What do Guzzo Busdriver have in common?



  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I gotta wait til 3am

    but I'm dedicated

    I hope he debates her on racial equality

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    somebody post an mpeg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I gotta wait til 3am

    but I'm dedicated

    I hope he debates her on racial equality

    check the uncut version for our 2 hour talk on inter-racial dating

  • MoSSMoSS 458 Posts
    If I can get a feed tonight, I can do it. You want MPEG? AVI? WMV, or better yet...

    how about an ISO that burns a CD into a VCD? lol...I can even put a cheap menu with the SoulStrut LOGO on it if you want...lol.

    I'd do DVD but the filesize will start to get big and I don't know how many of you have DVD burners...

    I do *TONS* of encoding so this is easy...I have all the hardware to pull it off...maybe I can add some subtitles...lol

    All jokes aside, if I can get it I'll capture it and post any resolution/format y'all want. WMV is obviously the smallest file size so I will go with that unless someone has an option or is already doing this....

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    DVD version plaese

    Strut preservation society.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    Thanks Moss!

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    All jokes aside, if I can get it I'll capture it and post any resolution/format y'all want. WMV is obviously the smallest file size so I will go with that unless someone has an option or is already doing this....

    You rule! I vote one small WMV for the broadband challenged and one big in MPEG/AVI for creative remixing

  • You rule! I vote one small WMV for the broadband challenged and one big in MPEG/AVI for creative remixing

    You rule! I vote one small WMV for the broadband challenged and one big in MPEG/AVI for creative remixing

    You rule! I vote one small WMV for the broadband challenged and one big in MPEG/AVI for creative remixing

    You rule! I vote one small WMV for the broadband challenged and one big in MPEG/AVI for creative remixing

    That's 4 more votes BTW

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    hey moss, city tv used to show blind date but I have no idea who carries it anymore in the toronto area.

    I just did a quick scan on my digital cable box and found nadda.....

  • hey moss, city tv used to show blind date but I have no idea who carries it anymore in the toronto area.

    I just did a quick scan on my digital cable box and found nadda.....

    Any Blind Date torrents?

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    this thread needs more stars

  • pasepase 89 Posts
    Hey Guzzo,

    my cousin Rick is one of the producers for Blind Date.

    he writes all the comments and shit in the thought bubbles...

    I wanna see this episode.


  • Hey Guzzo,

    my cousin Rick is one of the producers for Blind Date.

    he writes all the comments and shit in the thought bubbles...

    I wanna see this episode.



    that dude got jokes.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    yo, i aint read this whole thing yet, but do you just audition for this shit or something?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    hey moss, city tv used to show blind date but I have no idea who carries it anymore in the toronto area.

    I just did a quick scan on my digital cable box and found nadda.....

    My Toronto guide says it's on

    9/27/2005 1:30AM 32 SPIKEC

    Doesn't say anything about it tho...

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Hey Guzzo,

    my cousin Rick is one of the producers for Blind Date.

    he writes all the comments and shit in the thought bubbles...

    I wanna see this episode.


    My girl Trish's husband, Peter Carlin, used to be involved with that show. In fact he still might be producing it as well. Ask you cuz.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    yo, i aint read this whole thing yet, but do you just audition for this shit or something?

    those shows are always fishing for "talent" online at your typical spots (ie. craigslist, myspace, friendster, etc).

    dor - i will remember to check, can't say I'm too thorough on tv listings.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    yo, i aint read this whole thing yet, but do you just audition for this shit or something?

    those shows are always fishing for "talent" online at your typical spots (ie. craigslist, myspace, friendster, etc).

    they advertise during somepoint in the show for new contestants, I did the show as a favor to one of my freinds who happens to be a casting director for the show (she was also one of the dancers in the movie Showgirls).

    When you go in for auditions they give you a 10 page questionaire to fill out and, if they like you, they give you a call back.

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    I did the show as a favor to one of my freinds who happens to be a casting director for the show (she was also one of the dancers in the movie Showgirls).

    i was at a wedding in beverly hills a couple years ago and saw gina gershon's bosom/nipplay. she was wearing a little loose top fitting dress with no bra. it was the greatest day of my life. she was one table over keeping it realer than a mofo. i heard she does cocaine off of urinals in men's bathrooms.

    ultra !!

    but no hijack attempt. back to blindate convo!

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    hah I seen the poor man's Angelina in person too, coming outta Royce hall after an Elvis Costello show a few years back

    yah, she aiight

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    My wife taped it for me... Guzzo you have more integrity than I...but I shan't be a spoiler just yet...I would like the thread to start discussing the details of this show though...please let us know when an acceptable amount of time has passed such that we may discuss your 117 lbs of fury...

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts


  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    fuck - someone post this up already! My cable co. didn't carry it.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    If anybody in the East Bay is really fiending, I have a VHS tape they can borrow. I'm in Richmond.

    PM me if interested, otherwise I'm gonna slang this shit on e-bay fuckers!

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    should clarify: California

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    fuck - someone post this up already! My cable co. didn't carry it.

  • fuck - someone post this up already! My cable co. didn't carry it.

    How come everybodies is complaining about not having cable. Shit is on BASIC television. No Cable Required.

  • it airs at 1am here..i'm staying up late just to see this shit. About an hour and a half to go...

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    fuck - someone post this up already! My cable co. didn't carry it.

    How come everybodies is complaining about not having cable. Shit is on BASIC television. No Cable Required.

    in case you missed the first 2 times it was posted:

    fuck - someone post this up already! My cable co.[/b] didn't carry it.

    oh wait - my wife just came in and said "tonight channel 13 at 1:30 a.m. - white guy with a passion for rapping meets girl who likes nerds"

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    fuck - someone post this up already! My cable co. didn't carry it.

    How come everybodies is complaining about not having cable. Shit is on BASIC television. No Cable Required.

    Not in Jamaica fool, cut Magnetic some slack!
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