine actually made a new DJ/breaks record using it finally.

    To date I know Vadim & some dude 'Scientific American' have used it, I've also heard it flexed on 2 mixtapes, my own included (so make that 3).

    The audio expired
    Oh well.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    cottdam I want this record. shit I wish they would even just reissue it!
    it's funny how I don't want records because they are raer, but the records I want the most are all on some $400 bullshit! Syl Johnson is tha real deal.

    Chicago headz: does this one turn up out there? When I hit Chi a couple of years ago, I was "visualizing" pulling this record, but no dice. Just a "Try Me" 45. Sigh.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    It's a really tough call, but this might be at the apex of my record pyramid.

    I'm a James Brown man, but it's really hard to pick one of his albums as my favorite. For a while I was tracking down all the JB Prod. 45s and made a bunch of mixes of my finds. In the end, I decided that Hank Ballard was the best male vocalist and Marva Whitney the best female to work with Mr. Brown. Note for note though, I think It's My Thing is the best album/45 Brown might have released. Whitney has her screaming vocals, the band is hittin it, and you can basically listen to it from beginning to end. Just my 2 cents.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I have a thing for Euro 7"s at the moment, and this is one of the highlights of my collection:

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I have a thing for Euro 7"s at the moment

  • slavinslavin 577 Posts
    Instructional heat...

    Can you post audio? Instructional/spoken word madness is where it's at.

    Yo I posted audio of this in the Heatrocks couple weeks back - I even donated a copy.
    Definitely one of my favorite records of all time.

    I have a couple more available if anyone wants to trade...
    I actually had the turntable (didn't work), but it looked dope.

    Buddy of mine actually made a new DJ/breaks record using it finally.

    To date I know Vadim & some dude 'Scientific American' have used it, I've also heard it flexed on 2 mixtapes, my own included (so make that 3).


    damn.. this is one of your favorite records of all time? you may need to start listening to more records.

    people actually get excited about a dude saying, 'accurate turntable speed is essential'

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I have a thing for Euro 7"s at the moment

    Wow... that's possibly the most accidentally comment I have ever made.

    Can I tack a 'no homo' in there somewhere?

  • RustyBRustyB 223 Posts
    Instructional heat...

    Can you post audio? Instructional/spoken word madness is where it's at.

    Yo I posted audio of this in the Heatrocks couple weeks back - I even donated a copy.
    Definitely one of my favorite records of all time.

    I have a couple more available if anyone wants to trade...
    I actually had the turntable (didn't work), but it looked dope.

    Buddy of mine actually made a new DJ/breaks record using it finally.

    To date I know Vadim & some dude 'Scientific American' have used it, I've also heard it flexed on 2 mixtapes, my own included (so make that 3).


    damn.. this is one of your favorite records of all time? you may need to start listening to more records.

    people actually get excited about a dude saying, 'accurate turntable speed is essential'

    The music is ill on it.... and dudes voice is ill...
    That accurate turntable speed line is

    I used it on my first Sacriforce mix...


  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts

    Yeah, just like all funk and soul records.
    Best Stereolab? Jenny Ondioline.

    i think that's dependent on having never heard Neu!... after which stereolab just come off as the most unoriginal biters of all time.

  • I am not sure which of the two I like better but I would go with...


    Either one is good for me.

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts

    Yeah, just like all funk and soul records.
    Best Stereolab? Jenny Ondioline.

    i think that's dependent on having never heard Neu!... after which stereolab just come off as the most unoriginal biters of all time.

    Broadcast has been sonning Stereolab for years. They fell off after 'Emperor Tomato Ketchup' and 'Dots And Loops'. Both groups could be labelled as krautrock and exotica biters, but I still like it a lot. 'HaHa Sound' gets mucho airtime when I feel all indie and emo. Haven't heard the new one yet.

  • cottdam I want this record. shit I wish they would even just reissue it!
    it's funny how I don't want records because they are raer, but the records I want the most are all on some $400 bullshit! Syl Johnson is tha real deal.

    Chicago headz: does this one turn up out there? When I hit Chi a couple of years ago, I was "visualizing" pulling this record, but no dice. Just a "Try Me" 45. Sigh.

    I bought this LP about five years ago from a guy who used to be the record critic for the Washington Post. His wife wanted the basement back so he burned a bunch of his LP's to disc and then sold the lot. I was one of the first guys there. Also grabbed a Maskman and the Agents LP, an original press of the first Stooges LP, SF Sorrow and Parachute by the Pretty Things, The Godz II, Screaming Jay Hawkins, Al Green Gets Next to You, The Rivieras, and bunch of other stuff. My friend copped a Baby Huey and a Prince Buster LP among other things. They averaged out to about $6-7 a record and were all pretty much mint promo copies. Wish I'd bought more now.

  • slavinslavin 577 Posts

    Broadcast has been sonning Stereolab for years. They fell off after 'Emperor Tomato Ketchup' and 'Dots And Loops'. Both groups could be labelled as krautrock and exotica biters, but I still like it a lot. 'HaHa Sound' gets mucho airtime when I feel all indie and emo. Haven't heard the new one yet.

    it's real good. get it

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    ...and thanks to this thread, I realized I loaned it to my boy and forgot to get it back before I moved. whoops.

  • My grandfather and great-uncle used to own a nightclub that Nat King Cole played at when he was young. I have an old record book with a few acetates that he recorded and gave to my fam. I haven't had them transfered yet so I don't know whats on them. My dad believes that there is a recording of a song he wrote about my grandfather's club that was never officially recorded or released (meaning I would have the only recording of it). They look beat as hell but I am going to get them transfered one of these days. Definitely my most prized vinyl.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    This dude used to do this radio show on our college radio show I liked when I was a youngin'. It was funk and soul, nothing too deep but it put me up on Rasputan's Stash. Later I recongnized his voice as a clerk at a the local tower records. Eventually we found out we had mutual friends and he started giving me insane discounts at the store. We became pretty good friends over the years and then he moved to Portland. He gave me some records before he left and one of them was a sealed copy of the clones of dr funkenstein but the funny thing is that was autographed

    by shock g. and money b. from digital underground. and since it's sealed (I have no idea if it's a reissue or not) the autograph is on the shrinkwrap. Sometimes I forget I have it and every time I come across it the collection I crack up.

  • MoSSMoSS 458 Posts
    Right now as of this minute;

    I can't get enough of this shit. It's not the most valuable record I own, but man this shit makes me feel damn good when I hear it. i got lucky when I found it... Anyhow, ask me next month and it'll change...lol

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Instructional heat...

    Can you post audio? Instructional/spoken word madness is where it's at.

    I found a copy of this at Val's a few years a go. Thought I was cool when I put excerpts of it in this mix: http://www.soulstrut.com/ram/soulradio/vals.rm

    Now I think it's a bit cliche.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    My grandfather and great-uncle used to own a nightclub that Nat King Cole played at when he was young. I have an old record book with a few acetates that he recorded and gave to my fam. I haven't had them transfered yet so I don't know whats on them. My dad believes that there is a recording of a song he wrote about my grandfather's club that was never officially recorded or released (meaning I would have the only recording of it). They look beat as hell but I am going to get them transfered one of these days. Definitely my most prized vinyl.

    ummm... transfer that shit now!

  • My grandfather and great-uncle used to own a nightclub that Nat King Cole played at when he was young. I have an old record book with a few acetates that he recorded and gave to my fam. I haven't had them transfered yet so I don't know whats on them. My dad believes that there is a recording of a song he wrote about my grandfather's club that was never officially recorded or released (meaning I would have the only recording of it). They look beat as hell but I am going to get them transfered one of these days. Definitely my most prized vinyl.

    ummm... transfer that shit now!
    I know. It's 78 rpm and on some brittle ass acetate so I gotta do it right. A friend of a friend knows a guy that'll do it, but I don't know. I'm having a hard time handing it over to someone.
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